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Anyone here currently on MediFast?


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I started my Medifast. So far so good, except my pancake cooking failure but I'll work on that. Bit of a headache today, but I frequently had headaches before so nothing new to me. In fact yesterday, day 2 we went to a party, and besides one quick fleeting thought that I just started so maybe I could eat that hot wing lumpia, or chips and salsa......but I decided it wasn't worth setting my starting back two days so I drank my water and did not touch anything except a dill pickle spear. I was proud of myself. :)


I started Medifast because someone I went to high school with and his used it with great success, they are my health coaches. I kept seeing success stories thinking I wish it were me, I finally decided why not me and here I am. My goal is about 50 lbs by my June 16,2013, I am not totally hung up on the number so much as the inches around my waist, butt, hips.


Hap you mentioned earlier in the post about recipes, I was wondering if I could get them. Or recipes from anyone. Thanks in advance.


I woul love to become friends with others doing this.

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Hey, Luetta... Happy day 3!!! One day at a time... it gets easier... I'm starting my sixth week this weekend and down about 23 pounds -- and stalled again. Whatever... just have to stay on the plan. And as far as I'm concerned we're all friends here in the "Cruiser Losers" thread!!


As far as the recipes go, they're pretty much all in my head and I've shared a lot of them in this very thread so if you search the posts, you'll get some of my and others' favorite tips to make the food taste better. The most important thing to remember is to SOAK ALL of the soups and shakes beforehand. Don't ever make the soups right at the time you want to eat them; otherwise, you'll just complain just like all the other people I see online complaining about how the soups taste till they figure out you have to soak them first. All of them must be completely rehydrated for best results.


And the pancakes -- the best tip I found re: the pancakes -- not that I buy them anymore and I had a complete box to get through -- was to make a Pancake Mug Muffin out of it. What I did with those was take a coffee mug, spray a little Pam into it. Put the pancake packet contents into the cup, along with the prescribed amt of water, add a pinch of baking powder, a couple of pinches of unsweetened cocoa powder, a couple of pinches of Splenda. Mix it together and then microwave it for about a minute and a half. Invert the cup onto a paper towel, and Boom: Instant Mug Muffin.


Give it a try.


My other favorites are to mix together TWO kinds of shakes and/or soft-serve flavors into a blender cup, put in about a cup and a half of water and mix well -- even blend it. Oh, and I also have found that the powder mixes better if you add it to water in the cup instead of adding water to the powder. Fewer lumps and need to stir. Anyhow, then stick the mixture of the two flavors into the fridge for several hours. Then when you want to drink ONE of the meals, split the mix in half by pouring half out into another blender cup, as you will have TWO meals in the orig cup. Then add about an inch of crushed ice to one of the blender cups, a splash of cold water. Then shake it a couple times first before you blend it. Now you'll have a mix of flavors. Be creative: mix a strawberry and a banana together, or banana-mango, or strawberry-banana, or chocolate-peanut butter, or guava-pineapple -- oh, wait, there's no guava OR pineapple... I guess the Hawaii cruise is on my mind LOL.... you get the idea.


Oh, and since I don't like traditional oatmeal, if you take a maple oatmeal and mix it with a vanilla shake, you'll have TWO butterscotch shakes. The possibilities are almost endless.



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Hi Luetta! Good luck! The first week is a week of change - more water (and peeing!), less calories and sometimes less energy. But starting after week 2 you'll feel great and be amazed!


I just took measurements on week 12. I compared them to my week 8 measurements and I had lost 8 total inches in 4 weeks (I measure 5 places - thigh, waist, hips, chest and upper arm). I'm currently wearing a size 12 and in May I was in a tight 16.


Stick to it - especially in the beginning. Learn the tweaks as you go, but if you follow it as directed, you WILL be a success story! I've lost a 41.5 pounds in a bit over 12 weeks.


I'll say it again, but I think it's a great tool to help you lose weight, but also to learn how to eat - smaller meals, knowing the amounts of carbs/protein/fat/calories, etc. I'm looking forward to maintenance and really putting all I've learned to the test.


You'll do GREAT! Keep posting here - Hap and I are on pretty regularly so it's great support. And Hap has great ideas for mixing flavors. :)


Also, I subscribe to the thread, so anytime someone posts to it, I get an email - it doesn't fill your inbox but it's nice to know when someone posts :)


Mary Beth

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Hi Luetta! Good luck! The first week is a week of change - more water (and peeing!), less calories and sometimes less energy. But starting after week 2 you'll feel great and be amazed!


I just took measurements on week 12. I compared them to my week 8 measurements and I had lost 8 total inches in 4 weeks (I measure 5 places - thigh, waist, hips, chest and upper arm). I'm currently wearing a size 12 and in May I was in a tight 16.


Stick to it - especially in the beginning. Learn the tweaks as you go, but if you follow it as directed, you WILL be a success story! I've lost a 41.5 pounds in a bit over 12 weeks.


I'll say it again, but I think it's a great tool to help you lose weight, but also to learn how to eat - smaller meals, knowing the amounts of carbs/protein/fat/calories, etc. I'm looking forward to maintenance and really putting all I've learned to the test.


You'll do GREAT! Keep posting here - Hap and I are on pretty regularly so it's great support. And Hap has great ideas for mixing flavors. :)


Also, I subscribe to the thread, so anytime someone posts to it, I get an email - it doesn't fill your inbox but it's nice to know when someone posts :)


Mary Beth


Welcome to Luetta! :)

It is a good program, a little harder for us ladies, I think, to lose as much weight as men and as quick a weight loss as they seem to have. But, at my center, they tell me we women lose a lot more inches than the men! That has been the case with me. They measure me once a month in many different spots and I have lost a lot of inches! The whole point of this was to fit back in to my closet of clothes and that is happening - happy to say!


I have been on this program since mid-April and have lost 22 lbs. I have stalled for 3-4 weeks. This week, they have me doing another cleanse or detox. I have already dropped about 5 lbs and the week is not over! They believe you should do a cleanse or detox every 3 months. It does jump-start the weight loss when you have a plateau. After I weigh in this week - I should have 10 more lbs to reach goal.


I will be very happy to start maintenance. Mary Beth, how many more lbs do you have to lose? Are you getting close to goal?

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Welcome to Luetta! :)

It is a good program, a little harder for us ladies, I think, to lose as much weight as men and as quick a weight loss as they seem to have. But, at my center, they tell me we women lose a lot more inches than the men! That has been the case with me. They measure me once a month in many different spots and I have lost a lot of inches! The whole point of this was to fit back in to my closet of clothes and that is happening - happy to say!


I have been on this program since mid-April and have lost 22 lbs. I have stalled for 3-4 weeks. This week, they have me doing another cleanse or detox. I have already dropped about 5 lbs and the week is not over! They believe you should do a cleanse or detox every 3 months. It does jump-start the weight loss when you have a plateau. After I weigh in this week - I should have 10 more lbs to reach goal.


I will be very happy to start maintenance. Mary Beth, how many more lbs do you have to lose? Are you getting close to goal?


I'm still 18.5 pounds from the goal I first set when I started MF. When I get closer I'll see if it's realistic or if I'd like to lose 5 more after. I want it to be manageable. I am so much more comfortable now, but don't want to get complacent and stray. I want to stick with it through goal so I can really work it in maintenance. I think that following through to maintenance is the key to this program. Good luck!

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I'm still 18.5 pounds from the goal I first set when I started MF. When I get closer I'll see if it's realistic or if I'd like to lose 5 more after. I want it to be manageable. I am so much more comfortable now, but don't want to get complacent and stray. I want to stick with it through goal so I can really work it in maintenance. I think that following through to maintenance is the key to this program. Good luck!


We may be on maintenance about the same time (given my slow rate of weight loss - hoping this detox causes things to go a little faster).


I have heard that if you don't follow through with maintenance, you will gain the weight right back. The price you pay for the center includes weekly followups for a year from hitting your goal weight.

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Crab, do you mind if I ask how exactly you accomplish the cleanse? I'm not doing this through a center.


The cleanse is supervised and lasts for a week. They call daily to check on you for that week and the cleanse if very strict - I would never have attempted it on my own. Matter of fact, I don't think I could have done much of this program without their help as I had lots of GI issues and also probably would have quit when I hit the plateau for close to a month if I were "on my own". You eat certain foods (including fruit) on certain days, liquids on others. There are supplements that go along with it and last for a month.

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We may be on maintenance about the same time (given my slow rate of weight loss - hoping this detox causes things to go a little faster).


I have heard that if you don't follow through with maintenance, you will gain the weight right back. The price you pay for the center includes weekly followups for a year from hitting your goal weight.


I think that's my biggest fear. I am using MF as a tool to get the weight off just as I would use any other program. But a huge part of the program is not just the losses, but the learning how to eat properly and how to work carbs (fruits/grains/etc.) back into your daily diet. However, I can't say I won't also keep some MF on hand - I like eating 6 small meals a day and that's so perfect for my blood sugar. So things like their bars and pretzels and shakes are perfect for me. But I don't want to jump ahead. I want to focus on getting to goal and taking it from there.

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I think that's my biggest fear. I am using MF as a tool to get the weight off just as I would use any other program. But a huge part of the program is not just the losses, but the learning how to eat properly and how to work carbs (fruits/grains/etc.) back into your daily diet. However, I can't say I won't also keep some MF on hand - I like eating 6 small meals a day and that's so perfect for my blood sugar. So things like their bars and pretzels and shakes are perfect for me. But I don't want to jump ahead. I want to focus on getting to goal and taking it from there.


You are not going to a center, correct?

Do you have a health coach?

Do you have the booklet that goes along with the 5&1 plan?

In there, it describes a 6 week transition plan that describes how fruits and grains are added back.

I know I will want to keep eating the bars and brownies. :)

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Nope - no centers by me and I don't want a coach. Not really my style. Yup - have all the paperwork and I've been reading, but I don't want to jump the gun. This is where I've failed in the past - I get complacent when I'm close to goal. This time, the goal is not my final number but to succeed in maintenance :)

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Thanks guys for your replies. Day 4 has been different as I had to go to work today. The first 5 hours of the day I Had a bit of a headache, had some hot flashes, even felt a bit jittery....but as the day progressed they went away.


I want to loose about 40-50 pounds...but to me its more of losing inches like you mentioned, moreso I want to lose my love handles, some butt, some thigh, and some belly.....just not be so "lumpy" in tight clothing. LOL


Tried the oatmeal last night and guess I used too much water as I felt like it was eating runny paste. Just ate the chicken noodle soup, didn't really like it either-no flavor (i did cook it in the am and bring to work with me to let it soak).

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Hi Luetta! :)


The good news is.....you will lose inches in all those areas and the love handles will start to disappear!


Did you purchase any bars? The oatmeal and the soups are not my favorites.


I like the bars, brownies, pretzels, dark chocolate shakes, peanut butter soft serve, cereal, and chocolate chip pancakes.


OH - and the soy in many of the products should help the hot flashes. Make sure you drink 64 oz of water!

Edited by crabcreeker
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Just finishing up week 5 and I've lost 30lbs! I'm so happy.

I don't have as many temptations to cheat as I did at first.

I started excercising on weeks 3 and 4 and had to stop for awhile, as my weight loss started to slow. I'm so encouraged by all of your stories. I love coming on here and seeing the progress that you have made.

Items that I love: Swiss Mocha Shakes, Chocolate Peanut Butter bars, Chocolate pudding, (notice a theme here?:D)

Items that I can't get used to: Oatmeal (doesn't taste too bad but smells terrible) and the Mango Shake.

Boost the soup flavor with some Bouillon cubes.

I also gave up on the pancakes...I just take a packet over to my mom's house once a week and have her make them....they always come out perfect. When I try, it's like eating scrambled pancakes :eek:


Keep posting! Keep encouraging!:D


My goals:

To not use a seatbelt extension to fly to Galveston for my cruise in February.

To make the weight limit to do zip lining this year.

To feel good about myself on formal night.

To love life again :D

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Welcome, Jedi.... good 4u...!!!


Yeah, speaking of plateaus... I'm there again and DYING to break below the 200s to the downside... have my annual physical next week... first time I can ever remember looking FORWARD to chatting with my internist LOL....


Keep on keepin' on....


P.S.,,, make those pancakes into "mug pancakes"!! My recipe is a couple posts back.



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Did it!!!! Haven't been below 200 pounds in ... well, come to think of it, I can't remember WHEN I've been sub 200.... feels great!!! Sure, I know the weight fluctuates, but having lost 25 pounds feels damn good about now!!!


Hope everyone else is a LOSER this week!!!!!!!



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YAY HAP!!!!!!!!!!

Heading out for vacation today down 43 pounds. Wow. I'm planning on doing 5+1 but if something changes, I may do 4&2. I'm nervous for staying OP during vacation, but I'm gonna try with all my heart. I'm on 13 weeks today and never strayed so I hope I can do it!!


Have a great week - see ya next week

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's been a little while, and I was thinking about you ladies recently. So how are all you losers doing? I take it no news is good news??


Had my annual physical and the doc was really happy with my "new" self.... lab numbers WAYYY down along with the weight (about 30 pounds down from my start about two months ago). He even said my goal weight was too ambitious so he raised it by about 20 pounds. I'm a big guy to begin with so I only need to lose about 10 or so more pounds to be at MY proper BMI. Not to mention that I'm now wearing pants about TWO sizes smaller than I was wearing previously. Did a clean sweep of the bedroom closet and have a big pile ready for Goodwill. THAT feels good!!! Not to mention having to punch some new holes in a couple belts LOL... need to shop for a couple new ones there, too.


Hope everyone is doing well!!!!


Cheers... Hap

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Hap - that's awesome! It's true test when bloodwork shows great things. YAY!


I'm doing great - had a great week on vacation and actually lost a pound while there. I stayed on plan the whole time except for the occasional string cheese and I had ice cream. Weigh in is tomorrow morning so I'm hoping to be down another couple pounds. I have less than 15 pounds to goal - I may actually adjust my goal lower because when I first set the goal, it was a goal I was almost at before. But I actually think I may set it lower by 5-10 pounds. But I'll wait to see.


Going to Disneyworld at the end of September which will definitely present a challenge but that's okay - I'm still going full force!

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I feel like a PRO at this...Over the past 10 years this is my 3rd time losing. I am very good at it. I am also even better at gaining it back ☺. 1st time I lost 60lbs, 2nd time I lost 65lbs. So far since April 3rd I have lost 56. The center I go to does have a real Dr. and I meet with a dietician every other week. The support is awesome. I went to Vegas in July for 5 days and did not gain. I was very conscious of getting in lots of exercise. They have stressed weight training and exercise. I am thinking in Oct when I go if I never get on the elevator and make sure I move lots that I will survive. It is encouraging reading all of your posts. Nice to know I am not alone out here ☺

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Well, it's been a little while, and I was thinking about you ladies recently. So how are all you losers doing? I take it no news is good news??


Had my annual physical and the doc was really happy with my "new" self.... lab numbers WAYYY down along with the weight (about 30 pounds down from my start about two months ago). He even said my goal weight was too ambitious so he raised it by about 20 pounds. I'm a big guy to begin with so I only need to lose about 10 or so more pounds to be at MY proper BMI. Not to mention that I'm now wearing pants about TWO sizes smaller than I was wearing previously. Did a clean sweep of the bedroom closet and have a big pile ready for Goodwill. THAT feels good!!! Not to mention having to punch some new holes in a couple belts LOL... need to shop for a couple new ones there, too.


Hope everyone is doing well!!!!


Cheers... Hap


Wonderful news! Really happy for you! It's wonderful to fit back in to all the clothes in your closet again.:)


As to news - Well, I am back to losing very little bits again :rolleyes:.

.5 lb one week and .5 lb the next after losing 6 lbs on detox week and several weeks of plateau before that. Pretty frustrated! I have stepped the exercise up in an effort to increase the weight loss.


I am about 9 lbs away from goal. It's taking forever to get there. And then I am wondering how in the world I am ever going to maintain the goal weight if it was this hard to make it there. It's not an unrealistic number - just a weight that gets me to the healthy BMI for my height - upper end of healthy BMI - not lower end: If I were to quit now, I would still be in the overweight range for BMI. confused:


Supposedly, the counselor is going to produce a list of the meal replacements that have the least amount of carbs for me this week if I haven't lost much again. I have been strictly on program thru this whole thing, drink all the water, etc.


Does anyone have any recommendations for me? I don't know what to do.....

Edit to add: Plus, I have the pressure of a cruise coming up at the end of Oct and I thought I would be at goal and thru maintenance before that cruise.....now, I don't know how to manage that cruise.

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Crab - I'm sorry it's so slow for you. The only thing I will say is the moment I added regular exercise, my losses slowed dramatically. In truth, Medifast is a plan that's not written for exercise to be included. While we all know that exercise is good for your health and a must, with this plan it may be your detriment. You may not be eating enough to cover the calories you're burning, thus your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to everything it can.


I'm certainly no expert, but ask your counselor if that could be the cause. If you can do it, have a regular on plan week on 5&1 and don't exercise and see if that helps.


Hang in there - the cruise will happen and even if you're not at goal weight, hopefully you've learned the tools to make smarter choices for your meals. :)

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The counselor is the one telling me to exercise more.

One of the reasons is that they did another body scan last visit and my lean muscle had dropped - despite consistent exercise. They told me to eat an extra ounce of protein per day or 1 OZ of string cheese. This has happened before. The last time it happened was why I started exercising a little more- to increase the lean muscle.


Maybe by not getting enough protein (despite weighing and measuring) my body thinks it's starving?


I don't know. Some one else mentioned they have a dietician at their center in a recent post......don't think mine does. I think I could use one, though. I'll ask on Tuesday. I was all set to call and have a chat on Monday and remembered it's a holiday.


Any other suggestions?


This soon to be 55 year old body doesn't work like it used to......BUMMER!

That's why I think maybe I should just settle for losing 28 lbs and start maintenance and not try to get to the healthy BMI.

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BTW, I went to the Medifast web site and did some research and almost all the meal replacements I eat happen to be the lower Carb choices already! (except for the new cereal):(


So any list the counselor produces is not going to make any difference. I am already doing that.

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