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Solution to QM2 smoking arguments


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For a paltry sum, I offer hypnosis for delusions:D.


Have you SEEN the staff, who smokes like a chimney:eek:? She makes Bob Geldof look like the epitome of sartorial elegance.


Hack hack, Sir Martin


Oh dear Sir M. Sounds like you have a bad doze of kennel cough there. You want to get that seen to sharpish.



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Naughty naughty Big M. - emotive language.



That's the trouble Gari, that within the generally reasoned discussion on here, now and again there is a small dig from the 'opposition': fun v miserable; healthy v unhealthy; smelly v not smelly (I hesitate to use the word 'perfumed').


As BigM pointed out though, most smokers do observe a code of etiquette generally and take account of non-smokers.


I feel for smokers in that general opinion has been swayed so much against them due to some sound reasons e.g. health but there is often no empathy.


It is interesting that with the current campaigns against obesity e.g. (the parents of 5 yr olds being warned that their children face a life of illness etc because the child is 'obese') that soon the spotlight may turn away from smokers, the Golden Lion and the Casino to those who indulge in a second scone with cream or another pastry in Sir Samuel's. :D

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It is entirely irrelevant if the staff choose to smoke in their personal time.

One cannot advertise a position as “only smokers need apply”. Staff are entitled to protection from harmful substances at their place of employment and should not be expected to work in an environment that could damage their health, irrespective of what they do in their personal time.


Although there may be an argument that on a cruise ship the staff are not employed under British Employment Law I am sure that Cunard would want to be seen to comply with want are the basic minimum standards of employment in the UK and not want to be seen as an archaic employer.


The discussions can go round and round on the smoking threads with the smokers complaining they have nowhere to go and asking for their sections of the ship. Unfortunately the smoke does not respect the restrictions of its designated area and tends to permeate.


Thankfully the public areas are now smoke free and no amount of whinging is going to change that.

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Thankfully the public areas are now smoke free and no amount of whinging is going to change that.


No one's whingeing - they're debating in a (mostly) pleasant manner.

You should see 'em when they whinge:eek:.


Do you have a Cunard cruise booked? I do hope so, and that you have a marvellous time.


Sir Martin

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Although there may be an argument that on a cruise ship the staff are not employed under British Employment Law I am sure that Cunard would want to be seen to comply with want are the basic minimum standards of employment in the UK and not want to be seen as an archaic employer.



I imagine, though I am often wrong, that if they had a choice, they would rather be paid the minimum wage under UK law than inhabit a completely sterile atmosphere.



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It is entirely irrelevant if the staff choose to smoke in their personal time.

One cannot advertise a position as “only smokers need apply”. Staff are entitled to protection from harmful substances at their place of employment and should not be expected to work in an environment that could damage their health, irrespective of what they do in their personal time.


Although there may be an argument that on a cruise ship the staff are not employed under British Employment Law I am sure that Cunard would want to be seen to comply with want are the basic minimum standards of employment in the UK and not want to be seen as an archaic employer.


The discussions can go round and round on the smoking threads with the smokers complaining they have nowhere to go and asking for their sections of the ship. Unfortunately the smoke does not respect the restrictions of its designated area and tends to permeate.


Thankfully the public areas are now smoke free and no amount of whinging is going to change that.

May I ask, when responding to you, am I talking to Mr or Mrs or both? Just curious!

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A very good point, we should look it up.


well its getting on here in the uk, I started to read this thread this morning and it is now late in the evening, the thread is still here and it has been most enjoyable, I will look again the morning, it really shows that even a smoking thread handled by the right people can be good.:) and stay

I keep on reading about "the right people". May I ask who are the "wrong people"? I guess I have missed something!

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Oh dear Sir M. Sounds like you have a bad doze of kennel cough there. You want to get that seen to sharpish.




Do cats get kennel cough?


I know it can be fatal for dogs. Especially the very young and the very old.


We can but live in hope.

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You should see 'em when they whinge:eek:.


Well, as we're talking about whingeing (we are aren't we?), I'm going to get a few little things off my chest right here on this lovely, friendly, discussive thread. Some of these are about old, well-worn, chestnuts and some are things that I have been prompted to think about by other, recent threads on here. Some are even "on topic" so, with a little bit of luck, that should serve to minimise the quantity of napalm that, no doubt, will shortly be heading in my direction.


Anyone with an enhanced attention span and sufficient interest to read to the bottom can take this as my personal manifesto for Cunard cruising.








1. I couldn't give a flying fig who smokes where, when, what, or how. If the law is changed then the law is changed and Cunard will have to conform - as a non smoker it makes no damn difference to me. I was born and raised in a society in which almost everyone smoked and I long ago gave up worrying about it.


2. I do not believe that I am going to die of lung cancer because I happen to walk past the Casino and smell tobacco smoke, or because some bloke on a balcony four along from mine happens to exhale in my general direction. If I do, then tough cookies - we are all going to die of something eventually, the only argument is when.


3. There are worse vices on Earth than smoking. A propos of which I propose that the gym should be converted into the dedicated smoking lounge.





4. I conform with the dress code because I'm a conforming kind of guy. But, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss if someone chooses to turn up for dinner on a formal night in the Britannia Restaurant wearing flip-flops, PT shorts, and a ragged string vest - in fact I tend to the vew that, when someone does that kind of thing, it rather adds to the sum of human happiness. If anybody feels they must "tut tut" or "harrumph" then they should do so quietly so as not to disturb others. And, above all, they should complain about it in private not in public. In short, it's up to Cunard to enforce their own dress code and if they can't be bothered to do so it's no damn business of mine.


5. Life is way way way too short to waste any of it tying bow ties.


6. I have absolutely no interest in whether the cream goes on the scone before or after the jam, or whether it's clotted cream, whipped cream, pouring cream, double cream, single cream, sour cream, cream of tartar or cream soda. I also do not care whether it's jam that goes on the thing or freshly picked, dew soaked, succulent, organic strawberries. For anyone who is interested, my own approach to cream teas is to carefully slice the scone in half horizontally, spread the cream thickly and evenly on both slices, sandwich the aforementioned organic strawberries carefully between the two slices, toss the assembled delicacy in the nearest bin, and go and find a burger.


7. IMHO tea needs to be hot, wet and sweet. I couldn't care less if it's Earl Grey, Earl Brown, Earl Black or the Earl of Wessex - as long as it meets those criteria then it's fine by me. Ideally, I would be delighted if Cunard could provide me with a pint mug of the genuine British army variety made with condensed milk - but, hey, you can't have everything.


8. Cunard provide way too many eating irons on the dinner table. The food has yet to be invented that can't be eaten with a spoon (suitably sharpened along one edge if required).


9. Black pudding should be compulsory with all breakfasts.


10. I wouldn't travel Queen's Grill even if I did have the money.


11. I have no interest whatsoever in what name is printed on those funny little bottles that you find in the cupboard with the shower in it. I couldn't care less whether they are Gilchrist and Soames, Marks and Spencer, Morecambe and Wise or Brighton and Hove Albion (why do people always associate quality with having more than one name?). However, I really do wish that they could see fit to label one of them, in the largest font possible, SOAP,because I tend not to take showers with my glasses on.


12. The trivia quizzes should contain no questions about sport, movies, or pop music.


13. I couldn't care less who the Cruise Director is - I never listen to one damn word they say anyway.


14. The identity of the Captain also does not concern me in the slightest. As long as he stays relatively sober most of the time and manages to avoid other ships, large rocks, and hard quaysides that might bend something and spoil everyones' day, he'll do for me.


15. I don't care whether I get an electronic ticket, a paper ticket, a cardboard ticket, a stainless steel ticket, or a concrete ticket - just as long as, when I pole up at Soton, they will see fit to let me get on the boat. I also don't need any more of the little wallety things that the tickets (used to) come in as there is enough junk in my life at the moment, thank you very much.


16. Anyone sunbathing around the pools should be made to do so fully dressed. They should also be required to put their clothes back on before getting out of the water.


17. Jogging and other forms of strenuous physical activity should be permitted only outside a circle of radius 10 cables centred on the funnel.


18. I commend to the house the idea that passengers should be able to bring guests on to the ship before sailing. A small, dedicated workforce to assist in unpacking SWMBO's 3,746 suitcases would be most welcome. I could even be persuaded to part with a free bottle of Pol Acker to assist them in their endeavours.





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Somebody, please triangle me. I can't be seen to agree with Sir M :eek:




PLEASE don't - I've pinned him down; he's changed his mind, and says it's utter rubbish (he also said "as usual", but tact and diplomacy preclude me mentioning that):D.



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PLEASE don't - I've pinned him down; he's changed his mind, and says it's utter rubbish (he also said "as usual", but tact and diplomacy preclude me mentioning that):D.




Phewwww! Just for a second you had me freaked out there!



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However, my cat was distressed to read that the fully adorned scone was being thrown in the bin and has suggested that Cruachan toss it in her direction. ;)


That will clog up her arteries which, when combined with her passive smoking, should mean she's already on borrowed time:cool:.


Sir Martin

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That will clog up her arteries which, when combined with her passive smoking, should mean she's already on borrowed time:cool:.


Sir Martin


Sir M, you are falling down on the job. You omitted obesity and hippopotami as additional causes of her possible early demise.:rolleyes:

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Well, as we're talking about whingeing (we are aren't we?), I'm going to get a few little things off my chest right here on this lovely, friendly, discussive thread. Some of these are about old, well-worn, chestnuts and some are things that I have been prompted to think about by other, recent threads on here. Some are even "on topic" so, with a little bit of luck, that should serve to minimise the quantity of napalm that, no doubt, will shortly be heading in my direction.


Anyone with an enhanced attention span and sufficient interest to read to the bottom can take this as my personal manifesto for Cunard cruising.








1. I couldn't give a flying fig who smokes where, when, what, or how. If the law is changed then the law is changed and Cunard will have to conform - as a non smoker it makes no damn difference to me. I was born and raised in a society in which almost everyone smoked and I long ago gave up worrying about it.


2. I do not believe that I am going to die of lung cancer because I happen to walk past the Casino and smell tobacco smoke, or because some bloke on a balcony four along from mine happens to exhale in my general direction. If I do, then tough cookies - we are all going to die of something eventually, the only argument is when.


3. There are worse vices on Earth than smoking. A propos of which I propose that the gym should be converted into the dedicated smoking lounge.





4. I conform with the dress code because I'm a conforming kind of guy. But, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss if someone chooses to turn up for dinner on a formal night in the Britannia Restaurant wearing flip-flops, PT shorts, and a ragged string vest - in fact I tend to the vew that, when someone does that kind of thing, it rather adds to the sum of human happiness. If anybody feels they must "tut tut" or "harrumph" then they should do so quietly so as not to disturb others. And, above all, they should complain about it in private not in public. In short, it's up to Cunard to enforce their own dress code and if they can't be bothered to do so it's no damn business of mine.


5. Life is way way way too short to waste any of it tying bow ties.


6. I have absolutely no interest in whether the cream goes on the scone before or after the jam, or whether it's clotted cream, whipped cream, pouring cream, double cream, single cream, sour cream, cream of tartar or cream soda. I also do not care whether it's jam that goes on the thing or freshly picked, dew soaked, succulent, organic strawberries. For anyone who is interested, my own approach to cream teas is to carefully slice the scone in half horizontally, spread the cream thickly and evenly on both slices, sandwich the aforementioned organic strawberries carefully between the two slices, toss the assembled delicacy in the nearest bin, and go and find a burger.


7. IMHO tea needs to be hot, wet and sweet. I couldn't care less if it's Earl Grey, Earl Brown, Earl Black or the Earl of Wessex - as long as it meets those criteria then it's fine by me. Ideally, I would be delighted if Cunard could provide me with a pint mug of the genuine British army variety made with condensed milk - but, hey, you can't have everything.


8. Cunard provide way too many eating irons on the dinner table. The food has yet to be invented that can't be eaten with a spoon (suitably sharpened along one edge if required).


9. Black pudding should be compulsory with all breakfasts.


10. I wouldn't travel Queen's Grill even if I did have the money.


11. I have no interest whatsoever in what name is printed on those funny little bottles that you find in the cupboard with the shower in it. I couldn't care less whether they are Gilchrist and Soames, Marks and Spencer, Morecambe and Wise or Brighton and Hove Albion (why do people always associate quality with having more than one name?). However, I really do wish that they could see fit to label one of them, in the largest font possible, SOAP,because I tend not to take showers with my glasses on.


12. The trivia quizzes should contain no questions about sport, movies, or pop music.


13. I couldn't care less who the Cruise Director is - I never listen to one damn word they say anyway.


14. The identity of the Captain also does not concern me in the slightest. As long as he stays relatively sober most of the time and manages to avoid other ships, large rocks, and hard quaysides that might bend something and spoil everyones' day, he'll do for me.


15. I don't care whether I get an electronic ticket, a paper ticket, a cardboard ticket, a stainless steel ticket, or a concrete ticket - just as long as, when I pole up at Soton, they will see fit to let me get on the boat. I also don't need any more of the little wallety things that the tickets (used to) come in as there is enough junk in my life at the moment, thank you very much.


16. Anyone sunbathing around the pools should be made to do so fully dressed. They should also be required to put their clothes back on before getting out of the water.


17. Jogging and other forms of strenuous physical activity should be permitted only outside a circle of radius 10 cables centred on the funnel.


18. I commend to the house the idea that passengers should be able to bring guests on to the ship before sailing. A small, dedicated workforce to assist in unpacking SWMBO's 3,746 suitcases would be most welcome. I could even be persuaded to part with a free bottle of Pol Acker to assist them in their endeavours.






Of course if you went Queens' Grill, you'd have someone to tie your tie, prepare your scone and unpack.


And if you want a bedbath, to call your nurse.......

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Sir M, you are falling down on the job. You omitted obesity and hippopotami as additional causes of her possible early demise.:rolleyes:


You're right, AND I've said something nice about J's post.

Panic not, normal service is now resumed and I've retracted my hasty pleasant remark.


Sir Martin

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