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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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NKpeeps, Thanks. I'll look forward to hearing about all the cool things that happened, and how the two of you burned up the latin dance floor . I think I'll sign us up for the next one in November. Hopefully we will both be in excellent health and the weather will be beautiful. Let's hope:) . Have a great time!



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Waiting, waiting and waiting......


So tell me guys, all you Catskills dancers, was it not so much fun???? Did you not love the latin dancing, and between dinner, pushing your chair away and dancing between cources?? I NEED a report!!!


SILVER.... a few lessons will do it!!... Ya know Nick and I have been dancing for more years then I willl admit, but nothing compares to just dancing on a cruise with your other half..... just have fun with it..... We always do.....

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We started dance class again last night as Susan felt recovered enough to try it. This week and next we're demonstrating for Ole Lance with the new basic class (7-8). He always starts with Fox Trot, and moves on to East Coast Swing, Waltz and Rumba. They are 6 wk sessions and are repeated as often as you can stand him. He will teach Cha Cha if everyone advances fast enough. When he feels you are good enough he allows you to move to the next class (8-9). It is for the advanced dancers and he works with you on whatever you would like that night, usually Tango, Samba, and others, with different steps for different couples, a silver for one, a gold for another. We are part of the late class but like to come early and practice, then learn something new later. We'll help when his regular demos are out of town.

Lance welcomed us back as long time targets of abuse who at times show glimmers of ability. He was in rare form with the newbies, "Sir? Sir", Is that her arm or a pump handle, are you getting water yet?" "Honey you have to finish the box or he'll step all over you!"

Susan was hurting a little so we just visited with our dance friends and went home. Truth be known, I think we missed the ole curmudgeon.

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our dance instructor, Sahra, fell .. while roller blading last weekend.... she was in pain throughout her body... don't know if she's going to the comp this weekend..

hubby asked to start the Viennese Waltz... don't think we are ready for it ... but she started us on an exercise to begin the steps.


Fall is starting to set in now... leaves are just beginning to turn color..though it is still quite warm up here. we will soon be having the last of our vegetable garden...

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Hello Everyone! So wonderful to find this thread.. It's like coming home after a very long time!>

I too love to dance.. had lessons when I was younger... tho due to head injury don't remember them very well. .. but I do remember loving to dance. I started going to Zydeco events where they usually have free dance lessons before each dance. Just my pocketbook style!

And there is a Zydeco Dance Cruise.. this year its on the NCL SUN now sailing out of Houston TX.. November 6th,2005! and they are offering dance lessons on board as well. ONce you pay for the dance package.. lessons come with it! Zowie!

I still have some trouble with some over hand movements and turning and tho I tire a bit more easier I surely do enjoy what I can when I can.. I do try! The choice of sitting in a wheel chair was not one I had in mind and I feel really blessed that so far.. God keeps me inches away from that so far.

I am very encouraged by your words and thoughts and will now embark on a quest for lessons in ball room ... somewhere.. and hopefully as inexpensively as stated in some of these posts. I just want to say Thank you to each and every one of you on this thread for the courage, the joy and the peace of soul you have each shared here! very Kewl!

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Wow we are getting the "Full Monte", every dance you can imagine. I guess Conjunto is next. Welcome ZydeDiverDC, although you must be the only Zydeco dancer in New England. Next to Louisiana, Southeast Texas has the most Zydeco on the planet. I remember it fondly, watching it at Randol's in Layfayette. You really must be looking forward to your cruise.


Southeast Texas is having Mid 90s with no rain for the next week. I remember fall last year, it fell on a Thursday in November, but I had to work, so I missed it! No veggies, but lemons and Kumquats are beginning to ripen. I would love to see New England now, with the fall leaves and the pumpkin people.


We have our Two Left Feet Club dance tonight (ballroom), a Luau theme, so I'll report back on how that went. We do have a very good wood floor at this club, and some excellent dancers.

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We're into our second week of instruction, the beginner's class has about 12 couples and advanced has 6. Almost everyone in the beginner's class is doing well. We started teaching the tango last night and it was a hit. :)


The advanced class is learning a new step to each dance every week and how to smooth out the steps already taught. The beginners are going through drills to teach muscle and memory retention. We have some younger students who insist on wearing sneakers to class, although the instructor told them last week that they are impossible to slide through the steps in, they wore them again this week. Oh well...


GCurry, I wish we had your Lance, I love how he tells it like it is!

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Ok, I don't have a clue what Zydeco Dance is.... Please explain!! :confused: :confused:

Welcome ZydediverDC..... a fellow New Englander.... a native perhaps??? I was born in Concord, MA... a rebel at heart... :)


GCurry: glad your partner is getting back in the swing of dancing!! Hopefully, y"all will be 100% by the time of your cruise!!


We've got friends who live on the CT shore who are now signing up for dance lessons... they are tired of us showing them up on the dance floor.... we are always happy to impress "someone.... anyone""!!!!! :rolleyes: :D

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Thank you for your gracious welcome, GCurry!!

"although you must be the only Zydeco dancer in New England."

Not quite.. Zydeco is huge up north and there are several festivals that draw thousands to the CT, RI and NY!! <Strawberry Pk n Moodus in CT; Ninigret in RI; Grey Fox/Winter Hawk in NY> Zydeco is big in the Netherlands and France! And is even reaching Japan. http://users.erols.com/ghayman/festivals.favorites.frame.htm

I started out following KLezmer and found my way to Cajun, and Contra and then off to Zydeco. Tho I missed out on meeting Beau Jocques. < fav song.. "Just One Kiss" >{ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005N8YB/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/002-8259833-3600034?v=glance&s=music at the bottom of the page is a listen to section.. Let me know what you think> . I have met Nathan Williams, Chris Ardoin, Brian Jack, Lil Malcolm, Sean and Dexter Ardoin, Geno Delafose, Steve Riley and many many others who have graced our presence up here! and took lots of pix! aAiiiee < http://community.webshots.com/user/dcszydecolol > < http://community.webshots.com/user/dcspixies >

Tho as a small child my family once lived in NOLA my recollections are mostly of Gospel music. I got to go back and visit last Nov and this spring over to Breaux Bridge. .. and I met the neatest people! Soo as to your question: " You really must be looking forward to your cruise." Yes.. I am really looking forward to the cruise, to the music and dance but mostly to all the neato people I have met connected with this music venue.. So very earnest in their desire to share the culture and joy of this dance! When Katrina hit .. she hit my heart.. along with millions of hearts. Coming to Houston was at first sad. Tho the people so far that I have met .. have brought my heart back up and hope is back too! So now I look forward to meeting ... Houston!


We have had non stop heat and sunshine.. this week we finally had some rain, so I can relate. It is not the North that I remember with full snowey winter, brusk fall days and rainy spring nights. .. the weather is much milder. As to your wish.." I would love to see New England now, with the fall leaves and the pumpkin people." when next I get out to a fall festival .. I will post a "pumpkin people" picture for you!!

"Two Left Feet Club dance tonight (ballroom), a Luau theme, " sounds like a blast! zowie.. I would so fit in there!! ha! a great combination of the syle of clothes I prefer and my manner of walking.. love it!

Thank you GCurry!

for the smile!

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Hello TropicalSunset! Thank you as well for your gracious welcome!! Geez, now I am so certain i want to find a way to a ballroom and learn. You people are way Kewl!

No, I am not a Native.. New Englander .. tho I have lived in various states up north. My family was one of the Military lifestyle and when I left home.. boo hoo. I found it my home for a bit. I have lived in Maine, New Hampshire, RI, MAss, NY, Kentuckey, Tenn, OK, FL, TX, CO, Montana, CA and Wisconsin. But the Longest stay was MAss. Tho I do so like the greenery of the north.. I miss the open spaces of the west and the ocean of CA/ FL. .. geez my chance of finding all that in one place.. glad to meet a fellow "rebel" Yahoo!

Zydeco has roots in blues, cajun and a variety of influences. It is an eight beat count.. fast slow or in between. It is a partner dance-- so-- the nice thing is having a very sweet person graciously hold you in respect. I think its quite sexy too! like the Latin dances. It has verve and energy and joy! Depending how much time you invest in learning alternative dance steps.. it is a blast. Michael Seider, one of my fav dance instructors of video, dvd.. is a very easy going fella that makes learning fun!

So on this cruise we will have Geno Delafose and Steve Riley ~ live !! to dance to.. and hopefully, while in the Houston area, we can find some zydeco to visit!:eek:

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Zyde: let me know if there is a festival coming up in the area... we would love to check it out.... do they give lessons...

It looks real fun!! Is it easy to pick up.... ???


only thing about having dance on Monday nites... is we always get messed up with the holidays... we are still trying to do one week a private class the following week the group class on Thursday nites.... If we miss we get charged so I feel we are constantly calling up to confirm our schedule....

Just when we are getting comfortable with one dance ... she has us go back to something we haven't worked on in a while... I'm thinking we better practice our waltz again... its probably pretty rusty!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Hope everyone is having a great weekend and finds an excuse to go DAncing!!



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This is interesting Zy


What is the purpose of the square on the dance floor that I saw in your pictures?


Years ago I went to a cajuan dance in RI with some friends. I was able to pick it up real quick, as a ballroom dancers. Seems to me you should also be able to pickup ballroom dance quickly.

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Hello Tropical Sunset!

A festival in your area.. I am sorry, it escapes me.. just what area do you claim fame in? In other words, how far would you travel!?? Most zydes will travel from one coast to another and back again for some of the most fun festivals! Course .. budget allowing.. you pick the ones you can get to as well!> let me know and I will send you a list ! Your 7 year anniversary.. Zowza! fabulous ..sending all my best wishes for great health... safety.. peace and passion!!

SmoothDancer.. of which picture do you refer to?? send link. will review and respond asap! A cajun dance in RI?? was that at the Trinity Hall? I used to go there all the time to hear Magnolia play! such a superior band.. Jesse Lege too! I have some difficulties with the dance as I cannot lift my arms over my head.. but all in all its a blast and so glad you joined in and found Nirvana Louisianna-style!! as they say.. You're a better man<woman> than I, GungaDin!! ha! :)

and along with all the others, do hope if you did compete.. that you did wonderful!.. whether you won or not.. I hope the dance lifted your hearts and made the world go away!!

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How was the weekend, tell us all about it?! I'm still smarting from not being able to go:(, but I've emailed my registration for November and I hope there is still room for us.

DH is doing a better, they determined the cause of the infection and have started new antibiotics. I think he'll be coming home by the end of the week, but will still require antibiotics for up to 3-4 weeks. They've done a terrific job at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center so hopefully he will gain his strength back soon and we can get to dancing again.:)



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Hi Dreams and everyone else. We just returned from the Catskils weekend, and it was great. This was our 5th one and we always have fun. Our cost was $350 per person not counting our travel. That included choosing from over 60 dance lessons. a wonderful show each night, a cocktail party each night, all our meals , and the room. There was also open dancing during the day if you didnt want to take a lesson. There was a room for Latin and a Ballroom. In the evening they added a room for Swing and Hustle and one for Tango. There were a few new classes, One for leading and following , and another for lifts and drops and dips. The only thing to spend money on was dance shoes, jewelry or CDs

Most of the 900 people there were from the NYC area, but there were some from Canada and a group from California also. Our Chicago group had 55. Everyone was friendly, and there to dance with anyone who wanted to.

There were about 20 dance hosts for the single ladies, and there were 4 dance floors set up in the dinning room so you could dance during lunch and dinner. Most instructors rotated partners, but didnt force anyone to rotate. The resort is only about a 2 and a half star place. It must have really been something in the 50s. It is being updated slowly, but still looks a bit worn. They had a sign that said that president Johnson slept there in 1966.

The next one is the weekend before Thanksgiving at Kustners resort. Its is very similar. Stardust dance puts these on , but I dont know if they have a web site. We have never noticed one . We have some extra program schedules. If any one wants one , send us an E-mail. Glad to hear that your husband is doing better Linda. The mountain air in the Catskils will do him good.


Eric and Nancy

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Hello all. Just wondering if anybody can help me. I have a friend flying from OZ to NYC next week for 3 days prior to their going on a cruise from Florida. She is going to try and get a new ballgown made while there. Can you give me any addresses in NYC where she can go and get something really nice made with only a few days notice. She is quite well off financially so money is no object (within reason of course) :-) Gayle

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LOL... I got a great deal of enjoyment from heaing the news from the Catskills.... I have to agree, the hotels are 2 star at best..., but if you can get beyond that, which is not all that easy, the week-end is great fun!!.....

Ya know ,every time we have gone to the Catskills, I am always so fustrated that I was born to late..... I know there was a time that the Nevelle was great, still I think we all just missed it!!!....


Hey Z....

I was looking at your pictues you posted, of your cruise... Did I not have tons of fun looking at your Webshot pictures.... The pictures had these squares, and I did not get it.... I thought perhaps that you danced in the squares... Sorry, dont know this type of dance..... stupid questions, I guess...


Tropical.... Yup we were at the comp this week-end.... Did not see Sarah, hope she is OK..... After not dancing for 3 weeks, we did OK..... Late Sat night we went to the comp, to dance on Sunday AM..... Cool thing happened.... We went to the Westin, and we have miles with them... So we checked in at the desk..... They upgraded us to a suite...... Damn, I could not find my husband the room was so big..... Was fun!!.....


Mumsie, This is unreasonable...... A gown cannot be made in a week-end.... The stone work alone will take 3-4 weeks.... Need a couple of fitttings... Encourage your friend not to push it.... Tell her to do the fittings, draw a design, and then wait for it to be made right... These gowns are much to costly to do it in a week-end... She will end up with garbage, at a high price..

FYI, the best gown designers are not in NYC, but FLA....


OK. ... Gone on long enough.....



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"your Webshot pictures.... The pictures had these squares, and I did not get it.... " send link to the pix of your questions to me and I will give you your answer. There is no dancing in a square, tho Zydeco in not a moving dance as such like a waltz. link to dance lessons: http://www.sandiegofestival.com/ http://www.sandiegofestival.com/gbb_2003.wma there is movement within a resonable area. http://zydecoach.com/video.htm#video shows more advanced movements .

geez it was tough trying to find some dancing on vid.. Hope this helps. Its mainly a promo for the festival showing the food, the culture, the bands, the crowds, the children.. but in between is some dancing.~~

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Thanks Smoothdancer. She just wants the dress - we always do our own stoning :-) She is also a nice slender type so fitting usually isn't a problem. We have been having some problems here - our teacher usually makes her dresses but Elizabeth is a bit set in her ways. She makes beautiful gowns but if you want something a bit different she gets in a tizz and she is very busy at the moment making about 8 gowns plus teaching full time so she is burning the candles at both ends trying to get it all done in time for 'The Australians' in December. Where in FLA would she go. I know she will be in the US for a couple of weeks both before and after her cruise. Thanks Gayle

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nkpeeps thanks for the Catskils update. I sure did miss going, but DH came home today and he will be on antibiotics for 6 weeks not the 3-4 we were told earlier. Too bad about the venues quality, but I think I could get over it as long as its clean and the dancing and music is great. I forgot about the entertainment, was it professional dancers or other type acts? Glad you guys had a great time.



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thanks Smoothdancer. Have sent her the link. She is on her way to Sydney to dance in the South Pacifics which start tomorrow. We only have 3 couples going this time plus our teachers who are both judging. Its one of our 4 major comps of the year. Gayle

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