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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good evening SMDers. Hope everyone is better then I am doing. OK, here is what is going on. Last week I was helping West trim his trees and we were cutting a branch when half way through it snapped and broke, throwing me off the ladder from about 9 - 10 ft. Off to the ER we went and I ended up (so far) with 3 breaks in my left wrist and a possible torn tendon (mri on Wed) and ribs 3 - 8 on the left side all broke. Can you say OUCH? Now there is something wrong with the left knee that they are going to check on in the morning. I haven't been able to read the past posts but, I will catch up later this week. Kinda tough to type with just one hand.


But, being as tough as I am, yes I did go one the cruise. The doctor said it was perfect time for a cruise or she would admit me to the hospital. West wheeled me to and from eating. That's all I did, no shows, nothing in Cozumel and didn't even go to the casino. Got lots of rest!


OK, so that's it. I will check back in a few days. Ya'll have a good week.


Rich that sounds like a lot more than "OUCH"!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Good to hear that you didn't let a little fall and a few broken bones keep you from the cruise, although you probably got a bit more rest and relaxation than you intended. :D

I hope the doctors find no further damage (tendon & knee) and that you're back to usual real soon.


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Oh my goodness, Rich! That does NOT sound like fun! I am glad you still went on the cruise. You really needed that rest and relaxation! Did you even get to sit by the pool?

Bobbie, that is so heart wrenching when something like that happens. We have plenty of family drama, but thankfully, it is with my aunts and cousins. They try to include me, but I let it roll off my back and stay out of it.

Hello to Janet, Sherry, Marie, Chelle, and everyone else! Have a great day!

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Oh my goodness, Rich! That does NOT sound like fun! I am glad you still went on the cruise. You really needed that rest and relaxation! Did you even get to sit by the pool?


Bobbie, that is so heart wrenching when something like that happens. We have plenty of family drama, but thankfully, it is with my aunts and cousins. They try to include me, but I let it roll off my back and stay out of it.


Hello to Janet, Sherry, Marie, Chelle, and everyone else! Have a great day!


Nan that is just who mine is with, plus throw in an Uncle.


They are trying real hard to put me in the middle of the whole mess and I am taking Janet`s advice and staying neutral and out of it...


Sure hope that our fearless leader Rich is improving, but I`m sure he is having to take it slow and easy.


I just don`t know how he was able to cruise, but good for him....:)


Janet, how did your test go yesterday, or was it just a Dr.`s visit? Is there anything to report to us yet?



Not much news here today except like most everyone else.......weather news.. Hope everyone stays safe and warm and misses most of the real cold.:(



I am off to the Dentist...:eek:



Wishing all the SMDers a great day.

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OK, here is what is going on. Last week I was helping West trim his trees and we were cutting a branch when half way through it snapped and broke, throwing me off the ladder from about 9 - 10 ft. Off to the ER we went and I ended up (so far) with 3 breaks in my left wrist and a possible torn tendon (mri on Wed) and ribs 3 - 8 on the left side all broke.


Hope you are feeling better Rich! Sorry you have boo-boo's!

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I'm wondering what happened at the Dr. today with Rich. This can't be good!:(! Rich, you know we are all pulling for you!!


Bobbie, I had to cancel my appt. yesterday. So I am going on the 18th instead. I can't believe you remembered I had an appt.! Thank you.

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Sure hope that we get a report from Rich today and that it will be a good update.


Janet, gosh sorry you had to cancel your appt. I was hoping to hear some positive news from you too.:)


Oh well it will be the 18th. before we know it and then getting a lot closer to the Mateys cruise.:p


Have some good news that I would like to share.

I FINALLY found a reliable lady to help me with my Dad.

That has been my one great worry when I travel. The meal situation is always a problem, worrying that he does not eat proper. Then there is the worry that he might fall and no one will know(he does have an Alert Necklace that he SOMETIMES wears:eek:).

I am happy and relieved to have found this lady and a lot of stress has been lifted for me...:):)


Waving to everyone.. Hope you all are warm and stay safe.

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Hi Marie. Have you gotten your land legs back yet? I love the first couple days when we return from a cruise. I can still feel the boat swaying.


Bobbie, I'm glad you found someone to care for your Dad when you are gone. I was wondering about that. But I thought your hubby did it. Did you hire a nurse? Or is she a companion?


Rich, we need news. Tell West to update us!

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OMG, I was reading my life all over again. Yep that is right this is DRAMA QUEEN CATHY P. Holy Moly everyone, I am so sorry to hear about it all.

Rich, I was feeling really sorry for you until I heard you did not go to the casino. That would be worst than broken bones to me. I hope you are feeling so much better and they find out what is goin on with your knee as well.


Bobbie, wow so many troubles for such a wonderful lady. I am so sorry, however, very happy that you found someone to take care of your Dad. That is a big relief.


Marie, I hope Nick decides one way or another for you and Dawn. I know you love to start planning and get it done.


Chelle, hello to you as well.


Mimi, over 20 inches of snow for you that is alot. Stay safe my friend.


Janet, I knew you had an appt coming up soon so now we know it is the 18th and nothing but good news to come of that.


Nan, it is so nice to hear that you can stay out of your drama. With my family so small I have no choice.:eek:


Speaking of us, nothing special going on here. Enjoying retirement and the 75 degree weather. I have a coffee cake in the oven that I have made from scratch with a new receipe. Will let you know. Later we are making peanut butter cookies. I bought a gallon of milk so yummy.


God speed my sibs and bros and remember I love you!!

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Good evening SMDers. Cold everywhere this past few days. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes from everyone.

OK, I went back to the doctor yesterday and they took me for xrays of the left knee. They took one xray and then she asked me to roll over onto my left side. I moved ever so slow and then I felt a snap and pain through out my entire midsection:(. The tech went and got the doctor and he asked what was wrong. I told him that I thought that I had broken another rib. He said that I most likely had a hairline fracture of a rib and when I rolled over I broke it. It hurt like @#$. So, they gave me a shot for the pain and took two more xrays. They were negative so today I had to have two MRI's (left wrist and left knee). I should hear tomorrow about the knee and have a folow up with the hand surgeon on Fri.

Thats it for now as its uncomfortable in this chair. I hope everyone stays safe and warm.

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Checking in to see and still no news from Rich?:eek:


Thank you Cathyp for the your sweet comment.

Like you my family is small and hard to get away from "stuff" but I`m trying real hard.


So far today no phone calls and the day is almost over.;)


Janet in the past DH has taken care of my Dad, but he is starting to need more care than I feel comfortable with having to leave the extra care on him.


The new caretaker is going to be so much better for all of us.


She is an LPN and has actually taken care of an Aunt of mine since her husband passed 7 years ago.


The Aunt had to be put into a nursing home a couple weeks ago and her caretaker was without a job......


So the timing was perfect for us to hire her to help us. My Dad grew up being friends with her Dad and remembers when she was born. She also lives about a mile and a half away. The great part is that she is someone that I can fully trust.:)


Now if my DH(Ed) wants to plan a camping trip to pan gold while I cruise, he can just hook up the travel trailer, put the furkids in the truck and travel....:D:D


Sure hope that Rich, West or someone who has some info will report soon on Rich..


In the mean while I think that I will say good night for now....Love to all my friends!!!


Well looks as if Rich and I was typing at the same time..lol

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First and foremost, my apologies to ALL SMDERS!!! I am using Andy's second or third class computer to be able to type and read things.

My computer is crying, as am I... so here I am. In the meantime, I wish you all a safe winter...etc. I am crying and typing at one letter per 30 seconds. Sorry I am not hip. Anyway, I wish you all a happy recovery and I'll see you on the flip side. Cheers!!!

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Good Morning SMDers!

Mimi, has something happened to your computer?? Did I miss a post??

Rich, I am so sorry that you are going through so much pain. I am sending lots of T&P your way for a full and speedy recovery.

Bobbie, glad that you have someone that you are so comfortable with to take care of your dad!

Cathy, Glad to hear everything is going so well for you down in FL. Wish I had that weather up here! My work was actually closed yesterday due to the winter storm!

Janet, I am sure that we will all remember to pray that all goes well for you Dr appt on the 18th.

Hello to Marie, Chelle, and anyone else I missed.

Well, yesterday I started getting drama news! What's up with all this drama??!! It must be the winter blues? Anyway, my grandma went down to FL to visit with 2 of her daughters (2 of my 3 aunts plus Mom, of whom I spoke of the other day with the drama problems). Needless to say, she is misserable, feels like she is not wanted, and is making herself litterally sick over it. She has only been there a week, and she is scheduled to be there more than a month!!!:eek: I have told her to just change her flight and come home. I wish she wouldn't put herself in these positions...she knows what ends up happening, but keeps trying. This is the reason she sold her house down there last summer...Plus, she has no vehicle, so she is completely dependant on what they want to do or not do.

Enough of my family drama....Everyone have a great one!

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Rich, you poor guy, I am so sorry for all your pain. Hang in there, kiddo, before you know it you will be bouncing around like before. Until then T&Ps going your way and that is not toilet paper. Sorry don't laugh.lol

Nan, sorry about poor mom but happy that you got a snow day!

Mimi, sorry about your computer problems, hopefully that will stop soon. Not the computer just your problems with it.lol

Bobbi, hang in there sooner or later something will go right with our families. I read my DGS' FB this morning and after thinking he was doing so great he puts on how he had 16 shots and ended up falling the in bushes, etc etc and etc. So that made me feel like crap. Oh well he goes to court on the 7th for the violation of probation of not taking his drug class so maybe that is what he needs back to jail. At least it will keep him sober at the ripe old age of 19.:eek:

OK enough of the sorry this and sorry that let's party or at least think we are partying! Let's think of the Superbowl and the Packers winning and then Andrea on to our NASCAR.....Go Jr or your Denny Hamlin. How about that for being a cheerleader!!!:):)

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Good afternoon SMDers. Thanks again for all the well wishes and T&P's (but not the TP Cathy:p).

Marie (and everyone else booking the hotel) - I did get an email back from Rhonda with the hotel and the booking rate is $109 per night. She corrected Marie's.

Now just playing the waiting game to see whats going on with the knee. No word from the dr yet.

I'm with Cathy on the Superbowl. I think the Packers will win, but I bet Jen will go with a different team. What do ya'll think?

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Rich, you poor guy, I am so sorry for all your pain. Hang in there, kiddo, before you know it you will be bouncing around like before. Until then T&Ps going your way and that is not toilet paper. Sorry don't laugh.lol


Nan, sorry about poor mom but happy that you got a snow day!


Mimi, sorry about your computer problems, hopefully that will stop soon. Not the computer just your problems with it.lol


Bobbi, hang in there sooner or later something will go right with our families. I read my DGS' FB this morning and after thinking he was doing so great he puts on how he had 16 shots and ended up falling the in bushes, etc etc and etc. So that made me feel like crap. Oh well he goes to court on the 7th for the violation of probation of not taking his drug class so maybe that is what he needs back to jail. At least it will keep him sober at the ripe old age of 19.:eek:


OK enough of the sorry this and sorry that let's party or at least think we are partying! Let's think of the Superbowl and the Packers winning and then Andrea on to our NASCAR.....Go Jr or your Denny Hamlin. How about that for being a cheerleader!!!:):)

Cathy, unfriend you GS on FB. It will save you a lot of heartache. I had to do this with my neice. I just don't need to know whats going on.

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Rich, I don't remember did we ever really like Jen?:p:rolleyes:;)


Of course we like and love everybody:D.

No word back from my doctor on the knee. Tomorrow I will know about the wrist!

Vicki - just wanted to know that I was thinking about you on this past cruise and how I could have used one of those poles to get out of bed;).

Hope ya'll have a great night.

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I'm with Cathy on the Superbowl. I think the Packers will win, but I bet Jen will go with a different team. What do ya'll think?


Black & Yellow, Black & Yellow, Black & Yellow!


Go Steelers all the way! Can't wait until Sunday!


Rich I hope you get positive news!

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