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Surprise trip for Daughter - Conquest 6-26 - Lots of fun - Pictures & Review


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Thanks! I will have to look into that. I guess I am looking at the wrong dates to go. Plus I don't book early enough. DD may have to miss a few days of school but i'm sure she wouldn't mind. I just need to do it before she gets older.



If you have any Questions Please feel free to ask. I can give you my email address and then I can send you some pictures of the Disney ship that we have and some of Castaway Cay. Email address is looneytunes31419@gmail.com

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So we had lots of fun at the beach, considering that's all I really wanted to do was lay out at the beach with my toes in the water...


I'm so excited that I got to do that...


No wondering around, looking for the boys, we just laid out in the sun and read our book and soaked up the sun... :D


So we finally were getting hungry... It was somewhere around 12:30ish... and we weren't sure where to eat... If we didn't find anything we would just catch a taxi back to the ship early.


So we decided to leave... and on our way to the beach we noticed this Resort that was to the left of that walk way... Once we got to the open area, we noticed that this resort had an awesome pools and play ground area but it look deserted... I mean empty.....


So as we were leaving we started looking for somewhere to wash our feet off... They had lots of sand on them...


And this is where we along with everyone else who was leaving used..








Come to find out this resort is Our Lucaya Resort and I guess it's closed... I don't know anything more about it then what you see...







This is the hut that I got Rae and I 2 cokes they were a little expensive $5.00...





This is the hut where the bathroom is but it was OUT OF ORDER!!!!!



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So we made our way back over to Our Lucaya Market and we had 2 major priorities... Bathroom then lunch, so the first thing we spotted was a SUBWAY!!!! Yes, it will have a bathroom and yummy sandwiches...


So inside we went and I went straight for the bathroom and yes it wasn't working.... Are you kidding me... Do you not see my eyes floating... I needed the girls room... So we decided to go ahead and order our lunch and yes they were out of COKE... I'm so sad... I only drink coke or ice tea... so it was a sprite for me... No water from Freeport... Not sure if it's safe...


We sat down and had our fabulous Subway sandwich & Sour cream and Onion Potato chips... YUM, YUM..




After lunch which we ate pretty fast... It was super good... We decided to find us a bathroom... or else...


Finally we found this old bar... Not a real happen place... Walked in and yes they had a bathroom and yes it worked... We were happy girls now...


So now time for some shopping....


Hello Kitty Store...
















Really cute store but it was closed....

More shopping to come.






Now we also had to use the girls room

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Thanks for posting the purse pics...and am so loving your review...i just hope that I have as much fun as you and your DD did, with my DD in Aug...My sister is joining us as well. I just hoping she understands that this trip is all about DD's sixteenth b-day. she may or may not but we (her and I ) will have fun:p:p

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It is the Magic.. It also is the nice ship.. Castaway Cay is a beautiful place. I love Castaway Cay lots of photo ops.. Also even while on the ship if you want the pornographers to take your picture with your Camera all you have to do is ask them and some of them will especially on Castaway Cay with the characters. You will have a blast on Castaway Cay..


OK..I hope this doesn't offend you..because I surely am not trying to..and I don't want to bring this thread down as I love it so much.


But I about died laughing when I read your typo..LOL..I highlighted it above.


I would think if any cruise line had them it would NOT BE DISNEY!!

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OK..I hope this doesn't offend you..because I surely am not trying to..and I don't want to bring this thread down as I love it so much.


But I about died laughing when I read your typo..LOL..I highlighted it above.


I would think if any cruise line had them it would NOT BE DISNEY!!



I didn't even catch that!

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I have thoroughly enjoyed this entire thread!! I'd keep taking breaks from work today and come back and keep reading-- sort of like a good book you never want to put down! LOL...and the pictures...WOW!! FABULOUS pictures. I'd say without a doubt this is the most enjoyable review I have read to date. To think I was on the Conquest only 8 months ago, but I've been on 2 ships now since then, so seems like forever ago now. I do recall what a fabulous ship she is and Carnival never disappoints-- was a great cruise. These days we always take along our 2 youngest ages 12 and 14. My oldest son is grown and now on his own (21). They do grow up so fast and so I cherish every moment with my 2 youngest! I always say there will be plenty of time to sail just the two of us when they are grown and gone and have families of their own. They are fast approaching 13 and 15 now and it feels like the years are passing by like calendar months! :(


Great job on this review, happy future sailing and thanks for sharing!!! :)




Thanks you for the sweet words... I'm thinking everyone likes my report becuase no one writes any... Just like you, I can't believe that my trip has already come and gone...


My husband and I just were reading "Mousejunkie" talking about people who just don't get Going to Disney and their love for it... The guy who writes Mousejunkies needs to write a book on Cruisejunkie... Just like Disney once it's in your blood you just have to keep on going... I could do Disney or Cruising everyday...


Enjoy your boys!!!! They do grow up way to fast...


Again, thanks for reading..


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We took our 3 kiddos to Stingray City and 1 of my sons was in the water a total of 30 seconds! He did not want to be there. He stayed in the boat the whole time!!!! He and Rae would get along very well. :rolleyes:


I am originally from Orlando! I remember it before Disney, of course I was a little kid! There are parts of Orlando that are not so touristy; you just have to know where to go. ;)


Oh, and my first name is Carolyn. BTW, your review is fabulous! One of the best I've ever read on CC!




Just had to mention that my DB and SIL are named Rick and Vicki. LOL


That's so funny about your 1 kid, that will be Rae... They would have so much fun hanging together... No Stingray City for them... That is so cool that you remember Disney before it was Disney... My first time to Disney was when it was just MagicKingdom... My son works way south on Orlando on the way to Tampa at a Golf Academy. So hopefully he will find us a good area to live in...


You just don't find to many Carolyn's... Welcome to the club...

Thats funny about you DB and SIL names tooo.

Thanks for reading..


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Amen to that one! I don't men it in a bad way but i'm glad others went what I did, I thought or felt like I was the only one. My famous words to my dr...The abuse stops here! All that abuse growing up made me what I am today..A fantastic person...mother to 4 and grandmother to 4 and 1 on the way :D


Back on subject....Me and my daughter LOVED Nassau. I'm glad you 2 also did. The stories of people hating it had me 2nd guessing my choice. I've been 2 times now and can't wait to go back a 3rd. We were more into shopping and exploring! LOVE the review :D I bet yal are a hoot to hang out with!!


We loved Nassau almost as much as Grand Cayman... I want to go back and take my sweet hubby and we walk around the whole town... Plus check out the beach...

She is so much fun to hang around with...

Thanks for reading..


Hahaha, don't mean to laugh but your ride brought back memories of our ride there. Sounds the same except our driver didn't have a broke toe, she just had a lead foot :eek:


We didn't pay the full price either. I was NOT getting back on there with her. We split the cost of a cab with some friends we made on board. We ran into them there at a bar.


Oh our driver she had a lead foot tooo... She was scary... So glad our ride back was safe and fun.... Thanks for reading..


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One day when we get to Florida, I'm going on a Disney Cruise... Castaway Cay is a place I really want to go... Although Disney is coming to Galveston starting in Dec. 2012... But it's the Disney Magic or Wonder we can't remember...

Thanks for the info...



It is the Magic.. It also is the nice ship.. Castaway Cay is a beautiful place. I love Castaway Cay lots of photo ops.. Also even while on the ship if you want the pornographers to take your picture with your Camera all you have to do is ask them and some of them will especially on Castaway Cay with the characters. You will have a blast on Castaway Cay..


If you have any Questions Please feel free to ask. I can give you my email address and then I can send you some pictures of the Disney ship that we have and some of Castaway Cay. Email address is looneytunes31419@gmail.com


I have lots of questions about Disney Cruises... When I get a chance I'll check out your pictures and ask you some questions... Your statement is really funny, but we all know what you meant... Pornographers... That's so cute... On a Disney Crusie... Loved it... :D I'm sure Disney CRuise is alot like going to the parks they know how to do everything perfect... Again, we love Disney!!! Have you been on Dream yet?

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Thanks for posting the purse pics...and am so loving your review...i just hope that I have as much fun as you and your DD did, with my DD in Aug...My sister is joining us as well. I just hoping she understands that this trip is all about DD's sixteenth b-day. she may or may not but we (her and I ) will have fun:p:p


I just know your going to have the best time... Even if your sister's joining you!!!! 22 more day!!! Can I come along tooo. I can't wait to see what you buy at the Straw Market...



OK..I hope this doesn't offend you..because I surely am not trying to..and I don't want to bring this thread down as I love it so much.


But I about died laughing when I read your typo..LOL..I highlighted it above.


I would think if any cruise line had them it would NOT BE DISNEY!!


Us tooooo, Charlie was reading them to me and he was like Pornographer... That's to funny.... We love you looneytunes31419!!!! You made us all laugh... We loved it.


I didn't even catch that!


It was good.

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More shopping...


Rae found this really cute guy in a store..






My favorite store... John Bull Jewelers...










Domino's Pizza... I don't really care for pizza but it was funny to find this there..

















Our Lucaya Shopping Market was really cute, but we didn't buy a thing really didn't find anything that we really needed...


More to come.

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Silly Girls...




We took our chance and walked over to the entrance of Our Lucaya Resort and Casino to catch a taxi... There were tons to choose from and lots of people waiting to catch a ride... It was getting close 2:00 and we were tired of shopping so heading back to the ship was a good choice... We could have wondered back to the beach but naw... So we got in a taxi and it was a much smoother ride...









It didn't take us long to get on her. The crowds were small... so once we got on the ship we decided to take all our stuff to the room and go and find a lounge chair to sit in...


More to come...


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OK..I hope this doesn't offend you..because I surely am not trying to..and I don't want to bring this thread down as I love it so much.


But I about died laughing when I read your typo..LOL..I highlighted it above.


I would think if any cruise line had them it would NOT BE DISNEY!!


:eek::rolleyes:I am glad you caught that no offense taken.. I was really tired and did not proof read as I should have LOL.. Sorry about that.. I am truly sorry, I did not realize that I had done that.. OH MY..:eek: Please forgive me for the typo..

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:eek::rolleyes:I am glad you caught that no offense taken.. I was really tired and did not proof read as I should have LOL.. Sorry about that.. I am truly sorry, I did not realize that I had done that.. OH MY..:eek: Please forgive me for the typo..


No offense taken by me. And I am sure no one else was offended either..it was a typo..they happen. I just pointed it out because it started my day off with a chuckle..and I need that. Thank you.

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No offense taken by me. And I am sure no one else was offended either..it was a typo..they happen. I just pointed it out because it started my day off with a chuckle..and I need that. Thank you.



Glad I could make someone laugh today.. Have a great weekend.. Thank you again.

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:eek::rolleyes:I am glad you caught that no offense taken.. I was really tired and did not proof read as I should have LOL.. Sorry about that.. I am truly sorry, I did not realize that I had done that.. OH MY..:eek: Please forgive me for the typo..


We loved it... We laughed so hard.... It was the best....




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No offense taken by me. And I am sure no one else was offended either..it was a typo..they happen. I just pointed it out because it started my day off with a chuckle..and I need that. Thank you.


Charlie and i thought it was so funny, like you it started our day off with a huge laugh...



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Hi Carolyn,


Still here, enjoying your review:). Can't wait for the rest...


BTW, I hope that the bond between you and your daughter grows so CLOSE that it makes up for your mom, if it will...:(





Hey Girl...

Thanks for the sweet words... You know Rae knows how bad I feel about my relationship with my mother and she, just like me thinks that's why or relationship is so close... Or that's why we work really hard on it.... All though it's not real hard to work on when we have so much fun together...

I hope it never goes away...

Glad your still reading my report.....



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I am really really enjoying your review! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it! It looks like you and your daughter had so much fun!


I also want to thank you for the picture with the towel clips, it reminded me that I wanted to get them for our trip, so I went to Kohls today and got four sets for $14.37 plus tax which I thought was a great deal considering one set cost $14.99 not on sale:)



Ps we are BIG Disney fans too! Love love Disney and the feeling it gives you...

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I am really really enjoying your review! Thank you so much for taking the time to write it! It looks like you and your daughter had so much fun!


I also want to thank you for the picture with the towel clips, it reminded me that I wanted to get them for our trip, so I went to Kohls today and got four sets for $14.37 plus tax which I thought was a great deal considering one set cost $14.99 not on sale:)



Ps we are BIG Disney fans too! Love love Disney and the feeling it gives you...


Thanks for reading... Love Disney...... Way to go on the Towel Clips... I think maybe the towel Clip company should give me a little cut.... Hahahaha...

I'm so glad that everyone got the towel clips at a good deal... They are really a good deal... They we great for us to use...

Thanks for reading.... It's been fun to write...


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Went to a wedding last night - it was one of Rae's cheerleader girlfriend... She just graduated this past June... She's been engaged since the beginning of her Senior year and planning this wedding since then too...

So the really awesome thing is that are sailing on Conquest Today... Going to the same itinerary as we did... They are going to have so much fun...

More to come later today..


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Remember when I told you guys to remember the Whale's Tail and the duel color it was... Well this is why!!!!!

They are painting it... They were painting lots of areas of the ship, stairs, around the pools etc...






Once we got back on the ship and took our stuff to the room. Rae wanted to hang out on the Lido Deck... So I found me a lounge chair up on top so I could at least keep my eye on her... I don't want to loose her... It's really hard for me to let Rae wonder around by herself... It's just really scary!!!:eek:


See their are painting around the hot tub area toooo...


Now, we still hadn't sailed away from Freeport yet we still had about an hour...


I wonder why Rae wanted to hang out on the Lido Deck...... That's Trenton in the strip swim suit... Forrest Cousin...


Smile Rae...








More to come...

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Rae and Trenton decided to take on the slide...






Rae's Turn...




Trenton's Turn





Here she comes...





Back to the HOT TUB... Whew to hot for me... Forrest on the other side..




More to come

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