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Mariner of the Seas 2/20-2/27

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Just got back from my first trip on a Voyager class ship. It was my birthday and I could not think of a better way to celebrate. The following is a cynopsis of the trip.


2/19: Delta Song from JFK to Orlando. Afternoon flight, nice flight, had fun playing trivia against on tv with other passengers. Arrived in Orlando at sunset, place was packed due to Daytna./500 (stood on line 20 min to catch cab). Hotel arrangement sucked because we booked so close to coming down, but we were glad to have the room. Days Inn in downtown Orlando, kept us safe & dry for the night, but wouldn't recommend to anyone.


2/20. Up bright and early! At the airport by 9:00am, to catch a 10:30 shuttle we arranged to the Port. Busy Travel, nice folks, $120.00 rt for two. Driver gave us history of Port & town and pointed out highlights. Traffic was thick, people traveling towards race, but driver had us in port by 12:00pm. It was love at first sight. Mariner was just gorgeous! We jumped out of van and hustled past hundreds of people who were waiting for transportation and went upstairs to embark. Since we had cabin 1583, interior, deck 10 we were pointed toward a preferred line, no waiting, checked right in. Took our welcome aboard picture and off to the windjammer we went. Lots of people, drinks flowing, we sat down in this huge spacious cafeteria and chowed down. I snuck of to make a spa appointment and just as I returned DB had finished lunch. 1:45pm we were in the room.


Now I had been just a tad paranoid behind all the chatter regarding illness, but the room was spotless and the rug was damp and smelling fresh from shampoo. I unpacked my bags (I didn't check a thang) and someone knocked on my door. Lo & behold it was Veronica, my stateroom attendant. I quickly grabbed $20.00 ask her empty the mini fridge and keep it stocked with water.

Headed back up to next two decks to check out the band, look at the Disney & Fantasy in port and settle in with a cool drink. As the sun began to slowly set the Fantasy blew her horn and headed out to sea. The Disney ship seemed to be rocking, lots of music, people dancing and the captain saluted our ship with a couple of blasts, (and the Mariner's captain answered) before "Mickey" sailed off (It was a very "close encounters of the ...moment) After a short delay, Mariner sailed shortly after 6:00pm.

Dragged myself around the rest of the ship on a quick tour, had dinner in the Jade/Windjammer and called it a night. It was just 11:30pm.


Part II shortly.

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Figure I better keep writing while memories are still fresh:) .


2/21: Nassau. Up at 6:00am. Raring to go. At the Windjammer by 7:00am. Checking out the scene on a breezy sunny deck (12? front of ship) as we slipped into Port. It's amazing how easily this enormous vessel moves. So smooth and easy! We whizzed off the ship by 8:30am/down the pier and headed straight thru the welcoming center. Took a quick left on Bay St. and kept walking. Just a couple of shops were open, but the rush hour traffic was already in full swing. We continued down Bay St. till we hit the bridge and over and up we went. As we hit the climbed the steep incline, just in the middle of the bridge we stopped to take a picture of Atlantis. Over and up we went and just as we were about to enter Atlantis, DB became entranced with the luxury yachts that lined the little harbor. Finally after 15 minutes I was able to coax him into the Atlantis and we head to the Casino to use a ATM that gives out US dollars :) . Of course I had to stop by the nickle slots, and whola, I hit! But of course I put it right back into the machine:mad: .


Took a couple of pictures and jumped in a cab back to Bay Street. We wanted to do lunch at the Bahamian Kitchen, but the place was not open (11:30am), so I followed my nose, and it led me to a interesting alternative. The Pepperpot! Now I should have realized things were going to get spicey, (the name gave it away) but man, was it ever worth it. We ordered Fish Escovitch, Rice & Peas, Cole Slaw and Carrot Juice. My poor DB had tears in his eyes, peppers were kicking his .... We asked the waiter, whether it was Scotch Bonnet that was doing the damage and he replied "No, Goat Pepper".


Stuffed, we weeded our way thru the alleys back down to Bay Street which was now in full tourist mode and jumping. DB and I pointed out particular places we had stayed or hung out in in previous visits and continued to window shop. The Hilton still stands tall and proud and we decided to take a peek in the "new" straw market. I remember the old one & have pictures, and we haggled, but decided just to keep it moving down to the liquor store, to "test" some flavors, have a little rum cake for dessert, and snap up a bottle of pina rum. We stretched and slowly made our way back to the ship, happy that Nassau was still intact.


Once onboard, we went back to the room, (that DB was finding very cozy now) and headed upstairs towards the gym. Worked out, used the jacuzzi. Went back to room and Veronica had a suprise for me "Crown and Anchor booklet" and the coupon for Johnny Rockets! Took a little break before getting ready for first formal night. Little did I know, a drama was unfolding and the Mariner had turned around at sea:confused: . A crew member had beacome ill and had to be evacuated to the nearest port. By now it was dark and we as we dressed for dinner we hoped that crew member was going to be alright. We eventually made our way up to the Dining Room "The Sound of Music" deck five for our 9:00pm seating (all other nights we at at 8:30). We sat at a large table with two other families, from Jersey and Midwest. One gentleman ran a dept at AIG and another was in the "livestock" business (I think).


Ate dinner (it was okay) and went down to Boleros on 4 to dance salsa with the band (of course we took the formal picture right outside the dining room, facing the promenade, and the it is spectacular, catches the elegance and size of the ship). Hit the Savoy theatre next to catch the Drifters (good show) and then of coure I had to stop at the Casino:D . Was in 1:00am and had to set the clock foward AST. What a day!

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I'm glad your'e liking the review, it's my first..thanks.


2/22. Day 3.


Well DB woke up and figured he had eaten way too much so off to the Gym he went. After sleeping in I hit the Windjammer and off to 11:30am Bingo (I've never played this before, figured it was for old ladies:p ). Used my first Crown & Anchor coupon and tried my luck...none to be had so it was off to my next destination. Ellington's for the Cruise Critic Meet & Mingle!


I must say Ellington's was the perfect place to have it. I got there 10 minutes after it started and took a seat on the very outside bounderies. Just had time enough to join in on the raffle, before prizes were given away (still no luck, I figured my ticket would be at the top of the pile:( ). Oh well, my luck did change when I met our groups leader Sailfish. She is a delight and she had something that I hadn't had a chance to pick up...Ice Show Tickets! Sailfish was just a blessing and she handed them over and I accepted them glady! She was pleasure to meet:) . The gesture was really kind and my DB loved the show (more on that later). I met one or two more people and then headed off to meet DB at lunch.


We decided to try Johhny Rockets and found an outside table. Before we went I stopped by the Crown & Anchor desk and pleaded for another coupon for DB, the rep was really nice and I appreciated the "hook up". The pool area just outside was packed and jammin and we ate our food and headed towards the back of the ship behind adventure ocean (kids club). We were able to find seats there and just veged and relaxed. At dinner once again at the Windjammer and used my C&A coupon for internet time to send a message to the Captain of the daysail I was taking in the AM in St. Thomas. Just wanted to let him know that the Captain had announced we would be arriving in port late because of the emergency. I was hoping the our daysail would not be affected, and wanted to give him a heads up.


Lights out by 11:00pm. (Hey I was tired!)

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Day 4

2/23 St. Thomas U.S.V.I.


Now you all know about the emergency, and us taking the crewmember back to Nassau. Captain pushing the Mariner at 22 knots trying to get us into St. Thomas as early as possible. I figure my daysail is going to be tight, and it's going to be a rush getting off the ship. I was right.


Told DB in no uncertain terms were we having breakfast. We showered and headed down to the dining room to get on line to clear immigration. It was 8:30am, we were the 3rd family in line:) . By the time 10:00am rolled around the line stretched down the Promenade. DB agreed that I had made the right decision. By 10:00am the dining room doors had opened and the Drifters were walking by to get off the ship first. We sent them off by giving them a nice applause and wishing them well. As we made our way thru the dining room, whipping out our passports and out back out the dining room, it was becoming a little chaotic. People were crowding and wonderering where the front of the line began. We hustled down to the entry way and off the ship we were by 10:30am.


Jumped in a van, (that of course was on Island time) with 10 others and headed over to Red Hook. My DB wanted to go shopping by I dug my heels in and insisted we at least make a try at the day sail. Right decision again. After slowly rolling over the hilly roads and going down "Donkey Hill" we made it to Red Hook. A few people were grumbling because we had just missed the 11:00am shuttle to St. John, but I stayed pleasant and ask to be taken down by the Burrito Bay Deli as I was instructed. Lo & behold a tanned, weathered barefoot man was standing there, kicking the breeze & chatting. I asked if they knew of Captain Larry and sure enough it was him! We hugged and acted like we were old friends. :D He pointed out that the 4 other people were also on our ship and that he had heard we would be coming in late. I told him about what happened and off we went in his dinghy to get situated.


It was a beautiful sail, sunny and warm the boat is named Forever Young. Though we didn't have much time, we did have a wonderful time. Four hours of clear waters, turtles, fish, Caneel Bay, X-mas Cove. The other couple brought their teenager along (boy & girl) and the six of us had a great time. DB had a wonderful time snorkling, they prepared lunch, and had champagne and chocolates for me, cause I'm the Birthday Girl! It was a long way from NYC and view of St. John and the lush greenery slowly eased my worries. Just a couple of other sailboats were around and everyone kept their distance. Things got a little choppy at the end as Captain Larry outran a storm that came thru but all & all it was the best day I had so far!


Back on shore we thanked Larry and his mate Angie and said if we come down again, we'll definately look him up. We jumped in a cab and were trying to get back to the ship by 6:00pm. DB was still insisting on shopping and I did not want to play it close. Rush hour traffic has slow and my anxiety level was growing. We made it back by 5:45 but DB jumped out and went to the jewlers at the dock:mad: . Yes, I was steaming and yes, I protested and some women tried to convince me to go with him, but I did not want to miss the boat. The women commented that I was the first girl they had seen that had not wanted to shop for diamonds. Mariner was sailing at 6:30 and I was going with her. My DB made it back in time and we made up. Oh yeah, he brought a diamond ring! That's right boys..I'm off the market:)



Showered and off to the Ice Show we went! Beautiful performance. DB commented that it was like being at Madison Square Garden. Thanks again Salifish. Skaters were tremendous, lots of tricks and flips. Tip#1: If you have children, come to the show early, sit down in front and your kids might be picked to be in the show! Several children were pulled out and put on an ice train. Every single child had a smile on their face as the train glided around & the skaters interacted with them. Good show.


Had a 8:45 dinner Reservation at chops but we were able to go 1/2 early. Tip#2: If it's just two of you, ask for the tables that are in the corners of the dining room. These tables are special (to me). Nice velvety backed, semi circle booth. You can sit together and look out into the dining area, less traffic behind your backs & sides and a little more intimate. Food was"

Oh sooooo gooood"! There is a big difference, in presentation and taste. DB had filet mignon and I had grilled mesquite salmon. Good sides, and we just ordered ice tea! Had crabcakes and mushrooms for starters and everything had a little edge or a extra zing. Service was outstanding. Could not finish dessert, worth the xtra bucks and we left a tip. :)


We walked the decks and took in the ocean air as we ajusted to "Island Time". I don't know what time we went to bed, but we slept well.

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Day 5

St. Maarten, St. Martin

"Happy Birthday to Me"


At this point, DB and I are trying to keep it together. Now I understand when someone says: "You need a vacation from the vacation".:)


St. Maarten. Beautiful, semi cloudy, semi rainy day. Captain's got the Mariner back on track now and things seemed to be running like a well oiled machine. As we eat breakfast in the Windjammer I take notice of the other ships in port. The Sun Princess, Radisson Diamond, Windjammer Cruises and of course the Mariner. I got a kick out of watching the passengers on the Sun Princess on their decks and in their cabins (some standing on balconies wearing nothing but underwear) taking in the massive beauty of the Mariner. The gawked and took pictures and we sat back and ate breakfast and watched the show.


We had nothing planned. Had wanted to go to Orient beach, but wanted to take a quick shopping tour of downtown Philpsburg. Walked down pier and brought a r/t ticket on the water taxi. As the reggae music embraced me we motored on a quick ride "downtown". I set off to get to the Guavaberry Emporium, but we detoured, hit the jewlery stores, and stopped off at the beach. I was now on "Island Time" and snatched up two chairs and two rum punches & an umbrella. DB swam and Jet Ski'd and I pulled down my hat and watched the bags (holding on to rum punch tightly of course:cool: )


Just as DB was ready to settle in for the day, I changed directions, and off into the streets we headed again. Luckily, as a downpour came along and drenched everyone:p . We found the Guava Berry joint, DB took a picture of me in the 200 year old building. I brought, T shirts, Spices and yummy stuff for the family and headed back into the rain. We went up and down alley after alley and finally made it back to the water taxi. Famished, we had lunch right there and I had the biggest lobster lunch in my life:) . The food was so fresh, and the waiter said if the had arrived on Friday, we would be getting the lobster for $15.00 U.S instead of $25.00! It was good and DB enjoyed being treated!


Back at the water taxi, we dropped the stuff off & headed back to the cab stand. I was determined to see the French side and I knew time was running out. Jumped in a van paid $15.00 U.S. and went to the French capital Marigot (spelling?). There we went into the shops looking at linens and dishes. DB was again smitten by the luxury boats and our cab driver Louis pointed out Anguilla in the distance. He said if it had been a clear day we would have probably been able to see St. Kitts & Nevis. St. Maarten is so beautiful in it's volcanic origin. Hills filled with homes of all kinds, lush greenery. We went to a fort and took pictures next to a cannon and back in the cab we were. We met a couple from California sailing on the Princess and they asked us about the Mariner. We told them that the service was really good and people seemed so eager to please. We walked back to the pier together, giving abbreviated histories of our lives and said goodbye. St. Maarten is beautiful, (next time I go I will do a land package), wish we had more time.


Headed back to the ship for my spa appt. Had the hot stone massage. So relaxing, woke myself up (after snoring very loudly) and the therapist did not seem to mind. Worth every penny (with the coupon of course).


Dinner was back in the The Sound Of Music and my tablemates wanted to know how our day sail and ventures had gone. It was casual so I dressed up really cute. The waiters performed and everyone joined in as Happy Birthday filled the dining room.


Finished the cake and a couple of Baily shots the table mates had brought and off to Studio B for the Quest game we went. My DB did not want to go at first but of course once the game got underway, he laughed the loudest. Men in women's high heels, bra requests (and some of them were huge) made this show a highlight of the cruise. It was so funny. The audience had been split up in teams and talk about competitive. One poor man who was pretty old stripped down to his boxers and hobbled onto the floor in an effort to get his team the much needed points:D . It was a crazy time and a must see if you sail on this ship.


We laughed our way to the cabin. I couldn't have picked a better way to spend my birthday.

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Hi! Its sounds like you had a great trip! I am going on the Mariner in May, and I hope you don't mind a couple of questions.


1) You mentioned that you asked the room steward to fill your mini-fridge with water. How big were the bottles? How much did they cost?


2) What kid of prizes did they have at the Meet and Mingle raffle?


3) Where did you book your St. Thomas day sail through? Is there a website?





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Hi Again:


Sorry about the delay...fingers were a little tired, and I am still recovering from vacation. Annee1967 - Thanks for the kind wishes, we are very happy.


Florida Chick: Yes we did have a good time and I believe you will too. The answer to your questions are:

1) Bottle of water was 16.0z and was about $2.00

2) Meet & Mingle prizes: T-shirts, bag, trvl bag, & something else..slips my mind

3) After searching and looking (because I booked the cruise close to sailing) I finally got 3 hit on 7 requests I made for daysail. Interlinesail responded and the co-owner even called me. I think her name is Jean or Jan. Her hubby's name is Omar. You can contact them at captain@interlinesail.com. They also have a web site, so you can check out the operation before hand.



Okay...the saga continues


Day 6

At Sea 2/25


Really starting to feel the effects of a good time now and DB and I are trying are best to keep a good balance. Breakfast once again in the Windjammer. The servers have come to know us, and greet us everyday with green tea (we seem to hang around the Jade area alot). After eating we head off to the gym and while I'm trying to catch my breath, I see a man dancing on the treadmill directly in front of me. It may seem like an unsual way to work out but when he spun around and began to dance backwards it all made sense. Ben Vereen was getting his workout on.


Ben chatted with DB for a couple of minutes and said he he'd see us at his show later on that evening. I left them chatting and headed down to the photo gallery to purchase pictures. Used my C&A coupon and received a picture of the Mariner at night (just in case our flicks of ship are at a bad angle, I've got a backup). Made my way up to decks to grab a snack at the 24hr. Promenade cafe and stop the the sunglass to have my eyeglasses repaired. Did a little shopping and headed back up to my room to change and finally attempt to use the pool area.


DB and I had avoided this area most of the trip because chairs were always snapped up, and today would be no different. We decided to grab some sun in our quiet spot behind the Adventure Ocean club, just beyond Johhny Rockets. We were able to catch some rays and enjoy and water balloon fight organized by the kids club. Most everyone left when they got the warning, but a few of us brave souls stayed behind to enjoy the festivities.


Windjammer for dinner (again) and then off to see Ben @ the Savoy.


Lights out 12:00am

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Day 7

At Sea 2/26


Well the trip winding down, and I've decided to make a full day of it an do anything and everything we haven't tried on this ship!


After the usual Windjammer breakfast, I hurried up to the sports deck to sign up for the rock climbing at 9:15. After getting some advice and encouragement from a spunky eight year old who had just "rung the bell", I figure it couldn't be that hard. WRONG! Tip #for the day. Do Not, I repeat Do Not try new and semi dangerous feats with a brand new instructor. I was the sacrificial lamb! This guy who was supposed to harness me and take up the slack, did not know he was supposed to do so! Thank god I had only gone up 10 -12 feet when I slipped and fell back down or I would not be writing this story. I heard his trainer telling him he should have pulled up the slack, and he did for everyone who used the wall after me:eek: .


Licked my wounds and grabbed a seat on the bench my DB joined me and said "See I told ya so". After 10 minutes I was up and about, this time playing basketball against two boys who looked to be about 9 or 10. Of course they ran me off the court, and DB fouls and plays dirty, so I had to hang it up after twenty minutes. Figured miniture golf would be easier...let's just say Tiger Woods has nothing to worry about. Between the wind and my bad swing..it made for a long match. I ended the madness, just as the Golf Tournement got under way.


Feeling fiesty, and looking for another challenge I headed down to the Ice Rink. DB ran to the room to grab my jeans and the camera (just in case he could get some classic blackmail shots of me sprawled on the ice) but no chance there! I stayed on my feet the entire time and even let go for five seconds:D . DB commented that I should have signed up for complementary private lessons, and he's right, because the lesson was so serene. Once the public skate was on, it was every man for himself.


Back in the cabin we packed and decided today's pool day! Finally, able to get a few chairs we swam, used the jacuzzi, listened to the band and collected one more RCL glass. Tip#4 Go to the pool bar and ask for a cardboard box, it comes with stuffing and it's a great way to carry home your "souveniers" without breaking one glass. Band played a lot of Marley and DB was very pleased with that.


DB commented that he was amazed at how the staff continued to scrub and clean all the way thru the cruise. It's true, staircases, elevators, cabins, dining rooms, hallways. There was always somebody cleaning.


We had a early dinner, which I couldn't finish, Oh yes, forgot to tell you, I did attend the Midnight Buffet and the desert was sinful. Feeling stuffed stumbled upon the library and eased back into the chairs. I grabbed a pictorial sports book for him and a Eastern Caribbean guide book for me. Lots of people commented that we had the right idea and which they could slow down long enough to enjoy a book.


Paid the gratuties, finished packing and put the suitcases out.


The next day we had breakfast in the Windjammer one more time and bid farewell to the staff (who were so cool and had lots of stories to tell). I didn't feel like going to the Savoy, so we sat in the Library and just waited for the "secondary" reminder message of what color had been called to disembark. If you wanted to hear primary message, you would have had to have been in one of the designated areas. No big deal, our flight was at 3:00pm


Left the ship about 10:00am and (it was raining) but not feeling sad at all. Busy Travel was right across the street and we were on our way in no time.

Besides a few flight delays and a little turbulance, all and all it was a good flight home:) .

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