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Booked Cruise now regretting it - advice please?


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I know I get sea sick but am seriously thinking about doing a cruise. From what I hear the stabilizers make motion limited and you don't usually feel like you're on a boat. I would definately get some of the stickers for behind your ear and gravol if you are worried. btw I also have been known to get sick in cars and on planes (and before I got glasses on the swings) so if you are good on other modes of transportation you should be fine.

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If you're not motion sick in cars or on other boats, then motion sickness shouldn't be high on your list of concerns. And while I agree that you should only go on a cruise if you WANT to go on a cruise, I have to say that we wanted to try one, but never thought we'd enjoy it as much as we did - and now all we do is look for more cruises to book.


So I don't agree that you should consider cancelling just because you think you may get seasick, when there's little reason to believe that will be a problem for you. I think you are more fearful of being on the ocean, and hopefully there will be plenty of things to occupy your time so that you won't have to give that so much of your attention. Not being the best swimmer in the world, and seeing the vastness of the ocean, I can understand that fear. But at the same time, I can sit and drift and dream, endlessly watching the beauty of that same vastness. I just try my best to not think about the worst case scenario.

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No definitely not motion sickness on anything else (although I cant read in cars as that makes me feel ill). Ive only been on boats for short periods of time (like the donhi in Maldives and Hurtigruten in Norway which was 5 hours or so) I must of done ferry crossings with my parents as a child and was fine on that.


I am scared of being sick as it all relates to my phobia and Im worrying the ship will cause that, but like everyone is saying there are stabilisers and things I can take to stop this (Id love to know more about the injection)


Im actually fine with the ocean and would much rather jump off and drown than be sick ha ha! I kid you not!


Anyway we are definitely going for it as Im not going to let this phobia run my life and stop me having the potential holiday of a lifetime.

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I wonder if the injection you are talking about is phenergren? It is used for nausea and vomiting, but not usually used unless the vomiting doesn't stop for a few hours. It's not for prevention. ( I think, ask your Dr) It also comes in pill or suppository form. It will knock you out. Ask your Dr for a script "just in case" I did, but didn't need it. Also consider asking a holistic Dr for an acupuncture seed. i got one and could actually ride in the back seat of the car.

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I took my first cruise a few months ago and we had one night and one day of pretty rough seas. I didn't get seasick per se - I just felt kind of drunk if that makes any sense. It's kind of the same feeling as when you have had too much to drink and when you walk you kind of lose a little of your equilibrium. My stomach was semi-queasy but I didn't feel the need to throw up or anything.


Bring some anti-nausea meds just to be on the safe side and if you have a day of rough seas you can take that if necessary. I wouldn't let it ruin my cruise though! Don't spend so much time worrying about the what-ifs that you can't enjoy yourself. :)

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What is your phobia exactly? That you will become seasick? I think it's kind of a "yes or no" answer. If you tend to be motion sick in cars and on boats, you may get seasick, and if you tend not to, you won't. The thing could be rolling all day long, and I don't feel the least bit nauseous, because I don't have that problem, thank goodness. Now, I suppose if it were caught in a horrible storm, that may change, but it would have to be a terrible one.

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My phobia is of actually vomiting, not just related to the sea, but bugs, food anything. Have been like it since a child. Have never suffered with motion sickness, (although the only time I feel ill is reading in a car) but I think my phobia worries me that if it gets rough or the boat moves then I will feel ill. Its not that I ever have just a fear that I will.


Am I likely to encounter very rough seas in barbados in Feb? I know nobody can say for sure but its not like Im in the atlantic. We only have 4 sea days in the whole 2 week trip :-)

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Am I likely to encounter very rough seas in barbados in Feb? I know nobody can say for sure but its not like Im in the atlantic.


Errrr, yes it is.:p

Barbados is in the Atlantic. Right on the edge, 'tis true, but it is the Atlantic.

It's only when you pass thro one of the chains of islands (in your case the windward islands, Grenada up to Martinique) that you pass into the Caribbean. Hence my earlier post that its only on that Barbados leg that you just might notice a tiny bit of movement.


Barbados has some fabulous safe beaches, sea-life, watersports on the west coast - same coast as the port, in Bridgetown - and that's where most of the hotels etc are.

But the windy south coast has a great reputation for windsurfing and such.

And the wild east coast is magnificent (the main district is "Scotland"), with great Atlantic rollers. The sea there is unsafe for swimming, even for experts.


But don't let that put you off - that's only cos of Barbados getting in the way of the ocean, you don't sail near the east coast.

More's the pity, it'd spice the cruise up a bit:)


Feb is absolutely the best time to go



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My daughter has motion sickeness and it is bad - she had absolutely no trouble on her cruise, and in fact, never even had to use her seasickness patches.


I think you will be fine :)


Things to worry about:

Steak or Pasta

Dancing or the comedians

swimming with the dolphins or laying on the beach

reading a book by the pool or watching the martini demonstration

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I get very motion sick, but I was on the Freedom of the Sea in Sept and never had any problems, the ships are just too big to really feel any motion with the little waves in the Caribbean. Now dinner time at the aft of the ship between Seattle and the inside passage is a completely different matter :( You will not have any problems unless you incounter a hurricane!

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Morning all,


I didnt realise Barbados was in the atlantic eeek ha ha! I thought we were just going all around the Caribbean! Did you say earlier John that the Barbados bit takes 6 -8 hours as I guess we leave on the Sat evening and we dont arrive into our next port until Monday. Will that whole journey be the atlantic bit? Im hoping its just when we leave on the Sat night and I can sleep through it!


I keep hearing of cruises that go eastern, western or southern caribbean. Which are we doing as looks like the seas vary greatly. Are we southern? Im also hoping as the ships brand new it will be well stabilised.


Its so nice to hear how everyone is in the main fine and even people with motion sickness. I think mine is just worry as I havent really been on many boats, apart from the last time in Norway which wasnt at sea anyway.


Its so great to hear all your stories too.


We are off to see the ship in dock in a few weeks as we are close to Southampton, just a shame we couldnt get booked on a tour!

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nooooo dont cancel.!!!!! If we all live by "what ifs" eg "what if I get sick" us adventurers would never do anything we want to do or go anywhere we want to go. If you want to go on a cruise then go....... Take seasick tablets half hr before you set sail and you will be fine!

I have been on a few boats/ships - some calm and others very rough - but have always taken a seasick tablet first - "just in case". And have never got sick! Dont deprive yourself of having a fantastic time - You probably wont even get rough seas where you are going and probably wont even get sick at all - but if you are worrried - just take a seasickness tablet before you sail on the first day and im sure you will enjoy the cruise!!!!:)

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Your cruise covers islands in the southern & eastern Caribbean - which is part of why its such an interesting & varied itinerary

- different influences. British, French, Dutch. Only spanish-influenced islands missing.

- different topography. Scrubby dry & barren to rainforest. Low-lying & quite featureless to volcanic & mountainous. Rocky shores to sandy beaches.

- different levels of development, from poor & simple fishing villages, sugar canes & spices, idyllic tropical beaches, simple shacks & very basic bars, to highly developed tourism, duty-free shopping centres, international hotels, McDonald's & KFC, & beaches with all the modern whistles & bells.


Check the maps - your first night will take you from Barbados into the Caribbean. 6 to 8 hours is as good as I can guess, depending on course & speed - then your first "day at sea" will be cruising the Caribbean to Aruba.

From Grenada back to Barbados is overnite, you'll probably dock at first light.


If the seas are as they usually are in Feb, the captain probably won't deploy the stabilisers - they simply won't be needed.


Lots of helpful folk have given cures for seasickness, but that just might inadvertently heighten your fears - this is the Caribbean in Feb, not Cape Horn in the middle of winter!!!


When you take a peek in Southampton, ask nicely at the dock gate, & I'm sure you won't have trouble accessing the quayside. If its Ocean Terminal (berth 46, via gate 4) you should be able to go up to the viewing lounge in the terminal.





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I understand now, LS78! You have a weak stomach - a hair trigger gag reflex, I imagine. Now I understand where you're coming from. Even I get a little woozy if I read in the car, and as I mentioned, I can handle all kinds of rolling seas, so I still wouldn't worry about the actual seasickness. Now that I know what your phobia really is, I don't believe you will encounter anything on a ship that you wouldn't encounter in everyday life. They're clean, the food's good, and as many have mentioned, the Caribbean in February should be relatively calm. Good luck!

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I have a little experience with this, as my brother lives in the Caribbean (lucky him!). Barbados in February will be as smooth as silk - it's not hurricane season, so you should have little to no trouble at all.


You will so enjoy the islands - they're gorgeous. Even a land-based vacation there is a treat, but a cruise will be sheer heaven. You won't regret going!

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If you can handle the Hurtigruten you can handle anything!!:) I get sick on ski boats, ferry boats, hydrofoils, glass bottom boats, coastal steamers etc. but NOT cruise ships. I usually get a midship on an cruise ship and take Meclazine. The worst shape I've ever been in was a car ferry between Newcastle, England and Stavanger Norway...I wanted to jump off the ship!!! We just returned from a 24 day cruise on the QM2....I even forgot to take my Meclazine for a few days...never felt much motion. I've even been in a category 3 hurricane on the North Sea on the Grand Princess....never sick for a moment but I took my Meclazine. My suggestion is not to worry, bring along meclazine or something like it and book a cabin midship on a lower deck. I've taken 20 cruises and as my husband says I get sick walking fast but not on a cruise ship!!!

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Afternoon all,


Good weekends I hope?


Thanks for the info John - sounds like we've booked a pretty good itinerary, and like you say this is the Caribbean and not Cape Horn :-) It will be lovely to get to see so many places


Granny DI - ha ha your post did make me laugh. I hope your right in that if Im ok on the Hurtigruten I will be fine on the Azura. Is Meclazine over the counter or from the docs?


Thanks everyone else for all your kind words and advice, it really has helped put my mind at ease.


Now I can start asking nice questions, what to pack, what to eat, what to do onboard etc etc. Funny as we never even researched ships and just went with P&O as my mum recommended them. Probably a good job or I would never of decided with all that choice.


Thanks again everyone, you've been a real help

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The purser's office sells Meclazine (in the old days they gave them away), I got my first Meclazine at a purser's office. Now my doctor writes a prescription for the number of days of the cruise. I took very little on the QM2.

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Sounds like a great trip!

I have a weak stomach, but I have never gotten sick on any cruise we've been on....Only one had rough seas, and that was due to a late season hurricane that we were trying to avoid...

I think you'll be fine...just relax and let yourself enjoy the trip with your partner!

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We have been on ten cruises (7 in the Caribbean) and I have been a little queasy once when we were skirting a hurricane. That was in 1984. My husband who does have a little trouble with amusement park rides has never had a problem for a moment. Cruise ships are so stable now that you will be amazed. I have never seen anyone violently ill on a cruise ship. These days you will see only a few with patches. I assume they know they have a tendency to be sensitive to the slightest motion. The vast majority of passengers have no problems and need no meds.


Get a patch if you are concerned and forget about it. This sounds like a fabulous itinerary! My guess is you will feel silly after the fact to have been so concerned and thankful that you didn't miss this great vacation!

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Sounds like most people are fine on cruises and its the minority that feel ill. Like you say Im sure i'll be fine and will have the most amazing experience. Ive no idea what to expect as never done anything like this but am actually starting to look forward to it now (we have our honeymoon to go to first before I get really excited!!)


Thanks everyone for helping to put my mind at ease, its so reassuring to hear everyone is fine!

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This is what I am wondering goose. I dont want to spend all my time worrying.


How about we find something else for you to worry about like......


Sleeping in and missing the wonderful breakfasts.

Not being able to decide between the Snorkel Adventure or the Submarine shore excursion.

One dessert or all of them?

What to pack, what to pack????

Dining room for lunch... or buffet.... or poolside grill?

Bottle of wine or glass? (Or bucket of beer...)

Party till the wee hours or get enough rest?


Anyone else want to chime in??????


That is a great worry list....

You should definitely not be worried about getting sick. It should be the last thing on your mind. There are medicines as other people have said that you can take. I have never had motion sickness, but I always take a tube of dramamine pills from Walmart each time just in case. If you don't get motion sickness on planes, trains, cars, etc. then you probably won't get it on the ship unless you have very rough seas. I have had some rough seas in the past in the Caribbean and on one of the cruises, many of the staff weren't feeling well one of the days, but that is so rare. I have not been on that itinerary you are on other than I have been to St. Maarten. High winds that day, but the seas didn't seem so bad. I just took my fiancee on her first cruise and she did end up taking a few dramamines and after that, no issues whatsoever. The main thing is that if you start feeling the least bit queasy, get the dramamine or the shot from the ship's doctor immediately and that will probably take care of you. As others have said, it is impossible to predict, but I would say most cruises have very calm seas the majority of the time and unless you really focus on the moving since you are a ship, you won't even know you aren't on land. Now, of course, I do feel the rocking motion a few days once I am back on U.S. soil and usually that doesn't matter if I have had calm seas or not.


Go on the vacation...leave the worrying alone and enjoy yourself...sounds like a fantastic itinerary.



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Operafan- It seems I keep talking about sea sickness today. I have cruised for 17 years and I can get very sick, easily. Get the doctor to give you trans derm scope patches. They come in a box of 4, and don't use too many. The first year I thought the more the better, NOT! It says change every 3 days. I only change when I can tell I need to, 7 days for me. When I shower I take it off, behind my ear and lay it upright. After, I dry hair, etc. I put it back on. It looks like a round bandaid. Don't use lotion or anything there. YOU WILLNOT GET SICK WITH ONE. I haven't ever heard of someone getting sick with them. You will see a lot of people with them on. Yes, it can rock anytime you go. It could be rocking one day and perfectly calm the next. The sea, you never know. You can buy sea bands in any store, Walmart,etc. THey are in the health and beauty aids dept. It is just a pressure point on your wrist and they do help a lot. Get the patches, they use them for cancer patients and they will work. You will have a wonderful time and probably hooked for life. It is like leaving reality and you won't want to come home. There are many cruise deals out there. Do your research and read these boards. This is a great place for info. Read reviews, you will learn a lot. Get a good ship, it makes all the difference. Before your final payment is due if the price drops with the cruise line itself you can call for a credit. Check everyday, it can mount up and you can do it more than once. There is just so much to do, you will have a ball. I didn't finish reading, did you say what cruise and ship. Everyone has their own opinion of ships and lines. Some are better than others. :D:D


Happy Cruising,


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