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Posts posted by Amtico

  1. As an inexperienced Princess cruiser (will be second cruise with this company in October) - do they have a PAYG internet service? Or is it just the packages advertised in Onboard Reservations?



    I only really need some internet the day before we disembark to reserve our airline seats (stupid Lufthansa, dual code rule that won't let me do it before!)



    I know RCCL offer this.

  2. We did this cruise with Viking this July on the Astrild with the most wonderful cruise director, Devin.


    We added a Viking Berlin extension at the beginning and a Prague extension at the end. Krakow/Warsaw was not offered to us.


    Thoroughly enjoyed the cruise and the shore excursions.

    We had to stop about ten miles short of our final destination due to low water levels but this didn't really make any difference to anything.


    Happy to answer any questions you may have OP.

  3. although your selling agent (Princess in this case) is legally obligated to disclose all rules and restrictions of your fare before purchase. if you don't feel they provided this information, you could ask for a refund based on that and rebuy a new ticket at a fare that allows the advance seat selection.


    This is one I'm actually looking in to - thank you.


    My TA requested that Princess actually ticket our flights early so we could reserve our seats.

    Well it's worth a try! :)


    Also I could reserve seats on our short first flight, which were bought as economy - Lufthansa plane/flight number. So it is the code share problem.


    I've spent so much time on this. This afternoon I've been looking at alternative flight carriers for our route and found another only marginally more expensive but with a longer layover between our connecting flights, but very prepared to do that.

    Yes you can reserve seats - just one Airline for all four flights.


    Realistically, I don't expect to get anywhere with Princess but we'll see.


    This was a move over cruise!

  4. First, I have not read the whole of this thread, so apologies if someone has already said this, but the issue is that your booking has two locator codes - one with the booking company and one with the actual carrier.


    Because you are on United 'metal' they control the seating, but they do not recognise the Lufthansa locator code so can't assign your seats. Lufthansa could request seats but it would be no more than a request.


    You need to contact Lufthansa and ask them for your United locator code. If they say that they can't give it to you there are other ways of getting at it, but they can be a little complicated.


    Once you have the united locator code, you can go onto their website and deal with the matter through their 'Manage my Booking' page (or whatever they call it)


    Just to put some validity to this comment. I always prefer to book via BA in order to get Avios points and use my BA Amex card which earns me a two for one booking once a year.


    Because we never quite make silver in the BA Executive Club, I potentially have to pay for my seat selection. However we get around this by flying on American who, unlike BA, in the class of travel we book, offer free seat selection.


    Until couple of years ago the system was a bit untidy and one had to ask BA for the AA locator code, as I am telling you to do with Lufthansa. However that has now all changed and BA simply ask my permission before transferring me to the American Airlines site, where I can see my booking, my locator code and select my seats. Having said that, if I go into the BA site for my next booking, I can see my booking but not my seat selection, nor can I see my seats on the Amadeus booking system. However, if I go into the AA site, I can see my seat selection and can also see my seats showing as being not available on the 'Seat alert' website.


    OK, my experience is not directly relevant to you, but, hopefully it does make it clear that what you need to get hold of is the United airlines locator code, which will put you in full control.


    Hi there - I have both locator codes (United & Lufthansa). This does not help. Advance seat reservations cannot be made on a Lufthansa plane bearing a United flight code until 23 hours in advance - which is what we have.

    Instead of a seat plan on both websites it just has the 23 hour message. I have also spoken to both airlines, saying that I will pay for seats - no joy.

  5. I think you might be misreading something. I read it as they always pay for the extra leg room seats but this time they are not able to pick their seats. If they can't pay for their seats then they can't pick them either. They say if they wait til the day before flight (23 hours before) those extra legroom seats will all be gone. I think this is the whole point of this thread.


    Princess states on their website that one of the benefits of using EZair is that you don't have to pay any extra fees for seats. They word it a bit differently but when I was having the issue I mentioned it to the customer service rep. Didn't help. I was hoping EZair would take care of my issue and get me the economy seats I wanted for no additional charge. They really need to either step up to the plate and pay for the seats when customers call and complain or reword their website and say in most instances (or something like that).


    Yes, you are correct! :)


    Just to repeat, for others ...


    The problem is the code share. If the flights had been booked directly with Lufthansa, with Lufthansa codes, you can reserve advance seats.

    The flight from San Francisco to Frankfurt is a Lufthansa plane BUT I have a United flight code - this is the problem (from Lufthansa's point of view - in reality they are just being awkward!!)


    Flights are paid for and ticketed. I have both airline booking codes, all the information you normally need to reserve advance seats.


    Paying extra to reserve seats is not a problem - I expect to do that.


    I can see there are a majority of seats already booked on the flight (through a dummy booking on Lufthansa's website) - so realise that we will probably not be seated together and stand no chance of an extra legroom seat for my DH.


    I have tried all the advice given - they will not budge.


    Thanks for all suggestions.

  6. Good luck! from my experience, not every agent with the cruise lines understands air product fully, but your booking will indeed have 3 locators associated with it.


    1. Princess's - which is basically useless except to them internally

    2. United's - used to choose seats with them on their flights, which you've done

    3. Lufthansa's - this is the one you're missing that will allow you to access the Lufthansa booking online or with their reservations agents.


    once you have the missing locator, you'll be able to buy your seats with Lufthansa. :)


    No, I'm afraid that doesn't help my cause (I actually had it already) - I thought with people mentioning a locator, that that was something different to the booking references.


    It seems that I will have to wait until 23 hours before flight ... sadly the seats (I can see what is left on a dummy booking on Lufthansa) are mostly reserved now. We'll be lucky to even sit together


    I have looked elsewhere online too for information - there are lots of posts re dual code sharing between United/Lufthansa with regard to this problem.


    Lesson learnt for the future though.

  7. A bit confusing as it sounds like the "health issue" was not the highest priority when booking. If it was I assume only reservations would have been made that allowed assigned seating at the time of booking. Now it appears to be the priority.


    Perhaps paying the extra dollars, no matter how much is the answer. Hard lesson to learn but if the health issue is truly a concern dollars shouldn't matter.


    As we are seasoned travellers, have travelled back and forth over the Atlantic many times (quite a few times on dual flight codes) and never encountered this problem before - we simply weren't aware. Now we are.

  8. Is this return flight a direct flight? I was not aware that Lufthansa flew direct between USA and UK.


    No, it's from San Francisco to Frankfurt. Then we have a connecting flight to Manchester, UK - cannot reserve seats on this either but due to flight length it's not our priority.

  9. You do not mention how far away your cruise/flight is. Princess does not ticket the air until 45 days before, even though your cruise will be paid for 75 days ahead of time.


    You need to submit a Flexible Early Ticketing Request. Princess will then pay for your flight and you will be able to pick seats. You cannot pick seats until the tickets are PAID for.


    I have done this many times with no problems. I have attached a copy of the form you need to submit.

    Good Luck!


    Thanks for the reply.


    The flight is already paid for and ticketed by Princess. :)

  10. Run into this problem all the time on Air France, can get seats from usa to Europe but not from Europe to the middle east. Only thing I can do is get on line and select seats 30 hours before flight... so I would suggest, you get some internet time on board the ship. Before you leave home, sign in to the airline web site, so that you have already set up a password and it will take less time to to sign in on the cruise ship. Explore the airline site -- like you are booking a flight, so you can see how you can select seat assignments on line as well... check out if you and review your reservations... sometimes you can see how seat assignments are done that way. Each airline web site is different... play with it ahead of time so you know how it works. Good luck... not easy..


    For future ref, we avoid booking through cruise lines, so we are in control of our booking... I also avoid booking a code share flight... if at all possible booking directly with one airline and that same airline on all connecting flights... even so, I still can't get seat assignments in advance for flights going from Europe to the Middle east due to Air France airline rules.


    Yes I'm beginning to think there is no way round this and I've exhausted all possibilities!


    This is a cruise we had a Princess 'move over' to, so they were offering us an airline discount amount if we booked it through them. Lesson learnt.


    Thanks very much for your advice.

  11. We had a similar problem for our cruise a few months ago. We were taking British Airways from Rome- London and then a British Airways flight with a code share for American Airlines. We were able to select a seat for the Rome-London flight on EZ Air but the London to USA flight on BA with the American code share we could not. I called EZ Air (actually it was Princess customer service and they called EZ Air . Said they could not transfer me) at least 3 or 4 times. Each time no one could figure out what the issue was as to why I could not select a seat. I did not want to wait until T-24 hours for a free seat so reluctantly went onto BA site and paid money for our seats. I was really disappointed in EZ air because you are not supposed to have to pay for seats (and in fact I did not have to pay for the Rome -London leg because it was not a code share).


    I would suggest you call the airline to pay for the seats you want.



    Thanks for your reply.


    I have tried to do this but cannot. There is no seat map and just the message 'reservations unavailable until 23 hours before flight'.

    I was also told the same when I called - although obvs Lufthansa are allowing reservations if you have their flight number and not the United one I have.


    VERY frustrating!

  12. OK, couple things here. First, your flights are "code-shared". Second, the important thing is who owns the plane you are actually flying on. The plane owner's rules are what matters, not any of the other airlines that are code-sharing on that flight.


    So, as I understand it, Lufthansa's policy is seats aren't assigned in coach (perhaps, unless you pay extra) until T-24, or T-23. That is what matters.


    I'm 100% willing to pay extra to book in advance, I would like indeed expect to do this.

    As the return flight is a United code but a Lufthansa flight they will not let me reserve any seats, even if I pay (until 23 hours before flight). If we had a Lufthansa code for this flight we would be able to, allegedly.


    Yes I've tried using the Lufthansa booking number too - reservations are unavailable.

  13. We are booked through Princess Air. Flights between the UK and USA.

    The flights are dual airline flights (Lufthansa & United).


    The return flights are United flight numbers but are actually on Lufthansa planes. My problem is that I cannot reserve advance seats on these. Lufthansa will not open this until 23 hours in advance of flight.

    I have spoken to people at Lufthansa and United. My TA has spoken to Princess Air at length.

    I'm told by United that Lufthansa could offer us reservations but as we have the United flight number, they are just being awkward. (To change to a Lufthansa flight number would cost in excess of £1000 for the exact same flight).


    My OH has a leg injury, so we always pay extra for 'extra leg room' on long haul flights - as this flight is around 11 hours, it's vital.


    23 hours in advance of the flight we will be at sea and it is likely there will be no economy plus seats available anyway.


    After many years of travel this is the first time I've encountered this problem. Even when we have had dual airline flights.


    Can anyone suggest anything?

  14. Thanks everyone so much for your replies - all very much appreciated.


    I've looked in to them all! :)


    The best option seems to be to get a taxi from the Manhattan Cruise terminal where we are docked over to Schwartz (the luggage storage place), near Penn Station. Then spend a few hours in Manhattan and get a taxi to JFK from the storage shop.


    Little apprehensive about the luggage place but the reviews all seem okay.

  15. It's tough with suitcases. I once spent 9 hours at JFK walking around and then seating in the restaurant and reading (after a meal of course) but my suitcase was with airline. Check out United Business Club. I know that for a $50.00 pp if you buy online and it's a little more if you buy at the door but they will let in.

    Lufthansa might also sell a pass to Business lounge.



    Thank you so much for the reply, really appreciated.


    It appears we will be departing from Terminal 8 at JFK (American Airlines) - there don't seem to be any lounges with day pass options there.

    We cannot access a lounge at another terminal as you have to have a boarding pass for that particular terminal - according to my research online.


    Any more suggestions welcome!

  16. We are doing the Eastern Seaboard cruise on 1 October.


    Flying direct back to the UK at approx 19:30 hours. There really was no alternative (indirect flights didn't help, neither did a departure from Newark). Viking arranged our flights - they looked for alternatives and we did too.



    Unfortunately, Viking don't do tours pre-airport drop off like a lot of cruise companies. We will also have two large suitcases with us for a good while and more, as it will be a long time after our arrival at JFK that the baggage check-in will actually open. So we won't have much freedom.



    I looked at various lounges at the airport but unlike in the UK (where you mostly just pay a fee to get access) it appears you have to be a certain class of traveller, tied to a particular airline.



    Any suggestions of how to while away around 9/10 hours at JFK?!

  17. We got a moveover offer on Tuesday, for the Norway cruise departing Southampton on 22 July - so only a few days notice.

    I'm guessing they targetted UK based travellers, as they were more likely to change.


    We had an assigned balcony cabin.


    Had the most common offer - 100% refund as refundable OBC.

    7 day cruise anywhere (to replace existing 7 day cruise).

    Cabin upgrade.

    £200 each towards air fare for future cruise.


    We jumped at it - new California cruise in October this year. BUT we have a guarantee mini-suite for this, so will see what happens there!


    We use an online travel agent (brilliant, always) - they emailed us, sent texts and rang us too. Agent said out of 13 of her bookings on this particular cruise, 9 of her bookings switched on the Tuesday.


    We are happy!

  18. I just returned from a nightmare experience with Viking River Cruises, so all of you thinking that Viking is reputable, best to beware. I, too, thought they were reputable. I had cruised w/ them twice before. I was on the June 2nd Grand European, Amsterdam to Budapest. Please see my post, "Deceived by Viking River Cruises".


    I left the ship on June 7th, after being lied to for over a week about conditions & itinerary changes which totally changed our cruise. Should you decide to continue on a similar cruise this summer, be aware that these cities have been devastated by unprecedented flooding. In many areas, the worst flooding in over 500 years. Expect long days in bus caravans, totally revamped itineraries, ship transfers, hotel stays, regularly scheduled docks to be either under water or not yet repaired (so don't be surprised by being docked in industrial zones w/ shuttles into the city). Do not expect the river cruise you paid for.


    Viking has told us we will receive a credit for the "unused portion" of our trip. I am not interested in any kind of credit. I have requested a total refund. I will continue to post on how Viking responds to this. If they do not make this right, they have certainly lost many repeat and first-time cruisers.



    Hi Gert - read your comments with great interest.


    I was on the 2 June 'sailing' from Budapest to Passau which was a total disaster from start to finish. The 'cruise' should have been cancelled before we even departed - Viking knew of the rapidly deteriorating conditions on The Danube and knew the holiday would be impossible.


    At the moment, we are still 'working up' to our reviews ... watch this space.


    For general information though, please note, other potential customers of Viking ... WE DID NOT CRUISE AT ALL not even a millimetre!


    Viking have offered us a partial credit note on a future cruise, which is wholly unacceptable.

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