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Review of Conquest - June 27th thru July 4th


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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel


Once again, we slept in a little late at this POC since we didn’t have a planned excursion.

We were set to arrive in Cozumel at 10:00.


We were having breakfast on the Lido deck at 10:00 while the crowd got off. We headed to the exit around 10:30 and walked off the ship with a breeze.


I was so excited as I had been there 3 years ago and truly loved it! I went to Cancun last summer and could not compare to the beautiful water in Cozumel. Cozumel IMHO was far the best, hands down.


Right next to us, was the sister ship, Valor. Freedom of the Seas was docked as well.

They must have gotten in pretty early because both ships looked deserted.


I had not noticed that CCL would fly the country’s flag while we were docked there. I thought it was really cool to see the Mexican and the Quintana Roo flag flying high and sad that I missed flags for Jamaica and Cayman.




We docked in Puerta Maya. I assumed they had rebuilt it, but I was informed that we had docked in Punta Langosta last time. I loved Puerta Maya a whole lot better. The atmosphere was a whole lot better. It’s a little confusing when you first get off the ship as to where to go to actually get out of the terminal. Either there were no signs or we just didn’t see them to help guide us out.


Initially, my plans were to take the family to Chankanaab Park. And if we had time to spare and if the kids wanted to, we would try the Dolphin excursion there as well. I then figured, a taxi ride is going to cost $10-15 one way to the Park – so $20-30 round trip. For $45 we can rent a car and take the kids to see the entire island. We opted for a small car since we wanted (needed) a/c. While DH negotiated with Avis, I began chatting with a couple that were on the Valor.


Their itinerary was Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize, and Cozumel. They were not able to go to Belize due to TS Alex. What a bummer!


After waiting for what seemed like 30 min, our rental car finally arrived and we go off our merry way.


We drove by Chankanaab Park just to see where it was at and decided to go sightseeing first.


Our first stop was where my DH and I initially fell in love with Cozumel. I don’t know if it actually has a name, but I think it was called “Punta Sur Reef” it has a humungous rock in which you can climb and it feels like you are on top of the world overlooking the beautiful ocean. If you have the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it. After seeing my photos, you can’t miss it when you are on the island.












I must confess that I get pretty emotional here. 3 years ago, I stood on that very same rock and made a promise to one day be able to take my kids there. It took me 3 years, but I had finally fulfilled my dream! The kids on the other hand, where ready to hit the beach!!


Instead of heading back from where we came from, we continued back on the same path. We then turned (I think that’s your only option) to cut thru the Island and head back. We passed San Guervasio Ruins. We made the mistake of going there on our last trip. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty, if you like to see the ruins, but it was not our cup of tea. Plus it was HOT!!!! The heat and I don’t mix very well! By then my DS is getting cranky and bored of riding around in the car while all he wants to do is be on the beach!!!

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel - cont'd


We changed our mind and decided to go to “Carlos and Charlie’s” on San Francisco Reef. We had gone there on our previous trip and truly loved it and knew the kids would just love it too!


The atmosphere was wonderful as soon as you walked in!! Oh we were in paradise!!






Loved this sign (even though it had typos!)




Felt like yelling “Buenas!” when I saw this!






They told us to sit anywhere we liked, but then when we got a glimpse of the water, we were horrified!! I really wanted to break down in tears! All this time I had pumped it up so much and it was a major disappointment!! The water was mud-like and the shoreline was full of seaweed. There was no way the kids were going to be able to enjoy the water like that!


I asked the waiter if the water was now like that or what and he did explain that it was due to TS Alex and plus they had gotten really hard rain the previous night. So we decided to leave.


I was so upset; I forgot to take a picture of the water.

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


We then drove back to Chankanaab. By then we felt the clock was ticking because it was 1:00.

We arrive to Chankanaab and we start noticing that the black clouds start rolling in. I did ask some teenagers about the water and they said it was clean, but they did inform me that it’s a reef and not a regular beach where you can walk into. You have to jump and it’s a little deep. Since the park had signs posted everywhere that there was absolutely no refund due to bad weather, we decided to leave.


I was able to take some pictures before leaving though.






Amazed on the quantity of taxis available:




The gentleman working by the gate recommended “Playa Uvas” which was right next door. I didn’t hesitate at all since I had read many great reviews on Playa Uvas, so we headed over.

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


Playa Uvas was literally right next door




We paid $7/per adult and had a choice of either snorkeling equipment or a beverage.

The kids got in free and she still gave them a free beverage coupon. Once again, can’t beat the savings! We were going to spend $61 just to enter Chankanaab (yes, I forgot my coupons on the ship! No discount for me)


The place was deserted!! Out of 3 ships docked that day and there were a handful of families? WOW!




DS quickly headed straight to the water while we decided which lounge chairs to take. After settling in and taking a few photos, it started to rain!! DH and DS stayed in the water while DD and I hurried with our bags to the covered restaurant area.










I quickly ordered a margarita and a piña colada for DH and I with our coupons and the kids got cokes. Service was quick, but then again, it was just us and another family there at the time.


It started to pour a little harder, but DS still stayed out there. As long as there was no thunder, he was ok. He couldn’t get even more wet! J

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


DH ordered a delicious guacamole and Cocktel de Pescado (Mexican Fish Coctail) as appetizers and Ceviche with fish as his meal. I got the Cocktel de Camaron (Mexican Shrimp Coctail) while the kids shared a fried catfish. Hubby also got 2 coronas while we were there. Our total bill came out to $64. Everything was very delicious!!


We thought it was so cute how we got the lime decorated with our food!






We then went off to join DS in the water again. I had to go check up on him as he was not getting out of the water. I was afraid he would turn into a Merman!


The water was a whole lot better than “Carlos and Charlie’s” but looked a little dingy. I later realized it was from us kicking the sand around in it as we walked! There were so many fish around us! We spend so much time just snorkeling and looking at the beautiful fish!


These are to show how the water got with us moving around and how rocky it was:






DS then goes to say “I am definitely going to bring my kids here one day!”

That was just the Cherrie on top for me! I couldn’t have asked for more!

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


He was so excited for the shells he found!






It was pretty cool to swim along with the fish:










DH then comes to call us out of the water to tell us that they were about to close so that we had to leave. What?!?! It’s barely 3:30!!!


When I asked the cashier why they were closing (even though it was just us by then) she said that because the ship was set to leave at 4:00 and so they close around this time. I tried to explain that perhaps FOS and/or Valor leave at 4:00, but Conquest leaves at 6:00.


Regardless, we gathered our belongings and left Playa Uvas.

All in all, we had a fun relaxed afternoon!

Plus, it worked out better as we left early and had time to return the car and shop.

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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


We walked around the terminal and admired how beautifully decorated it was.








Of course we found another map showing where we were:




We were able to catch one of the FIFA World Cup games at “Fat Tuesday”. Atmosphere was great and they also had swings for the kids to enjoy the ocean view.





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Day 6 – Friday – Third POC- Cozumel – cont’d


After our shopping adventure, we called it an afternoon and headed back towards the ship.

Every morning before getting off, the cruise director would announce on the PA system to have our S&S card and ID when we got off. We never needed our ID’s in Jamaica or Cayman, but authorities were requesting our S&S card and ID’s to gain entrance. Not sure what happened if you didn’t have your id as we had ours.


We rushed to our room since it was so close to dinner time.

Dinner was ok, but not out of this world.

Tonight we skipped the show, but “Variety Showtime” (w/ Juggler Manuel Zuniga and Comedian Marc Rubben) was on that night. We went back to our room and relaxed a bit. We then headed to a bar in which the magician held his magic show.


He had pretty cool tricks up his sleeve!


Moments into his presentation, we had to call it a night.


This night we were greeted by a frog!



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Day 7 – Saturday – Last Day at Sea


We slept in once more – this was a true vacation as my husband says. He jokes with me that our Disney World trip last year was so hectic that he had to sleep with his shoes on because we got in so late and got up really early.


Had breakfast on the lido deck once more. This day was going to be a much needed relaxation day.


We finally saw the water slide open! DS was the only one to enjoy it though. We sat up on deck 11 while he went to enjoy it. I was really concerned if the slide ended up into the pool, but thankfully it did not.




Spent the majority of the afternoon up on deck 11. DD played on her Nintendo DS and DH watched movies on his portable DVD player. Eventually DS got tired of the slide and played on his PSP. It was great to take a nap worry free.


Soon the kids got bored and we decided to head back to the cabin. Once more, the kids played with their video games while DH napped. Lucky me got stuck packing back up. Since I had even brought the kitchen sink, it took me forever to finish!


I placed the fluorescent handkerchiefs on the luggage that I brought to be able to identify them easily and we were set to go!


Here is a photo to show what our cabin for 4-people was like:




After dinner we did our farewell walk around the ship. Shopped in the souvenir shop one last time. Surprisingly, the POC t-shirts were 2/$20 and magnets and/or keychains of our POC were 3/$5.




Went over to the photo shop to pick up our canvas portrait. Can’t recall if I had already mentioned this, but if I had, please forgive me. We purchased a 16x20 canvas family portrait taken on formal night. We got it for $59 and that included the original 8x10. Of course we saw other portraits and ended up spending more than expected.


We were back in our cabin by 8:00 to have the luggage out in the hallway by 8:30.

Six were set outside and 2 were kept to carry-off.


We skipped that night’s show, but later regretted it as I heard people rave on how good of a show it was. That night “Carnival Legends” was on.


Went around the shops just to window shop and got more ice cream. We were letting time pass until 10:00 to go up on the Lido deck to catch the featured movie on the big screen tv. We got to the Lido deck around 9:45 and got wonderful seats on deck 10. That night’s featured film was “G Force”. As tired as I was, DS asked me to stay until it was over.


As soon as the movie ended, we headed to our cabin to call it a night.


This night we were greeted by a sting ray! It brought back wonderful memories of our excurion in Sting Ray City!



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On our final day on the Conquest, we tried to sleep in as long as possible with no success. We could hear the CD on the PA system and people stomping in the hallway.


We were up and ready to leave the room by 8:30.

As we were walking down the hall, I noticed that several rooms were getting the carpet replaced as well.


We had breakfast on the Lido deck and it was so hard to find an available table as everyone was just hanging out while their numbers were called.


On this day, I felt like the hospitality had ended prematurely.

If there were any tables available, which were scarce, they were dirty. Usually they would be cleaned off as soon as the people would get up. I finally found an empty table, but no one seemed to take any interest in clearing it off. No worries, we just pushed the dirty plates onto another dirty table.


DS and I went to go get juice and both apple juice and lemonade were out. All I got was water out of both. I thought it was easy to dump the ice into the machine and refill the cup with a different kind of juice. A waiter came by and made a rude comment about ice being dumped in the machine. What was the big deal? The ice would melt and go down the drain. Since I was the culprit and got upset by his rude comment, I did reply to him that I was sorry, but perhaps if the machine was working properly, I wouldn’t have had to dump it out. I didn’t want to have to drink water! He began to change it and told me to get my drink elsewhere. Perhaps I should have just left 2 water filled cups there for them to clean up instead. :eek:


After breakfast, we went down to the Lobby and waited for our number to be called. We were number 25 and they were barely on 5. As I sat there and watched that all 1-5 were already off and they were just sitting there waiting for people to come from that number, but no one was, I went ahead and tried to get off. What’s the worst that can happen? I would be told to wait? We went thru without any questions.


Went straight to get our luggage. I freaked out when we couldn’t find 1 piece of luggage!! I was told to check other sections as other’s pick them up thinking it’s theirs and leave them anywhere. Sure enough, it was 2 sections further down. Thankfully I had those bright handkerchiefs to spot the luggage so easily.


I hurried over to get in line for a porter while DH stayed with our luggage. Line went rapidly and headed straight to the custom’s line. Noticed that the line to go thru customs is shorter and quicker if you go thru with a porter as opposed to carrying your own luggage off.


We were in our car and on I-45 by 10:00.


Arrived safely to Home Sweet Home and greeted by our two lovely dogs by 11:00!!! :D


Nothing like being home!


Only downside out of this wonderful week was arriving to a hot house!

Our a/c had gone out!! Thankfully our a/c tech was able to come out within an hour of calling him and was our hero even though it was a Sunday and 4th of July!!


I truly hope you have enjoyed my review of our trip on the Conquest as we had such a wonderful time!


Next cruise up – A “MAGIC”al Christmas in 2012 on the Magic!

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