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Qm 2 Westbound....5/22/05!


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Hi Deb


Yes, the moon will be full on May 23, the day that we are all meeting. I hope it's clear weather that night - it will be beautiful. As for the weather in Southampton, the latest prediction that I could find is for this Friday - it's supposed to be 62 deg. and rainy.

I know what you mean about the clothes!

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Does everyone remember that we're to meet in the Library on Monday at 11:30 AM?

I will also add the names that we have collected on this thread, so far.


1) aaannnthony.....Fran & Anthony.....#8109 (NJ)

2) alita.....Alita.....#8129 (?England)

3) blackpool UK.....Sheila & Chris.....#10054 (England)

4) bonni99.....Gemma & Richard (London)

5) deb7073.....Debbie & Michael.....#5181 (TX)

6) frankel.....Rosemary & Mervyn.....#6244 (Toronto, Canada)

7) grifftails & Yvonne E.....Malvina & Yvonne (Sweden)

8) Mer Fairy.....? & ?

9) Katie 242...Jay and Katie (NJ)

10) Cupcaked….Karen (USA)

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Hi DEB7073 and all,


I know I have joined this thread at the last minute. This cruise was kind of a last minute thing for us but are certainly looking forward to the sailing none the less. Our documents just arrived today, Yipee!! We are leaving Friday morning and arriving London early Saturday morning 5/21 and staying just the one night in London, so much to see so little time. We are staying at the Sheraton Park Tower on Saturday night and heading down to Southampton on Sunday morning to board this grand new lady. Our cabin is 8053. We are Jayne, Lorraine, and Doug. Looking forward to meeting you on board. Feel free to email me at: doug at howardmandville dot com if you'd like. Now back to deciding what to pack. BON VOYAGE.



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Welcome Doug! So glad you found our little group.

Oh, and you live in one of our favorite cities, too. (envy you!)

Michael and I have always said that if we ever get to a point where N. TX summers are too much for us, that we'll get ourselves a little summer place in the Seattle area.


Are you aware of our get together on Monday, the 23rd at 11:30 AM in the library? Hope y'all can make it.

I'll add you to our list.


Have fun in London! (another one of our favorite cities)

We're flying in on Saturday as well, but heading straight to S'Hampton...probably to SLEEP until Sunday.


We look forward to meeting you and the gang!

Have a safe trip.

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Hello Doug and party..........glad you found us.

As many of you will be leaving soon to cross the pond by speedier methods wish you all a safe flight over and short but enjoyable stay til you board on sunday.

Hope we dont clash on mon at 11.30 with some major celeb giving a 1 off lecture otherwise see you in the library

Deb hope you can wear 'The gown ' several times after all that effort!!!!!


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Thanks Chris. The trip is already starting out quite well. We received our flight upgrades, with the seats that I wanted. So, as far as I'm concerned, that's half the battle. Now if the driver shows up when we land in England, and the drive to S'Hampton is nice, and our hotel is clean, then I think we have it made in the shade! (I'm not worried about the ship)


OH, that GOWN! I just hope it stays UP! Michael brought it home after the final fitting, and I didn't bother trying it on. At this point, I DON'T CARE!

And it's not even a GREAT gown. Nowhere near as beautiful as the ones I CAN'T get into any longer. (damn it!) Just something I picked up quick.

Or rather, we thought it would be quick. They assure me the zipper won't break again, and the dress will stay UP. (it's strapless) We shall see...

Or, EVERYONE shall see. You may see me in one of my rather boring gowns twice. :)


I hope we don't clash with other plans on Monday, either. If so, then we'll just have to request a plan B. Maybe for later in the day, or the next.

Although, Anthony feels quite sure that nothing much is going on the first day.

We can only hope the morning is quiet.


Everyone have a safe trip.

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Hope you all have a great time, we sure did when we cruised with Deb & Michael last September. Just got back ourselves from a west coast cruise on the Radiance. Take care and have a wonderful time, sure sounds like a ship. Dont think I could talk Dan into another crossing, especially with no stops. Dan & Tom

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Hi, Deb,


Thanks for the welcome. We will see you and everyone else on Monday at 11:30 AM in the library. Sounds like a fun group. Have a safe trip and enjoy Southampton, even if all you do is sleep there. We should be arriving in Southhampton about 1:30 PM on Sunday. I understand that boarding starts at 2:00 PM so we should arrive just in time to get in what is probably going to be a very very long line.



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Doug ....it should say on your ticket what time you can board though am sure they will 'accept' you most any time after they open......

Deb.......glad you have your flight seats sorted thats quite a worry out of the way.

Sheila is not yet at the 'final gown selection'stage yet.....its a little like a beauty pageant and 'we now have our final seven..........' That is the down side for a british passenger as you can take anything and everything......and we usually do....as long as it fits in the car......

heard today that aclose friend of ours is one of the on board entertainers this cruise.....Jacqui Scott...she is a singer west end style.......took over the lead in Evita from elaine page and took on tour. She was voted entertainer of the year by crystal cruises...you should catch her show (hope that gets me a generous commission for on board cd sales)

Well 1 more day 2 work....and this evening is packing night......its all getting very close...


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Doug, I've also heard that one can board just about any time, once the 'gates' are open. At least I hope so. We plan on getting to the ship around noon.

What can they do, except tell us we have to wait. No problem.


Chris, how I envy you and Sheila. We used to drive to the ships when we lived in Miami, and it was heaven! I could take my entire closet, and Michael couldn't say a word about it. Now I have airlines dictating how much I can take.


I spent hours putting my clothes out today. Tonight I'll spend hours putting most of them back in the closet. Michael's usual speech will begin the moment he walks into the house. I know every word like I know my name.

"There is NO WAY all those clothes will fit into the bags. You KNOW, we can only take FOUR. Isn't there something you can live without for one week?"


And so it goes.... It's a routine we've perfected over the years. :)


Sheila better get busy if she's going to choose her gowns. She doesn't have much time. Oh, it must be nice to be able to fit into ALL her gowns. Lucky woman.

How long is your drive?

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hello deb and Michael

Our drive is 5/6 hrs which is why we are driving down sat and overnighting in the hilton in Southampton. Also it is part of the deal that we can park our car and they take us shipside.

packing is now half done!! selections are made !

It seems that it is a husbands requirement to make the same speech in our individual homes....but as you say when its home to ship with no flight its best to say nothing.

see you all soon

chris and Sheila

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Chris, you don't have a bad trip at all, do you? And I'll bet it's a gorgeous drive, too. I keep telling Michael that I want to visit England for two weeks, rent a car, and take our time driving the countryside.

We wanted to stay at the Hilton, but they were sold out. We're stuck at the Holiday Inn. I sure hope it's better than most of the ones we have in the states. I suppose I should be happy that we found anything at all.


Well, Michael shocked me last night. As I expected, he came home and took one look at ALL my clothes and spoke his appropriate 'lines.'

When he asked if I was taking everything that was out. (NO, like I enjoy pulling out most of my clothes and hanging them all over the room. It's a hobby of mine! JEEZ!)

When I said that I was, he said, oh, alright.


HUH???? He wasn't supposed to say that. I stood in shock while he covered them with plastic, packed them, then weighed the suitcases to make sure we were under the weight restrictions.

No arguments. That's never happened before. We always argue about these things. Either he'd had a few drinks before he came home (not likely..that's something I would do) or he was expecting both closets to be emptied, and was just grateful that it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Which of course means that I can push the limit next time! :)


Our flight leaves this afternoon. We're READY!!!!!

We can't wait to meet everyone.

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How thrilling reading about all your preparations! You guys must be soooo excited. It is making me even more impatient.


Ah ... dear old Blackpool and the lumies. Remember it well from my childhood in Huddersfield. Can you still buy "kiss me quick" hats, jugs of tea (half a crown deposit) and rides on the donkeys??


Have the best trip all you guys. I look forward to reading about all of your adventures when you return.


Bon voyage

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Hi Deb & Chris


Have a safe trip. We leave tomorrow and go right from plane to ship. I hope we don't look too rumpled.

We're looking forward to meeting everyone on Monday morning. :)

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5pm fri....work finished ..........well nearly

safe journey katie

zipper....good to hear from you....yes seems a special group and we are all very excited about it all.

Blackpool is sadly a bit run down but they are ftrying to improve it....donkeys yes, Kiss me quick hats yes......pots of tea dont think so

well all aboard

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Katie, you will look just fine. You can freshen up when you reach your cabin.

One of my favorite moments on a cruise is when all the suitcases have been unpacked, and the drill over. THAT'S when the cruise starts for me.

I didn't think this time would ever get here.


Chris, YEA!!! Works over! Now you can PLAY!!!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does everyone remember that we're to meet in the Library on Monday at 11:30 AM?

I will also add the names that we have collected on this thread, so far.


1) aaannnthony.....Fran & Anthony.....#8109 (NJ)

2) alita.....Alita.....#8129 (?England)

3) blackpool UK.....Sheila & Chris.....#10054 (England)

4) bonni99.....Gemma & Richard (London)

5) deb7073.....Debbie & Michael.....#5181 (TX)

6) frankel.....Rosemary & Mervyn.....#6244 (Toronto, Canada)

7) grifftails & Yvonne E.....Malvina & Yvonne (Sweden)

8) Mer Fairy.....? & ?

9) Katie 242...Jay and Katie (NJ)

10) Cupcaked….Karen (USA)


Deb, we missed you. Some of us saw one another again during the trip after our first meeting in the library on Monday at the appointed time, and no one had yet met you. I hope you made the trip alright.


Karen, home and unpacked with laundry started. A full review will follow soon.

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Oh Karen....

That first morning was really tough on me, and I can't apologize enough.

We were in the library at 11:20. I waited until 11:25, then had to quickly leave for my cabin. The ship was rocking and rolling MUCH too much for my taste up there. I didn't last long in my cabin, either. I had to get to the very, very back of the ship quick! I've never had such a severe sea sick problem before on ANY ship and hope to never experience it again.

I never thought to leave a note, or anything else. All I thought about was getting out of there QUICK.

Michael stood outside the Brittiania for a few minutes hoping to see you guys, but there were MANY 'you guys' waiting to get into the restaurant.

Then Kathy and I spent a few days playing phone tag.


But FINALLY, we met up with Kathy, Jay, Anthony, and Fran. (several times) And what fun people they turned out to be. We had a blast with them, all, and made some good friends, too!

I asked about the rest of you several times, and was really hoping we could meet. Maybe next time.

I hear Alita was quarantined in her cabin for a few days. Poor thing. I hope she's better now.

Michael came home with bronchitis. (it was pneumonia on the last transatlantic, so he feels fortunate!)


I hope everyone made it home, or wherever they were going, safely. I've already heard from Kathy, so I know they're home safe and sound.


I've never seen such an easy disembarkation. EVER! We didn't experience any large crowds congregating all over the place. And they allowed us to disembark earlier than our color was called so we could get to the airport and go standby. (we cancelled lunch in the city due to Michael's illness. He just wanted to get home) But we had no waiting for a taxi, like I heard we would have to endure. In fact, checking in, immigration, and disembarkation was a breeze on this ship. It was amazing. Although, I'm still not sure why we have to get up so early for immigration. I'm sure they have their reasons????

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Oh Karen....

That first morning was really tough on me, and I can't apologize enough.

We were in the library at 11:20. I waited until 11:25, then had to quickly leave for my cabin. The ship was rocking and rolling MUCH too much for my taste up there. I didn't last long in my cabin, either. I had to get to the very, very back of the ship quick! I've never had such a severe sea sick problem before on ANY ship and hope to never experience it again.

I never thought to leave a note, or anything else. All I thought about was getting out of there QUICK.


So sorry to hear you were so seasick and also somewhat surprised. The QM2 is one of the biggest, sturdiest, heaviest and most sea-worthy of any passenger ship out there nowadays.


Did you get a chance to get to Stephen Payne's lecture or Q&A session? You cold have asked him why you felt so ill while onboard QM2 in a relatively mild storm. He could have told you where to go onboard to get the best relief.


Anyway, glad to hear you found some of us last week. Too bad we didn't have a chance to get together.


P.S. What happened to Alita/Lynne? Sorry to hear she was quarantined.

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I was also very surprised by my reaction during the first 2 days, too. But in fact, I did have a lot of trouble on this ship, as opposed to others. One of the staff said it was because of the bouncing and tilting, as well as the vibration of the ship. (who knows?) I'm not technically savvy about such things.

Don't really care why, I just want it to STOP.

When I was standing in the library, or anywhere towards the front, I would literally rise out of my shoes. It felt as if I was lifting off the floor. (it happened one other time in the front, towards the end of the trip) I knew to leave before I got sick again. Maybe it was just the sense of not having control of my body.

If we're going from side to side, I could grab on to something. (I'm used to that) But this was up and down, with a vibration. Very strange sensation.

I spoke to several passengers and staff, who were having problems. Many of the staff couldn't work for those few days. I should have thought to ask Mr. Payne why this was. Or, had Michael ask when he was getting his autograph on the QM2 book for me.

Michael really enjoyed his lecture. I caught it on the cabin TV. Very interesting, as well as YOUNG man.


I'm just glad that things smoothed out enough to make the trip a very enjoyable one. I didn't eat much the first few days, but WHEW did I make up for it later. Not sure why, since I wasn't that fond of the food. (again, not surprising since I'm not fond of the food on most ships I've cruised) It obviously doesn't stop me from going and having a good time.

However the tuna, and the fish and chips were to die for. Michael and I have always enjoyed the alternative dining rooms on other lines, but (and I know we're in the minority here, so forgive me...it's just our opinion) thought Todd English was the worst food we've had on any ship. If we had been on a much lower line, and not used to fine dining, then I wouldn't have been surprised. Or maybe, I was expecting really terrific FINE DINING. I don't know what I was expecting, but whatever it was, it didn't meet our needs. However, the wine was to die for.

Some of the others I spoke with had mixed reviews. Some enjoyed it, some thought it was tasteless.

I guess that's why we have blondes and brunettes. :)

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Hi, Deb-

Sorry we missed meeting you on the QM2. We were in the library, and did meet some of our people, but part of the problem in meeting was that it is such a large library for a ship, with real stacks.

We kept asking if anyone had actually met you, or if you were a hoax, but then we found out that you were really not well, and were very sorry to hear that.

Since I got sick on our first two cruises (really sick) I don't fool around anymore, or take chances. I start taking sea-sickness medication a half hour before the ship sails, and continue as long as the ship is moving. There is no worse feeling than being sea-sick. And that first evening, while a lot of passengers were sick, I was fine.

Well, maybe we'll meet on another cruise.

I was interested to hear what you reported about "Todd English" because we had originally intended to eat there one dinner, we had such pleasant tablemates that we didn't want to miss them, and I wondered if we had missed a great opportunity. It sounds like we didn't.

But, it was a great ship, and a great cruise, and we would do it again.

Regards to all,


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Hi Rosie,

Good to hear from someone in our group. I too am sorry that I missed you.

But I've learned a valuable lesson. Since I've never had the problem, but don't know if that sea sick stuff will come back, from now on, I'm doing what you do.

Take something BEFORE it strikes. I still can't believe it happened.

Just proves that I'm not infalliable.

So glad to hear your tablemates were good. We were seated at a table for 6, but there were only 4 of us. They were nice, when we could understand what each of us were saying. The language barrier does get in the way sometimes.

Just my opinion, which doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot, but you didn't miss anything by missing T.E.

Other than that, I would definitely cruise on this ship again. No doubt!

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Hello everyone

Just to let you know that we are back from the return eastbound voyage.......which was alot calmer and even a sunny day........well at least part so we were able to sit out on deck for a while .

Good to meet those of you we saw..........deb so sorry you were ill and that we missed you ....we were so looking forward to seeing you.

We had a little excitement on the return as we had to divert to do a medical evacuation for a lady passenger who was airlifted to St Johns!!!!

Richard Dreyfus was on board for the return and gave a lecture and they showed all his films and we were invited to a cocktail party where he was also a guest and that was fun.

Deb we too were dissapointed with Todd English we took our friend Jacqui Scott who was singing on the westbound voyage and much preferred the princess grill food and service

Back at work today with lots to do so best get on !!!!

All the best everyone

Chris and Sheila

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Chris & Shelia,


It certainly was a pleasure meeting you both on the westbound crossing. Good to hear that you made it home safely and nice that you had some enjoyable weather and calmer seas on your return crossing. A shame that you did not have more than a few hours in NYC between voyages...what a wonderful city. Saturday the 28th was a beautiful day in New York. Were you able to get off the ship in New York at all?


Best regards,

Doug Franklin

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