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Anybody want start with me today 7/16


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I need to lose a lot of weight, and I intended on starting WW back in March..Well here it is July...and have not done it :(

Ive done it at least 8 times over the years, so its not new. I just like the accountability.


I had bouts of illness IBS(new to me)and now chronic daily headaches, and sometimes its just hard to do the right thing eating and exercising wise.

The dr put me on a new prevenative for chronic headaches, and said no more MOTRIN and EXCEDRIN..so its hard to want to exercise with a chronic dull pain.


BUT..today, as soon as I am done here, I am going to go get myself dressed and outside for a walk. I use to walk almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. Since I ha ve 4 dogs, It was great to get all the dogs out for a walk and yet get exericse.


Does anybody want to be my exercise buddy and help me with this all..

Oh by the way we are cruising Aug 28 2010....I fell so far from my goal..I hate myself for it..

Today is a new day..and countdown to being healthy..


Anybody want to help me along the way??PLEASE

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Hi Jackie -


Ever since having my daughter almost 22 years ago now (can't use her as an excuse anymore, can I?).... I've struggled with my weight. My metabolism flew out the door and I packed on the lbs. My goal is to loose 30 lbs by 5/22/11 (next cruise date!). I know it's not good to have a set date in mind, or an "event" to diet for - but it's my motivator - and I'll take any motivation I can get!!


I'm jealous you are cruising so soon - but, don't beat yourself up over it - you took the first step in the right direction. Even a few lbs before then will be BONUS! :D


I also have 2 dogs (totally a dog person and love mine to death!). Unfortunately, I can relate with your health delima - I have to have knee surgery next month, so my walking days (I used to walk every day too) have been spoiled until I get thru the surgery and recovery. So - I know where you're coming from there! I'm trying to loose just on diet now - goal is to "Eat Less/Drink More"... (no not coctails!) but that dreaded water I never seem to drink enough of!


I'll be a shoulder you can lean on any day. I'm on her M-F... Sound ok to you?! :)

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Hi Jackie -


Ever since having my daughter almost 22 years ago now (can't use her as an excuse anymore, can I?).... I've struggled with my weight. My metabolism flew out the door and I packed on the lbs. My goal is to loose 30 lbs by 5/22/11 (next cruise date!). I know it's not good to have a set date in mind, or an "event" to diet for - but it's my motivator - and I'll take any motivation I can get!!


I'm jealous you are cruising so soon - but, don't beat yourself up over it - you took the first step in the right direction. Even a few lbs before then will be BONUS! :D


I also have 2 dogs (totally a dog person and love mine to death!). Unfortunately, I can relate with your health delima - I have to have knee surgery next month, so my walking days (I used to walk every day too) have been spoiled until I get thru the surgery and recovery. So - I know where you're coming from there! I'm trying to loose just on diet now - goal is to "Eat Less/Drink More"... (no not coctails!) but that dreaded water I never seem to drink enough of!


I'll be a shoulder you can lean on any day. I'm on her M-F... Sound ok to you?! :)


Oh thank you so much for responding :)


OUCH to your knee surgery. I know you cant walk, can you do pool things?

I did end up walking this morning, not with the dogs though, it was getting hot out. I had to go to the bank, and normally I would drive. The bank is less then an mile away. It took me 18 minutes to walk there, waited in line for 10 and another 18 to walk home LOL..so that was an easy way to get some exercise and do errand all at same time.


I am trying reflexology next week for first time..maybe it will help with chronic daily headaches.I just want to feel better to get on with my life and to be healthy again.


WHat kind of dogs do you have?

I own 3 dogs, and have a foster dog.I volunteer with an all breeds doggie rescue and always keep an extra aound until adopted. Plus I dog sit for people who go out of town..so we are ALL about dogs in this family.


Well we booked this cruise almost a year ago ,so its a long time coming

and of course by now I had in mind I would of lost weight and kept up with my exericse and all..

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My name is Tami, by the way... I live in FL (so, yes on the pool thing). I try to swim every night - but after surger, I'll have to be out of it for a month (doctor's orders). It's not a bad knee surgery (scope) so I should be better soon. Hope your reflexology works out! Let me know how that goes (not quite sure what it is though :confused:).


I have a Lhasa Apso (my 10-year old little buddy - Chance) and I have a rescue dog that I got 2 years ago who is a Tibetan Terrier/Poodle mix (Lucky - my sweetheart!!). Dogs are what we are all about too. I have a daughter graduating college in Dec - so since she moved away to go to school and will be staying there - my dogs have been my salvation. Very close to my daughter and that was a VERY hard transition for me! How nice you foster dogs! You are definately my kind of people :D.


Where are you cruising? What ship? Good for you that you get to take a nice summer vacation! We have cruised 2x before (on RCL) and now, this is my first Carnival experience. My sister (her two grown daughers) and me are going on a 7-day Western on the Liberty next May. This is their first time - so it's so cute to see them get so excited this early! (hey, not that I'm not!). Leaving DH home for this one... "SISTA'S" cruise this time!


Again, don't beat yourself up - I've done that a million times, and believe me - you don't burn any calories doing that! :p Just take baby steps (like you did today!) and you will get there. It took me YEARS to get this way - I can't expect to reverse all that dessert (have an AWFUL sweet tooth!) in 1 month. Keep strong on your diet - then let yourself enjoy your cruise, and I'll be here waiting when you get back....


Later Jackie.

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My name is Tami, by the way... I live in FL (so, yes on the pool thing). I try to swim every night - but after surger, I'll have to be out of it for a month (doctor's orders). It's not a bad knee surgery (scope) so I should be better soon. Hope your reflexology works out! Let me know how that goes (not quite sure what it is though :confused:).


I have a Lhasa Apso (my 10-year old little buddy - Chance) and I have a rescue dog that I got 2 years ago who is a Tibetan Terrier/Poodle mix (Lucky - my sweetheart!!). Dogs are what we are all about too. I have a daughter graduating college in Dec - so since she moved away to go to school and will be staying there - my dogs have been my salvation. Very close to my daughter and that was a VERY hard transition for me! How nice you foster dogs! You are definately my kind of people :D.


Where are you cruising? What ship? Good for you that you get to take a nice summer vacation! We have cruised 2x before (on RCL) and now, this is my first Carnival experience. My sister (her two grown daughers) and me are going on a 7-day Western on the Liberty next May. This is their first time - so it's so cute to see them get so excited this early! (hey, not that I'm not!). Leaving DH home for this one... "SISTA'S" cruise this time!


Again, don't beat yourself up - I've done that a million times, and believe me - you don't burn any calories doing that! :p Just take baby steps (like you did today!) and you will get there. It took me YEARS to get this way - I can't expect to reverse all that dessert (have an AWFUL sweet tooth!) in 1 month. Keep strong on your diet - then let yourself enjoy your cruise, and I'll be here waiting when you get back....


Later Jackie.


Hi Tami

What part of Florida are you in? My parents live in Florida. They live outside Ft Lauderdale.


Hey, we are going on the Carnival Liberty Aug 28, the Western Caribbean as well. This will be our 2nd Carnival cruise, we have cruised twice on RCCL. Honestly, I prefer RCCL, but for the price, you just cant beat Carnival.


We cruise with our 3 kids. We only vacation once a year, so where we go, they go. My kids son will be 16 in August, my daughter will be 11 tomorrow, and my youngest daughter will be 6 in August.


I have big dogs. I have a golden retriever who is 11, a yellow lab mix who is 7 and a black and tan coonhound who is 7. The coonhound was a foster for 2 yrs, and we ended up keeping her..Really how could we let her go after that long? Its hard to let them go even after 2 weeks, but 2 yrs ,no way :)


What kind of work do u do? I dont have a real job, but I do make money dogsitting out of my house. The business has been pretty steady for me this summer, which helps out with all the extras around here. I have customers who call me first, to make sure I am in town before making their reservations. Right now, I have 8 dogs at my house, crazy I know;)


Tomorrow, I dont know how much exercise I will get as I will be at a water park tomorrow which is called OCean breeze.. If nothing else, I will be working on my tan :)

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Hi Jackie, can I pile on as another person to be in the accountable group? I've managed to lose the first 20 pounds pretty easily, but I still have another 40-50 to go. I used to have chronic pain and headaches and bellyaches and ... and ... (x5,000,000 it seemed). Most of that is gone now, though occasionally I get bouts of it.


I need to swim, because I have found that the flutter kick is really hard for me to do right now - I guess those were the last muscles to recover after breaking my leg last year. Will you help keep me accountable to swimming 3x a week and hiking with the dogs 3x a week? Do you have any particular thing you want to be accountable to, or just encouragement to get out there and walk?


Hope you had fun at the water park!


Tami - any particular support I can give to you?



(Sorry, I'm weird about putting names and stuff out there. I feel more open discussing mundane details of my life with a silly username and initial.)

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Hi Jackie - hope you had a nice w/e and a nice time at the water park? Sounds fun! I had a house full of company (they leave on Friday), then my DD and her puppy is coming home for the w/e (yeah!). I have a total of 4 kids. Three of them are from my husband's first marriage... First son is 31 (and gave us our first grandson! - what FUN!)... Second son is going to be 30 in Nov. and I have a daughter who is 24, and of course - our daughter who is 21. Sounds like you have a housefull of kids and dogs... There has to be a lot of fun and love in that chaos! :) (Believe me, I know of what I speak!)...


I live on the other coast near Ft. Myers - work at the airport there. Where do you live? I did the stay-at-home thing when DD was younger, but took on kids (dogs probably would have been easier, come to think of it!). I have a wonderful pet sitter too and I do the same thing! Make sure she can sit before I commit to something. You have know idea how valued you are!! There is nothing like taking a trip and knowing that someone will not only care for your dogs, but love them too! BIG peace of mind! I know what you mean - I feel in love with our little Lucky just by seeing her picture online. She was a stray in Miami and when they went to get her she snapped at them (afraid, DUH!) so they labeled her a "biter" and were going to put her down. I got her from a rescue and she is just the most precious, sweet dog alive! All she wants is to be pet and loved. I could never give up a dog - couldn't do rescue myself because of it - but I do support them!


I don't know if I'll prefer CC to RLC, but - I'm willing to give it a try! It was more affordable for my sister as she was paying for her and the kids. My DD has cruised them before and said there was good/bad to both lines. I tend to make the best out of everything though - not one of those chronic complainers.... (YUCK!). So we'll have a blast, I'm sure. How fun you cruise with your kids every year! They are very fortunate. We took our daughter on her first cruise when she turned 18. It was a blast (and I got hooked!):o We took her to Vegas when she was 21 (born 7lbs/7oz in Room 7!)... but, I didn't get hooked there... Been there, done that! But, I could cruise every year!


Better get at it - have a great diet day! I brought fruit and yogurt today... was proud that passed on pizza (all time FAV food!)... So baby steps for me! Have a great day... Tami

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Hi Jackie, can I pile on as another person to be in the accountable group? I've managed to lose the first 20 pounds pretty easily, but I still have another 40-50 to go. I used to have chronic pain and headaches and bellyaches and ... and ... (x5,000,000 it seemed). Most of that is gone now, though occasionally I get bouts of it.


I need to swim, because I have found that the flutter kick is really hard for me to do right now - I guess those were the last muscles to recover after breaking my leg last year. Will you help keep me accountable to swimming 3x a week and hiking with the dogs 3x a week? Do you have any particular thing you want to be accountable to, or just encouragement to get out there and walk?


Hope you had fun at the water park!


Tami - any particular support I can give to you?



(Sorry, I'm weird about putting names and stuff out there. I feel more open discussing mundane details of my life with a silly username and initial.)


Hi D :)

Welcome to our small little group :)


How did u get over your chronic headaches and bellaches??


I walked yesterday for 20 minutes. I use to walk several times a day for a total of an hour. I thought I might walk last night again, but then got to sorting about 4 large trashbags of clothes from my daughters, and by that time it was late.. I know poor excuse. I feel good that I got something accomplished but not exercise.

The water park was a blast!! Im wishing I would of have bougth season passes for the kids and me, but with going on the cruise in August..need to save the money.


Thanks for posting to me today, because u know what, I was going to head back upstairs and watch tv and be lazy until I take the kids to the pool later. BUT now... Iam going to get dressed and take a walk..THANK YOU. I will report back when done.

I just want to be accountable for some sort of exercise each day, and for eating healthy.

I just had 2 whole wheat pieces of toast for breakfast and with that spray butter and a bottle of water. I do not drink coffee...

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Welcome D :) Nice to have you on here too!


We will ask you about your progress weekly :) Congrats on your first 20! Wish I were that far along, I don't have as far to go as your goal - but know from experience, that what I have left is brutal to loose! Especially for me.


My accountability right now can only be my diet until I can walk after surgery again. Have a major sweet tooth - any day without a treat or something sweet is victory for me! Trying to be good and only eating fruits, veggies, some dairy and lean mean. Staying away from carbs and sweets for now. I will eat them again by slowly introducing them in my diet after I've lost the weight. I have to watch out for my "trigger" foods because I have no self control when it comes to sweets! Thanks for your help!


Way to go Jackie!! Get out there!! I always tell myself that "being thin feels better than eating that"... Most days it works! :D

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I would like to join your group, too. I have been trying to lose some weight for awhile now. Lost 30lbs, but it took me a whole year. Still have alot to go. I was walking, but got out of my routine over the winter and now I've just started again. I don't really now how far I walk but pretty much just time myself. I started out at 20 minutes a day. Now, I try to walk a least for 35-40 minutes. It's really been tough lately with the summer heat! And, I'm getting bored. I need all the encouragement I can get right now.

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Hi Weeza, welcome to our group.


I managed to only get in 35 minutes of walking yesterday. I get really down on myself. In the spring, early summer I was walking at least 60 minutes. Honestly the weather has been so hot, in the mid to high 90's ....The funny thing is I LOVE SUMMER..but it kills my walking.


Ive been walking to do my errands which helps. Yesterday I had to go to the girls school to pick up some paperwork. We live down the street from the school, so instead of driving, I walked, and then walked around the building to get some extra time in and came home..


Im not always so great with my diet :(...I start off good,and then as stress of the day wears on , my control goes down hill:o


Today is a new day..although woke up with a migraine, Im at least not hungry which is the only positive thing about having a migraine..


I amnot sure what my days holds as far as what I am going to do.. Even if I have to walk the mall for exercise I will get some sort in.

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Welcome! I have to admit - I'm so jealous of hearing you all take your "walks". They really were my "ME time" when I was able to take them. I really miss being able to get out in the morining and get that blood pumping! So - WALK! Walk for the ones who can't yet!!


Anyone else get so darn confused over diet info?... A friend of mine just told me that watermellon, mellon and bananas aren't good for your diet... WHAT?! I thought ALL fruits and vegetables are what we should be consuming to loose weight, right? I just hate hearing soooooo much BS about food and "don't eat this" etc. it drives me crazy. I never know who or what to believe anymore. I'm just trying to eat healthy (staying away from those awful YUMMY desserts!)... Just a quick vent there - PHEW! over that now!


Jackie - Baby steps!... Just start doing one thing right - get that down, then pick another thing. If you're too hard on yourself and feel like you've "blown" your diet by days end, then you'll be more likely to eat what you shouldn't. I'm started with just drinking more water each day - then worked up to the (dreaded :eek:) no sugars/sweets... Once you do something small - it makes the rest seem easier for some reason?... Hang in there!


Take care all - have a good diet day - that countdown clock is a tickin'!!

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My Name is Angela and I am from Plano, TX. I am 32 and packed on weight when I was dealing with endometriosis and trying a bunch of meds to keep me from having a hysterectomy until I reached 40. Well I packed on 80 pounds in 32 days and the rest kind of came on shortly after. At age 30 I had a full hysterectomy and after a year I got on a hormon patch. The weight is starting to come off now. Since Jan. I have lost over 30lbs. I still have about 40+lbs to go.


The heat in TX kind of kicks my but as far as wanting to go to anywhere but the lake or an a/c but I am trying.


I wear a bodybugg so I keep track of what I burn and eat everyday and at least I have an idea of what I am doing. :-)


My goal is to drop about 20lbs by my next cruise in Oct. and to be at my goal weight by my March cruise.

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Anyone else get so darn confused over diet info?... A friend of mine just told me that watermellon, mellon and bananas aren't good for your diet... WHAT?! I thought ALL fruits and vegetables are what we should be consuming to loose weight, right? I just hate hearing soooooo much BS about food and "don't eat this" etc. it drives me crazy. I never know who or what to believe anymore. I'm just trying to eat healthy (staying away from those awful YUMMY desserts!)... Just a quick vent there - PHEW! over that now!




I too get annoyed with all the info going around about diets. The way I see it is I track calories I intake and I don't worry so much about what the newest expert says or whatever. I know that Fruit and Vegies are lower in calores than junk so I eat more of them.

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Welcome! I have to admit - I'm so jealous of hearing you all take your "walks". They really were my "ME time" when I was able to take them. I really miss being able to get out in the morining and get that blood pumping! So - WALK! Walk for the ones who can't yet!!


Anyone else get so darn confused over diet info?... A friend of mine just told me that watermellon, mellon and bananas aren't good for your diet... WHAT?! I thought ALL fruits and vegetables are what we should be consuming to loose weight, right? I just hate hearing soooooo much BS about food and "don't eat this" etc. it drives me crazy. I never know who or what to believe anymore. I'm just trying to eat healthy (staying away from those awful YUMMY desserts!)... Just a quick vent there - PHEW! over that now!


Jackie - Baby steps!... Just start doing one thing right - get that down, then pick another thing. If you're too hard on yourself and feel like you've "blown" your diet by days end, then you'll be more likely to eat what you shouldn't. I'm started with just drinking more water each day - then worked up to the (dreaded :eek:) no sugars/sweets... Once you do something small - it makes the rest seem easier for some reason?... Hang in there!


Take care all - have a good diet day - that countdown clock is a tickin'!!


It is crazy all the new diet stuff. I love watermelon, it is very SWEET and it is filling due to the water. I love to eat it when Im trying to control my sweets. Bananas are the best, its a great filling snack. Though I have read that watermelon is high in sugar, but isnt it natural sugar? I know many diets that don't allow bananas. BUT..I cant imagine that it can be bad, because there are so many BAD alternatives out there.

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My Name is Angela and I am from Plano, TX. I am 32 and packed on weight when I was dealing with endometriosis and trying a bunch of meds to keep me from having a hysterectomy until I reached 40. Well I packed on 80 pounds in 32 days and the rest kind of came on shortly after. At age 30 I had a full hysterectomy and after a year I got on a hormon patch. The weight is starting to come off now. Since Jan. I have lost over 30lbs. I still have about 40+lbs to go.


The heat in TX kind of kicks my but as far as wanting to go to anywhere but the lake or an a/c but I am trying.


I wear a bodybugg so I keep track of what I burn and eat everyday and at least I have an idea of what I am doing. :-)


My goal is to drop about 20lbs by my next cruise in Oct. and to be at my goal weight by my March cruise.


Hi Angela welcome to our little group :)

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Nice to have you join our club :D... Sorry to hear about your medical problems also - nothing can be easy! As my father-in-law used to say... "Getting old ain't for sissys!" I'm only 45, but man - some days....


Hey Ladies - do we want to have a set "weigh day"? I usually weigh on Mondays (makes me try to be good over the w/e!)... Just wondering if anyone else wants to do that - I'll be totally honest about the results (good or bad) - just wondering if anyone wants to join in on that fun? P.S. - it's ONLY a number! (which won't be shared - just the went "up or down" so we can celebrate or encourage to hang in there)...


Let me know so I can work extra hard the rest of the week!

Take care. Tami

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Hi!! I would love to join you!!! I do have some health issues but the are not serious!! I have interstial cystitis which is inflamation of the bladder lining. So I have to watch what I eat! so no citris, tomato base anything(acid) , no chocolate(duh) caffine, certain cheeses, certain breads, only muskmelon and berries, no apples or bananas, teas, sodas, fruit juices and on and on. So this limits me from the good foods and fresh foods. So basicly I need support so I can lose with what I can eat!! Oh yeah I also have acid reflex:( Ok thats about it!!! I forgot the medications that I take has helped me GAIN WEIGHT not take it off!! Bummer!!!!!!!!!!

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Nice to have you join our club :D... Sorry to hear about your medical problems also - nothing can be easy! As my father-in-law used to say... "Getting old ain't for sissys!" I'm only 45, but man - some days....


Hey Ladies - do we want to have a set "weigh day"? I usually weigh on Mondays (makes me try to be good over the w/e!)... Just wondering if anyone else wants to do that - I'll be totally honest about the results (good or bad) - just wondering if anyone wants to join in on that fun? P.S. - it's ONLY a number! (which won't be shared - just the went "up or down" so we can celebrate or encourage to hang in there)...


Let me know so I can work extra hard the rest of the week!

Take care. Tami



My set WI day is Thursdays however I step on the scale everyday, I don't stress about it but it is out of habit. I like to keep an eye on the scale. lol

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Nice to have you join our club :D... Sorry to hear about your medical problems also - nothing can be easy! As my father-in-law used to say... "Getting old ain't for sissys!" I'm only 45, but man - some days....


Hey Ladies - do we want to have a set "weigh day"? I usually weigh on Mondays (makes me try to be good over the w/e!)... Just wondering if anyone else wants to do that - I'll be totally honest about the results (good or bad) - just wondering if anyone wants to join in on that fun? P.S. - it's ONLY a number! (which won't be shared - just the went "up or down" so we can celebrate or encourage to hang in there)...


Let me know so I can work extra hard the rest of the week!

Take care. Tami

Sounds good to me!

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So last Thursday I WI at 176.6 and on Monday I was 176.7. So I will post an update on Thursday and I will also post on Monday even though my set date is Thursday! ;-P


I know you said that we can say up or down but I am what I am I and I ok with it...totally understand if no one else post the number; I am not the number so I don't mind! :-)

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So last Thursday I WI at 176.6 and on Monday I was 176.7. So I will post an update on Thursday and I will also post on Monday even though my set date is Thursday! ;-P


I know you said that we can say up or down but I am what I am I and I ok with it...totally understand if no one else post the number; I am not the number so I don't mind! :-)


I wish I could think like that.. Once I step on the scale, thats all I think aobut all day is that dreaded number..:( I know its horrible, but it gets stuck in my head and thats all I focus on.. I weighed myself the other day after not weighing for several weeks, and it was just slightly less then what I thought.

You know sometimes I even refuse to get weighed in drs office. I didnt know for a long time u can refuse LOL...but if Im getting close to that time of the month and feeling bloated and all I tell that to the nurse, that I will pass on the weigh in..and she always says OK LOL...Im sick I tell ya:rolleyes:

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Hi Ladies - I'm sorry I never introduced myself. My name is Lisa 43 yrs old. My goal is to lose 40 lbs. But, if I can lose 30 lbs I would be totally happy! :) Our cruise is Oct 2011 on the Allure. I'm so glad i joined you guys. I know what you mean about being confused on all the different things your suppose to eat and not suppose to eat. I've read so many different diets out there. But, I just try to eat low fat and low calories. I also try keep a journal of what i eat throughout the day. I use a free online website. I do really good throughout the day, but at night that's when i start getting the munchies really bad.


I'm all for the weigh in day. I weighed myself yesterday and stayed the same, which really bummed me out cause I've been walking everyday for a week. Oh, well. Stay with it ladies. I know everyone can do it!

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I wish I could think like that.. Once I step on the scale, thats all I think aobut all day is that dreaded number..:( I know its horrible, but it gets stuck in my head and thats all I focus on.. I weighed myself the other day after not weighing for several weeks, and it was just slightly less then what I thought.

You know sometimes I even refuse to get weighed in drs office. I didnt know for a long time u can refuse LOL...but if Im getting close to that time of the month and feeling bloated and all I tell that to the nurse, that I will pass on the weigh in..and she always says OK LOL...Im sick I tell ya:rolleyes:


I use to let the number on the scale define who I was but I just don't anymore. I have relized that Healthy is diff. numbers. I know it use to just eat at me when I WI but now it is like 'whatever' I am proud to say I can step on the scale everyday and just see if I am on track or not and adjust. :-)


I have never heard of anyone saying they will not WI at the doctors office before.

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Hi Ladies - I'm sorry I never introduced myself. My name is Lisa 43 yrs old. My goal is to lose 40 lbs. But, if I can lose 30 lbs I would be totally happy! :) Our cruise is Oct 2011 on the Allure. I'm so glad i joined you guys. I know what you mean about being confused on all the different things your suppose to eat and not suppose to eat. I've read so many different diets out there. But, I just try to eat low fat and low calories. I also try keep a journal of what i eat throughout the day. I use a free online website. I do really good throughout the day, but at night that's when i start getting the munchies really bad.


I'm all for the weigh in day. I weighed myself yesterday and stayed the same, which really bummed me out cause I've been walking everyday for a week. Oh, well. Stay with it ladies. I know everyone can do it!


Hi Lisa!


I know what you mean when 40 would be nice but 30 would rock as well! :-) If you are anything like me you just want to be healthy and look good in some clothes and your own skin along the way! Ha. You can do it. Bummer you stayed the same but keep at it and the scale will catch up!

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