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Just back from the Dream 06/19/10


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On Wednesday we docked in St Marteen. It is an island that has two different county on it. You have the French side and the Dutch side. The ship docks on the Dutch side at a quaint little dock.



It is gated and locals cannot come and go without credentials. The French side capital Marigot is where the made Speed 2 Cruise Control. They actually build up the city and made it larger in order to destroy the port in the movie. They had build a trench so the ship never really left the water. Almost all of the island was destroyed in 1995 when hurricane luis came and stayed for two days. Most all the buildings are new. There is a ship in the port of Marigot that was destroyed in the hurricane still in the harbour it is used for snorkling these days. I had a tour with Benard tours scheduled. When I woke up it was pouring rain. I got a quick bite to eat and some coffee and returned to the room. The children decided they did not want to get off the boat so I went alone. I was already late before I got there because I tried to convince the children to go. I had a hard time finding Benard but when I did he stated I was late and the tour was gone.


He handed me a video about the island and told me to wait a minute about 5 minutes later he said lets go and we got in his taxi and went into Phillipsburg the dutch capital. He told me about the salt ponds and he spoke 5 languages and had gone to school in the states. All of a sudden he stopped in the middle of the road and stated that the oncoming vehicle was my bus. I got out and got on the bus and I saw mom2girls and abilenecruiser and their respective children on the bus. I was happy to know someone on the bus. We went driving in the hills and the driver told us a little history of the island. We stopped at several places to take pictures.




Chuck Norris House

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We continued to drive and then he stopped in a little cove and went into the water and produced 2 different kinds of sea urchins. The black one is the typical one we know and the white one he states they eat. He said it their natural ******. I took a few pictures there


and then when we got back on the bus we all got something to drink. Then he pulled out some of Benard's homemade rum punch. One other person and myself tried it it was good and strong. He continue to drive toward the beaches. Most were going to Orient beach but it is known for nudity so he stated he would take the families w/ children to La Gallen Beach. I decided to stay at La Gallen with my friends and their children. It was desserted and peaceful and I really enjoyed my time there. I rented a chair and an umbrella and enjoyed the beach.




Mom and Abilene's girls. They look so happy playing in the water.


We stayed a little while then the bus came back I heard one of the other people say there were nude people at Orient beach and the were not pretty nudes. I made the right choice to stay at the family beach. We took off towards Maho beach because an air France flight was due in 30 minutes. We hurried to the Sunset bar on maho beach. Tommorrow I will have video's of the planes. Have to go to sleep because I have work tommorrow. My holiday was Friday.

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Driver told us all about the history of the french side as we hurried to Maho Beach. The differences were striking.


We arrived at the Sunset bar just in time. A plane was scheduled to land in a few minutes. We waited and here came a plane over the beach.



I then remembered I had my DS camera I had bought him and it took HD video and he had put an HD memory card in it took video's of the planes. Here is the link:



The beach was beautiful and our guide said that it was dangerous to be on the beach when some planes landed or took off. He said sometimes people had to lay down on the beach to keep from getting hurt.



We had a wonderful time at the beach but all of a sudden we had a tremendous downpour and it was time to leave.


The driver had some more Rum Punch for us so all was well.

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We headed back to the ship. The Driver took us through the airport and stated it was the second busiest airport in the Carribbean After San Juan PR.



He continued with our tour and stated that all the casinos were on the Dutch side of the island and that they got our movies a day before we did in the states. Arrived back at the Port and as we got to the gate a guard got on the bus and made sure we all had our credentials(ship cards)before we could get into the port. I went into the shop at the port and bought some souveniers and some Guavaberry liquor. The say the pick the Guavaberries and put in rum and bury for 7 years for it to ferment.


The Oasis was parked beside us and I took some pictures.



She was big but I think the Dream was plenty big enough for me.


Went up to the room and my DS had not eaten yet so we went to the grill and got some hambugers and french fries. My other DS wanted us to play Minigolf so we did. Then we relaxed in lounge chairs on the upper deck and watched us sail away.

Later we went to dinner and a wonderful meal with the special soda treatment. After dinner we went to the ship store and looked around then up to our room for a little while. We had a big night ahead of us.

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Tonight was the big Mardi Gras party on the Lido deck. Everyone was there dancing, singing and catching beads, t-shirts and whatever the Entertainment staff had planned out. Our cruise director Todd sang again and a good time was had by all. Edy our drink waiter was working the party and made sure the kids had soda's. I had a few Miami vice which is a strawberry daqiuri and pina colada in the same glass (one side is red, one is white.) This became my favorite drink this week even though I have never favored a pina colada before. After the party I saw where there was a chocolate buffet in the buffet area.

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Thursday was a sea day and we woke early and had some breakfast. Watched the morning show on TV with Todd and James our Cruise Directors. The have call in show on sea days. My DS called and wanted to wish me a happy birthday because he forgot to turn something in to them earlier. They commented on the good save. They usually have an obscure trivia question that goes on for a long period of time and no one can answer. I tried to answer but was wrong. Someone finally answered. Then I went to the Ocean Plaza to play trivia. I won a medal. Then I waited around because Todd and James were hosting What's my Line.


Todd Above/ James Below.


It was fun and some people had very unusual jobs that no one could answer.



I really enjoyed playing games on the Ocean Plaza this week.


I had lunch at the salad bar so I did not have to stop playing games. My DS had something from the LANAI BBQ.

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That afternoon was the Second round of tHe Super Trivia Contest. I had asked Kelli Ann and her girls to join us. That was great because our friends from Tennessee did not show back up. Today we had the steal card and we stole a good Question from another group and rolled a 6 with that question. We also pulled a wild card and got to roll the die without answering a question. We did alright today but we still had a few bad rolls. I really donot think we have any chance of winning. Well tommorrow is another day. Later that day went to the marriage game in the Encore Lounge. Al Ernst the new comedian was on stage with Todd pretending he was a passenger that had taken a wrong turn.

He was very funny then and it made want to go see him that night. the marriage game was hilarious. The newlyweds had just gotten married two days ago in St Thomas. The winner was a couple who had been married over 40 years. They were fiesty and genuine. After that we went up to the room to get ready it was the second formal night.

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Got up early on Friday because I was in a hurry to meet my cruisecritic friends at the Radisson at the Port. Ate the continental breakfast and then headed out. We stopped at an outlet mall looking for a big and tall shop but could find none all day. When we got to Lake City Fla we saw a helicopter circling and it landed on the northbound 75 to pick up crash victims. My DS said he thought he saw bodybags.


Arrived in Cape Canaveral at about 3. I lucked out and my room was the first one on the side and near the pool and lobby. I loved the sleep number bed. We went to the pool and children went swimming. I found members of our group from their facebook photos. Everyone in our group was so nice.


Later a bunch of us went to dinner at Zachery's next to the hotel. I think a few meals got mixed up but I would not let my child say anything about not getting the correct dinner. After dinner we returned to the hotel and I got the T-shirts I had had made for everyone and gave to them. We all wore them when we set sail the next day.


Went to Walmart and was able to find dress pants and a dress shirt for my DS. We went back to hotel to get some sleep before we started a new day.

Great review Betsie! It looks like you and the boys had a great time! I see that you guys used the banner that I designed for the shirts! They turned out great! I can't wait to read more.:)

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Love the review. Thanks for posting the vidoes of the planes landing. It makes me want to go to St. Maarten just to watch the planes land.LOL Looks like everyone had a good time. Too bad your boys didn't go ashore tho. I bet they would've loved it. Were they sad they missed it?


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We continued to drive and then he stopped in a little cove and went into the water and produced 2 different kinds of sea urchins. The black one is the typical one we know and the white one he states they eat. He said it their natural ******. I took a few pictures there


and then when we got back on the bus we all got something to drink. Then he pulled out some of Benard's homemade rum punch. One other person and myself tried it it was good and strong. He continue to drive toward the beaches. Most were going to Orient beach but it is known for nudity so he stated he would take the families w/ children to La Gallen Beach. I decided to stay at La Gallen with my friends and their children. It was desserted and peaceful and I really enjoyed my time there. I rented a chair and an umbrella and enjoyed the beach.




Mom and Abilene's girls. They look so happy playing in the water.


We stayed a little while then the bus came back I heard one of the other people say there were nude people at Orient beach and the were not pretty nudes. I made the right choice to stay at the family beach. We took off towards Maho beach because an air France flight was due in 30 minutes. We hurried to the Sunset bar on maho beach. Tommorrow I will have video's of the planes. Have to go to sleep because I have work tommorrow. My holiday was Friday.

Wow! The pictures of the girls came out great! Thanks for taking them!

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Love the review. Thanks for posting the vidoes of the planes landing. It makes me want to go to St. Maarten just to watch the planes land.LOL Looks like everyone had a good time. Too bad your boys didn't go ashore tho. I bet they would've loved it. Were they sad they missed it?



Yes My youngest was so upset because he wanted to go on the trip because of a picture he had seen on here. I told him according to the itenirary I did not think we would be there very long so he decided he did not want to go. We spent more time there than I expected.

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Thursday night was the second formal night. I was wearing a simple black dress so I got dressed and ready to go but the children we arguing about everything while they were getting dressed. So I left and told them to meet me downstairs when they were ready. One showed up a few minutes later but one decided to take his own sweet time. While waiting I decided to have a portrait made so I was standing in line when one DS showed up and wanted his picture taken. I have some really nice pictures of myself and one of my sons. Dinner was delicious and we tipped everyone again. The service was wonderful and we had our soda's full the whole time we were eating dinner. We took each other picture at dinner as well as with the waiters.











After dinner we went to the late show in the lounge. It was the Motown Show and it was wonderful. The Singers and Dancers on the ship were terrific and enjoyed everyshow. After the show my eldest and I went to the midnight R rated show of Al Ernest. He was funny but not as funny as he was earlier. I heard he was one of Carnival's best and I am from Ga also and I like southern humor but this show was not the best I had seen. When we left we had to go through the Casino to get to our side of the ship. My youngest was sitting at the bar acting silly with the bartenders(those two were a silly pair) He was watching ESPN. I guess the bar in the casino doubles as the sports bar because there are a lot of TV's above the bar showing sports. Earlier this week he was sitting in the promanade waiting for us to get out of the show and a security guard physically moved him and threaten him because he was sitting too close to the Disco and might be able to see inside the door. He claimed the guard was mean and rude and shoved him down the hall till he was far enough away from the disco. He was not in the Disco he was sitting outside near the disco. My 14 year old is 6'2" 250 and he was in tears when I found him because the guard shoved him down the hall.

Played some slots grabbed the children and went to bed.

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Well here we are Friday the last seaday and last day on the ship. I wanted to make the most of it so I got up and left early. Went to the Lido and got some coffee. Put a bowl, spoon, cereal, banana and milk in my bag and headed down to the Ocean Plaza for the early morning Trivia. The first game was about general knowledge and i won. I finally won my ship on a stick. i guess they waited till the last day to pass out the ships. I had been winning medals all week.


Ate my breakfast and was reading the ship paper. Some one prints the daily news and leaves a stack near the coffee bar which is in the ocean plaza. The coffee bar had wonderful coffee and delicious milkshakes. My children found me and we played trivia again. This time my son and I decided to join forces so we could do better because during the week I missed what he knew and I knew what he missed. We won again but also tied with someone. I already had my ship on a stick so I let them have the ship and the girl Deila let me have her card. (oh by the way your were supposed to go up to the entertainment staff and convince them to let you have their trading card by telling them jokes, stories or such.) We next played win, lose and draw with another member of the staff Simon. I convinced him by showing him all my medals to get his card. I finally decided to try the pasta bar but when we went up there they were closed for a little while to clean up something. I had to get back for the last round of super trivia so I could not wait. We had some new friends join us today so our group was getting bigger. The last day we had the new question card. If we wanted a new question we could have it but it was a harder question. If you get it right you get triple point on your roll. We got our harder question right but only rolled a 3. We played 3 rounds as usual and then they determined the winner. We had several bad rolls all week so I knew we had not won. Well there were about 15 teams and they went from worst to first. I kept listening for our team name but never heard it. I could not believe it that we were one of the final two. We came in second and only lost by two points.(If we had only had a few better rolls.)


We all got medals and I talked another staff out of her card. I decided to try and get all of them today. We decided to go up to the room and freshen up before the afternoon adventures begin.


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I was just reading a different review for this same sailing by mom2girls titled A Dream worth waiting for: Dream review June 19, 2010 sailing There is a photo of her girls from the Past Guest Party and your boys are in the background. Just thought I'd let you know in case you wanna see it. Small world...

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I was just reading a different review for this same sailing by mom2girls titled A Dream worth waiting for: Dream review June 19, 2010 sailing There is a photo of her girls from the Past Guest Party and your boys are in the background. Just thought I'd let you know in case you wanna see it. Small world...

I saw it. My children look awful in that picture. I have several of her girls in my review. Mom Kelli-Ann was our group leader and I feel I became friends with her on the trip. My review of St Martin had pictures of her girls at the beach(my boys stayed back on the ship.)

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Well I need to finish this review because a new group of people have just returned from the Eastern tour with their reviews.

They were having a murder mystery in the lounge so we went and watched. It was funny and all the characters had a reason to kill the victim. They had picked a man out of the audience who was hilarious in his roll as French playboy whooing the elderly ladies. By a round of applause we did not pick the right killer. We left the mystery and went to the farewell party at the Burgundy lounge in the back of the ship.


The main band was playing and people were dancing.


The Free drinks were flowing and as soon as you finished one the waiters would place a new one in front of you.






When the party was winding down one waiter put his last 3 drinks in front of me to get rid of them. I got a little drunk at the party. We went back to the room to finish packing and to put our luggage outside the door before we went to dinner. The steward had left the zone tags on Thursday night and I had already filled them out. So I finished the packing while I was little ripped, just kept out what we would wear tommorrow and the tolietries. We but the bags outside and went to dinner. We had a nice leisurly dinner and said goodbye to all our dining room friends.


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