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Is it too late to buddy up with you all?


I've been perusing the boards and this group seems to me to be the one most like what I'm looking for.

I'm 53 years old, thyroid went south two years ago, diabetes and now unemployed as of July 2 (after 18 years of working for the same company) I'd say a bit of a stressful life for a while. Waiting for the next door to open for me!

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Is it too late to buddy up with you all?


I've been perusing the boards and this group seems to me to be the one most like what I'm looking for.

I'm 53 years old, thyroid went south two years ago, diabetes and now unemployed as of July 2 (after 18 years of working for the same company) I'd say a bit of a stressful life for a while. Waiting for the next door to open for me!


Hi Marie,

Its never too late to join us. The more the merrier :)

Im sorry to hear you are unemployed, it is a tough world for us to be in living in right now.

All of us are trying to get healthy and lose weight in our own way. I am not trying as hard as I should. I can say willpower is not my middle name;). I am cruising at the end of August, and really started this journey too late for vacation. BUT..I know in reality I need to be healthy for life not just for vacation. So, I am taking it one day at a time.

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Welcome Marie! Let's hope that being layed off is a blessing in disguise! I try to think positive! It may feel bad right now, but there is something for you out there, and I bet it will be wonderful!


A few years ago I had hypothyroid - metablolism not really working - and I went on medication for just under a year and then it righted itself. I understand that doesn't usually happen so I am lucky that I don't have to be on the meds anymore.


Again - welcome and keep us posted! I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!


So for me...I am getting a cold or something so doing the workout last night was like a zombie going through the motions, but I really felt good afterwards and slept like a baby! A couple of times I modified my moves so I wouldn't breathe so hard because it made me cough, but when I was done I felt much better.

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Thanks for the welcome and kind words regarding the unemployed part of my life. :) honestly I am ok with it for a while, I've been working for 30 years fulltime, with only 3 times of 4 weeks off when I had the kidlets. Other than that, one week or a few two week vacations has been it. Here I am, almost a month later, post lay off, and still wake up at 5:15am. Go figure!


Comet - you are SO fortunate to have not needed to continue taking the synthroid or whichever thyroid supplement you were on. I hate taking the stuff, but without it I can't function at all and any other part of the endocrine system fails. Sigh....

Hope your cold goes away soon!


I wanted to ask you all, does anyone use the Shape Up shoes? I bought a pair, only worn them for about a half hour, inside the house only. Not sure I like them, I feel off balance on them and surely don't want to break my ankle or anything else. Hoping the feeling goes away. Anyone personally know anything about these shoes?


We have a treadmill in the basement that is going to be cleaned off (made a great place to hang clothes and blankets not in use) and I plan on starting to use it for its intended purpose. I guess that will be step 1 of my plan (more activity). Step 2 will be eating better. Oh Lord, give me the strength to not eat those delightful things that I shouldn't be eating!


Also taking life one day at a time, not rushing it...too short already!

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Welcome KCMarie. I think this is a struggle for all of us. I have yet to start an exercise routine of any kind. I will, just not sure when. LOL. I am with Jackie, I am not trying as hard as I need to and my willpower is minimal. Yesterday one of the girls brought no bake cookies in and a patient we were able to work in was so grateful she brought cookies for us. Thankfully I was able to resist. (not easy on the no bakes, LOL) Glad you seem to be dealing with the unemployment situation. My first goal is to lose about 20 lbs for a Vegas trip I have planned the end of Oct. Better find my exercise fairy soon! Have a great day all!

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Ok i must admit today i am not motivated yet to hit the gym but i have a bike date set up with a friend for a little later maybe ill just do that for the day! It is hard and my will power is running a little low today. Had 3 glasses of wine yesterday finally getting used to not eating as much as i did wow i thought i would starve lol. Keep telling myself i am not serious about losing and it seems to be working. Right after i say it i can get a move on just not today. I think it is because to day is weigh in day and i am a bit nervous that it might have gone up. I hope not.


Welcome marie the more the merrier


have a good day all!

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Marie - Welcome to our group:). I'm sorry to hear of your recent job loss. I hope you find something you enjoy doing soon.


The only thing that keeps me motivated right now is telling myself I'll feel so much better and more comfortable in my clothes. For the exercise -I get my clothes ready the night before and put it right where I can see them as soon as I get out of bed. I try to get my walks done in the morning, so I don't talk myself out of it. So far it's working for me. I've been walking about 40 minutes a day probably 4-5 days a week. My big thing is I don't like to drink alot of water, I'm a tea girl. I've worked up to about 4-5 cups a day. But that's about as much as I can handle.


I was craving some ice cream the other day and found Skinny Cow truffle bars. Oh my, there really good. Only 100 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. It tastes like real chocolate!:)


Keep up the good work ladies.

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Thanks again, it's so nice feeling welcome!


I started my day out by eating a healthy breakfast. That's my start! Lunch was within my guidelines. Roasted lamb and veggies for dinner. Got some strawberries and blueberries with Greek yogurt for dessert later too.


Oh yeah, got the treadmill cleaned off. Maybe walk on it a while tonight? Or maybe not! I should go out and stake up the tomato plants, pick veggies and water the garden a bit.


Been a busy day though. I have never filled out online applications before and was totally unprepared for all this create an account business before I can even see open position listings! Gads....my eyes have been opened.


Lisa, my local grocer was giving out samples of Skinny Cow products last week, but I didn't try them, I should have I guess. I may have to go buy some now!

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Hi everyone! Just checking in...this cold hasn't decided which way it wants to go, so it is just hanging on - barely there. Just enough to annoy me!


This week my husband and I felt we were working harder, and sweating more, but what was great about writing down the number of repititions for each week is that we compared and saw how much we improved. Also, this week we both feel bloated. I wonder if that means more muscle gain than weight loss? We feel stronger, and more firm, but bloated. We'll see.


Tomorrow I am going to run some errands and relax, and Sunday is a no work, all relax day! Our first break during this program so far and REALLY looking forward to it! :D


Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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So...not sure how I got my signals crossed, but the relax day means no work out, but not a day off from the low cal menu. Oh well, I guess that is good though I was looking forward to something with sugar! :D Also we decided to go ahead and do the 16 minute ab workout. May as well, 16 minutes is not that long out of a whole day of just lounging around. Hope everyone is doing well!

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Hi everyone. My name is Karen and I would love to join this message board. I am 56 years old and have had weight issues for most of my life. I've tried every diet out there. Right now I'm a Weight Watcher member. I have had a fair amount of success with the program in the past so I rejoined last September....lost around 12 pounds....became complacent, and I've managed to put that 12 pounds (plus some) back on. My husband, who checks the credit card statements each month, will occasionally ask why we're still paying W.W $39 each month. I always hold out hope that I'll miraculously get the much needed willpower to have a good week. LOL:)

BTW, my weigh-in day is Wednesday.


We have our first ever cruise in mid September. (35th Anniversary)Just like everyone else, I would love to lose10-15 pounds before we depart. Just to be clear-I need to lose 50 pounds total but I would settle for 40 and be happy as a clam!


I have a rescued terrier named Buddy. He's going to be 7 this Halloween and since our kids have grown up and married, he's our baby.


I plan on walking Buddy this evening and taking a swim. It's terribly hot in my part of the country. (Texas gulf coast)



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Just checking in, wow, lots of new people and I love that most of them are in my age range. :) It's hard to talk diet and exercise with a 20 year old. Or even my 33 year old daughter, where does she get the energy? And does anybody know where I can buy some motivation? Couldn't find any at the mall yesterday - I did find plenty of dismotivation when I couldn't fasten size 16 shorts over my fat belly. Sometimes I just want to say "all my family was this size and I should be happy that dh loves me the way I am yada yada yada" I wonder if I was single if I would be smaller? :D Sorry honey, luv yew!


I just don't know what to do to get myself in gear! Does anybody have like an 'ah-ha" moment that got them going?

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How about an almost 48 year old!! I have read quite a few threads and this one seems like a good fit! I am finally feeling like I really can deal with the "Fluffy" [not fat] :rolleyes: issue I've been dealing with for the last few years!


Ten pounds extra every year for the last 5 years is just shocking!! :eek:What happened - I am eating the same way [if not better than] as I always have. Okay, that's anything I want- but I NEVER used to put on weight. At 5 ft 8in. I guess it didn't show up!

Well, HELLO LADIES THIS IS NOW MY LIFE! Since the age of 43, everything about my metabolism has changed! I don't want you to think that I was EVER a good eater- but I guess I just got away with it! NO MORE!!!

My ah-ha moment you asked- looking at the scale last week and seeing 190 lbs!!!!!!

I got a new IPHONE with tons of "APS" and have found quite a few that I really like. One is a tracking/journaling AP called Looseit.com and also a site called "Couch to 5K" . I am really excited about this. My best friend told me about this one and i just kind of rolled my eyes - but it is so gradual- I think I may just be able to do this!!


Anyway- that it for my story for now. :o



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Hi everyone. My name is Karen and I would love to join this message board. I am 56 years old and have had weight issues for most of my life. I've tried every diet out there. Right now I'm a Weight Watcher member. I have had a fair amount of success with the program in the past so I rejoined last September....lost around 12 pounds....became complacent, and I've managed to put that 12 pounds (plus some) back on. My husband, who checks the credit card statements each month, will occasionally ask why we're still paying W.W $39 each month. I always hold out hope that I'll miraculously get the much needed willpower to have a good week. LOL:)

BTW, my weigh-in day is Wednesday.


We have our first ever cruise in mid September. (35th Anniversary)Just like everyone else, I would love to lose10-15 pounds before we depart. Just to be clear-I need to lose 50 pounds total but I would settle for 40 and be happy as a clam!


I have a rescued terrier named Buddy. He's going to be 7 this Halloween and since our kids have grown up and married, he's our baby.


I plan on walking Buddy this evening and taking a swim. It's terribly hot in my part of the country. (Texas gulf coast)




Hi Karen

welcome to the group. I love WW as well. Ive done it so many times over the years. I mean it does work, if you follow it. I believe most diets work, if you follow it. I was planning on going back this year, and well just never made it. Hopefully I will start again in the fall. For me it helps to start in the fall to keep me on track through the holidays.

I love walking the dogs as well,its a great way for both dog and person to get exercise.Its like killing 2 birds with one stone :)

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How about an almost 48 year old!! I have read quite a few threads and this one seems like a good fit! I am finally feeling like I really can deal with the "Fluffy" [not fat] :rolleyes: issue I've been dealing with for the last few years!


Ten pounds extra every year for the last 5 years is just shocking!! :eek:What happened - I am eating the same way [if not better than] as I always have. Okay, that's anything I want- but I NEVER used to put on weight. At 5 ft 8in. I guess it didn't show up!

Well, HELLO LADIES THIS IS NOW MY LIFE! Since the age of 43, everything about my metabolism has changed! I don't want you to think that I was EVER a good eater- but I guess I just got away with it! NO MORE!!!

My ah-ha moment you asked- looking at the scale last week and seeing 190 lbs!!!!!!

I got a new IPHONE with tons of "APS" and have found quite a few that I really like. One is a tracking/journaling AP called Looseit.com and also a site called "Couch to 5K" . I am really excited about this. My best friend told me about this one and i just kind of rolled my eyes - but it is so gradual- I think I may just be able to do this!!


Anyway- that it for my story for now. :o




I have a lot of AHA moments..but my problem is that it bothers me for awhile, and Im really good and really conscious of what I am eating and not eating and exercising..then something stresses me, and all my good intentions and healthy thoughts goes right otu the window:rolleyes:


Funny, I know how to lose weight, I know what is good and what is not good and what works..but IT IS SO HARD!!!!!

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You are SO RIGHT!

I think we are THE MOST educated society on what to eat and what not to eat. It's putting it into action- and then sticking with it!:rolleyes:

The one thing I will never understand is - WHY do I stop eating/exercising when I just begin to have success with weight loss. I seem to loose 10 pounds and then congratulate myself and be thrilled with the complements I'm starting to get- then I BLOW IT!!!??????:o

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Good morning all. I am happy to report that I have been awake for 3 hours and during that time I have managed to stay focused and made healthy choices. I have even taken my precious Buddy for his AM walk even though the heat and humidity are awful. Unfortunately, the morning is always easy that way. My problem eating occurs late in the afternoon and evening.


Marie- A couple of my girlfriends have the Shape Up walkers. One of them started having severe knee pain. When she gave up the skechers the pain went away. I though about trying some too until I heard her story. In truth, they had such high heels on them I was afraid I'd fall over and break my ankle.


Brandy- hope you're starting to feel a little better. Summer colds are the worst!!


I DID have an ah ha moment just yesterday. I asked my daughter to take a photo of me with Buddy. I couldn't believe the size of my stomach. Yuck!


Have a good day everyone.



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Welcome to all the new posters:),


Ok, guys. Well, I pretty much blew it this weekend. I was doing so good with my walking routine & my low fat food. Well, we went out to eat and I totally ate way too much. But, boy was it good! Going to take the girls swimming today, so maybe I'll kill some fat cells. lol Anyway, I weighed in and lost a whopping 0.7lbs


There's going to be a WW at my work starting soon. I would like to join but I just don't know if I can do the whole points thing again. I kinda just like counting my cal and the fat grams. I'll think about it though. Anybody seriously thinking about WW?


Have a day everyone!

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Hi Karen,


I know what you mean about problem times are late afternoon and evening. That's my hard time to stick with my diet also. I don't know if I don't eat enough earlier in the day, so I feel like I'm starving later on or if I'm just bored and I think I need to eat, because that's what I'm use to doing. I always want to head for the salty snacks and forget the veggies and fruits.

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Hi Karen,


I know what you mean about problem times are late afternoon and evening. That's my hard time to stick with my diet also. I don't know if I don't eat enough earlier in the day, so I feel like I'm starving later on or if I'm just bored and I think I need to eat, because that's what I'm use to doing. I always want to head for the salty snacks and forget the veggies and fruits.


Anything at all can trigger eating for me.....boredom, happiness, sadness, anxiety, getting too tired....you name it. I like salty snacks and sweet. I'm a mess.

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Hey- .7 pounds is still a loss and much better than a "poke in the eye" as my mother likes to say.


I always seem to return to WW (time after time after time). LOL! Twelve years ago when my son was a senior in high school the school had parent's night at the last football game. The moms escorted their sons to the playing field and of course, a photographer was on hand to take a full length picture of the two of us. I had bought a new outfit to wear for the occasion and thought I looked so darn good until the photo arrived. It was definitely an epiphany for me!! I was horrified and joined our WW at work program only to learn that I weighed 240 lbs. I was even more horrified and absolutely sick of myself. I knew I had gained a lot of weight, I just didn't know how much. Well, long story short, I lost almost 80 pounds in just under a year on the program.


Now the sad truth. It's twelve years later and I have put 40 pounds back on. I know I can lose it even though I'm older and now have gone through menopause. It just may take longer. Even if I can only lose 10 pounds before our cruise in Sept. I'll feel better about myself than I do now.



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Hi Karen and Jacqui.

I just joined up with this group last week. Welcome to you both too!


Did good this weekend, went out to mow at 7am this morning because I saw the news last night that it was going to be 98, heat index of 106. Geez, too dang hot! Anyways, got it done and raked, into the compost pile. Lunch was turkey sausage and cucumber salad with tomatoes. A favorite of mine!


Tried the Skinny Cow Caramel Truffle pops....Wow, they ARE good! Pretty pricey, but I'm worth it, right!


Karen, thanks for the info on the Shape-Ups. I've decided I am going to take them back. I just don't need to ask for any more medical problems!


Hope everyone has a great weekend

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Welcome Karen & Jacqui. Hope we can be of some support/help for you. It seems quite a few of us are honest about our weight issues. Today is weigh in day for me. Never lost an ounce this week but did not gain one either! I was a bad girl this weekend and went to a chinese buffet. Need I say more? LOL. I have been thinking for the last week or so about trying a low carb diet. Anyone ever try it? Have any luck? I am researching it before I make up my mind. I had a good day today and will do my best to continue. One day at a time I guess. Hope we all have a great week!

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