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Posts posted by Tizbensinj

  1. I would agree with YLTraveler about the red light tour. Totally would skip that and stay on the ship. We had a wonderful evening the night before at the captains dinner and were all upbeat until that tour. It was crowded on Saturday night with an element that would wish to partake of that climate. At times it felt intimidating mainly because we were so outnumbered by the revelers. Our guide explained it was still early and would be worse. By the time you were through you wanted a shower. There are open urinals for the men and they were over used. By the time we retuned to buses we were all pretty quiet at what was witnessed. Mostly due to the young girls we had seen in those doorways. I felt it was a depressing way to end what had been a very fun week.

  2. I am replying to your question about low sodium diet. I am also on a somewhat restictive diet. There is plenty of fruit everyday usually a fish was served with dinner. You can make requests of the chef if you need low sodium. They did serve prunes on the cheese tray with lunch for potassium intake and bananas. There was always a fruit plate option for dessert in the evening. One thing I did notice and haven't had opportunity to clarify. Almost all the bottle waters were mineral waters and contained sulfate. I was going to check it out when I got home. I did not like the taste of the bottle water and was always checking out the stores in the towns.

    As for exercise room it was a small room with treadmill as far as I could see I did not go in and never saw anyone in there. We walked so much no one felt like exercising. Hope this helps.

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