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After reading this thread a couple weeks (?) ago I ordered two different starter kits from two different companies and studied the e-cigarette forum website. I smoked 2 packs a day for 36 years. I'm now vaping and LOVE IT! Thanks to this thread I have kicked a nasty habit in the butt! (pun intended);)


Now I just need to get DH to make the switch, bet he's tired of sitting in the garage to light up.


Some of the perks of vaping that I never thought of: don't have to have car windows down, don't have to worry about wind, don't have to carry a lighter, don't have to put it out and dispose of butt, have a vape then put it straight in your pocket or purse, can't get any easier than that! :D


Thanks again to everyone who helped enlighten me and contributed helpful information to this thread.

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I tried ecigs about a year and a half ago. Guess I got the wrong thing, because it did not keep me from smoking real cigarettes, and I eventually stopped vaping and returned to smoking.


Three weeks ago I started reading the Royal Caribbean "faux cigarettes" thread and discovered some new products out there, so I decided to order and give it another try. I really wanted to stop smoking but since I had tried everything, including hypnosis, I had little hope.


Well, I got the Joye EGo kit. I use it with cartomizers, not with the atomizer and cartridges-- so for me it is a 2 piece ecig. (I am not into the liquids and refilling. It has to be fast and easy for me to use it)


WOW! What a difference from what I tried before. This is better than smoking. I don't smell. I don't wheeze at night when I lie down in bed. It tastes better. My dogs and birds like me more, I'm sure!


This is the best thing that has ever happened for me in my quit smoking quest. I thank everyone on the RCI ecig thread, for they were the reason I gave ecigs another try.


I smoked for 49 years. I had my last real cigarette the day my joye EGo arrived.



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That's great Linda. Question for you. Do they taste like a real cigarette? I tried a friend's e-cig about a year ago and I hated it. It tasted terrible. Didn't taste like a cigarette at all, and it wasn't one of those scented ones. But,,,,,I believe the one she had was made in China or somewhere overseas. Do they make them in the U.S. now? And, what does it taste like. The one I tried almost made me sick and I can still remember the nasty taste to this day. And, no, I'm not interested in trying the other flavors. I want one that tastes like a real cigarette.

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That's great Linda. Question for you. Do they taste like a real cigarette? I tried a friend's e-cig about a year ago and I hated it. It tasted terrible. Didn't taste like a cigarette at all, and it wasn't one of those scented ones. But,,,,,I believe the one she had was made in China or somewhere overseas. Do they make them in the U.S. now? And, what does it taste like. The one I tried almost made me sick and I can still remember the nasty taste to this day. And, no, I'm not interested in trying the other flavors. I want one that tastes like a real cigarette.


Hi Crissy--


To me, it tastes the same but fresher, cleaner. (Not true with respect to the one I tried before.) I think in the past 1- 1 1/2 years, there have been great improvements.


I ordered from a company in the US but where things are manufactured, I don't really know. You have to consider what you smoke when deciding what to order for vaping. For instance, I smoked Ultra Light Menthols, so I vape 18 mg Menthol Cartomizers; I will move down to 11 mg in the future.


When you are shopping for your starter kit and your cartomizers, there will be a list of flavors and nicotine mg levels. Choose from there and then reorder in bulk after you have found something that pleases you.


Many of the USA ecig suppliers offer free shipping and discount coupon codes, so shop around!


Hope this helped. Good luck to you! Any other questions, ask away---



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Ok...here's my 2 cents....First of all thank you OP (whateverfloatsyerboat) for bringing up

the subject of 'e-cigs'. I had never heard of them before and because of your post I've done much research on them and have just received 2 starter kits (one for me and one for my DH). I'm one of the lucky ones that is a 'situtational' smoker unlike my DH who is 'physically' addicted and smokes at least a pack a day. My addiction only rears it's ugly head usually on weekends or while on vacation because this is when I do my 'drinking'. For some reason, when I drink, I cannot control my need for the sensation of inhaling and exhaling. All other times I can live without them. I do worry about the health consequences involved with smoking 'analog' cigarettes and understand the hate most people have for second-hand smoke.


THIS IS WHY I HOPE ALL CRUISELINES CHANGE THEIR POLICY REGARDING E-CIGS! Most of us 'vapers' started vaping because we want to get away from real smoking. WHY WOULD WE WANT TO BE 'FORCED' TO BE WITH ALL THE REST OF THE 'SMOKERS'. That's defeating the whole purpose! Let's use common sense and allow 'vapers' to vape wherever they want to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's funny, I was considering posting here after a rather nasty discussion dissolved on the celebrity board about e-cigs.


I'm curious of your opinions..I'm totally pro-smoking where allowed, but from what I've read, there is an amount of nicotine that is exhaled and emitted from the cig itself. There's been no actual studies on the amount. (real studies, not a sales website just saying something)


I certainly agree they are better than a regular cigarette, including for the user, but nicotine is still the harmful substance.


If you were standing next to, say, a pregnant person, or an elderly person on oxygen and they were informed about what it was, but were concerned about second hand nicotine vapor, would you put it away, or continue using it?


A second question, for those that do use it, do you think your total usage (number of times you smoke a day) decreased after using it? I have a relative that has tried to quite numerous times and I think they would be interested.



As a nonsmoker, I would like address your post.


I have no problem if the Ecig emits a little nicotine. It is the Tar, Arsenic, Striknyne and other 3,000 toxins that I want to avoid.


It is my understanding that the most worst irritants (which is what causes the cancer) are not in the nicotine itself...but in the tar and other carcinogens that a tobacoo leaf has but an ECig does not.

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Ok...here's my 2 cents....First of all thank you OP (whateverfloatsyerboat) for bringing up

the subject of 'e-cigs'. I had never heard of them before and because of your post I've done much research on them and have just received 2 starter kits (one for me and one for my DH). I'm one of the lucky ones that is a 'situtational' smoker unlike my DH who is 'physically' addicted and smokes at least a pack a day. My addiction only rears it's ugly head usually on weekends or while on vacation because this is when I do my 'drinking'. For some reason, when I drink, I cannot control my need for the sensation of inhaling and exhaling. All other times I can live without them. I do worry about the health consequences involved with smoking 'analog' cigarettes and understand the hate most people have for second-hand smoke.


THIS IS WHY I HOPE ALL CRUISELINES CHANGE THEIR POLICY REGARDING E-CIGS! Most of us 'vapers' started vaping because we want to get away from real smoking. WHY WOULD WE WANT TO BE 'FORCED' TO BE WITH ALL THE REST OF THE 'SMOKERS'. That's defeating the whole purpose! Let's use common sense and allow 'vapers' to vape wherever they want to.


As a total non-smoker...I agree!!


In fact, I would love to see Carnival require E cigs for any smoking done indoors. I wish they sold the dispensers and cartridges at the bars AND for far LESS than someone can purchase it in the US......


Carnival would still make money...smokers would save money and non-smokers would be in HEAVEN!!!!


They even have CIGARS now!!!

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I tried ecigs about a year and a half ago. Guess I got the wrong thing, because it did not keep me from smoking real cigarettes, and I eventually stopped vaping and returned to smoking.


Three weeks ago I started reading the Royal Caribbean "faux cigarettes" thread and discovered some new products out there, so I decided to order and give it another try. I really wanted to stop smoking but since I had tried everything, including hypnosis, I had little hope.


Well, I got the Joye EGo kit. I use it with cartomizers, not with the atomizer and cartridges-- so for me it is a 2 piece ecig. (I am not into the liquids and refilling. It has to be fast and easy for me to use it)


WOW! What a difference from what I tried before. This is better than smoking. I don't smell. I don't wheeze at night when I lie down in bed. It tastes better. My dogs and birds like me more, I'm sure!


This is the best thing that has ever happened for me in my quit smoking quest. I thank everyone on the RCI ecig thread, for they were the reason I gave ecigs another try.


I smoked for 49 years. I had my last real cigarette the day my joye EGo arrived.




It's all about finding smoke juice you like. I had a gift kit I'd picked up cheap that came with some of the nastiest DeKang juice I'd ever encountered. It literally stunk up my house until I flushed the cartridge filler and juice down the toilet. I've since found a couple of juice supplies I rely on.

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Just my update for anyone who may be mildly interested:


I'm a week and a half analog free...I'll be vamping (vaping) on the Ecstasy on Thursday!


A million gadzillion thanks to everyone here on this thread who has helped me get this far! My daughters thank you, too!


I smoked over 2 packs a day of Ultra Light Menthols for almost 30 years. The .06% nicotine is fine for now, and I hope to go to non-nicotine the first of 2011.



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If you were standing next to, say, a pregnant person, or an elderly person on oxygen and they were informed about what it was, but were concerned about second hand nicotine vapor, would you put it away, or continue using it?


I'm wondering if that would be any different than standing beside them and chewing nicotine gum and exhaling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it's been awhile since this thread was started. Not resurrecting to stir up trouble, but just wanted to give anyone reading, and doubting vaping might work for them, a little testimonial...


I was super skeptical. I didn't want to quit, just wanted something to tide me over in public. I'm a single mom to a wonderful 20-month old little boy, and I hated either putting him in the carseat and sneaking a smoke outside the car (with dirty looks from bystanders included), or totally jonesing and becoming The World's Crankiest Mother. So, after reading the threads here at CC, and seeing a Blu (sans nicotine) that a coworker brought in, I did some research and made a purchase.


The first night I had my ecig, I decided to forgo charging the batteries, and try it out. Meh. Wasn't that great, didn't seem to satisfy anything. I put the batteries in the charger, and went to bed thinking "well, that was a few dollars wasted".


The next morning, I decided to give it a whirl again. Wow, wow, wow! Charged batteries make a difference. I tried to have an analogue cig later that day, and two puffs in ground it out, it tasted too gross.


LONG story short: these things work! I can taste food again, I don't feel like a horrible mother, I don't have to freeze my ash off in the snow.


My next cruise isn't until next May...but it's crazy to think that I used to get a balcony because I needed to smoke on it, but now, I can get a balcony because I need to enjoy the scenery.

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LONG story short: these things work! I can taste food again, I don't feel like a horrible mother, I don't have to freeze my ash off in the snow.

Isn't it great? After learning about and trying e-cigs, I was able to quit analogs within 3 days. I had smoked since I was in my late teens, and I am 54 now. A few weeks ago (Oct. 22nd) I celebrated one year since my last cigarette. I hope every smoker gives them a try, it truly works!

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I know it's been awhile since this thread was started. Not resurrecting to stir up trouble, but just wanted to give anyone reading, and doubting vaping might work for them, a little testimonial...


I was super skeptical. I didn't want to quit, just wanted something to tide me over in public. I'm a single mom to a wonderful 20-month old little boy, and I hated either putting him in the carseat and sneaking a smoke outside the car (with dirty looks from bystanders included), or totally jonesing and becoming The World's Crankiest Mother. So, after reading the threads here at CC, and seeing a Blu (sans nicotine) that a coworker brought in, I did some research and made a purchase.


The first night I had my ecig, I decided to forgo charging the batteries, and try it out. Meh. Wasn't that great, didn't seem to satisfy anything. I put the batteries in the charger, and went to bed thinking "well, that was a few dollars wasted".


The next morning, I decided to give it a whirl again. Wow, wow, wow! Charged batteries make a difference. I tried to have an analogue cig later that day, and two puffs in ground it out, it tasted too gross.


LONG story short: these things work! I can taste food again, I don't feel like a horrible mother, I don't have to freeze my ash off in the snow.


My next cruise isn't until next May...but it's crazy to think that I used to get a balcony because I needed to smoke on it, but now, I can get a balcony because I need to enjoy the scenery.


Thank you so much for sharing.


As a nonsmoker, I don't have any first hand knowledge...so input like this is invaluable in making "suggestions" to my family.

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"The effects of nicotine itself are similar to that other popular drug, caffeine. See our (nicotine reading list.) There is no evidence that nicotine causes any substantial risk for cancer, and the research shows that the risk for cardiovascular disease is minimal. The confusion about nicotine comes from anti-smoking activists talking about nicotine and smoking as if they were the same. While it is true that people smoke mostly because of nicotine; nicotine users die mostly because of the smoke. "



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You're quite welcome, LHP! I've admired how supportive you are of this, even though you're not a smoker.


This is a big deal, folks. I have smoked for 20 years. I loved smoking. I've stopped two times in my life: basic training (forced to) and while pregnant (made me gag). Even after my son was born, I still went back. For his entire life, I've taken 10 min out of every hour away from him in the backyard, changed shirts after smoking, washed hands and face. This weekend was the first time I just spent the whole day with him. He seemed to appreciate it :D

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You're quite welcome, LHP! I've admired how supportive you are of this, even though you're not a smoker.


This is a big deal, folks. I have smoked for 20 years. I loved smoking. I've stopped two times in my life: basic training (forced to) and while pregnant (made me gag). Even after my son was born, I still went back. For his entire life, I've taken 10 min out of every hour away from him in the backyard, changed shirts after smoking, washed hands and face. This weekend was the first time I just spent the whole day with him. He seemed to appreciate it :D



We all have our bad habits....mine just happens to be karaoke. (cover your ears !!!) ;)


I am just thrilled at the difference it is making in your life. That is wonderful.

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