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~ Norwegian Jewel ~ :::Ship Board Embarkment Day Wedding::: ~July 30, 2011~ (Review)


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Okay, before I begin let me tell you what is happening in the 'now'. Earlier today as I sat at my computer organizing my photos my pc began to freeze. The pc is about 19 months old and never had any problems before. So after restarting, shutting down, making sure things were up to date, etc.... it stopped working.

So here I sit on my netbook, hoping to not only get this review done in one sitting, but praying my pc restores as I go back and forth between the two. I will also submit my experience as individual post because it will be my luck that I hit the wrong key and lose everything.

In two days I will be on another cruise for 5 days (I'll get to that later) so I really want to finish this. If I happen to stop.... I will complete the whole thing before I head to bed tonight. Thanks in advance for your patience.


* Note: I have such an attitude right now so please forgive the typos! *


Wedding Day Morning / Getting Dolled Up

6:15 am and our door bell is ringing, it's Oanh (and her assistant) and she has arrived to do make-up for both me & Sha (Sharine). Not only is she is on time, but she's early and we are both very satisfied before she's even touched our faces. Tardiness is VERY important in our lives lol. Oanh has kept her word to come early because both Sha and I prefered for her to do our make-up. Originally Sha had trialed with Oanh's sister Kim, but we both found that her make up was more for the 'bold and dramatic', than the 'I never wear make-up so please keep me natural looking' bride. The other change we made was to have air brush done (we trialed in traditional make-up) because we were having our make-up done so many hours before the wedding and it last longer. By the time Oanh was finished we, although looked very different, were extremely happy with her work.


Make Up By Oanh (NY/NJ) .... A+










After getting all 'made' up.... we had just a few minutes to spare before the car service showed up. We had reserved a mini van to take the 4 of us, Sha, myself, Aaron 21 (best man, my bio-son) and Aniyah 14 (maid of honor, Sha's bio-daughter) to the cruise ship terminal. This was the BEST thing about cruising from our home port of New York City. A 30 minute cab ride and $37 later we were at the terminal and handing our luggage to the porter!


Blu-White Car Service (Bronx, NY) ...... A+


My son in the cab sitting up front with the driver:





Oh, and the pictures I post will be a cross between what was taken on our camera, guest cameras and the cruise ship photographer.

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As we were getting to the terminal the first people we saw were my mom & her friend Pat. They were just making their way to the terminal and close by was my brother so they helped us into the terminal with our gowns and our wedding itmes.. Now this part is a bit of a blur because the terminal was where we would see all our guest, as well as meet the ship board coordinators (there were 3), and we would be moved from one part of the terminal to another. I believe the first thing we did was let the NCL representives know that we were here and they told us where we should go to.

At this point we also met Stephanie who was the lead coordinator and the first of the 3 to arrive. Stephanie grabbed our gowns and and helped us go to where our guest were seated as my mother & her party checked in. As soon as we got to area I was shocked! The majority of our guest were already there. Telling them 10:00am when it was really 10:30am that we had to be there worked perfectly! Yes, I KNOW my people. :D

Here we greeted guest and went around talking to everyone as we waited for the other coordinators to arrive. The next to arrive would be the supervisor of the coordinators Captain Arnold. Now 'the captain' was not only the lead coordinator but he would also be the officiant if the one we hired did not show up. Luckily for us ours would, as 'the captain' was to much of a ham and I could imagine us just laughing during the whole ceremony and beyond.

Hanging out @ the terminal in our Vistaprint 'Bride' t-shirts we designed...



Sha and my brother... he's probably saying 'you sure it's not ME you want?!?!?' as he has always said he thought one day she would 'like' him lol.



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About 30 minutes after we arrived we were told that we could proceed into more secure area of the terminal. Before moving we met the last coordinator who's name I can't remember but at the same time, I don't even know what part she played. Both Stephanie and 'the captain' were very visable the whole time. From here our guest would go through the metal detectors (they had already swapped their ID for a guest pass) and head over to the second waiting area as we also went through the metal detectors and straight to the deck to check in for the cruise. The sailing guest would accompany us as well.

Once we were all checked in we were given our Freestyle Daily for the day, took a few photos with the photographers at the terminal and returned to the second waiting area with the guest. For the guest it may have seemed longer but to me we were only there a short while. While there Sha and I would talk one on one with our officiant who had arrived late due to traffic. She was there before boarding so I wasn't concerned at all..even though she was also late for our wedding rehearsal. We were not charged the additional fee she was suppose to charge for having to wait early with guest, so all was cool.

I believe at about 11:30 on the nose we were all then allowed to board the ship. At this point we said farewell to our guest and headed to our cabin (a balcony) and our kids cabin (an inside). Sha and her daughter would get dressed together in our cabin as me and my son would get dressed in his. We ended up seeing each other anyway as we needed to help each other with the undergarments. No surprises needed though as we had shopped for our gowns together.

As we got dressed, our guest went to the wedding venue (Spinnaker Lounge) and toured the ship. I was told that some even took off their visitors passes and ate lunch with our sailing guest but I'm not sure who or how many.

Luckily, we had our friend Rob who loves to take pics. He took shots of the venue set up as we were not there and didn't think to give someone our camera to take pics for us. I am glad we didn't because we would not have had any pics of us getting ready since the cruise ship photographer was late; 30 minutes late.



Guest table set up: heart shaped cards for guest to write well wishes with markers in our wedding colors, boxes to store the cards, handcrafted magnets as favors, a sign we made, two programs we made and silk rose petals in our colors. The coordinators gave out the programs for us.






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The 'alter' so to speak.

I noticed in this picture the stage curtain wasn't all the way closed. I can not even tell you if it was or wasn't during the ceremony. It was so surreal.




The table was set with with our love box, our ribbons (in our 3 colors) for the handfasting, the poem we read, a ribbon wand for the officiant and the 6 roses we would present to 6 of our closest friends during the ceremony.




My son's best friend Marques took a few shots of the venue it's self. The Spinnaker Lounge...








I actually walked down this aisle and at the same time Sha walked down the second aisle which was to my left. We came in to the instrumental version of 'Someone to Love Me' by Ruff Endz.



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As the guest hung out in the Spinnaker, walked around the ship or went to eat... Sha, myself and the kids were getting dressed. We had one hour and to be honest it was the longest and the shortest one hour of my life. Even though all we really needed to do was freshen up and get dressed the whole process seemed rushed especially since the wedding coordinator told us that the photographer would be at our cabin to take some photos by 12:15-12:20, this mean we had about 45 minutes to get ready


(Side note::: we were able to go straight to the Spinnaker before our cabins as we requested to see the venue before the ceremony. I'm glad we did as we were able to finalize if we were coming in together on the same side, or at the same time but on seperate sides. I just hated that the guest see the venue before the ceremony so we weren't alone when we went)


At any rate, I'm glad we had our camera and were able to take some pics while in the cabin. The photographer never showed up and at about 12:50 we were heading down to the ceremony.







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I am soo happy for you guys. You guys look absolutely gorgeous in your pics. I love every little detail you guys chose from the dresses to the bouqets and the hair and the makeup... Glad to hear everything went as planned!!! I am enjoying the review so far and love your wedding gift to your new wife. That is soo awesome!! I bet she was not expecting that . Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!! Enjoy!!!:D

I wish you guys many more blessings and happiness to come:)

Cant wait to hear more!!!

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I was so excited to see you started your review!! I have been checking all week for it. You both look beautiful!! I had never heard of the air brush make-up. I am going to be doing research on that for my wedding.


So happy for the both of you!!! Can't wait to for the rest!!



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I have also been visiting this site daily looking for your review. From the looks of it, this was a perfect day. You both looked absolutely beautiful, the makeup was flawless, and I loved that you kept the natural look. Love both dresses and the flowers. Thanks for sharing and congrats to the both of you.

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I am so excited for your review!! :D


Everything sounds wonderful so far and I look forward to reading more about your beautiful wedding.


Congrats to you all again!


Thank you. I'm going to try and continue now, even in the midst of my grumpiness! lol



I am enjoying the review so far and love your wedding gift to your new wife. That is soo awesome!! I bet she was not expecting that . Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!! Enjoy!!!:Dquote]


Desi, Thank you!

I had actualluy sat here and typed out how I presented Sha's wedding gift to her which is what happened after my last post. I stopped to do some other stuff and forgot I hadn't submitted it. Of course by the time I sat back at my netbook CC had already logged me out. It was after 10:00 and maybe if I didn't have an attitude I would have done it over last night, but I just couldn't. I ended up logging off all together but I did enjoy talking with my wife who had worked late and was just getting home.


I was so excited to see you started your review!! I have been checking all week for it. You both look beautiful!! I had never heard of the air brush make-up. I am going to be doing research on that for my wedding.


So happy for the both of you!!! Can't wait to for the rest!!




Thank you...the air brish cost a little more but it did last all day, and night!


It'm still in shock over my pc, but .........

I'm back!

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Congratualtions! You both look beautiful! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!


*smile*... thank you.



I have also been visiting this site daily looking for your review. From the looks of it, this was a perfect day. You both looked absolutely beautiful, the makeup was flawless, and I loved that you kept the natural look. Love both dresses and the flowers. Thanks for sharing and congrats to the both of you.


Thanks Denise...


I am happy that in the end we both stayed true to our natural look. Of course we both thought about getting our hair relaxed, I even thought about extensions, but I decided a few weeks before that even though I'd do those things when I get hair boredom...I wanted my wedding pics to be more of a representation of what I look like before all that extra stuff.

My hair was just two strand twisted for two days and let out that morning, while Sha's also natural had hers twisted and pulled up. Mine lasted another two days, hers lasted all week!



Air brush makesup looks great!


Pixs are wonderful, I love your color palette!



Thanx....We wanted VIBRANT and I think with those 3 colors we got it. No one even believed that our flowers weren't real.



Before I continue with my experience, let me just say here that Angel's Accents rocks!! Not only was she a pleasure to work with but she brought our vision to life in the most magnificant way. I think our flowers were awesome, but the guest really gave wonderful compliments and like I said no one even knew they weren't real. Heck I was happy to tell them that they were'nt because I was so proud of her work!

Angel's Accents (online) ... A +++




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So last night I typed what happened as we were getting dressed but lost it as I took to long to submit and CC logged me out :(. So here it is again...

We were all pretty much dressed and waiting for the photographer Sha and I asked the kids to give us a moment in our cabin so off they went to the other cabin. At this time we exchanged wedding gift, each of us not even knowing that the other was going to give a present. Therefore I was so shocked with Sha presented me with a box to open and it was a garter...now my thighs are pretty juicey (lol) so I had no notion of wearing one so not only was I surprsied about that, but the fact that it was personalized really made me smile. Of course it had my favorite color in it as well... purple. Sha then presented me with another present to open and this time it was a book. A book about us... I was floored (and when reading it at another time I was so excited and had a great laugh). That's my baby!






So of course after all that i still had to give her my gift but I was just so excited I didn't want that moment to end. Any hoo, I gave Sha a card and when she was finished I told her that for my wedding gift to her I am giving her that (as I said this I pointed towards the balcony). Sha looked out but didn't get it. So I said 'on August 13 to the 18 you will be sailing on the Carnival Glory to Canada'. It so happened that the Glory was also in port and our cabin balcony just so happen to be facing it. Sha was like "huh?, what?, no?, I can't?"... I said 'don't worry, you can I've already cleared the dates with your boss". Sha was in shock.

Unbeknownst to her, I had spoken to her supervisor who cleared it with the bigger boss and we were given there blessing to have a good time. I figured after 2 years of wedding planning and our kids and friends sailing with us, plus the fact that we weren't honeymooning any time soon this would be the perfect get-away. When her uncle passed and things were just crazy right before the wedding I really knew that this was going to be exactly what she needed. We leave tomorrow and she is still in shock.



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So last night I typed what happened as we were getting dressed but lost it as I took to long to submit and CC logged me out :(. So here it is again...


We were all pretty much dressed and waiting for the photographer Sha and I asked the kids to give us a moment in our cabin so off they went to the other cabin. At this time we exchanged wedding gift, each of us not even knowing that the other was going to give a present. Therefore I was so shocked with Sha presented me with a box to open and it was a garter...now my thighs are pretty juicey (lol) so I had no notion of wearing one so not only was I surprsied about that, but the fact that it was personalized really made me smile. Of course it had my favorite color in it as well... purple. Sha then presented me with another present to open and this time it was a book. A book about us... I was floored (and when reading it at another time I was so excited and had a great laugh). That's my baby!







So of course after all that i still had to give her my gift but I was just so excited I didn't want that moment to end. Any hoo, I gave Sha a card and when she was finished I told her that for my wedding gift to her I am giving her that (as I said this I pointed towards the balcony). Sha looked out but didn't get it. So I said 'on August 13 to the 18 you will be sailing on the Carnival Glory to Canada'. It so happened that the Glory was also in port and our cabin balcony just so happen to be facing it. Sha was like "huh?, what?, no?, I can't?"... I said 'don't worry, you can I've already cleared the dates with your boss". Sha was in shock.


Unbeknownst to her, I had spoken to her supervisor who cleared it with the bigger boss and we were given there blessing to have a good time. I figured after 2 years of wedding planning and our kids and friends sailing with us, plus the fact that we weren't honeymooning any time soon this would be the perfect get-away. When her uncle passed and things were just crazy right before the wedding I really knew that this was going to be exactly what she needed. We leave tomorrow and she is still in shock.








Awww! That couldn't have worked out any better! I hope you both have a wonderful time and I will be the first to say that we would love a review on that cruise as well. ;)

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Now by this time we are all dressed and even our slow kids are ready and there is no photographer. Now I don't know what made us do it (probably because I've loved snapping picture since I was a kid), but we started taking pictures in the hallway with our camera. I am sooooo glad we did or else we wouldn't have had any. When the coordinator came to pick us up she was still minus the photographer and told her that he was late and that is why we hadn't started on time.


I mind as well get into it here since I am speaking to the photography. We were not pleased at all with this, but at the time neither of said anything to the coordinator or each other. We just went with the flow and headed back upstairs to the Spinnaker and to our wedding. It would be later that evening when we would speak to each other about it and find that we were both truly disappointed.


That wasn't even the worst of it. We never were told 'when' the pictures would be ready or if someone was going to contact us about it. It would be on formal, not so formal night when we would run into the photographer at one of the photo set ups and he would say, "oh your picture are ready" "you can go see them in the photo gallery". Huh?!?, what?!?!!? ....


So we said 'okay' and proceeded with having a good cruise after making plans to go take a look at them on the next sea day. Well here comes an even more disturbing part. We finally go to the photo gallery and there we would stand at one of the 3 counters and look through hundreds of photos. Yes, I said 'stand'. There was no private space, heck not even any chairs or even a stool. We would stand for almost 2 hours looking through pics. Now mind you, we are looking through the pics not saying a word about the circumstances because again, we are in the moment of enjoying the photos.


We then ask for the cost and the clerk, who was really a nice guy said he didn't know and had to contact the manager. He did and the manager came down a short while later and showed us a list of the prices. The cheapest package was $700 and you could not purchase just the CD of all the pics alone but only with a package. He said he would lower the price of the CD from I believe $650 to $550 (don't quote me on this as this kind of stuff (numbers) I'm never good at remembering). At any rate, it would be almost a $1300 package and because the photographer was late we could get it for about $300 less.


Well this may sound all good, but the photos weren't worth the cost. In this day in age where everyone is taking digital pictures I couldn't see spending almost the cost of another cruise for two on something we would ohh and ahhh about for a few days, put in an album, and only be looked at again during the anniversay (sorry so crass but this is usually the case). PLUS, we honestly didn't have it. The best we could do was $500 and heck even that was to much in my book. My advice to anyone who REALLY wants pics.... save at least $1500! We didn't and we didn't want to purchase before the cruise for a product we hadn't even seen.


Now that it's all said and done, I am glad we purchased per photo. We have already seen pics from two other guest plus our own and no part of the day was missed. So we spent about $350 for 50 pics, way to much to me, but I gotta keep the wife happy lol, and saved $150 and used that to purchase photos that were taken throughout the cruise by the ships' photographers.

Now back to the manager... once we declined the package and said we'd purchase per photo his whole attitude changed. He acted as if we had just turned green and suddenly vomitted on him. He barely spoke to us to answer our questions and pretty much began to whisper to the clerk about the cost of the pics. So at this point we spoke to the clerk and told him we'd be back at a later time to finalize which pics we wanted. Once again he was great and we left the counting after standing for almost 2 hours with a nasty taste in our mouths.

Soon after we discussed what we were thinking and feelinig especially in reference to the Dr. Jeykl/Mr. Hyde manager. In the end we would buy only the pics we wanted and once I got home I emailed TWE who forwarded my email to the manager of customer services and I received a email just yesterday from her. Now I don't know what the as she called it 'resolution' will be, and in fact we didn't ask for one. We just wanted to share our experience and asked that they change their policy of having couples 'stand' to view hundreds of pics if in fact this is their policy! We are pretty easy going, and believe what is meant to be is menat to be. However I will say this.......

NCL Jewel Photographer ... D

(the photos were decent that's why he got at least a D, and he was nice...he even danced in our soul train line! lol).

NCL Jewel Photo Gallery Clerk ... A

(..and every time we saw him he congratulated us on our wedding! lol)

NCL Jewel Photo Gallery Manager ... F

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Awww! That couldn't have worked out any better! I hope you both have a wonderful time and I will be the first to say that we would love a review on that cruise as well. ;)


I was originally going to present it to her with a charm bracelet made by my son't friend. I asked her to make it and include the ship wheel, an anchor and anything else cruise related, which she added a palm tree. It just so happened the night before she had to cancel and so this way was certainly meant to be!

I actually want to do a review on the cruise of our wedding and a review of the cruise that I gifted her. However, both will have to wait until we are back and I just hope my netbook doesn't go the way of my PC or esle I won't be able to do anything!

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The Ceremony


So we're finally off to the ceremony and as soon as we get up to the Spinnaker the photographer is there snapping pictures, really?!?! don't we have a wedding to get to now?!?!? Any hoo... he gets a few in and then we are ready to begin.

At this point I leave out and go around to the second entrance as Sha and I are both walking in at the same time (FYI... let your guest KNOW this for photo graphing purposes if you do this. Everyone was so focused on the entrance where there kids and Sha came in, that it threw them off when they realized I was coming in too... BUT... we got rave reviews in our entrance by guest). Here I am at my entrance alone and thinking, I hope I don't walk in before or after Sha. Just at that moment the music starts for the kids to come in together and we are off........

Our best man & maid of honor.... our babies.

Song: 'They Don't Know (instrumental)' - Jon B


Then our turn....

Song: 'Someone to Love Me (instrumental)' - Ruff Endz

Me (I was looking down because the floor was like 3 mini slopes, I don't wear heels much and I'm always afraid of falling! lol)



I'm watching her.... breathtaking.


She's watching me.....


...and we meet, and take the rest of the journey to the 'alter' together....



....one of my favorite pics.

* all the above were taken by the photographer*

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So happy to see your review. And even happier to know you had a wonderful day. The photos you have posted look beautiful.


I am so sorry to hear that you had a such a bad experience with ships photographer. Mine was completely different -- private meeting with the photographer, an extra hour of his time, plenty of package options and beautiful photos. Plus, since he knew us from the wedding, there were lots of extra candids of our group throughout the cruise.


But from what you have posted so far, I am confident you'll have plenty of lovely photos and even more beautiful memories. All of your careful planning certainly shows. Congratulations!

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I have the biggest smile on my face and my body has the chills after looking at the photos in that last post. I so love her....


So the ceremony has begun and pretty much all I remember is whispering to Sha trying to keep her from crying and telling her I love her. I do also remember a few laughs were made by everyone, my son crying almost got me going, us reading the poem 'Why Marriage' taking turns to read each stanza, the big smile on my step daughter's face when I presented her with her gift, Sha's hands shaking, and hold hands during the handfasting. The rest feels like a dream that I can barely remember, but thank goodness for cameras! :D


Reading the poem...






The four of us at the alter.






We asked Elizabeth (our officiant) to include in our ceremony a piece where she calls up our six closest friends says a few words of how much they mean to us, and we present each one with a rose. (FYI.. These were the roses that were going to be used for our two bouquets by the cruise line. Instead we asked they be given to use single stem with no greenery so that we could use them in the ceremony).








Also as a part of our ceremony we asked the officiant to have everyone gather around us in a circle at the beginning of the ceremony forming our 'Circle of Love', which she incorporated also as part of her wording. The handfasting would also be done during this time.


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Our Vows....


This is the box that Sha proposed to me with back in 2005. We were visiting the Brookyln Botanical Gardens and every so often she would take out a scroll from this box which had love poems and have me read it. At one point we had went into the Rose Garden and sat down for a bit. She handed me the last scroll and as I read it she got down on one knee and proposed as soon as I had finished reading it. It was very special to us to have our vows in that same box and our officiant told the story of how she proposed with it, as well as the story of me proposing to her several years later to make it 'official, official' at the South Street Seaport.










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So happy to see your review. And even happier to know you had a wonderful day. The photos you have posted look beautiful.


I am so sorry to hear that you had a such a bad experience with ships photographer. Mine was completely different -- private meeting with the photographer, an extra hour of his time, plenty of package options and beautiful photos. Plus, since he knew us from the wedding, there were lots of extra candids of our group throughout the cruise.


But from what you have posted so far, I am confident you'll have plenty of lovely photos and even more beautiful memories. All of your careful planning certainly shows. Congratulations!


I'm curious to know if you had purchased your photos before your wedding. Of course you were also on a different cruise line than we were.

I had even wondered if purchasing before hand would have made the difference in the way they were presented to us. Then I wondered if it had to do with us being two women, or even being black. Whatever the case is, it was bad business and it made me not want to spend money on the photos at all. Of course I had too as we didn't have any other professional photos taken so we were kind of over a barrel on this one.

Although I am not happy about all this I refused to let it ruin my wedding day at all.

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The Ring Exchange








Unity Ceremony


Here we give our kids their gifts which was a silver puzzle piece inscribed with each our names on one side, and 'we are a family' on the other side. We put it on them as a necklace but could also be used as a key chain.







The Kiss


Now this we talked about, joked about and even got serious about BEFORE the wedding as we had never kissed (outside of cheek kisses and what I'll call a lip peck lol) in front of our kids, family and most friends.... but it was our wedding day and we were not going to leave it out. It went well, very g-rated. lol






Presented as "Married"


Our officiant wouldn't have said this for us if we weren't able to be legally married, and we were now that NYS has it on the law books! :D




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