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Having been a restaurant manager for over 20 years I can attest that wait staff are paid below minimum wage here in the USA. The national average rate is $2.76 per hour plus tips. The average hotel room attendant makes $7.23- 11.84 per hour. Not all jobs fall under minimum wage standards.


Take into consideration that a high percentage of cruise-line workers are from other countries. (hypothetical because I do not know exact figures)They contract to work 3 months on 1 month off. OK now they are working 90 days at 10 hrs a day straight through without a day off. When they are off where do they go for a month. I am thinking 'HOME' so now they have airline tickets to and from. What about calling home?? Do you know how much over seas calls are??

Have you ever thought that just maybe perhaps the 'TIPS' they make just might be so they can fly home and call home because the salary they make is to provide for their families.


It just amazes me how thoughtless people can be. It is the 'memememe' syndrome. Personally if tipping someone for the service they provide to each individual NOT each stateroom is such a financial burden then perhaps these same people should just stay home go to the local pool and eat fast food where no tipping is needed. JMHO

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We flew back yesterday from our cruise that ended Sunday and on the plane there was a woman who was on our cruise talking to the woman next to her and telling her about the cruise. She was complaining to the woman next to her about the tips for her family of four (we also have a family of four) and telling her that you had to go down to guest services to have them removed. After we got off the plane, my 17 year old asked me if I heard that conversation and told me "that would be rude because the staff worked really hard to take care of us." Just an opinion of a 17 year old.


I have tipped extra and have not tipped extra, it just depends on what I perceive as someone doing something above what is expected.

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We flew back yesterday from our cruise that ended Sunday and on the plane there was a woman who was on our cruise talking to the woman next to her and telling her about the cruise. She was complaining to the woman next to her about the tips for her family of four (we also have a family of four) and telling her that you had to go down to guest services to have them removed. After we got off the plane, my 17 year old asked me if I heard that conversation and told me "that would be rude because the staff worked really hard to take care of us." Just an opinion of a 17 year old.


I have tipped extra and have not tipped extra, it just depends on what I perceive as someone doing something above what is expected.




There really is no way around it. Removing tips just because you don't want to pay them = cheap. Not tipping your waitress in a restaurant just because you don't want to = cheap. Removing tips because you received sub-par service = not cheap, but I find it hard to believe that people are so disappointed in EVERYONE that they remove all the tips. That = cheap.

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If you know that it is customary to tip in this industry and that the majority of their pay is derived from tips and yet you choose not to tip for reasons other than poor service then you my friend are stealing money from the person that provides you this service. You are a thief plain and simple, don't try to run from that moniker. Man up and stand tall and say "I'm having my vacation on the backs of the service workers of Carnival. Look how smart I am! My vacation cost me less than yours did. I had a bad year, I deserve this!" I would have more respect for someone who had the guts to actually say it.


I'm tired of hearing the "why should I pay for Carnival's employees" chorus. Do you not understand simple economics? If you weren't tipping then the price would be increased to retain the employee. Your cruise fare would go up. Carnival doesn't have a printing press cranking out $20's back at Miami. Where does the money come from? You, the cruise going public. I would rather have the ability to reward good service and punish bad.


It may be "nobody's business" what you tip, but understand that those that do not tip for reasons other than pooor service are held in contempt by me. I could care less what mental midget gymastics you use to justify it.


So there is no confusion where I stand, I tip the customary amount unless I receive bad service, then I will adjust accordingly. If someone goes above and beyond in a big way I may tip more, usually not that often though. My post is aimed squarely at those that have no service issues but adjust their tips down or remove them altogether.



Carnival can stop the removal of tips if they want.......BUT Carnival chooses NOT to.


Some people believe people who only tip the suggested amount are cheap so some may think you are "cheap" for not tipping OVER the SUGGESTED amount. NOTICE THE WORD SUGGESTED. Do you follow every SUGGESTION to a "T"? B/c if you do.....I SUGGEST you refraim from name-calling when people don't see things your way.


Again, I think the money sounds like a lot when it's in one lumpsome, but if you add it as prepaid, you really don't feel it as much as you would if you had it added to your sail and sign card. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.....for those who have a problem with others not agreeing with theirs......

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If you know that it is customary to tip in this industry and that the majority of their pay is derived from tips and yet you choose not to tip for reasons other than poor service then you my friend are stealing money from the person that provides you this service. You are a thief plain and simple, don't try to run from that moniker.


steal (stemacr.gifl)

v. stole (stomacr.gifl), sto·len (stomacr.gifprime.giflschwa.gifn), steal·ing, steals

v.tr. 1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission.


thief [θiːf] n pl thieves [θiːvz] 1. a person who steals something from another




So clue me in as to where my money was someone else's property? I am curious as to how you will spin your words on that one.


While I may agree with alot you have said, although your delivery needs much work, stealing and thievery is not what is going on here, so check your definitions before you start slinging accusations.

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I truly appreciate the advice about the Matre 'd, but I'm actually more confused. Someone earlier in the thread made it seem like tipping the Matre 'd was expected. Is this not true?


Also, I was in no way suggesting that anyone who EXPLAINED tips was crazy. I'm talking about the people who scream at anyone who even broaches the subject of tipping, throws the word "cheap" around, and boasts about how exactly how generous they are. THOSE are the people I was calling crazy.


Tipping the Matre'd is not expected. And I agree with you I don't think people are cheap if they decide to adjust their tips either way. Sometimes you do get not so good service or way better than expected. But to already make up your mind to tip below the small suggested amount before you even get the service is IMHO cheap:D:p

Oh and I don't tip because I feel sorry for them.

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WoW, This thread has really put a twist to first time Carnival cruisers like myself. Keep reading we tip this we tip that ect ect... I know many other cruise lines have simple pre-paid tipping. I thought this Carnival was the same.


I was under the idea that when we Pre-Pay our Tips that was all covered for all service. Except room service, Porters at port for bags and bar . We are party of 4 on a 5 night cruise and was told $10 per person per night total $200. Am I wrong with that amount or what else should I expect to tip thats not covered in pre-pay.


You are good to go with your pre paid tips......enjoy!

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steal (stemacr.gifl)

v. stole (stomacr.gifl), sto·len (stomacr.gifprime.giflschwa.gifn), steal·ing, steals

v.tr. 1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission.


thief [θiːf] n pl thieves [θiːvz] 1. a person who steals something from another



So clue me in as to where my money was someone else's property? I am curious as to how you will spin your words on that one.


While I may agree with alot you have said, although your delivery needs much work, stealing and thievery is not what is going on here, so check your definitions before you start slinging accusations.

Let me add another:


Verb 1. steal - take without the owner's consent




Let me connect the dots for you...If you take someones labor and do not compensate them you are "STEALING". How hard is this? If this applies to you then I stand by what I said. If it doesn't, then this is just my opinion.

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v. stole , sto·len , steal·ing, steals

v.tr. 1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission.


thief n pl thieves 1. a person who steals something from another




So clue me in as to where my money was someone else's property? I am curious as to how you will spin your words on that one.


While I may agree with alot you have said, although your delivery needs much work, stealing and thievery is not what is going on here, so check your definitions before you start slinging accusations.


WELL THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS......finally....a poster with COMMON SENSE. I think we need to learn that some people throw around words to make themselves feel better.


I don't know....perhaps the other poster is emotionally abuses in his or her life outside of this board and this is the only place they can feel good about themselves........by belittling other people who don't see things his/her way.


Either way......there OVER THE TOP tactics are great for enterainment....especially when I'm bored.


I can't believe there are people complaining about being waited on and treated better than they are at home. :rolleyes:



And I can't believe people are actually raising their blood pressure over what other people are doing or not doing. And we wonder why healthcare cost so much......:rolleyes:

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Having been a restaurant manager for over 20 years I can attest that wait staff are paid below minimum wage here in the USA. The national average rate is $2.76 per hour plus tips. The average hotel room attendant makes $7.23- 11.84 per hour. Not all jobs fall under minimum wage standards.


Take into consideration that a high percentage of cruise-line workers are from other countries. (hypothetical because I do not know exact figures)They contract to work 3 months on 1 month off. OK now they are working 90 days at 10 hrs a day straight through without a day off. When they are off where do they go for a month. I am thinking 'HOME' so now they have airline tickets to and from. What about calling home?? Do you know how much over seas calls are??

Have you ever thought that just maybe perhaps the 'TIPS' they make just might be so they can fly home and call home because the salary they make is to provide for their families.


It just amazes me how thoughtless people can be. It is the 'memememe' syndrome. Personally if tipping someone for the service they provide to each individual NOT each stateroom is such a financial burden then perhaps these same people should just stay home go to the local pool and eat fast food where no tipping is needed. JMHO


Ok these kind of post really grip me. They do get days off and the money they make (think room stewards who are from the philippines on Carnival) do really well with the money conversion......


And out here in So Cal restaurant servers make minimum wage and higher depending on location.......

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Ok these kind of post really grip me. They do get days off and the money they make (think room stewards who are from the philippines on Carnival) do really well with the money conversion......


And out here in So Cal restaurant servers make minimum wage and higher depending on location.......


there are actually 4 states that you must pay the minimum wage to servers, or, in essence, everyone.

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Let me add another:


Verb 1. steal - take without the owner's consent




Let me connect the dots for you...If you take someones labor and do not compensate them you are "STEALING". How hard is this? If this applies to you then I stand by what I said. If it doesn't, then this is just my opinion.


So WHY IN THE WORLD would you want to cruise with a cruiseline that encourges THEFT by ALLOWING their guest to remove or adjust the tips??? (By your definition of course)

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WELL THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS......finally....a poster with COMMON SENSE. I think we need to learn that some people throw around words to make themselves feel better.


I don't know....perhaps the other poster is emotionally abuses in his or her life outside of this board and this is the only place they can feel good about themselves........by belittling other people who don't see things his/her way.


Either way......there OVER THE TOP tactics are great for enterainment....especially when I'm bored.





And I can't believe people are actually raising their blood pressure over what other people are doing or not doing. And we wonder why healthcare cost so much......:rolleyes:


If what I said bothers you so much, I must have hit close to home.


If you choose to tip below the customary amount for reasons other than poor service, then I hold you in contempt. Am I talking to you? I don't know how you tip. Maybe you do reduce your tips for reasons other than bad service, maybe you don't. If you do, you know where I stand.

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So WHY IN THE WORLD would you want to cruise with a cruiseline that encourges THEFT by ALLOWING their guest to remove or adjust the tips??? (By your definition of course)


As I mentioned earlier, it's the best option. I would rather have the ability to adjust up for excellent service and down for poor service. The only choice would be to roll it into the cost of the cruise and would service improve if you had not carrot/stick option?


The service industry is designed around tips. That is a fact that you and I can't change. Ignoring that fact won't make it go away.

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Yes, I'm obviously putting five into one room to save costs. Tipping was the last thing on my mind when I booked the room; however, once I'm booked to travel with five in a room, I plan to tip in an amount that I feel appropriate for a single interior room...that amount is NOT $17.50 per day. The people harassing me are probably the same ones who stay in the Grand Suites and think it's fair for them to pay the same $3.50 per guest, per day as the guests in the small, interior rooms with no balconies.


The tip amounts are RECOMMENDED, not required. The only reason they automatically add them on is because they know that many people will otherwise under-tip and they also know that most people will be too embarrassed to manually adjust the tips downward.


Your insinuation that people who don't adjust the tip is not doing it out of embarrassment is presumptious.


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H82seaUgo... THIS post is the kind of crazy I meant. It has ALL of the requirements what I consider a crazy post: name-calling, hubris, outright condemnation of someone else's decisions that have no bearing on them whatsoever, the irrational thinking that their "contempt" of someone should hold weight; and (the kicker) the blatant "I am better than you because here is how *I* tip" paragraph. Hysterical, really.


I'm sorry I offended you. I maybe went a little over the top. I'm just so tired of the people that stick it cruise employees and talk about it like it's someone elses problem that they are doing it. Like "why aren't you doing it too".


I don't have an issue with people who reduce their tips because they receive poor service. I don't have an issue with people who tip more. I don't even have an issue who remove their tips completely for no reason. I have an issue with people who try to use every excuse in the book from "it's not my problem that Carnival pays their employees so little" to the "I don't think that it is justfiable to pay for kids" that drive me crazy.

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If what I said bothers you so much, I must have hit close to home.


If you choose to tip below the customary amount for reasons other than poor service, then I hold you in contempt. Am I talking to you? I don't know how you tip. Maybe you do reduce your tips for reasons other than bad service, maybe you don't. If you do, you know where I stand.


Perhaps if you read my posts you would know that when I cruised with my kids.....I prepaid my tips so it wouldn't seem like a lot of money. I don't COMPLETELY dissagree with every you have said, but I don't and I won't condone the matter in which you address the subject.


Calling someone a thief is hitting below the belt when you are talking about removing tips. Seriously......Carnival allows it....BUT NOT ONLY do they allow it, they allow it with NO EXPLANATION.


HONESTLY.....I could care LESS what other people are doing. AND most people who are doing the right thing.....shouldn't care either.


You can't change people......let them make their own decisions but keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure the staff will appreciate it.

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I'm ready to be flamed here, but I have no intention of leaving the entire $3.50 per person, per night for the the stateroom cleaning. We are a family of five, all sharing a single room. It will NOT take the room steward five times longer to clean our room than it would if there was only one occupant. To take $17.50 per night in auto-tips for a room with five people is unacceptable. And honestly, I don't even care if anybody makes our beds or cleans the rooms while we're there. When we stay in a hotel, we keep up the Do Not Disturb sign and make a trip to the front desk each night for clean towels. I'll probably end up doing the same on this trip. I don't know exactly how much I will end up leave for the stateroom cleaning tips, but it will likely be in the $7.00 to $10.00 range per night.


I agree, if you don't use the service, you shouldn't pay a tip.

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I agree, if you don't use the service, you shouldn't pay a tip.


Sooo if she does not use the service all week...... which is fine....the stewards will still have to clean up their cabin on the day of debarkation....right? So does this mean the next people that come in should pay for this service:confused:

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I agree, if you don't use the service, you shouldn't pay a tip.


That would be the same as sitting at a restaurant table for 2 hours in the evening and not ordering food. The ship's crew anticipate earning tips from each room. They don't leave go and spend months at sea to not earn money off that room.

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