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Posts posted by Thud007

  1. 8 hours ago, rmsEtruria said:

    Thank you, Sir, in turn for pointing me to the SIS training facility at Fort Monckton, of which I was quite unaware; I will look for it when we head down the Solent from Southampton next year! And with your visit to Apulia, you are way ahead of me—I have yet to watch the latest Bond movie, having reacted with disdain to the producers’ decision to kill the man.

    Matera, great pic!


    I have read it was Daniel Craig's insistence on filming a death scene. The first director was replaced early in the process due to his refusal to kill Bond (per his own words). I also think it was a mistake as is Craig's inconsistent portrayal of the character.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, rmsEtruria said:

    Regarding the Bond of the movies, may I respectfully point you to my post #48 in this thread (and see @Thud007 in #79)? As far as Bond’s “true profession” is concerned, the matter is more complicated. In the movies, yes, a serving Royal Navy officer recruited into MI6 and holding the rank of Commander. But the real Bond of the books never served in the navy, not even for a day: like most MI6 operatives of his day, he holds a nominal commission in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, at the rank of Lieutenant Commander.


    My current tux being double-breasted, cummerbund is not an issue. But your and others’ weighing in on this subject have given me pause to reflect on my position, and I am now inclined to go with a cummerbund for the single-breasted version I plan to acquire before our TA next year—and, for variety’s sake, with a waistcoat (channeling the Pierce Brosnan Bond) as well.


    And, finally—what a splendid portrait!

    Bond's rank in Fleming's novels is Commander and in an interview before the Bond films were made Fleming described his character as a former SOE operative meaning he served in WWII (source Author John Griswold in his book "Ian Fleming's James Bond" and officially approved by Ian Fleming Publications Ltd.).

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  3. On 2/5/2024 at 12:07 AM, Elvis1209 said:

    Tell that to James Bond!!!!




    It is one case in which 007 is incorrect. A seasoned bartender would tell you that shaking it bruises the alcohol so it should be stirred. None the less, I always order it that way and then watch my wife roll her eyes. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Solent Richard said:


    Who says James Bond never wears one? 




    May I respectfully remind @rmsEtruria that 'Bond' was, by true profession, a member of the same Senior Service as I was and,  as a serving Commander, Royal Navy, would have upheld the highest standards of dress and formality: where a cummerbund would certainly be 'de rigueur' - required by etiquette, fashion or custom I believe.


    To the best of my knowledge in all the photographs of Commander Bond in 'black tie rig' that I have seen his tux is buttoned and therefore, as with all good tailored jackets, the cummerbund would not be visible.


    A relaxed unbuttoned tux would of course show a cummerbund...




    ...though I doubt in the case of one previous comment regarding 'portly gentlemen' that such chaps would find a cummerbund  of sufficient girth.


    Whatever one's view though, mine is categorically .... 'why spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar'?



    Point of fact is that in the films, 007 wears a cummerbund in some but not all the films. He sports one in both Skyfall and Diamonds Are Forever but not in The Living Daylights or Casino Royale. The biggest mistake people make is believing it is a belt instead of the real intent, which is as a decoration for the waist. 

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  5. On 1/27/2024 at 5:51 PM, Salty Soul said:

    Hello, my husband and our adult sons enjoy occasional cigars. I understand that it sounds like deck 15 aft portside is the only place to do that on the ship. Is there a humidor on the ship or other place to purchase a cigar?

    The Sunset Bar Deck 15 aft port side is cigar friendly. Eclipse has Sip and Smoke events (bourbons, scotches, and a cigar) for a fee as well from what I understand.

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