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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Oh watch out now! My Kimi just entered the room! I've been on vacation this week and I see what she's doing when I'm not at work...LOL. We get so bored when one of us is gone, but it's about TIME that she come on here :).

so, the mystery is solved! Welcome to the thread Kimi!!

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Jerod - so room service was out of the question? Did they at least feed ya?[/color][/size]


Myself and another member of the media who was there were hoping they would be as kind but unfortunately no. As soon as they got what they want from us they kicked us to the curb.


Can't wait for the cruise....

Night everyone.

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Good very early morning SMDers. Traded shifts with one of my co-workers. He got the day off and I get to go to the Spurs games later tonight since I'm working the midnight shift. Works out for both of us.

Jewel (aka Kimi) - once again, welcome to the board. Glad to have ya here.

vicki - hope you had a good time on your vacation!

Marie - still no baby? Of course you know that she will be here sometime in the middle of the night.

Janet - how many days now before your off for Miami? Bet you can't wait. Are you packed yet?

Jerod - too bad they wouldn't feed ya. We will make sure that you get plenty of food on this cruise though:p.

Bobbie - nice pics on FB. All the trees here are also in full bloom.

OK, back to work. Hope y'all have a good day.

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Good morning, SMDers!

Happy Friday to all coming from sunny florida.

Thanks for the wellwishes on my DGS. I chewed his azz out yesterday and then told him I loved him very much.lol


Kimi, nice to see you posting and sending sunny smiles your way!


Well not much else going on today other than we are going to the pool. I know a bit of bragging going on here.:D


Hi to all and Marie hoping for your baby really soon!

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Hi all, I have to visit as Nick for a bit

I hadn't received any updates from here, and thought, I had better check on a few things

well sure enough I had my old e-mail (No longer get those ya know) listed.

So I went and changed it, and now I can not post, as I never received a confirmation e-mail for the change :mad:

So now I am waiting for the Admin to get back to me about a fix:p

Now I am wondering if I typed in the correct new e-mail, but it wouldn't let me in there either...

I hate waiting, but at least I can post via Koval2 (Nick)

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Good very early morning SMDers. Traded shifts with one of my co-workers. He got the day off and I get to go to the Spurs games later tonight since I'm working the midnight shift. Works out for both of us.


Jewel (aka Kimi) - once again, welcome to the board. Glad to have ya here.


vicki - hope you had a good time on your vacation!


Marie - still no baby? Of course you know that she will be here sometime in the middle of the night.


Janet - how many days now before your off for Miami? Bet you can't wait. Are you packed yet?


Jerod - too bad they wouldn't feed ya. We will make sure that you get plenty of food on this cruise though:p.


Bobbie - nice pics on FB. All the trees here are also in full bloom.


OK, back to work. Hope y'all have a good day.

13 days and a wake up until Judie and I leave to go to Miami!:D! And no, I'm not packed. I don't pack until the night before I leave.;)

Hi all, I have to visit as Nick for a bit

I hadn't received any updates from here, and thought, I had better check on a few things

well sure enough I had my old e-mail (No longer get those ya know) listed.

So I went and changed it, and now I can not post, as I never received a confirmation e-mail for the change

So now I am waiting for the Admin to get back to me about a fix

Now I am wondering if I typed in the correct new e-mail, but it wouldn't let me in there either...

I hate waiting, but at least I can post via Koval2 (Nick)

What a pain! Just another frustration. Any word on the baby yet?

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Thanks Rich for the comment on the fb photos. I had lots of fun out and about taking those.

Our weather has been so lovely lately, but now the rain has started and will continue through tomorrow, then much cooler on Sunday...:eek:

We may even get a light freeze before all is said and done. Sure hope that it does not destory all the blooming plants and flowers..

Cathy p glad you chewed the DGS a new, maybe he will sit up and listen to Granny now.;) Sure hope that everything will be well with him.. That is scarey stuff.

Marie maybe the baby girl will choose tonight for her birthday. Waiting is hard, been there done that.

Janet time is getting short for you and for me...I am so ready to go.. I leave 3 weeks from today for FLL.

Jerod, Kimi ,and Vicki waving to you three. Lori sure hope that your weather will get better as the week-end comes.

Enjoy your week-end everyone.

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Good evening SMDers.

Just back from the Spurs games and the beat the pants off the Miami Heat. What a good game!

Bobbie - yup the rains are a coming. We are suppose to get some tonight after midnight. And then sunday morning the temps is getting down to 38 here in town. No freeze though.

Janet - your just like me. I don't pack until the night before I leave also.

Marie - still no word?

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Hey SMDers!

Well you are not going to believe this one. I had a chance to go on a free cruise today and turned it down.:eek:My girlfriend's rotten boyfriend told her at the last minute he could not go. She did not know why he just sent her a text and then wouldn't answer his phone. He is an idiot and I have told her for over a year he was one. So she called me and asked if I wanted to go,ya I know what an idiot I was, however, I told her I just could not leave Kenny by himself for a week. I did not think that was fair. What a wife so sweet of me and stupid I think in hindsite. He told me I could go but I said no. Geez I would have had a tizzy if it was him and he wanted to go.lol So here I am writing to you from home instead of a Hal ship.:(

Today is our BBQ Festival, how exciting that will be I am sure. I will have a Coor's Light for sure today. Actually I had 2 yesterday after I thought about not going on the cruise.lol

Other than that, my DGS is doing great and I am so happy about that. The other DGS, the one I had all the problems with is moving to Georgia next Sat and will be living with his Dad. Hopefully being away from all the idiots in Virginia will help him out. His Dad is in construction and got him a job digging ditches. How funny is that. I wonder how long that will last. He is even going to pick him up and bring him back. The is the first thing that man has ever done for him. Maybe since he turned 40 he realized he had a son. I hope it works out for both of them. I have sure said some prayers on it.

Well I hope everyone has a super day and weekend. Chat later.

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Good morning Cathyp.. Now you make me feel bad because I leave my DH home alone all the time and cruise....:D


No, it`s his choice, he does go some (we went together last Nov. and are going again this Nov.) but he is just not real crazy about it and is just as happy to stay home with the furkids.


They on the other hand love for him to stay home with them, because they both do not like to go to Doggy Day Care.:p


He does go and leave me home too. He`s off to Alaska in July (Nome) to mine for gold. That`s his hobby and he loves it, so he mines gold, I cruise...we are both happy.:)


Glad your problem DGS is moving with Dad, maybe he will get his act together when he starts digging ditches...


Waving to everyone...I have to dress and go to Death Mart :eek:(Walmart) so wish me luck.

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Well, I am now back with at least my DH e-mail

Not sure why it didn't take mine...

Almost was going to have to find a new name (A fun one) and mess with ya 'all for a while :o)

Still no baby here, having pie night tonight with old friends we never see, so tonight is the night...

We'll see :p

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Back to being Nick, I was hoping I could get on with my address

Nope, so I went to Nicks New address, but I don't need him getting all my e-mail confirmation and updates (He is not keen on the amount of time in here)

So why put it in front of him LOL

Oh well, I am working on a few Ideas. Maybe I will just become a new identity on here with a fun new name?

Not sure why my integrity account will not work.

But I have a call into Integrity to find out, and at the moment they are having issues too

I can't win where ever I go,

My new Frontier (internet server) people are not calling me back either

I think the ONLINE gods are having big fun with me and my frustration!

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And I am me again.

New e-mail...;)

For some reason my "Integrity" is in question :eek:

ok only hear.

My integrity account seems to work fine everywhere else

But if anyone wants my new e-mail just ask, I will have both now

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Bobbie - take cover. I hear that you have bad weather coming your way. Be safe!

Cathy p - no one has ever offered me a free cruise:(. But, I understand how you feel as you know that Kenny would have missed ya.

Marie, Koval, Koval2 - ok, now who am I talking to? lol

Back at work today for the entire day, until midnight. Spurs game last night was great:D.

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Hi Rich, Bobbie, Cathy P, and all the Maries! :D

That baby of yours is sure taking her time Marie--remember, we want pics when she's here!

Cathy, bet that was tough giving up a free cruise, but I know what you mean, I would have a hard time leaving Don at home too. Sounds like things are looking up for your DGS, hope it works out for him.

Bobbie---I'll trade you bad weather for snow anytime!! Looks like a blizzard out there, enough already!! We have had over 60" of snow so far, more than double from normal. 12 mores days til we start heading south!

Don't work too hard tonite Rich!!

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And I am me again.

New e-mail...;)

For some reason my "Integrity" is in question :eek:

ok only hear.

My integrity account seems to work fine everywhere else

But if anyone wants my new e-mail just ask, I will have both now

If your old email doesn't work, then I would like your new one please.:D

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OK, I have been advised that maybe there should be a choice about What to do in Coz.

We have the Bus Bar Hop that Lori is in charge of, but what about those thinking Beach day.


Nachi Cocom

$49 is exclusive, only 100 peeps per day

Reservations required ($12 online) $37pp due in cash at the gate

$30 Taxi over and back for 4

$57 Total min. cost pp for the day at Nachi, before tipping your waiter


No water Toys, flotation mat at extra cost, snorkeling and or para-sailing available at extra cost


No crowds, peace and quiet

It is all you can drink all day long 9-5 (knowing we had better head back to the ship around 2:30ish as the ship leaves at 4:00)

Lunch is included, not all you can eat, but we never can eat it all :D


This being a shorter day at the beach here is another idea


Paradise Beach Free, everyone can go there no limit maybe very crowded.

No reservations to make.

$30 Taxi over and back for 4

$2 Chair rental

$12 fun pass (Trampoline, 14 ft. climbing iceberg, full snorkel gear, floating mats & kayaks, 10ft water slide, a Jungle Joe floating multi-tiered climbing structure and the Rockit circular water rocker, paddle boards, climb our coconut tree or bounce on our spacewalker bungee for as long as you dare! ALL FOR 12 usd A DAY!!

$10 you are expected to purchase min. $10pp of food or drink

$32 total cost min. pp with Fun pass

$20 total cost min. pp No Fun pass

Here is a link to the menus (Food and Drink) I think there are 3 or 4 pages. Click on the page for more selections on the menus.




Could be very crowded, we are arriving on a very large ship and all of them may be going to the same place :eek:


the range of costs, from $2 for a chair, if that is all you wanted to do, and maybe a $6.50 Cheese Quesadillia and a virgin drink/Fresh fruit Smoothie $5.50 (a little over the $10 min.)

To as much as you want to spend on drinks and food.

The Cheese Quesadillia, I think was the least expensive item on the menu.

unless you want Lobster the average costs were around $10-16 I assume that is plenty on the plate.

Drinks $7.25 14 oz $13.50 28oz souvenir glass

Bucket of beer (5) I think was $15.60 (No US beer or Corona on the list?)


So there you go....

Feed back time, as we will want to be making Nachi Reservations here in the next couple months if that is what we choose to do.

Here will be my plan if we go with Paradise beach

get there $7.50 (and back)

get a chair $2.00

get a fun pass $12.00

get a 28oz drink $13.50 (should do me for the day) cuz we will be leaving so early

Cheese Quesadillia $6.50

Total $41.50 and I'll still be able to eat my dinner on the ship...

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If your old email doesn't work, then I would like your new one please.:D

Hi Janet, my integrity e-mail works fine for me getting e-mail, just not for me being able to post on CC :confused:

Not sure what is up with that.

So I got a new e-mail from Frontier, so I could use it for CC if that makes any sense

I will shoot you off an e-mail from my new account so you will have both :p

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Hi Rich, Bobbie, Cathy P, and all the Maries! :D


That baby of yours is sure taking her time Marie--remember, we want pics when she's here!


Hi Lori, I almost miss this post...

That baby just is happy in that warm place, and wont come out.

Wed. they will induce if she is still in there.

Kind of a bummer as I work on Wed. now I am wondering if maybe I could switch days with the boss' mom or something.

But the Min I do that the baby will come Mon.

It is just weird for me, because I am not going to be in there for the birth, But I think my son wants me there for as soon as she is born, and I want to be there for that too.

Oh what to do!

And I will have Jaxson if Dawn is working...this is just a hard one....

I wish today was the day, then I have today, tomorrow and Monday. with no strings...Jaxson comes on Tuesday afternoon...but I am free to go the hosp til then.

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Good evening y'all. Still stuck here at work.

Lori - 60 inches of snow. Now I know why I live in south Texas:p. I remember having to shovel that stuff in the cold. No thank you.


Marie - great job on the write up for both beaches in Cozumel. Since I don't drink alot, I would vote for Paradise Beach. Since I have my own snokel gear, I wouldn't get the fun pass, but I just might do the para-sailing. We stopped there last year on the Bar Hop and the place was really clean as I remember it. Now I understand that they also have a heated pool. Yup, I vote for Paradise Beach. I can't open up the link you have, but that's because of the filter they have installed here at work, but I will look at it when I get home. Again, great job!

Bobbie - did ya get though the storm? I understand it was pretty rough.

Hi Janet.



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Morning all.

Still no baby, and now we are talking inducing on Wed. morn :(

I work Wed...Humph

Trying, in my head, to figure out something...



Back to Cruising...What to do in Coz...if not the Bus Bar Hop...

Chime in and let us know what you want to do as a group.



Paradise Beach



What ever the group decides




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Hi everyone!!!!!!

Janet called me last night and gave me HE** for not staying in touch...

She thought I was kidnapped or sometime!!!!! No such luck :)

Still here in RAINY RAINT SNOWY WASHINGTON!!!!!!! ON stand by to enjoy some warm weather> Gosh this place can get DEPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Marie I like Rich was quite impressed with PB Janet and both said we would like to go back there !!! Don't know anything about the others though

PB was about 1/2 hr from the ship if I remember correctly......


I will read back a few pages and get caught (somewhat anyway)

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