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Where is the Dawn?


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Yeah, we're sailing 2/25 and it is so frustrating to not be given info by ncl. Some people say engine problems and my daughter's cruise consultant insists it is just weather related . We just like to plan ahead, not be told as we get on the ship, or get told at the last minute we're not sailing

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Yeah, we're sailing 2/25 and it is so frustrating to not be given info by ncl. Some people say engine problems and my daughter's cruise consultant insists it is just weather related . We just like to plan ahead, not be told as we get on the ship, or get told at the last minute we're not sailing

I have talked to NCL directly. It is definitely not weather related, they confirmed they are having engine problems and "hope" to get it resolved shortly. Very frustrating since we are supposed to leave in 8 days.

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I have talked to NCL directly. It is definitely not weather related, they confirmed they are having engine problems and "hope" to get it resolved shortly. Very frustrating since we are supposed to leave in 8 days.


Wow, I hope they get it resolved soon! We will be on the cruise after yours. Hopefully someone coming off of this cruise will give us a report. I don't care if we sail to nowhere, I just want to SAIL!

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I have talked to NCL directly. It is definitely not weather related, they confirmed they are having engine problems and "hope" to get it resolved shortly. Very frustrating since we are supposed to leave in 8 days.


Especially since the weather in Barbados right now is 84 degrees and sunny! With now "weather" system around! I think the dry-dock was originally planned for May? Do you think they'd move it up? Or just rearrange the itinerary to stay closer to home? I would not like 9 days of "at sea" off the coast of FL....

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I have talked to NCL directly. It is definitely not weather related, they confirmed they are having engine problems and "hope" to get it resolved shortly. Very frustrating since we are supposed to leave in 8 days.


We are on your sailing too, and I am already planning in my head what the new itinerary will look like without Barbados.

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We're also sailing on the 3/11 cruise and I'm a little worried. I can handle missing one port but more than one would be quite disappointing. We booked this cruise a year ago with 3 other couples and are so looking forward to it. (We're celebrating our 25th anniversary along with one of the couples, and the other two are celebrating their 19th.) I just wish that NCL would give everyone a heads up.

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this isn't sounding so good...


getting worried about our March 11 cruise.....


I am currently on the Dawn. We are sailing with only 2 out of 4 engines. Our current speed has caused us to miss the first port of call and we have had the last two changed at the last minute. Current compensation offered for this failure (60 percent, 2 of 5 ports made) is $200 per stateroom onboard credit, and 10 percent off future cruise if book within 1 year.


WHAT A JOKE. They have completely ruined my vacation, a Valintines day cruise no less.


I am completely pissed off, as are many other passengers.


We are being told to write to the cruise line with our complaints because they can do nothing else.


John Culbertson

onboard the Dawn

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It'll only ruin your vacation if you let it! Quit being so angry and enjoy the time on the ship. You can still write NCL about the issue later, but in the meantime take a deep breath and make the best of something that you can't change at the moment. Time to make some lemonade out of this big lemon you've been handed.

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And let me add that when you send them a letter, be concise and professional. You booked this cruise mostly because of the ports being visited (my assumption based on your reaction) and you are extremely disappointed in getting to only 2 of them. Ask for the compensation you want, but it's unlikely you'd be able to get a full refund. They might do 1/2 off a future cruise, or even a replacement cruise for free, but refunding money is harder to pull off in large amounts. Most people write the letters in an angry state, ramble on about issues large and small, and don't request anything reasonable in terms of compensation. It comes off as an angry rant (we've seen lots of examples posted here) and unlikely to result in any action.


I was very serious about what I posted before. You can't change things from where you sit today. All you can do is make the best of it. It's still a wonderful ship with lots of things to do, and you're (I assume) you're with a loved one in the Caribbean. Don't let it "ruin" your vacation.

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You cant really tell soneone else how to feel, I would be rather upset myself.

Thank you for the update from the ship. I am going to see what it will cost me to cancel my airline tickets. Is it true NCL gave option to cancel at embarkation? (little late when you have allready flown in and getting ready to board)

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You cant really tell soneone else how to feel, I would be rather upset myself.


Thank you for the update from the ship. I am going to see what it will cost me to cancel my airline tickets. Is it true NCL gave option to cancel at embarkation? (little late when you have allready flown in and getting ready to board)

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And let me add that when you send them a letter, be concise and professional. You booked this cruise mostly because of the ports being visited (my assumption based on your reaction) and you are extremely disappointed in getting to only 2 of them. Ask for the compensation you want, but it's unlikely you'd be able to get a full refund. They might do 1/2 off a future cruise, or even a replacement cruise for free, but refunding money is harder to pull off in large amounts. Most people write the letters in an angry state, ramble on about issues large and small, and don't request anything reasonable in terms of compensation. It comes off as an angry rant (we've seen lots of examples posted here) and unlikely to result in any action.


I was very serious about what I posted before. You can't change things from where you sit today. All you can do is make the best of it. It's still a wonderful ship with lots of things to do, and you're (I assume) you're with a loved one in the Caribbean. Don't let it "ruin" your vacation.


Thank you very much for your advice. Part of my problem is that we were told about the last change the night before we docked. That's not much time to research a new port of call. I spent 4 months planning this vacation for my wife of 21 years.


I had to purchase internet service to research the next port of call St. Thomas as they are not giving out any useful information except to sell us a few shore excursions. They have not even manned the shore excursion desk so we can ask any questions except for the normal hours from 3 to 6.


They have already ruined my vacation. I am trying to make the best of it, and research St. Thomas for something to do while there. I'm still not giving up, but I am frustrated in the extreme with their lack of help. I did use one of the onboard credits of $100 to purchase internet time so that I could alert other future passengers of the Dawn of the engine problems so they may hopefully have some time to do the research before they board instead of spending they vacation at a computer terminal like I am. By the way, I'm multitasking, writing this while doing the research on St. Thomas as their internet is satellite and very slow, so using multiple browser windows at the same time is the only way to use it effectivly.

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Thank you very much for your advice. Part of my problem is that we were told about the last change the night before we docked. That's not much time to research a new port of call. I spent 4 months planning this vacation for my wife of 21 years.


I had to purchase internet service to research the next port of call St. Thomas as they are not giving out any useful information except to sell us a few shore excursions. They have not even manned the shore excursion desk so we can ask any questions except for the normal hours from 3 to 6.


They have already ruined my vacation. I am trying to make the best of it, and research St. Thomas for something to do while there. I'm still not giving up, but I am frustrated in the extreme with their lack of help. I did use one of the onboard credits of $100 to purchase internet time so that I could alert other future passengers of the Dawn of the engine problems so they may hopefully have some time to do the research before they board instead of spending they vacation at a computer terminal like I am. By the way, I'm multitasking, writing this while doing the research on St. Thomas as their internet is satellite and very slow, so using multiple browser windows at the same time is the only way to use it effectivly.


Morningstar Beach at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef. It's my favorite place in the world. They may try to push you to Megan's Bay but I like Morningstar better.


ps. I'm sorry your vacation was ruined. I hope you get to enjoy some of it.

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John - I would ask them to credit back your internet expense as you were doing this to do planning due to their issues. I'd rather use a $200 OBC at the bar and specialty restaurants. :) Hang in there!


Ike - I agree, but you can certainly decide how to react. Sometimes if you force yourself into something positive the feelings can follow along.

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I experienced the same thing and I agree that the lacking communications, and the we can't help you, so don't even ask, approach is what is the most annoying part.


My wife stated it best when she said perhaps the hull art on the Dawn should be a big lemon.

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Ike - I agree, but you can certainly decide how to react. Sometimes if you force yourself into something positive the feelings can follow along.

Very true.


I am trying to decide if I should try and get my money back and do a southern caribbean cruise like I signed up for next week or just go with it and make the best of it.

I guess it will depend on what it will cost me and what NCL reaction to all of this is. It is frustrateing when they dont seem to be very honest about the extent of the problems the last few weeks. They just keep telling me dont worry, your sailing won't have any changes, yeah right.

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Obviously, situations such as where you find yourself in, put a damper if not, ruin your cruise, but please don't let your frustrations overtake your remaining cruise holiday experience. ( hopefully there will be other cruises)


We've had a couple of "situations" that were less then pleasant and we too were frustrated and angry, just as you are.


Allow us, if we may, give you some advise on how to deal with NCL or any other cruise line for that matter in situation as yours.


When you put your complaint in writing (Via Registered/Certified Mail ) to NCL, please, please try and DO NOT write your letter in anger, no matter how frustrated you are. An angry letter is the first one to be tossed aside and the last one to receive a reply... if at all.


Just list your cruise details such as your name(s) date, booking number, ship, cabin, etc. and try to incorporate something positive about the ship or crew (may be hard to do.. but try) in your very first paragraph. Just so they think you are not "demanding this or that ".... not yet...that is.. ;)


It's been our experience that a courteous and well written letter is far more likely to be given that "extra" extra attention as one written in anger.


Now, don't be afraid to ask for compensation (you deserve it) but when you do,... don't go overboard. ( no pun intended). Don't expect a free cruise with a penthouse suite, but NCL and other cruise lines will do all they can to alleviate your stress and disappoinments as much as they can.


Sorry for the "preaching" but hopefully this will help you....if only a little bit.

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Thank you very much for your advice. Part of my problem is that we were told about the last change the night before we docked. That's not much time to research a new port of call. I spent 4 months planning this vacation for my wife of 21 years.


John, I can completely sympathize with you. We did a cruise last year on the EPIC. This was a big splurge and event for us. My girlfriend and I had our mom's meet for the first time, we booked a Courtyard Villa, etc. We planned our excursions for months prior.


The day before we left, NCL flipped our itinerary because of a hurricane. Instead of exotic St. Thomas and St. Marteen, we got an endless supply of days in Mexico (yuck). I was dejected when we boarded the ship.


Rationally, I know that's not NCL's fault, and I surely didn't want to sail into a hurricane. It doesn't lessen the disappointment though.


There's three pieces of advice I have for you, if I may:


1. While you may be disappointed in your ports, you are spending time in a beautiful locale with a lovely woman - probably the most important person in your life. If your wife is anything like my girlfriend, she's much happier spending the time with you and could care less which ports you're at. I find that the perspective of "the journey, not the destination, is the experience" is important to keep when travelling. Smile, be happy you're on a boat, and for goodness sakes get off the Internet! ;)


2. That EPIC cruise we took... we got off the boat in Cozumel (yuck) at ports we had been to too many times. Having no idea what to do in Cozumel, we rented a car that was in worse shape than the Dawn, had no air conditioning, and simply drove. And drove. And found the most remote beach I've ever seen in my life. Cozumel is now one of my favorite ports, but for different reasons than most. :) My point here is to explore! The ports that we love most are the ones where we didn't do research in advance - we discovered something on our own and it became very special to us.


3. The crew of the boat has very little authority to actually do anything related to money. They have some discretion but your ship's officers are not executives within NCL. They are given responsibilities and are empowered to make decisions commiserate with those responsibilities, but probably not beyond that. If lack of communication is your issue, it should be addressed with the staff of the boat, but please do remember that they are trying to manage the safety and expectations of some-thousand passengers. NCL is not perfect. The captain is not perfect. Managing the expectations of what is likely a drunken mob who have paid thousands of dollars to visit a port without reading the contract is hard.


Be kind. Be respectful. Be the better person even if you feel slighted and they are in the wrong, because I can assure you that the stress of what they are dealing with is probably orders of magnitude greater than yours.


After all, we're all only human.


Here's a bonus thought:


Not to be flippant, but it's just money, you can do it again next year, and now you have a good story. :)


Godspeed, and enjoy the rest of your vacation as best as you possibly can. We're leaving on Friday for a 3-day cruise and we'll probably miss a port as well. ;)

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Bum deal on the dawn only to make 2 of the 5 ports. we will be sailing on the dawn next week. Though we hope they get the engines fixed and we get to the 5 ports, we do love St. Thomas and St. Martin. We have been there many times and LOVE them.


St. Thomas: In addition to the itmes all ready mentioned, Try the Paradise Point cable car, or the 99 steps to Black Beard's castle, or scuba at Coco Cay. or take a cab to Red Hook to Duffy's Love Shack Bar. Downtown Charlotte Amalie has the best shopping in the Caribbean. Nah, St Thomas will not be a disapointment we don't think, just not expected. If we could get NCL to stay the night there, that would be even better.


St. Martin: Try the Bikini Beach at the Orient Bay. a Great Parasail by sunsmile is offered there. But that beach is one of the best in the Caribbean. Ribs at Padro's Beach Bar are the best. Lots of fun there.


It's too bad they didn't fly in some people to set up tables to help the passengers decide what to do. Sometimes all it takes is some enthusiasm to make a bad thing go good.


I hope it gets better but anything will be better than snow and work. I just hope they don't cancel the whole thing.

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Thanks for letting us know what is going on! With lightning being so cheap, I'm surprised that God puts up with all the lies we are told.


We are booked on the one that is supposed to leave on the 25th. It doesn't look very good. I wonder what the skill level is of those guys fixing the engine? Maybe they can only work when they aren't busing tables.


As far as the advice to you have received "to make the best of it", if cruise lines aren't vigorously discouraged from this type of behaviour they will keep us and our credit cards at sea permanently.


Bad weather indeed!

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