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Posts posted by landrusiek

  1. My husband and I will be cruising NCL for the first time.


    I have a question regarding the port departure times. I have read that guests need to be onboard an hour prior to departure time. I called NCL to confirm what this means vs. what is published as the itinerary. Specifically, if an itinerary says you arrive in port at 8am and depart at 5pm does that mean guests need to be onboard at 4pm? Or does that mean guests need to be onboard at 5pm and the ship actually pulls out of port at 6pm? :confused::confused::confused:


    Also if you do need to be back at 4pm in the scenario above... what happens if you are back at 4:15 or 4:30?


    Can any of you veteran Norwegians shed some light on this for me?


    It just seems confusing to tell guests that the departure time is one time, but you need to be back at another time... why not just tell people "you need to be back at X time" after that we're gone.... Am I rambling or does someone understand what I am saying???

  2. We are going to do a hike in the morning and visit a few rhum distilleries in the afternoon.


    What day will you be there? Maybe we can share a cab??? I have a map of the rhum distilleries. :) And some info on a few of them...


    Let me know.



  3. Bumpiing Tours is the best and goes to all the places you want to go.



    I agree with erniesband. I have toured with Bumpiing Tours (pretty sure we are allowed to say this because it was in response to a request for information.) They are great. When we did Titou Gorge (and Champagne Reef and a falls and sulpher springs visit they were amazing!


    They have floatation devices for you and the guides will help anyone who needs help.


    I cannot recommend them highly enough! Google them and email Levi. He will take care of you.

  4. Seemed like 30 min or so. Can't recall- but actually finding the base of the hike seemed like a challenge- it's not that near the main road.


    Still, it was a 6 hour round trip, with the only real break was after we got back down, we ate a light lunch. The hike/climb does take that much time.

    We have seven hours in port so that should be just fine. Also - I know you have used Javin... is there a website for his tours?

  5. I was on a ship that had a hike of this volcano on my last cruise, but my husband vitto'd it after our hike of Gros Piton in St. Lucia. This time around we are visiting on NCL and they don't offer this hike through the ship.


    I very much would like to hike this volcano. Please tell me how far of a drive it is to get there and how long it took. When we did our hike in St. Lucia, I was surprised to learn that it took almost two hours to get to Gros Piton. We made it there, back, up and down (and even had time to stop for lunch). But I've learned to ask how long it takes to reach the destination now. :D:D:D

  6. By contract with Celebrity Cruises you must book the excursion through them.


    Huh? What do you mean by that? Shouldn't you be free to walk off the boat and pay any tour operator you wish for their services?


    Unless you mean to say that there is only one zipline company in St. Kitts and they are contracted exclusively to people who book through Celebrity... which doesn't make a lot of sense... I would think they are missing out on a lot of revenue if that's what they do...

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