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"We Made the Ship This Time!" Another cruisin USA "Long and Lengthy" review

cruisin USA

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Just spend most of the day walking the ship. Didn’t see any extra activities whatsoever. Like I said, lot’s of people mad, or in a bad mood cause we missed a stop. (It was definitely THE topic of conversation amongst the passengers) Decided to get out of the masses and went back to hang out at the cabin for a little while. It was about an hour before sundown.The sun was on the aft port side of the ship. That meant we were heading due north. "What's up with that?".

Even I knew that we should be heading east.





After about 15 minutes the sun is now in a different position(meaning that we’re turning….couldn’t have told otherwise though. We were starting to turn east.







We were moving so slowly through the water. We'd been on this balcony through 2 other cruises . Never had we seen the wake behind the boat so calm on open water





to be continued..... 

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and as luck would have it we got to enjoy another sunset from our beautiful balcony.






We decided to go check out the casino. We made it as far as the casino bar. Diane and Alan were sitting there. The Destiny band was playing.




We all just sat there and talked. Alan ended up going back to their cabin to get them a couple more glasses of wine. We talked a little while longer, and realized it was time to get ready for dinner. We bid our adieus, and off we went, back to the room to get ready. We were a little late. Diane, Alan, Froufie, and Ray had their menus. Our waiter handed us ours as we sat down. Everyone at the table was disappointed about missing our stop. I asked Ray about the Chef’s table. He said “At the other dinners, we were told all but 1 of the ingredients of a dish, and then have to guess which one they didn’t mention” “That made you concentrate, and really think about the flavors you were tasting“. I could tell he was VERY disappointed, and wanted to talk to the asst. Matre D about it. We asked Diane and Alan what dinner was like with out us the previous night?. Alan kidded that the 2 vacant chair people finally came. Dinner tonight….Corn Chowder(thick, hearty, hot, and delicious!) Thai chicken(slightly spicy, and yummy), shrimp cocktail, and Chateaubriand medium(melt in your mouth). Grand Marinier souffle and cappucino finished another PERFECT meal. I asked Diane if they’d done any waiter show while we were gone. She said they didn’t, although they did a little something upstairs(probably a birthday I thought). Ray headed off to go find the asst matre d. He came back a few minutes later. He said he told her the differences from the other ships he’s been on. I hear the matre d whisper “showtime, showtime” in the microphone again. Tonight they Flo Ridas “Low” Just like last year the waiters got up on the tables. Our waiter had the center/lead table.



He was really gyrating it up. Energy filled the ROOM!!!




After dinner we invited our tablemates to come and check out our balcony. I thought they might think about getting an aft wrap on a future trip. They all enjoyed it. Ray commented that he thought it would be windier than it was. They all stayed for a few minutes, and headed off.



....to be continued.....

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We enjoyed an after dinner cocktail, and headed off to the Downbeat Lounge to see the band “Music Hype” Pretty good band. A group from the Philippines. They had a female lead singer that could BELT it out. As we walked in they were playing a disco medley. Her voice was really good. She did a really good Tina Turner, and the Donna Summers song’s she did were spot on!! The drummer(who was introduced as the leader of the group) also sang. He also had a good voice and stood out on a couple Journey tunes. A couple of the ships officers(man and woman) came in at sat near the back of the room. They were all dressed up. We stayed for the rest of the set, which they ended with “Sweet Chile o’ Mine”(Guns and Roses).




The Downbeat Lounge


We headed down to the Onyx cigar bar to check out “La Banda”. Definitely for the “Salsa” set.




There was a couple out dancing. We’d seen them dancing to this band before in passing. They were pretty darn good, and looked like they were having the time of their lives. One thing about the Onyx bar. First, It’s kinda hidden, so we’ve never seen a lot of people in this room for any of the bands on our previous cruises aboard Destiny. Tonight, there were 6 besides the dancers. I could smell cigar…..cough…cough. They were just finishing up their last 2 songs when we came in. It was getting late. Mary Ann turned in. I ended up going up to the lido for my first slice of pizza for the trip. Took it back to the room, and ate it while I caught up on the news. There’s just something about the sea air, and the rocking of the boat. It just lulls you to sleep. I was out before I knew it.



........to be continued......

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.....short intermission before Day 5.....



Once again, thank you all for bearing with me as I posted this review. Heck, the review took longer to post than the actual cruise!!!....hehe


DEBNGAB.....Wish I could have told you some Great HMC stories!!....sigh.


cruisequeen93....THANK YOU!! I feel vindicated. Let's just chalk my review up to "style"


mimgan3 ....... when you said "Man are you kidding, I am totally enjoying this, it's fresh and different, I swear makes me feel like I am there with you. Please don't stop and don't change a thing you are doing".


THANK YOU!!!! I said it before, You keep reading, and I'll keep writing.



TXHillbillyGirl Have a GREAT time on the Conquest. Looking forward to your review.


mikaula, capndinghy, pour tour snore Thank you for your kind words.



I'll be starting the "ending" of this review presently. I won't be able to finish it all tonight but ...will be finished up Tues by 5pm EST...guaranteed!!


Once again. Let's hear it for the towel animals!!!











All very CUTE. Wish we would have got a hanging monkey again though.

Hang on folks, we're almost there!!!











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Day 5




When I woke up the ship was already docked. I went outside to the balcony to find Mary Ann. We were parked next to Disney’s newest ship “The Dream” Looked pretty cool.











What really stood out, was the transparent water tunnel that people were “tubing” in. The tunnel ran the length of the distance of(and right through) the smoke stacks. Looked pretty fun, but on that big of a ship, I’d hate to stand in line to try it(but there I’d be).






to be continued......

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While we’re out on the balcony we hear announcements being made. Had to go inside to hear. The cruise director comes on the pa, and says that the crew is going to running through drills, and that the passengers don’t have to pay attention to the announcements. We hear instructions coming through the pa, but head out for some sun on the balcony. Looking outand down, we see them testing out the lifeboats, which had already been lowered into the water (unnoticed by us).






Sure glad to know they work!


It was another glorious, sunny and warm day out on our balcony!!




What a VIEW!




to be continued......

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A little while later the we could see another Carnival ship making its way into the pier area. It was the Fascination.






I had to look closely. I am familiar with the Fantasy class ships. I hadn’t seen the “suite” modifications on one though.





On the side, and along the aft wrapping around the port and starboard side were modified suites with balconies!!!







Never seen or heard about that before, probably cause I don’t hang out here that much between cruises.



to be continued.....

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Still loving this review! I think next year, you should plan a 2 week vacation, one for the cruise, and one for the review! :) Hope MaryAnn had a great birthday! Looking forward to the rest of it, hopefully I can wait until 5 pm! :D

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I am not trying to say anything bad, nor am I troll, but the first day you started your review I clicked and started but the font/color and that it was centered detoured me from continuing. I have returned and forced myself to read(got a little dizzy but thats ok) and boy and I glad I did. You have great photo's and I love the review. My problem with the font and color stems from my eye sight. I don't know what Don's problem was, but I did want to let you know that I started and left, but I am back...keep up the good work!!!

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We headed out to lido again for an uncrowned/unrushed breakfast. Most peeps had left the ship already. We have stayed at Atlantis twice. Last time here(on the Imagination), we also went there.






This time we were going to do something else. After breakfast we headed off the ship. Made our way into the terminal station. It was easy/unavoidable finding a cab. I had read about Cable beach, in my research when we first went to Atlantis. The man who we found to drive us, had us walk about 100 yards to get to his mini van. We got in. He got in and started it up. He started backing up into a crowd. We heard a THUD in the back of the van. A bunch of people walking up from behind us were not happy. He stopped, mentioned something about crazy people who don’t get out of the way of a van backing up, and off we went. “Shades of Jamaica” I thought to myself. It did turn out to be a bit of a crazy ride, but nothing like that Jamaican cab last year. We ended up having to take a bit of a short cut because traffic was heavy. The driver pointed out various things along the way. He pointed at a plaza that had “Twin Brothers” on it as well as having a few other business. He said that’s the best place to get fish fry. Anything you want, right off the boat. Finally we pull up to the hotel. It was $15.00(altogether) for both of us. The driver then points to one of the valet guys up front. He says “That’s my friend Tyrone. Just see him for a cab back. The cabbie also says. “Go through those doors, straight back. Don’t stop at the casino on the way, and head out the back doors onto the beach” We walk in. There’s a long corridor that leads to the back of the hotel. Along this corridor, to the left is a HUGE casino. Nobody in it though, except for the workers. I’d read about the Crystal Palace casino before, but we’d never made the trip over when we were staying at Atlantis. Heeding the cabbie’s advice we walked right through, and onto the beach. It was beautiful ,and pretty quiet. Not crowded at all.










to be continued.....

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There were a group of 4 or 5 “semi high rises” along the beach. We just found a couple of empty loungers, and set up camp. Mary Ann headed into the casino to change. Not too many people bothered us. Got asked a couple of times if I wanted my hair braided. Heard Cuban Cigars(yuk) mentioned a couple of times too. What did catch our interest was a couple of pina coladas served in coconuts. I asked if he used 151 proof rum(as we had heard). He said Yes. I said we really didn’t want anything that strong. He said that he had Bacardi Gold. I said that would be GREAT!!!







to be continued.....

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A relaxing day at a semi secluded beach!!! Just perfect!!! The water was that beautiful turquoise shade of blue.






Jumped in a couple of times to cool down a bit. I thought to myself…”What a difference between this cruise and last“. Last cruise was on the cooler side. This trip, we couldn’t have asked for better weather!!

The time at the beach went tooooooo fast. So relaxing!!







We packed up our stuff, and headed back through the hotel. Tyrone was nowhere to be seen, but the other valet found us a cab immediately. We headed back for the cruise pier. There was a bit of a traffic jam. It took us quite a while to get back.



Yikes...It's hard to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road!!


to be continued.....

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a relaxing day at a semi secluded beach!!! Just perfect!!! The water was that beautiful turquoise shade of blue.






jumped in a couple of times to cool down a bit. I thought to myself…”what a difference between this cruise and last“. Last cruise was on the cooler side. This trip, we couldn’t have asked for better weather!!

the time at the beach went tooooooo fast. So relaxing!!







we packed up our stuff, and headed back through the hotel. Tyrone was nowhere to be seen, but the other valet found us a cab immediately. We headed back for the cruise pier. There was a bit of a traffic jam. It took us quite a while to get back.



yikes...it's hard to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road!!



to be continued.....

what hotel did they drop you off at for cable beach? We will only be in nassau from 8:30-2:00pm. Will that be enough time to go to cable beach? I have been to nassau about 10 times but never went too far from the ship, except for the one time i did the yellowbird tour.

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We did have a little time before leaving, so we decided to stop at Senor Frogs. We’d went there once before, while we were staying at Atlantis. That particular day, there was only 1 cruise ship in, the Sensation. There hadn’t been many people in the bar. We had had a great time there previously. This time, it was PACKED.




Only stopped for one, and headed off through the straw market along the way, back to the ship. The line getting back onto the pier was huge. Took us about 10 minutes to get through it. It was a LONG walk back to the cabin.









to be continued.....

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We dropped our stuff off at the cabin, and headed to lido for lunch. Realized that it was the first time this trip we'd done lunch on the lido.




Side dishes before the Hamburger/Cheeseburger station

Fries, Chicken nuggets,cheese sauce,chili(always cold), onions, mushrooms, saurkraut, and doggies.


Started getting pretty crowded out there. We headed back to the cabin to regroup.


We figured we needed get some stuff “last minute” stuff done. 1st, we took back my tux to the Formalities show. We stopped off at the “Future Guest Desk” to pick up 2 future cruise certificates. In essence. You pay $100 now towards a future cruise(which you have up to 2 years to pick), and you get onboard credits based on the length of the cruise you buy. For example, a 7 day cruise you get $100(which is what we’re shopping for). Got our pictures…$133.00!!! 6 portraits and a 5x7!!! At this point I’d like to suggest to Carnival that it might be time to go digital with the photography. I know you’re using digital cameras, but I can see a future where you come up to the photographer, swipe your room key(which sends all your pictures to your folio).You could then look at your photos at a kiosk(and eventually on your TV when they start the closed circuit thing, like most hotels do). Let us pick our pictures, charge our sail and sign cards $10.00 apiece, and you e-mail them to us at the provided e mail address we give during the embarkation process. Although the photo lab wasn’t shown during our BTS tour, I’m sure it’s gotta take up a LOT of space. The photo gallery itself takes up all that space. Not to mention putting the pictures up, and taking them down every night. And you wouldn’t need to have the security people at the exits. And all the photos themselves. I’m sure that for every one bought there’s 20 or 30(or more) they just have to throw away!!! I’m sure that some will disagree, but I’d sure not like to worry about losing my bags containing the pictures, or any one of a hundred things that could happen to them during transit And being able to make Christmas cards(or anything) “creative” that photoshop can do with pictures… To me, I’d take a digital file instead of the actual picture any day. Oh well, it’s just a suggestion. We went over to the store. We’d been there once before on this trip. Looked around. I had already had a few Carnival items. The “Got Fun?” T shirts were pretty cool, but I’ve already got a life time supply of t-shirts, and have vowed off them for now. A few of the items were stuff that I’d bought last year. We didn’t buy anything. While heading back to the cabin, we saw Froufie walking through the casino bar. We stopped, and chatted for a moment. Showed her the pictures we bought, Just going to show you folks a couple.









to be continued.....

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Dropped the photos off at the room, and just hung out on the balcony, enjoying the view/nice weather/last day of the cruise. Yes, it had occurred to both of us that this was the last day. We pushed that thought aside though(again), knowing that we still had a GREAT night ahead. The best improvement over last cruise....They stopped doing the disembarkment talks on the last day. Now, there was a disembarkment presentation on our TV to watch at our leisure. Being that this was our 9th cruise, we'd pretty much heard it all before. The only thing I miss about the disembarkment talk.....Getting to clap for everybody from the ships officers, the cooks, the waitstaff, the bartenders, the cleaning crew. Everyone down to Funship "Freddy"


Our cabin had been done, and “low and behold” on our table was another copy of the Carnival Creations cookbook that I thought that we were going to be chinced out of. Rays talk must have gotten through!!!(no autograph though)…Oh well, At least they’ll try to fix a mistake. Either that, or Ray told them that Froufie and I BOTH write reviews for Cruise Critic…hehe We’d had a long day already. Just enjoyed that balcony while we could. Pretty soon, we start pulling out of port leaving the Dream, the Sensation, and Nassau far behind







Senior Frogs was still Packed!




We just love hanging out on the balcony as we're leaving port.


As we left Nassau, I just couldn’t escape the feeling that I knew the next time we saw land, the cruise would be over…..sigh.



to be continued(after a short break).....




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.....continuing(for the last time).....



Pretty soon, it was time to ready for dinner. We got ready, and headed for the Universe dining room for the last time…sigh. Ray, Diane, and Alan were already at the table. And for the first time this trip, the other 2 seats were filled. Ray had invited Greg and Ashley to come sit at our table, when he found out that they had missed their early dining. They were both from Ottawa, just like Froufie. Froufie came to the table. She’d been over at the Galaxy dining room talking to Desmond, whom she corresponded with before the cruise. Although they didn’t know each other at first, Froufie, Greg, and Ashley had seen each other before. It was a little into the conversation that they found that out. Tonight’s dinner. Onion Soup, Shrimp Cocktail, Lettuce Wedge salad with Thousnad Island, and Short Ribs!!! Amaretto Cake, and cappucino(of course) topped off another perfect dinner. For the last time we heard “showtime, showtime” whispered in the microphone. I would say out of all the matre d’s we’ve had, this one was the most inattentive. I never saw him going from table to table like most matre d’s(who want a tip). I know, that they’re not having a blue vs. red anymore, which was good filler for announcements.We’ll never forget the matre d all those years ago who welcomed everyone each night with a long Helllllllloooooooo. At first people only responded a little. But each night the Helllllooooos back got longer and longer. (Mary and I still greet each other like this every once in a while) Didn’t hear this guy say much more than “showtime”. The waiters starting gathering, and started singing a little happy tune. Then we know what’s coming. Ray told Greg and Ashley not to cry. Heck…..it was me holding back the tears, as they sang their little song to the tune of “Leaving on a Jetplane”. Sob….Sob….. The music died. Our waiters came to the table one last time. I tipped both of them, and thanked them for the wonderful service throughout the trip. Dinner was over. All that had to be said, was said. We bid each other goodbye. Got Diane’s and Froufies card. We’d surely miss our GREAT dinners, and GREAT conversation! Headed back to the cabin for our the last of our Corona and Jager-bombs(timed it pretty good). We had to get our bags packed and outside the cabin door by midnight. Packed everything up. Got it all outside the door by 11:00. We headed to the casino for awhile. The comedy shows were going on tonight, as well as some of the bands, and the piano bar. Looked in the piano bar on the way to the casino. About 3 people in there. I knew there’d be more when the comedy show let out. We had gotten a call saying that we had to close our casino accounts before the casino closed tonight. Didn’t know it. We ended up getting our $20 each back cash. Played for awhile. Didn’t do any good, and headed down to the Onyx bar to see Music Hype again. A really good band, considering they didn’t have a bass player.(the bass was recorded). Only about 10 people in the audience. Didn’t hear any repeats from last night. Each time the music stopped, we could hear the thunderous pounding of the Point After disco music, directly above us. Liked the band so much, we skipped the comedy show(heard we didn’t miss much). Eventually the band finishes. It’s only 12:30. It still had been a long day. Mary Ann decided to turn in. I went back to the casino. Got 1 more Corona. The waiter brought it to the table. Looked down, and had to laugh. There, in my Corona was a lemon. They’d run out of lime AGAIN. Headed to the room for that last little bit of lime we had. Went out to the balcony to savor the last Corona(with lime) of the trip. What a difference compared to last trip. This time we made the boat, and the weathe was great thoughout. Couldn’t have asked for better(except for missing HMC). Headed off for bed, knowing it was going to be an early morning.



We were woke up around 8:00 am. Brent was making the disembarkment announcement. Zone 1 started…We were in Zone 4. They announced our Zone even before we got to the lido deck. Nowadays, the worst part of a cruise is leaving….sob… But there was a day that disembarkment was the worst part of the cruise. They’d wake you up, get up out of your cabin, and place you in an area for HOURS while you waited to be called to disembark. Nowadays, it’s a snap, and another way Carnival has evolved. After a quick breakfast, we headed to the gangway. We had them “ding” our Sail and Sign 1 more time as we proceeded to leave the ship. We came up to the threshold leaving the deck. This was probably the last time we’d be on this ship for a LONG time. We crossed onto the gangway. I felt something along with the anguish of leaving. That’s right “We’re both PLATINUM cruisers now”. Platinum Cruisers with 2 future cruise certificates, and more reviews to write about other ships, ports,(and journeys)…..I’ll end this review just as last, with my favorite cruise toast. Just remember these wise words.…




You Can Get Just as Drunk on Water….





As You Can on Land!!!



This is your humble and lovable reporter from the high seas


Signing off.(For Now)





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