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Posts posted by Blazin6969

  1. I think other things to consider is a big one TIME of year obviously summer will yield the highest bids. It will trend downward during off peak times of the year. I would expect anyone in the summer just to book the room you want because you wont be saving much by booking and then paying for an upgrade. Some people over pay you can see that in some of the posts on here, so that there in itself is a NOOB mistake. That just kills the bidding pool as well.


    I have followed this thread since the first post and it seems like the best deal is actually booking an interior room and bidding up to a balcony or a mini suit. ( I've seen a few that got them for $50 PP and on average looks like $125-$150)

  2. Some good info there thanks



    No one here can answer that factually. I can tell you that this item (original price paid) is one of the parameters that is passed to the upgrade team. If you use FireFox you can right click on the upgrade bid page and see the hidden variables that are passed. Here is an example.


    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.lang = "en";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.confirmationNumber = "########";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.firstName = "XXXX";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.lastName = "XXXX";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.email = false ? "me@myprovider.net,you@yourprovider.com" :"me@myprovider.net;you@yourprovider.com";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.pointOfSale = "US";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.originalPointOfSale = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.origPayType = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.channelSource = "MY_BOOKING";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.pax = "2";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.totalFarePaid = "140.0"; <------ This is the price origianlly paid per person

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.totalFarePaidCurrency = "USD";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.tickets = ",AAA,BBB,C,0,,|,DDD,EEE,F,0,,";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.loyaltyLevel = "0";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.loyaltyNumber = "#########|#########";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.loyaltyCompany = "|";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.journeyOrigin = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.additionalBidInfo = "{'bookedCategoryCode': 'IA'}|{'directBookingCode': 'Y'}|{'travelWith': 'Y'}|{'insuranceType': 'N'}|{'wheelChairCabin': 'N'}|{'insuranceCost': '0.00'}";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.pnrCreationDate = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.demography = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.requestId = "ASGHASDGAJDGAJDG";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.currencyCode = "USD";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.hideCurrencySymbol = false;

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.agencyNumber = "######";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.agentNumber = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.agentName = "CAESARS COMPANY WIDE PROMOTION"; <------ CAS Booking

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.agentEmail = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.agentCommission = "0.0";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.ticketingDate = "";

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.pppEnabled = false;

    plusgrade.page.modules.modal.pocEnabled = false;


    What they use these variables for is anyone's guess. BTW there are a LOT more variables passed. I just cut/paste a few.

  3. Well the deal is the same. I would still get my $100 OBC double latitudes points and 2 perks for the balcony, however with the new offer no fees or taxes I'd save over $300. So I am not actually losing anything.


    So you're saying to cancel with my TA and rebook through NCL? I have a angled balcony and I actually see there are only a few balcony left for BF category. So my concern is actually getting a balcony. I would love the room I have again though as well.

  4. Wow. I have a headache.


    Lets make this short sweet to the point. If you trust the reps on the phone then roll the dice however, I would not they don't have a great track record. Understand your situation will either be a give (more money to NCL) or a take ( save more money). Give more money get the 2 bedroom sacrifice a little balcony space everything works out great. The take save some money get 2 mini suites and ajoin them. Either way I think the ball is in your court at this point and what you are pretty much asking is for NCL to promise you everything will be OK with the room you have now and the children will have access I personally doubt NCL will give you that kind of assurance.


    Either way let us know what route you go I'm already invested to this thread that's 5 pages long. But most of all just enjoy the cruise.

  5. YES! I don't understand this at all! I have what I paid all written down in a spreadsheet. And also the day I booked how much all the category above mine would cost. So this way when I make a bid I will not over pay and at the very least I'd just pay for the upgrade. I think some people are over paying because they "think" they are getting a deal.




    Many post per person amounts- BUT they simply are just random, meaningless numbers- without the complete, original total already paid. Not sure why the excitement over a "great" deal is made, since it's unknown what they already spent????- -- which gives the accurate information for comparison . I don't get it. :)
  6. Maybe he has been on more cruises than you and just decided not to dedicate his life to being online or this forum, or he could have just recently found the site.



    Just do a dispute with your CC that should solve any issues you have. Or at any rate push you to the top of the list with NCL.






    You joined C-C in January and already have 107 posts???

    Do you work for NCL's cheerleading department??

  7. Yea, I normally just get the 3, the prices for the packages never go down. If you want lobster you can go to Le Bistro with one of them. I personally enjoy the main dining rooms too and their free. I've been on 5 cruises now and I can say I have only ate at the buffet a handful of time and they were mostly during lunch time.

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