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E-Cig onboard

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Yes, my sense of smell and taste is coming back. Stranger still, everything seems a little brighter as far as colors go. Really weird.


Vaping does dry you out a little more than smoking, and I live in a dry climate anyway, so I am drinking more water. But I can go up 3 flights of stairs now without feeling out of breath at the end. That's a wonderful thing, esp. at this altitude (we're at 6k feet). Also, I chased my son around yesterday, and didn't get winded. Soon I need to start training for my military physical fitness test...looking forward to seeing how running will be different.


Other differences...I've been sleeping like a rock, I feel more motivated, my mouth feels better (brushed teeth stay fresh), my hair is a little softer.

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Does anyone have any info on using a PV(personal vaporizor) onboard Carnival Ships? My husband is wanting to know if he'll need to go to the smoking area for this. :confused:


Any info would be helpful! Thanks!

I wish OP would let us know how her husbands vaping went on the ship. I've been vaping for seven weeks. I haven't had an analog for the last three weeks. I think E-ciggs are a great thing for all.

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I wish OP would let us know how her husbands vaping went on the ship. I've been vaping for seven weeks. I haven't had an analog for the last three weeks. I think E-ciggs are a great thing for all.

My wife started vaping about 3 weeks ago, she finished off a pack of analogs then hasn't had one since. She almost broke down when she lost the vape for a short time. :eek: We sail Friday and she plans on using it and no analogs. I wonder if my cigar smoking will make her breakdown though...

I'll try to remember to report back, she is using the Provape and loves it...

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I breathe better and feel like I have never smoked, My sense of smell? Well, if I smell a cigarette now, it makes me feel very sick and nauseous. So my sense of smell must be better. However, I am not one of those crazy anti's and I will never be because I understand the addiction. I'm just glad I have been able to stay off them for almost 2 years now.

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Yes, my sense of smell and taste is coming back. Stranger still, everything seems a little brighter as far as colors go. Really weird.


Vaping does dry you out a little more than smoking, and I live in a dry climate anyway, so I am drinking more water. But I can go up 3 flights of stairs now without feeling out of breath at the end. That's a wonderful thing, esp. at this altitude (we're at 6k feet). Also, I chased my son around yesterday, and didn't get winded. Soon I need to start training for my military physical fitness test...looking forward to seeing how running will be different.


Other differences...I've been sleeping like a rock, I feel more motivated, my mouth feels better (brushed teeth stay fresh), my hair is a little softer.


I breathe better and feel like I have never smoked, My sense of smell? Well, if I smell a cigarette now, it makes me feel very sick and nauseous. So my sense of smell must be better. However, I am not one of those crazy anti's and I will never be because I understand the addiction. I'm just glad I have been able to stay off them for almost 2 years now.


Thx folks, been doing research for the past 24-36 and trying to figure out which product is best for me.....almost have it narrowed down.


Best of luck.......

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If you need any tricks/tips/advice, feel free to ask! I have a 510 manual. There is a learning curve the first day or so: how much liquid do I put in, how far in should the polyfill stuffing go, how hard/long should I 'draw' on it, how long to charge the battery, how to fill with ejuice without getting it everywhere, etc. You do feel a little like a junkie, with all your "gear" laid out :eek: But then, it becomes second nature, just like smoking was...


I do want to find a nice carrying case for the gear, though...the plastic bag I'm using is a little ghetto, methinks. Recycling?


There you go, CC, design a cruise-themed ecig case!

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  • 3 months later...
That's great Linda. Question for you. Do they taste like a real cigarette? I tried a friend's e-cig about a year ago and I hated it. It tasted terrible. Didn't taste like a cigarette at all, and it wasn't one of those scented ones. But,,,,,I believe the one she had was made in China or somewhere overseas. Do they make them in the U.S. now? And, what does it taste like. The one I tried almost made me sick and I can still remember the nasty taste to this day. And, no, I'm not interested in trying the other flavors. I want one that tastes like a real cigarette.


The e-cigs, themselves are made in China but you want to buy American made liquid. The Chinese liquid is just nasty and you don't know what the ingredients are.


I've been smoke-free for almost 2 years now (anniversary coming up the end of this month) and haven't so much as lit a cigarette since my second day on the e-cig.

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Hi everyone, I am FreQuentKruser and the one who was doing so much of the posting of information about the ecigs on the Royal Caribbean message board.


I had my first "vape" of an ecig nearly 3 months ago and have been vaping ever since. I had smoked Marlboro Reds 40 years. I had no desire to stop smoking, I had no plan to stop smoking .. however from that very first "vape" I have never even wanted to have another cigarette, it has been an amazing trip.


I taught many people on the Royal Caribbean message board about the benefits of ecigs .. and was then joined on that board by others who then purchased an ecig kit, tried it and quit smoking real cigarettes too.


Many of us then went to the http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com website, which is full of others who have quit smoking and now use ecigs, and we started a thread there. It is called "Cruise ship passengers and ecigs". If you go to the e-cigarette-forum you will find our thread in the "travel" section.


My doctor and many of my friends who are RNs were so very excited when they learned I had stopped smoking "analogs" and was now vaping "electronically". I had been very ill for 6 months and could not say one sentence without coughing, my ankles had turned purple from lack of circulation, and I could not take a full breath. Within 48 hours of vaping my cough totally stopped and my breathing became deeper. Within 2 weeks of vaping all of the purple blotches on my ankles not only got better, they totally went away!


My husband and I cruise all the time, every 4-6 weeks. We just returned from 2 back-to-back cruises to the Baltic and I vaped on the airplanes, in all of the airports, all over the ship, on the excursion bus and even in the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. That said, I didnt blantantly blow vapor rings LOL, I did it discreetly but none-the-less no one said one word .. because they cant smell a thing.


It is vapor .. it is not smoke. It is the same vapor that is used in asthma machines, in the smoke machines at concerts, it is the same vapor that is pumped thru the air ducts in hospitals to help purify the air. It is a mist, the same mist that you sometimes see come out of the vents inside an airplane.


I'm happy to see that many of you are already vaping and I hope more smokers make the same decision .. it is a wonderful thing!!! I started off vaping at a nicotine strength of 36mg, I chose that strength because I was such a heavy smoker. But within a few weeks of starting to vape I cut down to 24mg. Then a month later I cut down to 16 mg and in another week I plan to cut down to 12mg.


Sorry to see that your thread here has a "few" people on it who are against the most wonderful invention to ever come to a smoker. Yes the FDA has not approved them, and yes some states want to ban them. Why? Well in my case my state is no longer getting all the tax money it use to get from me when I bought cigarettes. And the USA government isnt getting it's federal share of my cigarette taxes. And big tobacco isnt making a penny on me either. So, will I ever see ecigarettes "approved" by the US government .. hahaha .. doubt it. They want the tax money more than they want me to quit smoking something that contained over 4,000 deadly chemicals. Now I have one chemical, nicotine .. and my doctor applauds it and has even started giving out cards to all of his patients who still smoke, encouraging them to go buy ecigs!


My nickname n the e-cigarette-forum is stashbldr .. there are many of us from various cruise ships over there, come on over and say hi and if you need any help or have questions we'd love to help you.


Happy vaping everyone .. vape on :)

6 CRUISES!! I'm so jealous! :):)

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6 CRUISES!! I'm so jealous! :):)



LOL actually it's 8 separate cruises, some of them are back-to-backs LOL. It's now been 8 months since I starting using e-cigs, have never looked back, have never wanted or missed regular analog cigarettes, my health is fantastic and even my voice has changed.


I've run into lots of people on cruise ships that I hadnt seen for a few years, they all have marveled at my skin color .. I guess I use to have pretty icky skin because they all always say "wow your skin looks so fantastic, what a difference".


I've been so healthy for these 8 months, whereas before I couldnt go longer than 3 months without having pneumonia. I couldnt go for more than 1 or 2 days without coughing and now I have not coughed in 8 months! I truly think the e-cigarette saved my life, I was on deaths door.

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I have an e-cig but.....

When choosing our forthcoming cruise, we carefully researched the smoking policy of every cruise line.

Having already lost non refundable deposits with Celebrity Cruises, we have chosen to cruise again (as opposed to a land vacation) with Carnival, as their smoking policy suits us. Rightly or wrongly, we have the right to spend our hard earned cash as we see fit.

For us, travelling from the UK, our cruise (at a great early discounted price), is costing around £4500 GBP. (I guess thats about $6500). In addition to that we will have two nights hotels and transfers to pay for. We have already had to pay four deposits, two each, as its back to back 14 nights. Those deposits are non refundable.

We APPRECIATE Carnivals smoking policy. However, we are worried, that they too may pull the plug, and once again, we will lose deposits. We have to plan our vacations well in advance for business purposes, and as I say, in the UK, deposits are non refundable.

I do have an e-cig, but I WILL be smoking on our cruise. I never ever smoke outwith areas I am allowed to. Also, in booking our cruise so early, had a great choice of cabins. We wanted an aft balcony, and all three decks were showing available at the time of booking. We chose the very top deck, as smoke rises, so being that we are aft, and top, I hope not to cause concern for non smoking neighbours.

That aside, I do wish smokers, would take on board that the cleaner we are, and the more thoughtful we are, the less chance there is of us losing the few spaces we have. There is another gadget, which I take with me on every vacation. Its a smokeless ashtray. If you smoke, please do consider taking one with you. There are some good ones around. I use mine on my balcony, and have a couple for my purses too which I carry around. When you lift the lid, the smoke is filtered up through the lid. I "exhale" my smoke back towards the lid too.

I have had positive feedback from non smokers regarding this. I use one also in my home office (in fact, my home office is filled with extractor gadgets!).

Perhaps I am an obsessively "clean" smoker (if there is such a thing!) But I carry wet wipes to clean the ashtrays myself. I never have to go on the hunt for an ashtray. And although I am in smoking areas, I bother few people by ensuring my smoke is only in my own personal space. I have had odd looks, but those are made up for by non smokers, who will comment to me how thoughtful it is to have brought this little "gadget" with me.

A good one costs around $25, but its worth it.

My mother in law is 82, smokes like a lum ;) She is a big casino fan and spends most of her time in there when we cruise. Two cruises ago, she had said to me she doesnt like it when she is playing the puggy machines and she gets nasty comments from non smokers. So last time, I bought her a smokeless ashtray which she placed by her wee dram at her puggy machine (bandits). She LOVED it! She said how great it was not to get non smokers giving her digs and "coughs" who sat next to her. Also, it was a topic of conversation as she struck of friends with non smokers! (BTW..this is before she hits the disco!)...

There were a couple I have bought which werent so good. Those I bought from ebay. In the beginning all were battery, but now you can buy them with a USB charger. I believe now also you can get cigar types.

So..slightly off topic, but, just a little gadget smokers might want to be aware of.

Incidentally, I used an e-cig on a BA flight quite a few years back. The pilot was NOT amused and I was told to stop immediately!

Ryanair dont sell e-cigs (someone else mentioned that). They sell packs of replacement nicotine cigs which are not vapourised. Just hits of nicotine really.

There are of course anti smokers who just love to HATE.. As much as I will endeavor to cause them the least harm possible, I will not tolerate nasty remarks on my cruise when I am in a smoking area, and doing my utmost to keep my smoke personal. YOU have chosen to cruise with this policy, just as I have. So please do not give me your waving arms, dirty looks, and "coughs". If it bothers you that much, then choose another line just as we have.

As for people being obnoxious to "vapers".. waaaay out of line on that one:eek:

I am very fortunate to live in total rural countryside. I have my carbon monoxide levels checked (by my stop smoking council who is convinced I am a non smoker at heart!), and believe it or not, my levels are lower than a typical non smoker who lives in the city. When I go into the city for the day, I come home with burning eyes, and stuffed sinuses. So I do think there are many harmful substances in the air that we all, are unaware of. I can SMELL car fumes and exaust pipes. I choke in the city, and come home wheezing and stuffed up! I am as aware of that, as non smokers are of smoke.

I have stopped smoking in the past, but due to bereavements etc, have started again. I do try to stop, but in the meantime, I pay my money, and take my choice. I just TRY to be as considerate of others as I can be.

Anyway, smokeless ashtrays... great little gadget, if you, like me, still wanna have the real McCoy!

Incidentally, where I live, has the highest population of people over 100 years old in the UK.. my Mother in Law, the smoker.. as I say, she is 82, and still rocks her socks off ;) And no matter how we, her doctor, and all of us ask, she still buys her 20 pack daily! :)

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I have been Smoke Free for 165 Days by using the Electronic Cigarette/Personal Vaporizer


And feeling like the guy who "Liked the product so well, he bought the company".

I like the product so well. I went into business promoting and selling them.


I can't wait to Vape on our cruise in May.

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I LOVE this thread! I am a severe asthmatic and cigarette smoke is one if my worst triggers. I'd hang out with any of you vaping folks anytime! I don't care at all if you are vaping since it isn't the "smoking" that bothers me, its what the cigarette chemicals do to my lungs that bothers me. Vape on!


I don't get why people have an issue with this at all... I have been known to go into a coughing fit from being around smokers, but only because that is what my lungs' reaction is to the smoke, not because I have any issue with my smoking friends. I just leave the area and go get some fresh air. :) As long as my lungs are happy I'm happy. Sounds like vaping is the perfect solution!

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My son will be coming home from his cruise on the Carnival Pride today. I can't wait to hear of any reactions to his e-cig use since he has no qualms about using it anywhere. I'll post back here after talking to him....

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Does anyone have any info on using a PV(personal vaporizor) onboard Carnival Ships? My husband is wanting to know if he'll need to go to the smoking area for this. :confused:


Any info would be helpful! Thanks!


I was just on the Paradise & there was a woman puffing on one in the jacuzzi. I was right next to her and can honestly say I would much rather have someone puffing on one of those than a real cigarette. Anyone on a cruise I sure wish they would do this in my opinion. I couldn't even tell she was smoking.

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I read this thread or one very much like it quite a few months ago and it really planted a seed in my head. I started reading up on ecigs (even though I really had no WANT to quit). I was just kind of looking for a way to cut back and some some $$$$. I ended up getting an eGo and quit smoking the day I got it in. So thank you to the OP for starting this thread. Sadly my batteries died and I wasn't smart enuf to order an extra just in case. So I did end up going back to analogs and I am still having a hard time making the switch back.


As far as the whole smoker/non-smoker debate....I was always a considerate smoker, unless someone came into a "smoking area" and start doing the little fake I had your smoke cough. That just made me smoke more. Sorry I had very few areas to smoke, so don't come into my area and expect me to move. Anyway, with the ecig I tend to do the same thing. If I am around non-smokers I usually move away from them and do my thing. I might sneak a hit inside a store or the movies but I never just sit out in the open and vape away. Mostly because I don't want to hear the nay sayers complain.


so again thank you OP and everyone else that has posted in this thread for bringing this life saving device to light

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All day today, after reading this, and writing....I have been on my E-CIG:D



Hi Blondie .. it's all I have used for 8 months now, ater having smoked for more years than I want to admit LOL. They are the best thing since sliced bread IMHO. I understand the captain of one of the Carnival ships uses an ecig, cant remember which ship but thought I read that it maybe it is the Pride? Every cruise I'm on people ask about it and then order ecig equipment for themselves.


Instead of getting 4000 chemicals that cigarettes have in them there is only one in an ecig, my doctors have all told me it's the other 3,999 chemicals and carcinogens that kill people, not the nicotine. My doctors are happy-happy that I use an ecig and that alone speaks volumes to me!

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Why anyone would have complaints about someone smoking an E-Cig is beyond me! It is smell less and there is no second hand smoke. I think everyone should applaud folks who are making an attempt to get off the Cigarettes.

Of course some people are not happy unless they are complaining about something.

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I started using my E-cig [PV] back in Sept. I havent had a ciggarette [analog] since oct. I started with a disposable then a Joye 510 and now have an E-go and a E-go tank. I have a bunch of juice,batteries and gear. I have gone to vapers meetings and learned a lot, and met a great bunch of people. I can't belive that NY state wants to ban the sale of E-ciggs. I smoked for 35 yrs. and because of E-ciggs quit smoking and don't want to go back. Here are two more links Vapersforum.com and Vapersclub.com

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I can't belive that NY state wants to ban the sale of E-ciggs.



Quite a few states want to ban e-cigs .. they want the tax we use to pay on our cigarettes. Isnt a pack of cigarettes something like $9-10 in New York state? Think of all the money they are losing everytime someone does not buy a pack of cigarettes. Those of us who vape can do it for less than $1 a day, I personally average 75 cents a day .. with none of it going to any state or federal tax.

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Quite a few states want to ban e-cigs .. they want the tax we use to pay on our cigarettes. Isnt a pack of cigarettes something like $9-10 in New York state? Think of all the money they are losing everytime someone does not buy a pack of cigarettes. Those of us who vape can do it for less than $1 a day, I personally average 75 cents a day .. with none of it going to any state or federal tax.

A pack was $9.60 when I quit. I agree they want the tax $$.Just like the gas tax.

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I was among those who did not want to quit smoking, and found I enjoyed Vaping so much.

But even the monetary aspect is proof of the cost savings.


Question: How expensive is it compared to cigarettes?

Answer: Here in South Carolina a carton of premium cigarettes cost $45-$55 depending on the brand you buy. If you smoke a pack a day that’s between $135-$180 dollars a month on cigarettes. A Starter kit with a few bottle of e-juices will cost approximately $80. A single 10ml bottle of E-juice will cost $7 and lasts at least a week depending on usage making the monthly cost approximately $28. Cutting the cigarette bill by a substantial amount.

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I use a PV and will be taking it on a Legend cruise in a couple of weeks.

Normally I use mods I have built as the replacement batteries run $3 to $4 versus the $10 to $25 of the factory built jobs.

On the cruise I'll just take a hand full of factory batteries as they are easier to palm and stealth vape if needed.

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