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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Is there room for new blood?

Been lurking on your thread for awhile. Came back from a trip to discover I had better make plans now. :eek:

My DH and I are rather quiet but aren't against a good party.

I would like to know what the majority are planning for dinner - early, late or anytime? We can eat at any time, just as long as we have a place to eat. :D

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and I went with anytime dining for now, not too sure about when to eat. Other than I don't like eating late. As much I love to play, I hit the hay purty dang early.

Johna said we could change our dining times as soon as we figured out what we were doing..

Sure wish we had some more Canadian content..I am getting lonely ;)

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Good afternoon SMDer's. Wow this cruise is getting bigger and better everyday, but there are still a few out there we need to get on board (and we are working on them).

Welcome Chad, Holly, Nessa, Fabian, Kathy and "hubby"

Kathy - There is alway room for more friends:). I have emailed you the info on the pricing. What is DH's name?

Cathy p - Thanks for taking over this morning. I was so tired that I fell asleep in my clothes. Congrats on the retirement. I'm right behind ya!

Janet - thanks for the emailing. Like Bobbie said, if anyone has anything you need, it will be Janet. My HERO;).

Bobbie - I have email others and still we need to work on Madelene, Penny, Dave and Patty and everyone else that we can think off. And congrats to you on your retirement. I will get on the screen names on the list tonight.

Marie/Chelle - OFFICIAL, Yes. Tell Dawn that we are waiting her arrival on the board! Where are ya Dawn?

Jerod - yup, got the email from Johna saying she has gotten back with ya. We are still in need of the "official group photographer", hint. I'm really glad that ya'll were coming and bringing friends. Did someone say "PARTY"

Holly - don't let Jerod be harrassing you. Just remember, your cruising with a whole lot of new friends.

Sherri - Great news that you and Mike are booked. Have you heard from Dale. Let me know if you need anything for the Pub crawl. And thanks for doing that (I can't wait as I'm already planning for the crawl - already have my "get-up":eek:) Say Hi to Mike.

Nancy - I know what ya mean about being at work. I was at work last night when I was reading the post from Steven saying that he and Julie would be joining us. I let out this big YA! It's going to be FUN

Andrea - West was asking me if we need to start collecting the cups and lids for the Jello shots? I know its early, but there is alot to do. And you can always bring the Canadian following with ya!

Time to get something to eat. Back later

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Welcome Kathy with a K. We already have one with a C.

You are always welcome with this group.


Some of us know each other and have cruised together, but some have not and ALL are welcome.


Like Andrea we are doing my time dining, or at least we are signed up for it...may change it later.


Andrea we could never let you be lonely!!!! You are ONE of us even if there are no other Canadians that show up...;)

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Here is the list of those that are officially booked for the Spirit of the Magical Dream Cruise:


Rich & West – Group Leaders

Cathy & Kenny

Lori & Don

Andrea & Dave

Janet & Judie

Nancy & Asa

Chelle & Pat

Dawn & Marie

Bobbie & Betty

Ron & Carmen

Jerod & Emilee

Steven & Julie

Sherri & Mike

Dale & Pete

Peggy & Bert

Chad & Holly

Fabian & Nessa

Kathy & DH


Here is a list of things that I thought that we could do while on the Magic cruise:


M&G the night prior at the Hotel - Director Rich and West

M&G while on board - Director Rich and West

Cabin crawl - Director

Pub crawl - Directors Sherri & Dale

Slot pull - Directors Janet and Judie

Cocktail party - Director Rich and West

Gift exchange - Director Marie

B-day party Director - Director

Putt-putt tournament - Director

Steakhouse Dining - Director

T-Shirt - Director Janet



Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Tour Director Lori


Grand Cayman: ??? Tour Director Andrea


Montego Bay:



And of course: Group Leaders Rich and West

Chat Director – Cathy P

Countdown Director - Andrea


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flippr5657 - I have camped on Vancouver Island and parts of British Columbia. I can be "Canadian" temporarily (sometimes I think I'd prefer it). ;)


Rich - Thanks for reply. Looks like it will be inside for us. Hubby's name is Gary..sometimes he even responds to it. He will have had two years of retirement by the time this cruise happens.


Will it be okay for me to celebrate my Bday on this cruise (the actual day is in the beginning of the month)? I was just telling Gary that we never cruise near my Bday.

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OK, first and foremost, I know nothing about any bandaids:p


Em - No, Mr Eek is retired, but we will have another mascot in his place!


Jerod - just let me know when they are booked and I will put them on the list. Thanks


The bandaids are an inside joke between Jerod, Janet, Judie and I from the last cruise ;)


Sad that Mr. Eek has retired, but I'm sure the new mascot will be just as fun if not more fun :)


Our friends emailed Johna this morning, but haven't heard anything. Hopefully they hear from her by tomorrow. If not, I'll let you know and sick you on Johna to get her butt movin'. Lol :D

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Our friends emailed Johna this morning, but haven't heard anything. Hopefully they hear from her by tomorrow. If not, I'll let you know and sick you on Johna to get her butt movin'. Lol :D



No word yet Em! Dont bring the dogs out yet though we can give it a day lol

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We are friends of Jerod and Emily. Count Chad and Holly as well as our friends Nessa and Fabian in as well.

Hey there!! We are so stoked to have new blood in the group!! Welcome. I am curious if you are also a photographer, with your user name referring to photos. If so, thats great! Or maybe you are a model?

So... I think it's official. Got an email from Johna this morning.


My good friend Chad and his wife Holly will be joining us. I'm harassing Holly right now hoping she joins the forum. She and Chad are great people and you guys are going to love them.

Holly beat you to the punch! But great job on bringing new blood to the group!! Does this mean you don't want to play with us though:(? I know we are old, but we are kinda cute too.:p lol


Is there room for new blood?

Been lurking on your thread for awhile. Came back from a trip to discover I had better make plans now. :eek:

My DH and I are rather quiet but aren't against a good party.

I would like to know what the majority are planning for dinner - early, late or anytime? We can eat at any time, just as long as we have a place to eat. :D

Oh Kathy! You may be quiet now...but that won't last around here! We LOVE that you are coming with us!! And you will love that you are too!! Welcome!!:cool:

My sister and I didn't sign up for any dining. Johna forgot to ask me about it. But since we don't use the dining room anyway, it's no biggie. In the end, I guess we will tell her anytime dining just so someone doesn't panic.


PLUS, if the ones that have anytime dining want to, we could get together one night and break bread together. We will just all show up at the same time one evening. NOT formal night though. Cuz my formal is in the cleaners! lol:p

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Rich...I will tell the band aid story on Judie and Jerod. It may be the kind of story where you had to be there to think it's funny, but since I WAS there, I think it's a riot!!


Do you remember that any time anyone needed anything, Jerod had it with him? I mean the guy was a walking pharmacy! He also had a GPS, and all kinds of stuff in his fanny pack. Well, we made fun of him relentlessly. UNTIL.. we all went to the beach by water taxi one day. When we returned to the little dock the water taxi was using to unload people, there was this guy helping people out of the little boat. This guy had no business helping anyone! He was all stove up and handicapped himself.

Well anyway, when Judie was getting out the taxi, she tripped. She stumbled pretty good and fell down and scaped her knee:(. But not before she knocked the handicapped guy down and just about off the damn dock!:eek: Jerod immediately jumped into action! He whipped out his band aids and antispetic wipes and fixed Judie up as good as new! The handicap guy? well, he was on his own I'm afraid. Judie didn't even know that she had knocked the guy down until we told her!

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Evening all! OMG, just look at all the new "officials" since yesterday!!!! Welcome!!! As was said earlier, some of us have cruised together in various combinations of cruises, and some of us are friends here but haven't met in person yet!! I think by the time this cruise starts, we will all be the best of peeps and have an absolute blast!!!!!

Don and I are doing anytime dining, thought we'd try it. We not too much into formal nites, like to eat early, but the flexability of anytime sound good, as long as we don't have to wait too long for a table. Janet- it would be fun to all meet for dinner one nite!

Andrea--I'm as close to Canadian as you can get--I do live north of Canada you know, eh? JK, but I can be in Canada in 30 minutes and get Canadian tv and radio stations so that counts, right??!!!!

Kathy, of course you can celebrate your bday, you can celebrate with Andrea and me, we are both February babes!

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flippr5657 - I have camped on Vancouver Island and parts of British Columbia. I can be "Canadian" temporarily (sometimes I think I'd prefer it). ;)


Rich - Thanks for reply. Looks like it will be inside for us. Hubby's name is Gary..sometimes he even responds to it. He will have had two years of retirement by the time this cruise happens.


Will it be okay for me to celebrate my Bday on this cruise (the actual day is in the beginning of the month)? I was just telling Gary that we never cruise near my Bday.

Kathy, Rich is planning a birthday party for all though celebrating a birthday with this cruise. It doesn't have to happen ON the cruise, it just has to be a reason you are cruising. My sister Judie has her birthday Jan. 15th, but this will be her birthday cruise and therefore will be part of the birthday party people too!! Happy birthday to you guys!:D

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Andrea...if this country doesn't do something about our health care system soon, I could very well become Canadain! So don't feel lonely. But that probably means I am going to have to buy a coat:eek:...oh well I can wear it in NY!!:D

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Andrea - we will be Canadian on Jun 27 for the entire night:p, but of course, we will need your help:eek:.

Janet - Jerod (ie medic on board) complete with bandaids! lol


Kathy - yes the B-day party is for everyone with a birthday anytime around the time we sail. I will be on a cruise for my b-day this month out of LA on the Carnival Splendor (can't wait). I will put Gary on the list. Where in NM do ya'll live?


Lori - looks like your going to have a full bus for the bar hop. Steven sent me a message asking if we were going to do it again and others are asking about it and looking forward to it.


Holly - don't worry, Johna is swamped, but she will get back with ya!


Em - I sent Johna a email just checking to make sure she had ya'll on the list and now your official. If I have to, I'll get right on Holly and Chad's booking too, but lets give her a chance to get caught up. Let me know. Thanks.


Lets update the list again:


Here is the list of those that are officially booked for the Spirit of the Magical Dream Cruise:


Rich & West – Group Leaders

Cathy & Kenny

Lori & Don

Andrea & Dave

Janet & Judie

Nancy & Asa

Chelle & Pat

Dawn & Marie

Bobbie & Betty

Ron & Carmen

Jerod & Emilee

Steven & Julie

Sherri & Mike

Dale & Pete

Peggy & Bert

Chad & Holly

Fabian & Nessa

Kathy & Gary


Here is a list of things that I thought that we could do while on the Magic cruise:


M&G the night prior at the Hotel - Director Rich and West

M&G while on board - Director Rich and West

Cabin crawl - Director

Pub crawl - Directors Sherri & Dale

Slot pull - Directors Janet and Judie

Cocktail party - Director Rich and West

Gift exchange - Director Marie

B-day party Director - Director

Putt-putt tournament - Director

Steakhouse Dining - Director

T-Shirt - Director Janet



Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Tour Director Lori


Grand Cayman: ??? Tour Director Andrea


Montego Bay:



And of course: Group Leaders Rich and West

Chat Director – Cathy P

Countdown Director - Andrea


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Is there room for new blood?

Been lurking on your thread for awhile. Came back from a trip to discover I had better make plans now. :eek:

My DH and I are rather quiet but aren't against a good party.

I would like to know what the majority are planning for dinner - early, late or anytime? We can eat at any time, just as long as we have a place to eat. :D

Welcome Kathy and Gary...

This is my Daughter Dawns Birthday cruise too...

We will be early dinning


Not wanting to step on toes, just trying to help with the list, knowing who is who.

Screen names and real names.

Dinning times, and cabin types booked.

I put in what I know or remember from reading the posts :o

Lets update the list again:


Here is the list of those that are officially booked for the Spirit of the Magical Dream Cruise:


Rich & West – Group Leaders satex

Cathy & Kenny Cathy p

Lori & Don leaderdogmom, Anytime Dinning

Andrea & Dave flippr5657, Anytime Dinning

Janet & Judie jandjfun, None or Anytime Dinning

Nancy & Asa lilnan

Chelle & Pat doddsm, 4B, Early Dinning

Dawn & Marie Dragonfly34 & Koval, 4B, Early Dinning, Celebrating, Dawns B-day and cruising with old friends

Bobbie & Betty 1tuckersmom, Anytime Dinning

Ron & Carmen

Jerod & Emilee illeniumsd & Pretty-N-Pink

Steven & Julie ChiBearsSuperFan & jbags58

Sherri & Mike She-ra, Late Dinning

Dale & Pete

Peggy & Bert

Chad & Holly SDphotoGrl

Fabian & Nessa

Kathy & Gary NMCruiser55



Here is a list of things that I thought that we could do while on the Magic cruise:


M&G the night prior at the Hotel - Director Rich and West

M&G while on board - Director Rich and West

Cabin crawl - Director

Pub crawl - Directors Sherri & Dale

Slot pull - Directors Janet and Judie

Cocktail party - Director Rich and West

Gift exchange - Director Marie

B-day party Director - Director

Putt-putt tournament - Director

Steakhouse Dining - Director

T-Shirt - Director Janet



Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Tour Director Lori


Grand Cayman: ??? Tour Director Andrea


Montego Bay:



And of course: Group Leaders Rich and West

Chat Director – Cathy P

Countdown Director - Andrea


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Thank you Holly for introducing me! Myself, Vanessa and my hubby, Fabian are in! We should be official in the next couple of days! I was in contact with Johna today, which Thank you Johna for the quick response and help.


Thank you everyone for the Welcomes! We are excited to meet everyone!:D


We will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary on this cruise, what a nice gift to ourselves!




We are friends of Jerod and Emily. Count Chad and Holly as well as our friends Nessa and Fabian in as well. :D

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Thank you Holly for introducing me! Myself, Vanessa and my hubby, Fabian are in! We should be official in the next couple of days! I was in contact with Johna today, which Thank you Johna for the quick response and help.


Thank you everyone for the Welcomes! We are excited to meet everyone!:D


We will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary on this cruise, what a nice gift to ourselves!

Welcome again to you!!


Rich if you are going to keep track, Judie and I booked a 4C, we will ask for anytime dining and it's Judie's birthday cruise. :D

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Got it Janet!

Here is the list of those that are officially booked for the Spirit of the Magical Dream Cruise:


Rich & West – Group Leaders satex, early dining, 4C

Cathy & Kenny Cathy p, early dining

Lori & Don leaderdogmom, Anytime Dinning

Andrea & Dave flippr5657, Anytime Dinning

Janet & Judie jandjfun, None or Anytime Dinning, 4C, Judie's B-day cruise

Nancy & Asa lilnan

Chelle & Pat doddsm, 4B, Early Dinning

Dawn & Marie Dragonfly34 & Koval, 4B, Early Dinning, Celebrating, Dawns B-day and cruising with old friends

Bobbie & Betty 1tuckersmom, Anytime Dinning

Ron & Carmen San Antonio, early dining, 4C

Jerod & Emilee illeniumsd & Pretty-N-Pink

Steven & Julie ChiBearsSuperFan & jbags58

Sherri & Mike She-ra, Late Dinning

Dale & Pete

Peggy & Bert San Antonio, early dining, 8C

Chad & Holly SDphotoGrl

Fabian & Nessa Fabismommy

Kathy & Gary NMCruiser55



Here is a list of things that I thought that we could do while on the Magic cruise:


M&G the night prior at the Hotel - Director Rich and West

M&G while on board - Director Rich and West

Cabin crawl - Director

Pub crawl - Directors Sherri & Dale

Slot pull - Directors Janet and Judie

Cocktail party - Director Rich and West

Gift exchange - Director Marie

B-day party Director - Director

Putt-putt tournament - Director

Steakhouse Dining - Director

T-Shirt - Director Janet



Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Bus Hop – Tour Director Lori


Grand Cayman: ??? Tour Director Andrea


Montego Bay:



And of course: Group Leaders Rich and West

Chat Director – Cathy P

Countdown Director - Andrea


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Good morning, SMDer's!

What a bunch of chatting folk, you know I love it.

Hey, Kathy, welcome to you and your hubby. We are doing early dining and were thinking maybe this time getting another couple to get a booth. We had one on the Victory and it was so nice. However, we are open to suggestions and may just switch at the end to anytime.

Rich, thanks for the names, I so appreciate it.


Off to work for an 8 to 12 shift.I love those. Since I never know how many days I have to work I am not sure how many I have left other than it will be no more than 12. YEA!!!


Bobbie, go ahead and tell them. Get it off your chest and then enjoy. We can have a beer together.lol


Andrea, I can pretend to be Canadian if you like.:D Otherwise you know you will not be lonely.

Chat later.

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Good morning and welcome to the BCOD club (for those that are up early). I'm off this weekend and I'm going looking for some good snorkeling gear for the upcoming cruise (Oct 24). By the way, I'm going to go scuba diving for the first time while we are in Cabo (Jerod, isn't that just up the road from ya'll?).

Still nothing from Laura, but I have been thinking about hotels in Galveston. There is a Holiday Inn that is right on the sea wall and it is really nice (great view of the water). They have a bar out front and they also have shuttle service to the terminal. I think they used it for the Veterans cruise and it was around $109 + tax. Then again, there is an America's Best Value Inn that is a block off the sea wall. It's across the street from Randells and just up the block from Wally world (Wal-mart). They don't have any shuttle (that I know of), but the rooms would not cost as much. Then again, there is a LaQuinta and Best Western that are both pretty much on the sea wall, but I don't know if they have any bars and or shuttle service. Just thought I would throw out a couple of idea's just to see what ya'll would be interested in.

Got to get some work done, back later.

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Good Morning all!

Rich-- the Holiday Inn for $109 sounds interesting, I know hotels can be pricey around there. A shuttle to the terminal and free car parking are the most important on my list since we are driving down. Enjoy your first scuba experience---we'll want a full report!! Don used to be a certified diver, but never had the chance to go diving in the caribbean, only here in the great lakes. We had to cancel a snuba excursion in Costa Maya on the Dream because of my jellyfish encounter. Hopefully some day he can go again. Have a great weekend--do you have the holiday off to?

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