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NOT Anti-Kids, Alternatives, Etc...I am ANTI-This!!!


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Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.

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I so agree with your peeves. I really hate it when people get on the elevator before everyone has gotten off. Really, where are you going to go until we make space. Plus, the people who walk 2-3 abreast .... leaving no room for others...and then bump into you.


Small peeves to be sure... but.... really it's just common courtesy...which goes along way in my eyes.



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Rude knows no age group. And I used to sit back and say nothing.


I have reversed my stance over the years, and will retalliate with "rude", when rude is encountered!


Watching people post about one age group, class, or _______, makes me scratch my head.


But DEFINITELY, there are MORE rude adults than ANYTHING a kid can even think of doing.

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I think the "best" I have seen so far...last fall on the Fantasy there was an elderly couple having breakfast on the back of the Lido deck. Four young adults came out with their buffet trays, took dirty dishes off of the table they wanted and put them on the table the elderly couple was eating at. Not a word to them....just loaded their table with dirty dishes.

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I understand what you're saying. It is amazing how many people one encounters on a daily basis that are lacking manners. It seems some people in today's society feel as if they are owed something. Sad thing is, it will only get worse.


As for the elevators on the cruise ship - my biggest pet peeve is when you press ther button, patiently wait for it to arrive and the 10 people who came after you jump right on before you can. When we sailed the Dream, my mom was using a walker - I was amazed how many people would not show her the courtesy of getting on/off the elevator. She obviously couldn't walk as fast as others, yet she was practically knocked over on a few occasions.

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I so agree with your peeves. I really hate it when people get on the elevator before everyone has gotten off. Really, where are you going to go until we make space. Plus, the people who walk 2-3 abreast .... leaving no room for others...and then bump into you.


Small peeves to be sure... but.... really it's just common courtesy...which goes along way in my eyes.




Elevator etiquette seems to have gone out the window. It amazes me how many people, ANYWHERE, step onto an elevator before letting people off.


I any VERY vocal on that one as well.

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a few manners and a little common courtesy go a long way.:D i have expereienced all the things you have mentioned. what gets me every time is the herd at the buffet.:eek: and i do the same as you for people hogging the hallway.

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To be honest it seems to me like your the one being rude....


Yes, I'm 20 and part of the younger generation that's not being thaught manners buti disagre! I wait to enter the elevator until everyone has left,

or slide over if someone is coming by and if I notice someone behind me I'll hold the door open for them, however while it is polite I don't think ts rude to not hold the door open.


I guess I'm just trying to figure out why YOU said u weren't going scoot over to let them pass but you expect them to and then admit to hitting/jabbing the

??that is extremely rude! Same with the snide comments

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Lots of threads lately about anti-kids, anti-alternatives, anti-whatever. The only thing I am anti on a cruise ship is anti-rudeness. In my experiences, the rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent. I witnessed way more rude behavior on my last cruise than I did on my first cruise back in 1986. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline IMO, but way more to do with where society is heading.


My #1 biggest peeve is getting off of an elevator, or trying to, and having other passengers(mainy adults btw) rush on before everyone has exited. This is VERY rude IMO. I was taught as a young child to stand off to the side of the elevator and wait until everyone has exited before attempting to board the elevator. On my last cruise on the Fantasy, I was nearly pushed down by a rather large, adult male who appeared to be about 50 years of age or so, who could not wait for the crowded elevator to empty before getting on. I did say out loud that you'd think someone that old would have manners. He just glared at me.


Another peeve I have is when walking down a cruise ship corridor on the way to or from my stateroom or to a venue. I tend to keep the right side of the corridor and usually passengers coming at me stay to the left. I hate encountering a group of 2 or 3 passengers who walk side by side and when they see someone coming towards them they do not move and continue walking 2 or 3 across. The person closest to me SHOULD move to allow me room to pass without having to hug the wall IMO. This rarely happens lately. I guess they think I'll move out of their way, but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.


I won't even get started on the behavior I witness at the buffets. Again, mainly adults. Will just say 1 thing. The food isn't going anywhere, you can always go back for more.


P.S. What happened to holding the door open for people? Some of those doors that lead to the exterior of the ship can be quite heavy and I've had people see me coming and just let it close practically in my face.




Really think manners need to be taught in schools today as rudeness is becoming more and more prevalent and it seems to me that the parents are NOT teaching manners as the parent's parents didn't teach manners either. Manners really help a society IMO and may even prevent a lot of the problems we see on the streets today. Hopefully it would help prevent the problems I see on a cruise ship.


How about an, "excuse me". Not as rude as a retalitatory elbow jab.

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It's like you read my mind on these issues. I usually take a deep breath and know I am doing the right thing and try not to let it bother me too much.


I live in a city with a very multicultural base. I love the many aspects of linving with people with international backgrounds. They bring with them all of their wonderful culture, food, music etc, etc... I LOVE IT.


Having said that I also have learned what we in North America think isrude, may not be rude in other lands. The right-left side of the hallway or sidewalk is a great example...Just as getting on or off elevators... What we consider good manners or bad manners in our upbringing may be different in other cultures.


I recently purchased a new tv and the sales manager, from the Pacific Rim, handed me the sales receipt with both hands, I accepted it with one hand. Now, after I left the store I realized that me taking the reciept with one hand was rude (in traditional asian culture).


I am not trying to justify rude behavoiur, I feel your pain. I just like to live and let live and try to also see things from the other side as well.:)

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Just the general direction that society is moving into these days. Too many people are me me me. Personally, I blame cell phones. With the exception of emergencies and I understand some jobs but when did everyone become so important that they have to take calls on vacation, in the bathroom, in line?


I even have to be rude to individuals in my office. Working in a cube, some co-workers think it's ok to just barge in - regardless of what I'm doing at the time. These particular co-workers have offices so I just barge in when the door is shut. I hate doing it but what's good for the goose...

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I guess I'm just trying to figure out why YOU said u weren't going scoot over to let them pass but you expect them to and then admit to hitting/jabbing the

??that is extremely rude! Same with the snide comments



i think she meant they were walking side by side down the hall, 3 of them in one direction. it would be polite for one of them to move and share the hallway that is meant for people to walk in both directions.

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Yes, I'm 20 and part of the younger generation that's not being thaught manners buti disagre! I wait to enter the elevator until everyone has left,

or slide over if someone is coming by and if I notice someone behind me I'll hold the door open for them, however while it is polite I don't think ts rude to not hold the door open.



Kudos to your parents because I think the problem has started with too many who just don't care and set bad examples for their kids!

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This is a problem that happens everywhere.


This morning I am at a Lg Med Center in Houston and when one of the clinics opened at 6:45 the people waiting just about ran each other over to be the 1st to check in.. It amazed me that they are so sick and have set appointment times yet felt the need to rush to be 1st?


I guess we have just grown to be an impaitent society:confused:

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but I refuse to and I have had more than one collision with a rude passenger who thinks its ok to take up the entire corridor. I usually stick my left arm or elbow out as we're passing and jab them somewhere. Then usually they look at me like I'm the crazy one.:rolleyes: I guess I should have just turned sideways and walked along the wall to allow his or her highness more room to pass.



And Miss Manners, who is the rude one in this case. I believe if one would do this, they would be the crazy one. My pet peeve is when someone pulls an attitude out of nowhere. Or, as you put it, "your highness".

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To be honest it seems to me like your the one being rude....


Yes, I'm 20 and part of the younger generation that's not being thaught manners buti disagre! I wait to enter the elevator until everyone has left,

or slide over if someone is coming by and if I notice someone behind me I'll hold the door open for them, however while it is polite I don't think ts rude to not hold the door open.


I guess I'm just trying to figure out why YOU said u weren't going scoot over to let them pass but you expect them to and then admit to hitting/jabbing the

??that is extremely rude! Same with the snide comments


I don't move over b/c *I'm* not the one walking three abreast with my friends. If my friends and I are walking 3 abreast and we see someone coming, I'm more than happy to "scoot" over and get either in front of my friends or behind them and walk single file until the people coming towards us have passed. I am NOT going to move if the only thing on my right is a wall and I'm walking fairly close to it already. The only reason they get hit with my elbow or arm is BECAUSE they're in the middle of the hallway, refuse to move, and come practically into contact with me.


And yes, I do think it's rude to not hold a door for someone you see coming and they are very close. I don't expect for someone to stand for a minute or two holding a door for me when I am halfway down the ship(although I have done this on more than one occasion for some elderly passengers who would have had trouble with some of the heavier doors. I would never let a door shut in someone's face. I am a female btw and hold doors for everyone. Men, women, children etc. Just the way I was raised.

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i think she meant they were walking side by side down the hall, 3 of them in one direction. it would be polite for one of them to move and share the hallway that is meant for people to walk in both directions.

An "excuse me" would have been more polite than a jab in either case!

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Both of those items are on my top five things that I dislike about other people. I just try and remember their rudeness doesn't have to affect me. I will admit it just pisses me off...but as my hubby says..."you cant control what others do, only how it affects you". Thats great in theory...but in practice, it just doesn't work for me.


Maybe I will just start standing right smack in the middle of the elevator door opening and that way...they cant get in unless they shove past me until everybody gets off...lolll.

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And Miss Manners, who is the rude one in this case. I believe if one would do this, they would be the crazy one. My pet peeve is when someone pulls an attitude out of nowhere. Or, as you put it, "your highness".



It's not like I extend my arm completely out and hit someone who's 3 feet away from me....the circumstances I am talking about is when I am already practically hugging the wall and the people coming at me refuse to move over even an inch. I don't pull my appendages in so as not to hit the offenders, if they get bumped b/c they didn't move over....sorry, not my fault. I'm not going to acquiese to them though. If that makes me rude, than yes, I am rude b/c I won't let someone walk all over me...literally:D

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Hey globe9 i do the same thing as you. If a group of people see me coming and don't move over i just put out my elbow a bit and tighten up for the hit. Gotta love the looks on their faces like i should move flat against the wall for them. I am very polite and hold doors and so on for people but i can be very rude to the rude ones too. Like they say what goes around comes around:D

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Try being in a wheelchair. It's like being invisible.


My husband is a very easy going guy, but he lost it on the Glory when he was wheeling me out of the elevator.

We arrived at our desired deck, some kind people on the elevator with us tried to hold the door for us to exit.

He hadn't even maneuvered the chair to the front, when 2 couples (who were obviously together) pushed into the elevator and blocked our way.

No "oh, sorry", or "oops".... they just stood there while one of their party pushed their desired button.


In 35 years of marriage I have never heard my husband raise his voice.... this was a first, "What the h-ll is wrong with you people? Get out, wait till everyone gets out of the elevator, like civilized humans, and try to learn some manners for the next time!"


They did as he said, but rolled their eyes as though he was from another planet, and my wheelchair and I were the biggest inconvenience that ever existed.


Apparently there are people who were raised by wolves who also cruise. ;)

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I just wish more people would play nice. I am from a large city and I guess I expecta certain level of rudeness. I just try to not be rude and be considerate to others-play nice in my daily life including on cruises. On cruises maybe because people are on holiday they feel they can be self centered and rude.

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