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Surprise trip for Daughter - Conquest 6-26 - Lots of fun - Pictures & Review


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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A!!!!


A funny story...


Rae took a picture of this man that was standing right in front of her, she took it with her phone... so I don't have it...


But this was while I was going to buy her and I something to drink..


This man - older - put a towel around his waist and after he got it tightened he then proceed to take off his swim suit bottoms right there in front of Rae and the put on a pair of short... All inside the towel... Are you kidding me!!!!


When I got back with the soda's she was dying.... She was like "Mother your not going to believe what this man just did!!!!" She was laughing her head off... It was so funny to her..... that is just something she had never seen before...


So more pictures of the sand...













So after that... And getting in the rocky water - and really feeling the heat... Which is so weird it usually doesn't bother us.. We decided to leave... We had only been there 45 minutes...


So we head back up to the beach entrance...


Saw this cool picture...






Entrance to the beach area...




So we called our taxi guy - he was swamped but said he would be there in 20 minutes and to look for his number van... I don't remember the number...


So we showered off - they did have working toilets and showers.... Very nice.... But it is a State Park... We waited outside by the entrance along with about 10 other people... A couple of taxi's came and some people walked up and got in these. But it wasn't ours.


The Princess was getting really tired and really hot... But so was I... The heat was really getting to us... Finally here he came and those 10 people that were waiting on a taxi decided to jump right in there and take our taxi...




But that sweet taxi driver said I'm here to pick those 2 ladies up and if I have room after that I can take you guys... He was very nice.... He took up for us...


More to come...

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I caught your review about a week ago, and just finished catching up tonight. I must say that of all the reviews I have read this might be my very favorite. Your review is sooo detailed and written with such a personal touch that I feel like I was with you the whole time! My mother and I are re-building our relationship after 3 years of estrangement and many years before of rocky terms. Your review has given me hope (along with some great ideas for my upcoming cruise with my DH).


Thanks so much.



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Key West...


Cruise on down to A1A!!!


One thing I had thought about doing in Key West was a bike tour... Now I really wish we would have or at least just rented bikes for our selves.. But I just wasn't sure if we could do that... I tried to research it but didn't find any information on renting bikes, but we did see lots of people riding bikes and we could have used them to ride over to the beach...


Another food for thought when we go back to Key West again...


We made our way back to the shopping area around Port and Rae had really wanted a Henna (sp) maybe?? I thought well ok... We will give it a try... So we made our way back to the store that we saw it at and looked at earlier...

She decided again on a sun...


It looked great, but she didn't listen to the instructions that the girl gave her on how to take care of it for the next few days...


While she was getting her Henna, I found some toe rings in a store right next door... She got 2 of them - and she wears one of them today, still... She has the other one just in case it breaks...

I didn't get any pictures of the Henna...



Enough said... That's for you, cousins...




Spent way to much time there in 2002...


So we made a few stops at the shops on the way back to the ship and bought a few more shirts for hubby and her dad... Then we found her a couple of really cute tank tops...


So, while we were checking out the little girl at the counter said, "Don't you want to try them on?????"


Rae was like, "No thank you, I know that's my size"


the cute girl was like "okay, but we don't take exchanges"


and Rae was like "that's fine", "no big deal, I know they will fit"


So off we went back to the ship....


Lots of sacks in hand...


Up we went, back to our room to drop our goodies off and I headed to the Sun Deck Pool.... and Rae headed to find the boys... I was all by myself... and it was so hot and humid that I just wanted to jump in the water and cool off.... and that's just what I did.... I got in that pool and it felt sooooo nice...


Our table mate family was there and we talked about our day in Key West... They did the home tour and said it was fabulous.... They booked it through Carnival... She showed me her pictures and they house we beautiful...


I stayed at the pool for awhile then decided to get ready for Sail Away...










More sail away pictures...

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I have been reading this since you first posted as we are going on this same cruise in Oct to celebrate my DH's 50th. At first i was just looking for info but as you posted i was looking forward to you and Rae's adventures ... I am a little sad that it is almost over ...But you have insprired me to keep a journal of our trip in Oct.

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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A!!!


Just some really great Port Pictures...


I just love it here...


Why don't they give you more time here...


The tall building in the background was a building that I went on top of in 2002 and took really great pictures of Key West and Cruise Ships in port... I wanted to go back up there this time but couldn't figure out how to get there... or where it was... I don't remember... That was way to long ago...








We didn't even shop over here...




Love that red building... It's so beautiful... Right past it is Mallory Square...






More to come...


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Loving this review. I love Key West, but hate that you're already reviewing it cause that just means you're almost done :(


Thanks for taking the time to entertain us!


JHale- I see you have sailed many times on Carnival's Ecstasy. The DH and I have booked her in May 2012 after her move to Port Canaveral. Have you enjoyed that ship? I have read many good things about her. What is your opinion? Our first cruise was on the Legend and we just loooved it, but I know it is a bigger ship than the Ecstasy.

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JHale- I see you have sailed many times on Carnival's Ecstasy. The DH and I have booked her in May 2012 after her move to Port Canaveral. Have you enjoyed that ship? I have read many good things about her. What is your opinion? Our first cruise was on the Legend and we just loooved it, but I know it is a bigger ship than the Ecstasy.


I love, love, LOVE the Ecstasy! I've sailed larger ships as well, but for me the Ecstasy is the perfect size. It's small enough that many of the staff (besides your direct waiters, room stewarts) will remember your name, what you like to drink, eat (deli) etc. The ship itself is also very easy to navigate. You'll notice the smaller size since you've only done the larger ships, but the Ecstasy has so much personality you won't miss those extra decks. She's also won many service awards; which I can tell you, I've had the BEST service on the Ecstasy our of every ship I've ever been on. We're actually trying to sqeeze in an 11th cruise on her before she moves to FL.

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I love, love, LOVE the Ecstasy! I've sailed larger ships as well, but for me the Ecstasy is the perfect size. It's small enough that many of the staff (besides your direct waiters, room stewarts) will remember your name, what you like to drink, eat (deli) etc. The ship itself is also very easy to navigate. You'll notice the smaller size since you've only done the larger ships, but the Ecstasy has so much personality you won't miss those extra decks. She's also won many service awards; which I can tell you, I've had the BEST service on the Ecstasy our of every ship I've ever been on. We're actually trying to sqeeze in an 11th cruise on her before she moves to FL.


Oh wonderful!! It is so nice to hear that! We are super excited for our vacation! Thank you for clearing up what little concerns I had! :)

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Baked Alazka is the name of that dessert.


That's what that was called... It was really yummy...



I caught your review about a week ago, and just finished catching up tonight. I must say that of all the reviews I have read this might be my very favorite. Your review is sooo detailed and written with such a personal touch that I feel like I was with you the whole time! My mother and I are re-building our relationship after 3 years of estrangement and many years before of rocky terms. Your review has given me hope (along with some great ideas for my upcoming cruise with my DH).


Thanks so much.




Good Luck on rebuilding your relationship with your Mother... I would say, I should try to rebuild my relationship with mine, but I'm just not there yet... I do see her about once a week and that's enough for me..

Thanks for the sweet words.... I am really enjoying writing it... Although last nights post was a little to funny for me... My writing was from another planet... I spelled words wrong and sometimes it sounded like I was from another planet...


Keep reading.



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I have been reading this since you first posted as we are going on this same cruise in Oct to celebrate my DH's 50th. At first i was just looking for info but as you posted i was looking forward to you and Rae's adventures ... I am a little sad that it is almost over ...But you have insprired me to keep a journal of our trip in Oct.


Please keep a journal... I buy one of those little spiral notebooks at Target that fit great in my purse... About 4 x 6, It works great.... If not to write a review to keep for your children to read when they are older... I have journals of all of our trips for them to have one day.... I don't want them to forget how much fun we had together....

Thanks for sticking with me from the beginning... I really appriciate that... Your a real follower.... Thanks...

I'm really sad that my trip report is almost over because I want have all these sweet people to talk to....

Thanks for reading...



Loving this review. I love Key West, but hate that you're already reviewing it cause that just means you're almost done :(


Thanks for taking the time to entertain us!


Your so welcome.... I too hate that it's almost over... It's been really fun to write...

More to come later...


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JHale- I see you have sailed many times on Carnival's Ecstasy. The DH and I have booked her in May 2012 after her move to Port Canaveral. Have you enjoyed that ship? I have read many good things about her. What is your opinion? Our first cruise was on the Legend and we just loooved it, but I know it is a bigger ship than the Ecstasy.


I love, love, LOVE the Ecstasy! I've sailed larger ships as well, but for me the Ecstasy is the perfect size. It's small enough that many of the staff (besides your direct waiters, room stewarts) will remember your name, what you like to drink, eat (deli) etc. The ship itself is also very easy to navigate. You'll notice the smaller size since you've only done the larger ships, but the Ecstasy has so much personality you won't miss those extra decks. She's also won many service awards; which I can tell you, I've had the BEST service on the Ecstasy our of every ship I've ever been on. We're actually trying to sqeeze in an 11th cruise on her before she moves to FL.


Oh wonderful!! It is so nice to hear that! We are super excited for our vacation! Thank you for clearing up what little concerns I had! :)


Where does Ecstasy sail out of right now???


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Key West!!!

Cruise on down to A1A...

Now where was I....

Oh yes....

First of all... Sorry about my post last night... I think I was on another planet last night... I gues I was just really tired...

I do know how to spell Margaritaville... I guess my fingers were typing really crazy... Seems like I just couldn't type what I was trying to say...

I'll try better tonight...


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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


So I headed up on Deck 10 - Starbourd Side because that's the side that was in Port... As I was standing there by myself waiting to sail away, I hear...


"Mom, MOM"


Up here!!!!


There was Rae and Trenton up on Deck 11 and down they came.... So we hung out together to watch Key West in our review mirror...








I'm really sad!!!! I didn't want to leave Key West...

Wait, I just remembered something... I'm missing some pictures...


Let me go back and look for them..


Here it is!!!!

Okay look really hard on the dock and you see a guy running for the ship.... It was so funny, he had 5 minutes before we sailed and here he came.... RUNNING!!!!! Everyone was cheering him on...






Here he is going through security area... then off he ran...





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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


More sailaway pictures...


I hung out with the kids for a little bit but once we started turning around I hurried back to my room to take pictures on my balcony...

This is us leaving Key West...

I'm so sad...





Turning around time...



So Long Key West...






More to come

The beach that we went to today.


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Key West!!!


Cruise on down the A1A...


Fort Zackery Taylor Beach...


This is the beach that we went to today... Again it was really close to port... Not an easy walk though.














After we sail away I decided that I should start trying to pack all of our 1000 pairs of shoes and 10,000 pieces of clothing... Hahahaha... I didn't want to spend my last day at sea worring about packing and I knew that I could get most of it together...


I will say when Carnival designed their staterooms, they did a really great job on the cupboards that are across from the bathroom... Expecially the first one, that has shelves in in... Now, the other 2 closets are great for clothes IF!!!!!! you brought hangers... which I did... on our way into Galveston we made a quick stop at Target and picked up to packages of hangers... REALLY GREAT IDEA.... because in each closet there are only about 9 hangers for all of our 1,000 no wait 10,000 shirts and dresses...


But I will say. No place to put shorts... The drawers in the cabinet next to the cupboards - 2 of them were about 6 inches tall and about 18 inches deep... just enough room to put your PJ but really the first top drawer had a blow dryer and something else in it...

Then the next 2 drawers were about 12 inches tall and 18/ inches deep not enough room to put lots of shorts in, just enough room to put your PJ's and nike shorts...


So the shelves in the first cupboard - which there were 4 shelves and the floor... held shorts, the rest of my T-Shirts that I didn't have enough hangers for and all of my shorts... the next 2 shelves held all of Rae's Stuff... and the other shelves just held blow dryers, flat irons, make up bags, etc... so needless to say we had stuff everywhere...




I thought it would be a really great idea to try to pack...


So, I turned on the TV to watch Wimbleton... Yes we did get to watch the girls and boys semifinals and finals... I love Tennis... Love it.... Maria Sharapova.... She's may girlll


I do love that you can hide your luggage under your beds... I did put dirty clothes in my luggage...


So I got all the bags out... Expecially the hanging bag for all of our dresses and shoes... I left out 2 dresses for tonight and tomorrow night but other then that... That bag was packed... Yes....


Then I started on the Souvenier bag... Yes, that is one of the reasons I bring an extra bag... with nothing in it when we head on vacation, because I might need to bring home 3 purses and lots of other presents...


So I got that bag packed... Which was really easy...


Then I tackled my bag... It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...


I left out a few shorts and shirts and other necessities but I got it packed...


More to come...


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Thank You for sharing your wonderful trip with us!!! You and your DD should come on the Jan 1, 2012 on the Magic.....we have a big group going, and I have 2 of my DD's and my Grandbaby. DD's are 27 and 17. I'm so excited!!!

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Key West!!!

Cruise on down the A1A...


So I guess this is going to be one of those post...


My last one... I was writing it and right in the middle of me writing it, Rae calls...


"Mom - I'm really thirsty can you please bring me a big Route 44 Sonic water..."


I was like, "It's 9:35 and I'm busy, How bad do you need it?"


"Please Mom, you know I can't leave"


So up I got, Charlie and I run to Sonic to get Rae a Route 44 water and some chicken... She's hungrey tooo...


So I had just finished my post but I hadn't proofed it yet, but knew that if I posted it, I wouldn't loose it and I could go back in and edit it...


Well guess what ... You can only edit for 20 minutes after a post...


Now that's really stupied....


So yes, I do know how to spell Wimbledon....

and yes some other silly things I wrote wrong...





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I knew that would get your attention...

Rae auditioned for Hairspray back in May and made the cast and tonight was dress rehearsal...

It opens TOMORROW!!!! We are so excited...

So that's the reason for the phone call... She has been rehearsing for it since we got back from the cruise, every night until 12:00 and the past 2 weeks until 1:00 to 1:30 in the morning... So we are so excited for the show....

So that's why we took her water and chicken...

She looked so cute... In her 60's custome... With her hair in a big bump... A cute yellow dress... I can't wait to watch it..

So I might not post for the next 4 days because of the show... I'm not missing a performance...

When I get a chance I will

so, More to come!!!!


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Then I started on the Souvenier bag... Yes, that is one of the reasons I bring an extra bag... with nothing in it when we head on vacation, because I might need to bring home 3 purses and lots of other presents...




More to come...



I bought a duffle bag a few years ago that founds up and zips to about 8in x 10in x 2in it goes right into my suitcase so that I have something for my dirty laundry..then my souveniers go into my suitcase.


I don't know that I will be taking it this time since we are flying. I don't want to have an extra bag to come home with because then I have to pay for it..LOL.

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I have been following your review from the beginning. Great Job, this is one of the best reviews I have ever read. I have a daughter who is 13 and I really hope when she gets older that we are close and she will want to take trips with me. Thank you so much for allowing us to follow along with you on the journey.

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