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Posts posted by Kirkham711

  1. Does anyone have or has anyone ever heard of a Squatty Potty? I've been the proud owner of a SP for a few months now and I have to say that I absolutely love it. Do a quick Google search if you have no idea what I am talking about. In a nut shell: it's a little stool that you put your feet on while you are trying to release the chocolate hostage or attempting to bust a grumpy.


    It simulates the squatting position which is the natural position that you should be in when you are trying to stock the lake with brown trout or trying to take the Browns to the Super Bowl.


    All of the fanny fudge, sewer sauce and hell's candy comes out without any straining or pushing needed. It really is amazing especially if you have ever had problems trying to ride the porcelain bus or burying some cable.


    My only dilemma was what will I do without my Squatty Potty while I am on vacation? Well a quick scan of their website revealed that they make a travel version as well in case you are away from home but need to get rid of some excess toilet twinkies or poo poo platters.


    The travel size version comes with it's own blow up pump and carrying case (as seen earlier in this thread).


    Here's the potty pump:





    And here she is fully inflated. Isn't she pretty??? I know, she looks a little bloated and unattractive since the baby.




    as a major user of the squatty potty Yorkvillan. does this device help in not causing clogs of drains?

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