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Ventura Night Nursery


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I've done a search on this but I'm not exactly sure I understand how it works. What time does the night nursery open and does your child have to be asleep before you leave them. Also I haven't seen anything about charges for it but could someone confirm that. Many thanks.

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Hi there


We came back from Ventura a couple of weeks ago and the night nursery was fab. In the day they use the room as a play room for under 2s and have toys set up (and on some sea days they also put on activities such as jelly play).


The night nursery opens from 6pm to 2am, and is for children under 5. They have a number of trundle type beds and travel cots. When you go in the first time you are given a bed/cot and then that becomes your spot for the rest of week (although techinically it is first come/first served) and they put your child's name on the room plan to show where they are sleeping. I didn't bother with a cot as my daughter was happy to be reclined in the pushchair and put in a corner - I wasn't going to risk getting her in the cot and waking her up.


Basically, your child has to be alseep or petty much asleep when you take them in so that they don't distrub other children. That's why I left my daughter in the pushchair - I just gave her a bottle on the way up there, popped her in the corner waited until she was settled (although usually not asleep) and then left. You are given a pager so they can contact you wherever you are on the ship. They will always try and settle them before contacting you. We only had one call in the 2 weeks and that was on the last night.


We usually picked her up at 10.30pm when the toybox (2-4s) room closed as there was no way our son would be transferred into the night nursery. We loved it, and night nursery and children's club made our holiday (and are the main reason why we have booked another 2 P&O cruises). But I


There is no charge, but we did give the youth team a tip at the end of the holiday as it was well deserved.


Have a great cruise :)

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cclarke12 thanks for that - I'm getting the picture now. I'm happy taking the baby around the ship in her buggy but it would be nice to be able to leave her in the nursery if she was asleep. It's also good to know that there's somewhere my 1 year old can go to have a play and a bit of a run round.


I was just wondering how many staff were in the nursery and was there always at least 2?


Also can you tell me do you tip the nursery team as whole or give each person an individual tip?


Thanks in advance

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Yes, there are always 2 members of staff in the night nursery and there is also CCTV in there too. The staff are on a rota so it is a different member of the youth team each night. On ours they were all from the 2-4s and 5-8s room and from speaking to them they are all early years qualified. If you have any worries or concerns just talk to the staff as they are very open and happy to talk things through with you.


It was good having somewhere the baby could go and play on the sea days.


I just tipped the team (they pooled any tips they got) enough for a drink each - it wasn't a huge amount, but in our case they really did go out of their way to make our holiday great, e.g. encouraging a shy 4 year old to join in at the club.


They have a Noddy tea at 5pm in the buffet with lots of child/toddler friendly food which was really good as well.


There were plenty of babies in pushchairs in the evening so it's not a problem at all to have them with you. We found the freedom dining worked best for us as we could get the kids settled then eat at whatever time suited, rather than having to rush.


If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask :)

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Thanks for the response and I hope you meant it about asking questions! I'm normally a planner anyway but with a baby it makes it really important that you do at least some. I have a few more questions:


Is drinking milk for the baby readily available?

Is there a fridge in the room and would it keep milk cold enough?

Did you have a cot in the room and did it take up a lot of the space?

Is there space to store the buggy at night when you're in the room? I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy a small umbrella buggy.


Sorry for so many questions but I've got a ton.

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Thanks for the response and I hope you meant it about asking questions! I'm normally a planner anyway but with a baby it makes it really important that you do at least some. I have a few more questions:


Is drinking milk for the baby readily available?

Is there a fridge in the room and would it keep milk cold enough?

Did you have a cot in the room and did it take up a lot of the space?

Is there space to store the buggy at night when you're in the room? I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy a small umbrella buggy.


Sorry for so many questions but I've got a ton.


Happy to answer anything I can!


My daughter was only 10 months so we were still using formula. However, it is easy to get milk at breakfast and it might be worth getting some and storing it. I think someone on the P&O community forum said you could put in a request to the cabin steward to leave some in your fridge each day (it is all UHT though).


The fridge is a good size (we had gin, water, beers and wine in there with no problem) and it does chill things properly.


We had a travel cot (do request in advance). How much space it takes up depends on cabin type. However, I think it fits easily in any cabin type.


It is worth investing in a Maclaren type pushchair. The wardrobe is big and open (it is opposite the bathroom) and there is bags of room for that type of pushchair to be stored when folded down. We just came into the cabin and left it behind the door.


If you want a bottle warmer you can request it.


In terms of taking nappies on board we just bought a box of pampers, stuck a label on it and had it delivered to the cabin rather than trying to stuff nappies in suitcases.


When are you off on Ventura?

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My daughter was 18 months when we were first on Ventura.


We also left our daughter in her pushchair to sleep in the night nursery instead of trying to settle her in a cot and the majority of evenings she was fine. We found putting towels over the front of her pushchair (the dark blue beach towels and walking up and down the corridors (they are long enough!) was enough to send her off to sleep. We then kept the towel over the front so she remained in the dark.


When you first meet your cabin steward let him know you have a baby and he will keep a carton milk in your fridge the whole week. Be aware though that the milk all over the ship is UHT rather than fresh even in the restaurant / buffet. I bought some for the couple of weeks before we went away and gave it to her so she was used to the taste and she was fine.


We were in a balcony cabin. We put the travel cot in the wardrobe area opposite the toilet for the first week then she decided she didn't like it so she moved in front of the balcony door. There was definitely enough room.


I would get an umbrella stroller as they doon't take up as much room. We have a Silver Cross Pop and there was enough room to store it.


You will be impressed at the facilities on board.

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good tip from looploo33 on putting a towel/blanket to cover the puschair. It does help as you tend to get a lot of well meaning people wanting to talk to baby on the way to night nursery - if the baby is covered they don't try and talk to them.

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good tip from looploo33 on putting a towel/blanket to cover the puschair. It does help as you tend to get a lot of well meaning people wanting to talk to baby on the way to night nursery - if the baby is covered they don't try and talk to them.


You had them as well!!


It also helps people to be quiet in the lift as they realise there is a sleeping baby! You see loads of pushchairs with towels over them!

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Thanks so much for all the advice and information. It's a good idea about the the towel - I wouldn't have thought of that. I didn't realise it was UHT milk but I will try the baby with it for a week or so before we leave to try and get her used to it.


The night nursery looks like a really good facility and I hope to use it but it's good to know that I won't look out of place with the buggy round the ship at night.


I'm currently coming up with my next round of questions!

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I've read about the children's tea being infiltrated by angry elderly cruisers, LOL!

Any experience of this?


Hello - I think you and I have private messaged on a different website and are on the same Azira cruise in August. You may have picked up on the children's tea being infiltrated from my review of Ventura last month. Indeed it does seem to be a problem for some cruisers that the kiddiewinkles might be getting something they aren't. Honestly, the moaning when some people were told it was reserved for children and their familes. We heard everything from "I've paid for this cruise and I'll do what I like and if I want to have the Noddy Tea I will", to "You have to let us in, we can't eat late as my wife is in a wheelchair and she won't be able to sleep if she eats her tea after 5.30pm" (not sure what the connection is between being in a wheelchair, eating after 5.30pm and not being able to sleep - but to be fair I'm not a doctor).


The buffet only closed for one hour per day (while Noddy Tea was on, and they prepared for the buffet dinner), and the pizzeria, grill and coffee shop were still open if people wanted to eat. The poor waitress having to act as bouncer on the Noddy Tea deserved a medal for the abuse she had to put up with from some people.


Funnily enough on the last evening when Noddy and Mr Bump came along to the tea party to have their picture taken with the children, nobody seemed to want to gatecrash then!


It's amusing when I look back on it, but at the time I was annoyed because people were rude to the staff on this issue which wasn't fair, and I can't really see why people really begrudged my small kids having their own meal time (especially as the same people will probably moan about them being in the main dining room).

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Hello - I think you and I have private messaged on a different website and are on the same Azira cruise in August. You may have picked up on the children's tea being infiltrated from my review of Ventura last month. Indeed it does seem to be a problem for some cruisers that the kiddiewinkles might be getting something they aren't. Honestly, the moaning when some people were told it was reserved for children and their familes. We heard everything from "I've paid for this cruise and I'll do what I like and if I want to have the Noddy Tea I will", to "You have to let us in, we can't eat late as my wife is in a wheelchair and she won't be able to sleep if she eats her tea after 5.30pm" (not sure what the connection is between being in a wheelchair, eating after 5.30pm and not being able to sleep - but to be fair I'm not a doctor).


The buffet only closed for one hour per day (while Noddy Tea was on, and they prepared for the buffet dinner), and the pizzeria, grill and coffee shop were still open if people wanted to eat. The poor waitress having to act as bouncer on the Noddy Tea deserved a medal for the abuse she had to put up with from some people.


Funnily enough on the last evening when Noddy and Mr Bump came along to the tea party to have their picture taken with the children, nobody seemed to want to gatecrash then!


It's amusing when I look back on it, but at the time I was annoyed because people were rude to the staff on this issue which wasn't fair, and I can't really see why people really begrudged my small kids having their own meal time (especially as the same people will probably moan about them being in the main dining room).


Yes we have, thought it must be you!! Glad to see it's not only me obsessed by cruises at the moment, LOL!

How strange to want to go to children's tea. You aren't the only one who's mentioned it so it seems like it might be a regular occurence. Was anyone actually allowed to eat?

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Yes we have, thought it must be you!! Glad to see it's not only me obsessed by cruises at the moment, LOL!

How strange to want to go to children's tea. You aren't the only one who's mentioned it so it seems like it might be a regular occurence. Was anyone actually allowed to eat?


Yes, one of the youth crew said it's a problem on all the ships that have family teas. Uhm, yes am getting a bit obssessed by cruises at the moment, partly because I am procrastinating about some work I need to get done. I knew I should have gone to the "Why we procrastinate and how to overcome it" lecture on Ventura last month. Somehow on the day I just couldn't be bothered :p


There aren't many people on any of the roll calls for our cruise - maybe it's too early?

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Yes, one of the youth crew said it's a problem on all the ships that have family teas. Uhm, yes am getting a bit obssessed by cruises at the moment, partly because I am procrastinating about some work I need to get done. I knew I should have gone to the "Why we procrastinate and how to overcome it" lecture on Ventura last month. Somehow on the day I just couldn't be bothered :p


There aren't many people on any of the roll calls for our cruise - maybe it's too early?


Yes I was thinking that. Unless the fact that they were selling cabins off at such a bargain price means nobody is sailing on her? I can't believe that on a school hols cruise. Ah well, we'll enjoy ourselves no matter what. Am having knee replacement surgery next week so am hoping I have recovered well by then and the other knee isn't playing up too badly - will have that done as soon as I get back.:(

Sorry OP we have gone right off topic!

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Yes I was thinking that. Unless the fact that they were selling cabins off at such a bargain price means nobody is sailing on her? I can't believe that on a school hols cruise. Ah well, we'll enjoy ourselves no matter what. Am having knee replacement surgery next week so am hoping I have recovered well by then and the other knee isn't playing up too badly - will have that done as soon as I get back.:(

Sorry OP we have gone right off topic!


Sounds like you'll need a holiday after surgey - hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Maybe it's because it is so close to kids going back to school. After saying my son wouldn't start school until January, we have just been told they are changing admission arrangements and he will be starting in September, the day after we get back from hols. Poor thing won't know what's hit him, straight from holiday to big school. He found it hard enough to go back to nursery after two weeks holiday.


Apologies to the OP also. Shall we take our conversation over to one of the roll calls and see if we can drum up some more numbers over the next couple of months. Happy for you to suggest which roll call (not sure if we are allowed to mention other sites on here, so may need to be code!)

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We experienced gatecrashers as well!


Also people who insisted on getting tea / coffee and sitting at the same area as Noddy's tea and then moaning that it was noisy and too many kids around. You really can't win!

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It is on every day around 5:15. they serve loads of things. Typical kids favourites fish fingers, nuggets, sausages, chips, mash, beans, they usually have a carvery type meat with veg, a pasta dish, sandwiches, puddings, fromage frais. They also do really nice cookies and muffins which we had with a nice cuppa whilst she ate her dinner!!

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It is on every day around 5:15. they serve loads of things. Typical kids favourites fish fingers, nuggets, sausages, chips, mash, beans, they usually have a carvery type meat with veg, a pasta dish, sandwiches, puddings, fromage frais. They also do really nice cookies and muffins which we had with a nice cuppa whilst she ate her dinner!!


Mmmmmmm, no wonder you had gatecrashers, LOL!!

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The children's tea is an excellent idea. Our daughter had a roast dinner almost every night. The only time she didn't she had a shepherds pie! There are lots of options and she never went hungry, children even enjoy the aspect of being able to serve themselves.


It provides a relaxed atmosphere for families to get their children fed and does mean come adult eating time the younger children can be tucked up in the night nursery.


I can't understand why you would gatecrash for the food - it's limited and far from the standard available in the restaurants!

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Well the beauty of it is that as a parent if your child decides they can't eat it all, you have to help them out. I mean you wouldn't want it going to waste would you :D


More than a few times my husband came back from getting my son's dinner with a few BBQ ribs, a samosa or spring roll on the plate. None of these things are items my son will eat, but it was done on the basis that "we should encourage him to try it". Did he want to try it? No! So poor daddy had to help him out.


My major embarrassment was looking round the other tables and seeing how successful all the other parents were in piling the veg and salad on their kids' plates. By the end of the second week my four year old had decided his staple diet at tea time was chips and grapes (with raw carrots if he was in the mood). The baby on the other hand wolfed down all the lovely casseroles, pasta and mashed potatoes

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Ah well, can't expect children to be perfect eaters. Actually I remember the nightmare of children's tea in a rather expensive hotel in Devon, and certain mums trying desperately to get their children to eat vegetables when it was obvious they wanted the chips!

My two will be in their element if there is roast dinner and shepherd's pie.:)

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Hi, I have read all your comments and thank you for being so helpful. I have a little boy who will have just turned 3 when we sail and was wondering if he will be allowed in the night nursery if he is still wearing pyjama pants for bed? (I dont think he will be out of nappies for bed by then) Also how many times during the cruise can you use the night nursery?

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