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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good morning, SMDer's!!

Happy Friday to all.

Rich, thanks for doing the FB account for us. Janet's thread started because of the no $25 deposit from Carnival and how now Royal Caribbean and Celebrity and now offering it. I think Carnival shot themselves in the foot on this one.

Well off to our mini vacation. Chat maybe at the hotels. Have a great weekend and hi to everone.

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Good morning ya'll. Nice day here today.

Tomorrow me and West are headed up to Austin to meet up with his son, grab some lunch and off the the UT Longhorn football game. Should be a great day (only 20% chance of rain).

Cathy p - I know that when I talked with Johna she told me that once Carnival changed the policy, 4 other cruise lines jumped on board offering reduced rates for CC member cruises. The only problem I have is that I am platium with Carnival and those little benefits do add up.

Off to ride the bike and then to lunch today for a friend. We are going the the brazilian steakhouse and man, its so good:D Talk later.

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Good morning ya'll. Nice day here today.


Tomorrow me and West are headed up to Austin to meet up with his son, grab some lunch and off the the UT Longhorn football game. Should be a great day (only 20% chance of rain).

Tell West Hi from Us, and have a great time, I know you will!

Cathy p - I know that when I talked with Johna she told me that once Carnival changed the policy, 4 other cruise lines jumped on board offering reduced rates for CC member cruises. The only problem I have is that I am platium with Carnival and those little benefits do add up.

That was my 1st thought too, I can only cruise so often, if I change to another line, well I will never get to the perks!

Off to ride the bike and then to lunch today for a friend. We are going the the brazilian steakhouse and man, its so good:D Talk later.


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Good morning ya'll. Nice day here today.


Tomorrow me and West are headed up to Austin to meet up with his son, grab some lunch and off the the UT Longhorn football game. Should be a great day (only 20% chance of rain).


Cathy p - I know that when I talked with Johna she told me that once Carnival changed the policy, 4 other cruise lines jumped on board offering reduced rates for CC member cruises. The only problem I have is that I am platium with Carnival and those little benefits do add up.


Off to ride the bike and then to lunch today for a friend. We are going the the brazilian steakhouse and man, its so good:D Talk later.

What benefits? VIP embarkation? lol! They are in the process of redoing the perks for platinum right now, I wonder what will be cut? or Added?

Ok you guys, on Royal you only have to cruise 5 times to become Platinum. And since I am going to do a group in Nov. 2012 on the Oasis/Allure to the Eastern Caribbean. Bahamas (yes we get to go to the Atlantis and play in the waterpark!) and the Saint islands, you all have to go with us!! I am just waiting for the itinerary to come out for those dates. Sheryl and Bobbie and Betty have already said they are coming with us, and we are going to need more sibs!!:D

PLUS, on Royal, when you become platinum, you actually get money off your cruise cost on balcony or above!

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First and foremost, I am stuffed. That place is the best and they won;t let you stop eating until you push the plate away!.

Mimi - chicken soup, too hot here for soup, but maybe a chicken taco? Hope Andy gets to feeling better.

Marie - West says Hi back. And yes we will have a great time tomorrow at the game.

Janet - OK there are more the just the VIP embarkation. I was talking about the free slot pull/, laundry, proirity tendering just to name a few. To me, it makes a difference. Haven't done Royal yet, but let me know when you hear something. I'm always in for another cruise, and by that time I will be RETIRED!


I guess that our chat director is somewhere in Richmond at the Embassy Suites drinking a Coors light. Anybody want to take that bet?


Back later.

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I guess that everyone is out for the night since the board is so quite.

Still no word back from Laura this week:( (wonder whats going on with that?). There's always next week for our business page.

Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. I will talk to ya'll after the game tomorrow night. Night.

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First and foremost, I am stuffed. That place is the best and they won;t let you stop eating until you push the plate away!.


Mimi - chicken soup, too hot here for soup, but maybe a chicken taco? Hope Andy gets to feeling better.


Marie - West says Hi back. And yes we will have a great time tomorrow at the game.


Janet - OK there are more the just the VIP embarkation. I was talking about the free slot pull/, laundry, proirity tendering just to name a few. To me, it makes a difference. Haven't done Royal yet, but let me know when you hear something. I'm always in for another cruise, and by that time I will be RETIRED!


I guess that our chat director is somewhere in Richmond at the Embassy Suites drinking a Coors light. Anybody want to take that bet?


Back later.

True, I forgot about those cuz I don't gamble, and nobody washes my clothes but me, but the embarkation and tendering will be nice.

I really hope you guys can join us. It will be a lot more fun with the spirit gang and the sibs with us!

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Back from the game and I am very depressed:(. It was 90 degrees in the sun all day and they lost bad to a team they weren't suppose to have a problem with.

Have a good time Lori.

Janet - just let me know.

Talk later

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Good Evening SMDers!


Lori, what movie are you going to see? (I guess I should say what movie did you see since you probably won't see this until you return from the movies).


Rich, sorry about the loss. Any given Sund...errr... Saturday I guess. It's so heartbreaking though, isn't it? Andy feels much better, however he had to work all day today and is due in tomorrow with the "big launch" of a part of the website. This is free slave labor time and hopefully he will be compensated with a "free" day off. At this point, it's worthless time off as he never cashes in on his yearly sick days that don't roll over. But thanks for the good wishes for him! And hopefully he'll get a weekday off "for free" for us to go do something fun.


I hit the jackpot today at the yard sales and am ready to flip my purchases. It's a hobby of mine that I truly love. Unfortunately, I "lost" the cord for my digital camera that is necessary to get pics onto my computer, so I have not been posting as much as I'd like. Lots of things I need to post on craigslist, and once I find that cord, the remainder of the Looney Cruise payments will be paid off. We currently have 5 televisions ready for sale and a bunch of other items that must get posted. But Cathy's items come first at Craigslist, and her items will be reposted tomorrow when she returns home.


I hope she's having a blast on her mini vacation!!


Take care all... I promise to post more often now that we are finally settled in. Just a couple of frames and photos to get hung up. Need some new hardware for that, which I will pick up in the morning. Can't wait to hang up my two matching large framed artwork that I bought for 10 dollars that go for $200+ EACH online. I should sell, but I like them too much to sell. :)

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Hi Mimi, Hi Rich!! we went to Applebees for dinner tonite, had a gift card. Had a Red Apple Sangria-- pretty good! Then we went to see You Again, really enjoyed it. I really like comedies, and Betty White is a hoot! Good casting all around- Jamie Leigh Curtis and Sigourney Weaver. Bought our tickets for the movie online at the senior rate, even tho we're not quite there!! Made for a cheap night!!!!

Too bad about your game Rich, sitting there in the heat all that time your team could have at least won :D. At least Michigan State won again today! One of Kerry's ( my DD and MSU grad) best friends was in town from Arizona today and got proposed to before the game today--it was about time, they've been together 9 yrs!

Mimi--all your yard sale excursions sound like alot of fun. I wish I had more time for that. My DS and DIL hardly ever buy anything new, they love the challenge of buying from Craigs list or garage sales. They find the best stuff, I find junk! :D

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Hi Lori! I almost went to see You Again on Friday, but couldn't resist Gordon Gekko. I may go see You Again on my own when Andy goes to see Wall Street. If Wall Street had been over the top amazing, I would have accompanied Andy to the movies.


We hardly ever go to a movie together. We just have different tastes. Do you have an entertainment book in your area Lori? Go to Entertainment.com our entertainment book is packed with movie coupons from the two big chains of theaters here. $7-7.50 for a ticket vs. the $10 for a ticket here.


I have never had any luck on craigslist buying. All I find is junk. I search periodically and nothing appeals to me. It has taken me a lot of practice to learn which neighborhoods have the good sales and which do not. And yes, it matters. Like you would think the really posh places right on Lake Michigan where each house is worth 2.5+ million dollars would have good sales... no. They purchased their items for thousands and don't want to sell anything for less than 50% of what they paid. It's like your chic coffee table from 1992 that was cool back then and cost you $2500 is not worth $1500 today.


Then there are the "annual neighborhood yard sales" where a development will have one weekend to promote a yard sale. I use to think these would be the jackpots because you could park your car and walk from sale to sale. Not true. It's all junk because the same people have their annual sale and have not accumulated anything new/cool that they want to unload.


I don't mess with antiques, although I wish I had the knowledge to do so, so I personally avoid estate sales when I know that the sale is due to a death.


Yes it is time consuming, but I have time on my hands right now. It supplements our income which is always good. I can't wait to post my things, but Cathy's items come first and she has time restraints and I don't. Once we get all of her things sold, then it's back to my tvs and whatnot.


Cheers to all!


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Good morning SMDer's. Really nice day here today. It seems that we had a cold front come through and it has brought the temps down. Tomorrow morning its suppose to get down to the low 60's. Wow, I'm ready for that!!!


Mimi - sound like you already know what your doing when it comes to bargins. Happy hunting.


Hey Lori - I also like Appleby's. I go with someone else and get the two for $20. Its a better deal.


Getting busy again. Back later

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Hey everyone. Just thought I'd drop in and say hi to my Dream sibs. I miss you guys! Rich, I can't get my mind planning into 2012 yet but I'll keep the group in mind when I do start thinking about anything beyond the Mediterranean on the Magic with Betty! Hope everyone's doing well!



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Hey Madelene. I know what you mean, but never to early to start planning. Hows you group on the Glory coming along? Ok, you know that your alway welcome with this group:D. Stay in touch.


Thanks for the welcome, Rich. Our Fun 'n' Glory group is fairly small but the Blogger's group is huge. We will get all the same Blogger's perks and are part of the Blogger's group now, but people still insist on booking under the blogger code as a Blogger, and paying the higher rate. I don't get it, but to each their own. We'll have fun anyway!



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Happy Sunday All!!

Woke up to more fog today, after such a glorious and sunfilled Saturday :)

Wow.... quiet over here without Cathy and Sheryl :(

LORI hope you had fun on your date night. We were supposed to go out, but somehow ended up with the grandbabies. Don't even know how it happened... :mad:

We rented Avatar and really enjoyed it though.

JANET I just realized that the RCL group you are thinking of putting together is in November..I wouldn't risk a Caribbean cruise in November ( too scared of hurricane and itinerary changes:eek:) so we won't be able to join you after all

MADELENE So nice to see you over here! Here's hoping you can make this cruise too! :)

Where is BOBBIE?

Hey POOFY I used to go to yard sales all the time. I don't know why I stopped. Glad Andy is feeling better too.

RICH don't be sad. Were you sad because your team lost? I don't follow football at all. I am a red neck diva, I follow NASCAR, but still need turndown service and a mint on my pillow.

I still have not heard from Johnna. I have emailed her twice and phoned her once. I will try again tomorrow.

I have to run, as groceries need to be bought and then we start ripping up the main floor. We are doing a total redo, paint and hardwood, and a new bathroom. But first the messy part. God how I hate watching Dave spackle the walls. ( told you I was a diva)

In the meantime















Take good care, and have a great week

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Hi everyone!

Andrea, it is during hurricane season. But it is at the very very tail end of it so I'm confident that it won't be a problem. And my thoughts are I wanna go on that ship, I don't care where it is going. An itinerary change wouldn't bother me in the least little bit. Plus, I know that the captain will keep us out of harms way. I'm really not worried. If we were going in Sept.? Forget it! You can just about count on some weather issue! But I know Nov. will be fine.:D

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Hey Andrea! I am here, thanks for missing me!!!


I`ve been lurking and not posting lately.:eek:


Have been down in the dumps for the last day or so.

Just a little depressed for whatever reason, but this to will pass and I will be fine again.


Hey glad to see Madelene here!!! Don`t be a stranger , come over to see us more often..


Love to all my Sibs, just not up to naming names. You know that I love you all.;)

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Good evening ya'll. Great night here tonight. It's finally a nice cool night.

Andrea - doing much better today since the Dallas Cowboys finally won. They looked like the team they really are:D. I talked to West about the Alaska cruise in Jun and told him that we would go to Victoria and that you and Dave lived there. I told him about your offer and he seems to really like that idea. Fingers still crossed.

Hi Bobbie. Been missin ya, but thought maybe you were just out for the weekend (maybe run off to a resort like Sheryl did). Cheer up cuz as Andrea says, we only have 74 weeks before this cruise. How's Betty.

Hi Betty! Hope the knee is better.

Hi Sheryl. Save that money for your cruise!!!

Hi Janet - depends on when the cruise is in Nov. Hurricane season is pretty much over in Nov. We were diverted back when Wilma hit Cancun back years ago and we still had a blast in Vera Cruz!

Where's Marie - now that your review is done, you run away:(.

OK, where is our chat director? Is she under some bar stool at the Embassy suites in Richmond:eek:. Cathy p, did you have some deep fired butter at the state fair? This year there is a guy here in Texas that is suppose to have found out how to fry BEER. That's right, deep fried beer. Can't even think about that one.

OK, ya'll have a great night. Talk tomorrow.

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Morning all...

Rich I was at a woman's retreat, trying to figure out what wrong with the rest of the world, cuz I am perfect :p

Ok, that was not what we were doing,

I found a spot or 8 I can work on in my own world....:o

It was pretty fun, funny and convicting all at the same time.

Poor Dawn, she was hey, who said Tana (Her step son's mom) could come to my woman's retreat.

She wasn't there except in the conviction area :mad:

I told her, Tana wasn't the one putting her there, God was...take it up with Him. :o

All and all a very good week end, those putting it together did a great job.

the Weather on the Oregon Coast was beautiful Fri. and Sat, but Rain Sunday for us to pack up and leave.

Friday Night


Sat. Morning


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