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Trip Report - Rhapsody of the Seas - Queensland - 21st Nov 2009

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If you want to read this report with pictures just visit my blog http://libby.withnall.com and click on the travel category.


Cruisers - Me - Libby, 38 (vegetarian) and DH, Kevin, 38.


Queensland Cruise – Day 1

November 21st, 2009


Well, we are onboard and rather excited to be heading out on another cruise. This time we’ve left the girls behind so it should be nice and relaxing.


We left home just after 11am and Dad was kind enough to drive us to the terminal at the Rocks. We arrived around 1pm and were quickly through security. There was a bit of line up for check in but when I told the guy we were in a junior suite he quickly directed us to this line – which had no-one waiting.


A few minutes later we were in possession of our room keys and after a photo stop we were walking the gangway onto Rhapsody of the Seas. As I looked around I said to Kevin it was just like coming home as this is the sister ship to Granduer and Vision which we have sailed on before.


We headed to our room and were very impressed. We got a great deal on a Junior Suite. It’s huge!! And our balcony is almost as big as our room. We are totally traveling in style this cruise :-) .


I had ordered some chocolate strawberries as an Anniversary present for Kevin and they were already in the room when we arrrived. They disappeared pretty quickly and were delicious.


As we were getting hungry we headed to Windjammers buffet to get some lunch. I had salad and a roll. It’s certainly interesting no longer being able to eat a lot of food. We went and booked our tours and strolled around the decks. The gym looks nice but I’m not that excited about the classes on offer.We headed back to Windjammers for a cup of tea and shared a sample of deserts.


Back to our room we managed to collect our lugguage so I got unpacked. There is SOOOO much storage space. I think even if we had the girls we’d still have spare space.


We relaxed for a bit, reading through the cruise literature then headed out in search of Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream – which we enjoyed while looking out over the opera house.


Another walk around the ship and a stop to pick up some tea bags (there is only Earl Grey in our cabin) and back to the cabin.


Time for a cup of tea and to upload photos and start on this post. I’ll have to get it posted before we leave Sydney Harbour as we’re at sea for the next two days.


At 5.15pm we attended muster (a life raft drill) and were pleasantly surprised that we didn’t need to wear our life jackets – though it always makes for a fun photo. It was hot and long but it’s done and over.


We then went to the bar to collect our cocktails ready for sailaway.Kevin had a mudslide and I had a virgin pina colada.


We opted to skip dinner in the dining room and watch sailaway from our room. Unfortunately we were supposed to leave at 6pm (dinner time) but didn’t cast off ropes until 7.15pm.


It was well worth the wait though and sailaway was another magical experience. We had late (for us) dinner at Windjammers. Okay but we much prefer the dining room.



Queensland Cruise – Day 2 – At Sea

November 22nd, 2009


I awoke this morning after a great nights sleep (unusual for me in a strange bed) just after 6am. Chatted with Kevin and we watched a little TV before I woke up enough to get dressed and go to the gym. I got there just after 7am and the cardio equipment was pretty busy – I did manage to grab an elliptical so used that for 10mins before doing some weights. Back in our room I had a shower and got dressed and we headed out to breakfast at Windjammers.


Another stroll – this time on the top deck – rather windy outside today and we head back to our room. I sat our verandah and enjoyed a cup of tea while reading a mag and enjoying the view.


At 10am we headed out again to go watch the apple strudel demonstration – sounds strange I know but I love watching the chefs at work.


We ended up buying the cookbook mainly because the first 20 people to purchase get a free tour of the galley. Should be fun! We also got to sample the strudel which was just delicious. Kevin & I shared a piece so we’d have room for some morning tea. We’ve decided our strategy will be share foods so we get to try more of it.


Back to Windjammers for a tea and a shared donut. Haven’t had a donut in years but this was yummy and not at all greasy. We had a wander through the shops seeing what souvenirs we might want to buy. I have my eye on a gorgeous jumper – light but deliciously soft – should be great for the UK trip next year. We also stopped by the tour desk to pick up a brochure on Alaskan cruises!


Time to hang out on our balcony again for a bit before heading to the Solarium (indoor pool) for a spa. Very nice and relaxing. We lazed for a bit watching the waves pass by and then had some lunch.


About 2 we headed back to the room again where I worked on this post and Kevin had a nap. At 3pm we headed to the movies to see Julie & Julia. We both enjoyed the movie.

Then it was time to get ready for formal night.


We got dolled up and had some photos taken – a first for us. We then sat and listened to some live music until it was time for dinner.


We were seated a table for 6 and were joined by another 2 people – a man and his 96 yr. old mother. My first thought was oh, my gosh, why have they seated us with old people but the guy was nice so it wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately his mother couldn’t hear us very well so we couldn’t really include her in the conversion. As always our waiters were wonderful. I had a yummy potato curry and then strawberry cheesecake for desert.


After dinner we went back to our room to read for a bit before going to the 9pm show. It was dancing and singing tonight and very enjoyable.


Time for bed, it’s been a great day.


Queensland Cruise – Day 3 – At Sea

November 23rd, 2009


I awoke nice and early this morning and as the clocks went back an hour last night it was only 5am. Since Kevin was still sleeping I went out on deck to read some magazines. He woke about 6.30am and we watched a show on sharks before heading to breakfast. Today I discovered some ham in my vegetable omelette!!! Tomorrow I’ll be getting a custom made one :-) .


Back to the room again – I laid in the sun for an hour or so finishing my book. I’m not really into sunbaking as such but don’t mind lying in the sun to relax from time to time as long it’s early or late in the day and I’ve got plenty of suncream on. Kevin was having a sleep so around 10am I went up on deck to get some fruit and a cup of tea and laid in the shade doing a spot of people watching. We’re amongst the youngest adults on board with the average age being 60-80 I’d guess. So I don’t need to feel too bad about my body in a swimsuit :-) .


Around 11am I headed back to wake up Kevin and get ready for our Cruise Critic meet and mingle. We’d never been to one before and while not much mingling went on I did win the door prize. Kevin drew out my name and I one a back pack with sun visor, and umbrella. We also met another couple who we invited to join us in Cairns when we are hiring a car.


We finished up around 12.30pm (not having met anyone else) and stopped to look at our photos from last night (we bought 2 of them) before having lunch at Windjammers. Then, you guessed it, back to our cabin. I typed up some more notes and Kevin played games on his computer before we got changed into our cosies for a swim in the solarium.


The water temp was lovely in the pool today and after a swim we enjoyed a spa, then munched on some cookies while reading for a bit. We lazed the afternoon away we me reading and Kevin having a sleep.


Just before 6pm we got dressed and headed for dinner. I didn’t have a lot of success with my dinner tonight but that we more my tastebuds I think. We went to listen to some live music and Kevin enjoyed a cocktail….before going to see Bijorn Again (a famous Australian Abba tribute band who we have always wanted to see). They were fabulous but Bijorn just reminded me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo :-) . Was a great show and I’d definitely go see them again.


It was after 10pm (but really 11pm because the clocks went back an hour) so we were feeling rather tired by the time we got to bed.


Queensland Cruise – Day 4 – Airlie Beach

November 24th, 2009


Well I had planned to get up around 6am but Kevin (who slept hours yesterday) was up early and woke me up. I got a cup of tea and sat on the balcony as we made our way through the Whitsunday Islands to Airlie Beach. At 6.30 we headed to Windjammers for breakfast (sitting outside today) before meeting for our tour at 7am.


Unfortunatately we didn’t get to leave the boat till 8am (I had heard this was a problem with the tendering). So by the time we finally got the boat across to Airlie Beach and onto our bus it was 9am!!!! 2 hours of our day wasted. But it was worth it. Airlie Beach is a beautiful tourist town.


We were driven around and told about the history of the place. We stopped at the Prosperine Museum (which while wasn’t fantastic was quite enjoyable) and we got to watch a short film about Sydney Common. – a local who became the inspiration for James Bond.

We made another stop at Shute Harbour – lovely spot where ferries head to the nearby islands and finally at the Whitsunday Sailing Club where were served morning tea.


From here we wandered through the markets (which were on purely for the cruise ship) and the town before walking back to the harbour via the boardwalk. It’s such a beautiful place and it would be easy to spent a few days here.


At the marina we were given some cold water by the Airlie Beach Tourism Ambassadors which we thought was a lovely touch.


We caught the shuttle back to the ship and headed to Windjammers for lunch. Back in our room Kevin tried unsuccessfully to get us internet access.I downloaded photos and worked on this post (which hopefully I will be able to post tomorrow). We then headed up on deck for a swim/spa. We sat for a while people watching then headed to our room. I decided to go to the gym for some cardio and weights. So fun working out with an ocean view.


Then it was time to have another shower and get ready for dinner. I had a lovely meal tonight and even ate most of my 3 courses.


We had planned to go to the show tonight but I feeling somewhat lightheaded – no idea why except I was tired – so we decided to just have an early night and I was fast asleep by 8.30.


Queensland Cruise – Day 5 – Cairns

November 25th, 2009


Had a great nights sleep and woke up around 6.30am just as we starting into Cairns. It turns out the ship had been given permission to dock right in Cairns so that was great news. We headed up to Windjammers and had breakfast as we came into Cairns. Then we headed up on deck for a while. It looked rather miserable and kind of magical with the clouds clinging to the mountains. Luckily we only had a few little bit of rain the whole day.


While we waited Kevin & I were playing on our phones. I had service and he didn’t….


Once we disembarked we walked to the visitors information centre to organise a tour to Kuranda. This was easily done and we sat and enjoyed a smoothie while waiting for our bus pick up.


At 9.40am we were on our way to the Skyrail. We were lucky enough to arrived just before the cruise bus tour did and got ahead of the crowds.

The skyrail was fun as we soared above the rainforest and looked back towards Cairns. Just beautiful scenery.


Upon arrival in Kuranda we caught the bus to the markets. We had a wander around, then visited the Butterfly Sanctuary. Lots of lovely butterflies – but these guys were rather hard to photograph. One that I had been trying to capture landed on Kevin’s ear but flew off before I press the button on my camera.


We walked past the shops on the main street – lots of lovely things but we didn’t buy anything. We stopped for a lunch at a lovely place overlooking some of the rainforest. Funnily enough it was same place we’d had lunch when I was here in 2001. Amy was just 18months and I remembered all the things she had loved about the trip. Kevin and I shared some nachos.


After lunch we walked back to the train station. At the last minute (and after seeing the carriage) we decided to splurge and upgrade to Gold Class. How posh!!!


We checked out the gift shop and bought a few items, and had a chat with a fellow cruiser until it was time to board. Gold Class was great. We had a lovely carriage with nice comfy seats (unlike the bench seats in the rest of the train). We were served drinks and given some souvenirs. Later we were served cheese/crackers and dried fruit. The cheese was delicious. And no, this wasn’t all for us :-) . The trip back down the mountain is stunning and we both really enjoyed it.


Back in Cairns Kevin visited the Telstra shop so we can hopefully get some internet access and get this post published. I got an iced chocolate and Kevin had a coffee from Gloria Jeans which we enjoyed while walking back to the ship. I also managed to ring the girls and it was nice to hear their voices again.


It was VERY hot and humid today and nice to get on board the ship and into the air conditioning. Feeling rather tired after a busy day (and the heat is draining) so we’ll head up to dinner soon and have another early night (luckily there is no show on tonight).


NOTE: Kevin managed to get the internet working after we left Cairns.



Queensland Cruise – Day 6 – Port Douglas

November 26th, 2009


This morning we were up just before 6am. We sat outside enjoying a cup of tea. It looked gloomy but we hoped it would clear like yesterday. Just after 7am we headed up to breakfast and then went to wait for our tour. We got off on the first tender and onto our mini bus for out Daintree Rainforest Tour.


First stop was the Rainforest Habitat. Kevin and I weren’t particularly excited about seeing this but we really enjoyed our visit. Lots of animals and birds to see. From here we drove to Mossman Gorge. Gorgeous place and not suprisingly it was raining in the rain forest. Luckily we didn’t get too wet. The river was really running because they have had quite a bit of rain.


Then it was on to Cape Tribulation, after we crossed over on the ferry. The drive was stunning, but very windy and Kevin felt a bit car sick. We had a yummy lunch at one of the resort at Cape Tribulation. We then walked down to the beach. Talk about a stunning location.


We then drove back to the Daintree River where we had some afternoon tea (love Daintree River tea), then went for a cruise. We were lucky enough to see a small (2 year old) croc and other wildlife.


Then it was time to head back to the ship (after a quick stop because 2 people on our bus wanted to buy some tropical fruit). On the way we were lucky enough to see a cassowary in the wild.


We caught the tender boat back out and were back on board at 5.30pm – just in time to get ready for dinner.


Dinner tonight was magnificant. I had a calzone followed by key lime pie. We then showed our dinner campanions our cabin and I typed up this post. Later we’re going to tonight show – which is supposed to be fantastic.



Queensland Cruise – Day 7 – At Sea

November 27th, 2009


Woke up this morning just after 6am. Had a lazy start reading and drinking tea. Eventually headed to breakfast around 8.30am. Today I had a custom made vegetable omelette which was delicious. We got a table at the front of the ship and enjoyed watching a couple of gannets riding the currents in front of the boat. We then went and lay in the Solarium for a bit, had a spa, drank a virgin pina colada.


About 11am we went back to our room for more reading and relaxing. I headed up on deck when we went past Willis Island – which wasn’t quite what I was expecting – a very small research island out in the middle of no-where.


Back in our room I laid out in the sun for a bit (naughty I know but it was so relaxing). I got stuck into reading my book and then just watched clouds for about half an hour. Kevin had a nap. It had been a hard morning after all :-) .


At 2pm I suggested we get some lunch. We both had some salad today. Then we had to race off to the Cocktail demonstration. This was lots of fun – though I was chosen to help. I refused though – I wouldn’t have minded helping to make the cocktail but there was no way I was going to dance and shake the cocktail in front of everyone – I’m definitely not that uninhibited. Kevin got to sample 4 cocktails (it cost him $11). He only really liked the last one – a BBC.

Back to our room for some more reading, then a shower and getting ready for dinner. Had a photo taken with Neville and his Mum, Estelle – who at 96 is probably the oldest person on board and rather remarkable for her age. Another lovely meal.


Back to our room – at least we get lots of exercise with our room being at the back of the ship! We played name that tune for a bit then headed to see tonight show – Country Music. I enjoyed it – though was unfamiliar with most of the songs. The calibre of show, singing, dance and staging continues to amaze me.


Back to our room for the last time tonight. Tea and a cookie or two, typing up this post, reading some more of my book, then sleeping.


As you can see it’s been a hard day at sea.



Queensland Cruise – Day 8 – At Sea

November 28th, 2009


Another VERY lazy day at sea. We woke just after 6am. I had a cup of tea while reading a few magazines. We had breakfast in Windjammers – bagels again today.


Then back to our room to read for a bit. At 10am we head to the Centrum to watch cake decorating – which was rather fun thanks to Carley, the cruise director. We got to sample the delicious black forest cake.


Then it was time for our tour of the gallery. This was so interesting. It certainly wasn’t quite what I’d expected. Just an hour after breakfast everything was calm and clear, although preparations were already underway for lunch.


They had lots of cute gingerbread houses ready to make a village next week (shame we’ll miss it). At the end we were given some yummy biscuits and champagne & OJ.


We visited the shops and got a few souvenirs and a new watch for me. We took our things back to the room and shortly afterwards went to lunch in the Restaurant (after having seen the lunch preparations). I had some yummy corn fritters. We checked out the salad bar on the way out and will be coming back for that on Monday (we would have come for this earlier if we’d known it was on offer).


I spent the afternoon hanging out on the balcony. After a short time lying in the sun I moved to the shade and finished off my book. Kevin read and had a nap.


Around 5pm I showered and got ready for formal night. Another delicious dinner – mushrooms in pastry and tofu & stir-fried veggies. Kevin had his nightly treat and has now collected all 5 coloured shot glasses.


After dinner we went to pick up my watch. We decided to skip tonights show and do some more reading. After all it’s been a rather hard day.



Queensland Cruise – Day 9 – Brisbane

November 29th, 2009


We awoke to draws opening and a big crash this morning at 4.30am. The ship had done a hard turn and two of Kevin’s shooter glasses had fallen and broken. He wasn’t very happy.


We tried to go back to sleep but only managed to dose. We got up at 6.30am as we were arrived in Brisbane. The boat swung around before docking and was only about a meter away from the pier at the back – pretty amazing to watch.


We decided to go into Brisbane and see a movie and do a bit of shopping (having been here many times before and done most of the touristy things). We had breakfast at Windjammers and then left the ship to catch to bus into town. For the first time in my life I got to walk the red carpet. Since my exercise program is called red carpet ready I had to get a photo!


It took about 30mins and we were dropped off at the Myer Center. We went and got our tickets to see New Moon then did some shopping. Christy rang while we were wandering around. She was in tears. Her guinea pig, Lilly, had had to be put to sleep. It wasn’t really surprising – she was old and had been unwell for a while.


When it was time for the movie we bought some popcorn and took our seats. It was pretty good (but it was my least favourite of all the books) and I loved the big fluffy things (won’t spoil it for anyone not in the know) :-) . Kevin found it hard to follow.


After the movie we got some drinks at Gloria Jeans and headed back to get our bus. Turned out to be very good planning as we could see a storm moving in and the rain started just as got back to the boat – so we only got a little bit wet (apparantly those on a later bus had to wait 45mins before they could get on the ship because of the rain making the ramp slippery).


We had a late lunch at Windjammers (around 2pm) and spent the afternoon playing on our laptaps and getting caught up on our fav. blogs.


Time for another dinner. I’ve really enjoyed getting dressed up this cruise (amazing the benefits of losing weight and having a new wardrobe). Dinner tonight was delicious cauliflower fritters.


It’s supposed to be a bit rougher tonight so we made sure to secure Kevin’s glasses (he got replacement ones tonight). Shortly we’ll be going to the show – Piano Man and then, maybe if we can stay awake, to the 11pm chocolate buffet.



Queensland Cruise – Day 10 – At Sea

November 30th, 2009


Another great show last night – Piano Man. Still can’t get over the standard of talent in the shows.


It was VERY hard waking up this morning – I think mainly because we knew it was the last day. Eventually we did get up and headed to breakfast at Windjammers. We then spent the morning hanging out in the room. I laid out on the balcony reading the few magazines I had left to read.


Mid morning we went to the shops for a last look around and Kevin wanted to have a go of the rock climbing wall. He’s done it at home and has all his own gear but it’s been a while and I think he’ll be sore tomorrow.


Kevin got a coffee from cafe latitudes (a proper one you have to pay for) and a yummy muffin to share. Back in our room I laid out on the balcony in the sun for a bit. Then when Kevin got his book finished we headed to lunch. We had planned to go to the restaurant but it had closed about 5mins before we got there, so we went to Windjammers instead. I was having a salad anyway so that was okay.


We checked out the deserts and spotted banana cream pie. Full we had to be hope there’d be some at afternoon tea. We then went to the backstage tour. It was interesting hearing more about life on board ship and getting to see the very small backstage area.


On the way back to our room Kevin got a ben and jerry ice cream and I got some cookies (so love the cookies on board). I sat outside enjoying the last bit of sun and last time on our balcony.


Hoping for pie we went back to Windjammers but alas there was no pie. Instead I had some fresh fruit and cream – which I’m guessing was better for me anyway.


Back in our cabin I started packing (such a sad thing to do), had a shower and got ready for our last dinner. As always it was a lovely meal.


Tonight there was a parade with all the chefs and waiters. So many involved in making our dinners each night. And they are always happy and ready to help you any way they can. Our fantastic waiter was Sandeep from India, and our assistant waiter, Aidrian from Romania.


Later we dropped off a book to the library – I’d never been to one before (in 6 cruises) as was quite impressed with the range of book they have. We then went to the Farewell show. So sad to be leaving. It's been a fantastic cruise. Now we just have to wait 7 months till our next one - Jewel of the Seas - Scandanavia/Russia!

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