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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good evening y'all.

I just want to thank y'all for the offer of rain, but I still don't see any. They have now issued water restrictions for San Antonio (again). We can only water once a week and my lawn looks it. You know what they say, be careful what you ask for:eek:.

Chelle - thanks for taking care of the shuttle for the 24th. I still think that there will be more coming into Hobby on the 25th. I know the Jerod and Em and thier friends are coming from San Diego and SW is a major airline there. We will see what happens, but I'm ready to cruise NOW.

Hi Madelene - one way or another, we will get you:D.

Bobbie - I heard about your weather. It came from north of Texas in Ok and Ark. Sorry to hear about the DH garden.

Vicki - that is one option I haven't thought about, but what ever works:eek:!!!

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Julie and I will be flying in on Friday to have an extra day to relax before we ship out. We enjoyed doing that before the Miracle. I think we are going to fly into Hobby on Southwest. Going to wait for their schedule to come out to know for sure. So, if anyone is wanting to fly into that airport on the Friday before, we can probably work out a group shuttle from there too.

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Julie and I will be flying in on Friday to have an extra day to relax before we ship out. We enjoyed doing that before the Miracle. I think we are going to fly into Hobby on Southwest. Going to wait for their schedule to come out to know for sure. So, if anyone is wanting to fly into that airport on the Friday before, we can probably work out a group shuttle from there too.


Well that would be Betty and I. We are going down on the 24th. I`m flying SWA too.


I don`t think Betty is sure which airline she will use, but we have already talked about doing flight times to work out as to where we get there

some where near the same time...


Keep us posted, we will do the same!!!

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Bobbie, if Betty flies into IAH than she can shuttle over with us,

and if Pat ends up at Hobby, she can shuttle over with you, Steve and Julie.

Still don't know if Janet and Judie will be coming to IAH or Hobby or one to each?

Just waiting on the details as people get booked.

Hopefully we all end up at the airport about the same time of day,

either 5:30 at IAH, or what ever time you all figure out for Hobby.

And in groups of up to ten each, would be nice.

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Good morning SMDers. Up early as I have to work today. Walked out the door this morning and it was really cool. 57 OUCH. It will warm up as the day goes on.

Just a reminder for everyone to make sure you let me know when you book you flight, so that we can arrange shuttles and get the most for our $$$.

Steven - have you made you hotel reservations yet. The info is on the business page.

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Morning SMDer's

The tooth is feeling better today

but is gross thinking why it is feeling better, but I guess I am glad I was asleep with it happened.


I am so tired of this rain here in Oregon. Really, can it just stop already.

Not sure but I think this is the wettest spring on record.

March was about 1/8 inch from being the wettest march ever, and it hasn't stopped.

Heck what is with the snow/rain mix and hail...

I think the global warming must have stayed in the south, where it has always lived!

It will be nice here next Feb. every time we go on a cruise, the weather at home is great....

Maybe I should go on a cruise, just so my buds living here have better weather :rolleyes:


I'm glad your tooth is better and I feel your pain. I hate having to go to the dentist, severe anxiety attacks, and I go every 2 months for cleaning. Wish you would send some rain our way, we need it desperately.

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Good Morning Everyone, ( I am so afraid I'll forget someone's name that I have to post like this)


Rich, yes, I am retired Air Force:). We also need rain and it seems as if everyone around us got drenched except for us. Our pond is going dry from the lack of rain.


Bobbie, sorry to read about all of your dh's tomato plants being washed away. It is so very frustrating to finally get a garden in and then have it ruined.

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Good Morning SMDer's, hum, I wonder if I should just make our first deposit, heck we already have our airline tickets, hotel room, seems like we should have our ship confirmation number as well.

I'll back you up and any decision you make,

but you know we are going,

and we have insurance for just in case,

so go ahead feel free to get us our Booking number back :p

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Good morning and Happy Saturday SMDers!! Another cold, rainy and gloomy day here. I would gladly send some rain your way if I could Rich. We could use some sun here. I don't think we are getting a spring season here, I bet we go right into summer. Which is ok is summer starts May 1st!!

So exciting to see everyone's plans for the Magic. Seems funny to me to plan another cruise so soon after coming back from one (2 really) but what better cure for the post cruise blues !!! I'd like to make my full deposit soon so I can pick out our room. Our DS would like us to be near their room if we can.

Has everyone been following John Heald's blogs? He has a lot of neat info and pictures on the Magic. For the same class as the Dream I think she'll be a lot different.

We headed off to Frankenmuth today where DS and his family are camping. Today is his birthday so we'll help him celebrate in the cold and rain! We could have gone camping too but I'll wait til it's a little warmer. Have a great day!!

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Chelle your post reminded me to check, and yes we have paid full deposit.


Won`t post our cabin # but will say we are on deck 6....middle of the ship.:)


I am just passing by. Got to shower, dress, and do errands in that order....:p


Waving to Sadie, Chelle, Rich, Marie and Lori...


Sadie don`t worry about missing names...I do it too, not on purpose....just because I can`t remember....:eek:


Have a great week-end all!

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Hi everyone! (yes, I can't remember everone who posted)


Marie, glad the tooth is better but now I'm trying not to think about what you're not thinking about. ick


We have packed for our trip as far as we can. Most packing is done the day before just before we close the trailer up for traveling. I'm hoping the storms let up for everyone. We are bringing a weather radio as we will be going through Texas and staying a few days in Mississippi. I prefer to watch tornadoes on TV. :eek:


I''m still interested in joining you at the steakhouse. I think after listening to me all through this trip Gary will probably agree with more company. ;)


PS Excess rain would be appreciated in NM also.

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Hello, everyone (I too never remember everyone's name, and I have been with this bunch from the beginning)


I have felt like CRAP, most of the day.


I wonder if that toxic poison from that tooth, is the problem.

I mean the only place that could have gone was my tummy Yuck.

It almost feels like when you have strep, and your just worn down and feel like your tired and sore all over..But with out the Sore throat.

Oh well, tomorrow will be another day, I hope I feel better by then.

OK, more than you needed to know....


So lets move on to Janet...

All you praying people, please send some out for her to have an easy go of this quitting smoking thing.

I believe she is either already started or will soon start the part where she no longer can have that nasty little friend of hers.

I say this from knowing all about it. It is like loosing your best friend, although it is your worst friend.

And it is hard. Pray for Pat while your at it too.

Some of the side effects are crazy, pray that she has none of those either.

OK, back to Cruise talk....

Ok I am now to tired to type, so cruise talk tomorrow :p

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Good Morning Everyone, Hope ya'll have a great day.


It is absolutely gorgeous here today (has been for a week), temps last night were in the mid 60's and already it has hit 73 with an abundance of sunshine. Pat is playing golf today and I hope to get some paperwork out of the way.


Marie, Hope you feel better and I know how yucky you can feel when your tooth drains, yes, it sounds as if the infection is going through your system right now and you should feel better within a couple of days. Gargling with warm salt water seems to help.


Janet, good luck with the smoking (quitting), I know how hard it is so my thoughts are with you.

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Good morning SMDers.

Today is playoff day for the Spurs, so y'all know where I will be this afternoon:D. Go Spurs Go.

Sadie - The reason I was asking about being military is that if you have a VA card, your parking at the pier willl be FREE. Yup, free. Parking at the pier here in Texas is free for disable vets and all the require is to copy your VA card. Sure saves alot of $$$ for us.

Marie - sure hope your tooth gets taken care of soon and that you start feeling better.

Janet - you know that we are supporting ya!

Kathy - on your trip to Flordia, are you and Gary driving through San Antonio?

Bobbie - hope everything is alright at your homefront. Those stroms were pretty bad.

Lori - are ya staying dry? Seems like everyone to the north and east of us are wet, wet, wet.

OK, time to get some breakfast and off to the Spurs game. Later

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Hope Marie is feeling better today.

Good luck to Janet. Quitting is so hard.

Rich- We'll be coming through San Antonio on the way back. Gary likes to find different ways to leave town. :rolleyes: We'll be staying at a motel in Boerne on May 17. By that time we are tired of camping and want home. :p Go Spurs.

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Hi all, just heard that my soul sister (Cathy P) won't be joining us on this cruise :( So sad. Still looking for resorts that will give us a day pass on 7 Mile Beach in G.C. NOBODY ANSWERS MY QUERIES!!!! :mad:

Anyways I am either still sick or sick again. All I know is that I should donate my poor, sick, hacking body to science. I didn't think it was possible to be sick for so looooong. Remember, I was sick before we went on our Miracle cruise for Heaven's Sake!

Anyways, before I make my way to the clinic yet again....

let me let you all know...



Take good care, play nice xo

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Its been awhile since I've gotten off the ship in GC but what my Dh and I use to do was just catch a cab and go to 7 mile beach on our own, wonderful days there on our own and somtimes with a group which we would share a taxi.


Rich, I don't have a VA card but I am a disabled Vet with a 80% disability. Do you think my medical USAF Retired ID would work at the pier for parking? If not it really isn't that big of a deal.

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Marie - Please add Julie and I to the Paradise Beach list. Thanks!

Funny thing Steve, you were on my first list, but then I thought, oh wait, maybe they were on the Bus Hop...

The Unofficial Paradise Beach List

1. Marie

2. Dawn

3. Chelle

4. Pat

5. Sadie

6. Pat

7. Bobbie

8. Betty

9. Rich

10. West

11. Ron

12. Carmen

13. Bert

14. Peggy

15. Vicki

16. Kermit

17. Janet

18. Judie

19. Sherri

20. Dale

21. Steven

22. Julie


There really is nothing for me to do on the excursion, because it is an open beach.

But here are the details

To be on their part of the beach, PB expects you to purchase food and drink from them, at least $10

You can sit on the sand if you like, but they have lounge chairs for $2

and if you want to use the water toys, snorkel gear float mat and the like, they have a fun pass that is $12

Plus you have to Taxi there and back.

$12 for up to 4 people.

So going alone it is going to cost you $12 each way.

going in groups of four is $3pp each way.

Anything else, just ask and I will try to find an answer

here is the link, for you to find your own answers.


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Good afternoon y'all..Spurs lost and so am I:(

Sadie or any other disabled vets - here is what the port of Galveston says about free parking for disabled vets:

Disabled Vets & Purple Heart Recipients

Free parking will be offered upon arrival to applicable persons with a picture ID and valid documentation from the U.S. government stating that they are a disabled military veteran or Purple Heart recipient. Acceptable forms of proof are:


Identification must be presented at the time of arrival. No refunds will be issued after the fact.


I'm not sure, but I would think that your AF medical retirement papters would work since they are valid documentation from the government.

Andrea - seems to me that you get well when you are on vacation, so, maybe you should just stay on vacation:p.

Kathy - I just checked my schedule and I am working on May 17th from 4p - 4am. Too bad, as we could have gotten together for lunch or diner (unless y'all get into town early).

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I tried to send some rain your way Rich, but I guess it didn't work. Now we're going to get 2-4" of SNOW :eek:! by am rush hour. NOT FAIR, it's not supposed to snow in April. I think we skipped spring this year, hope summer starts soon. Last Sunday it was 83, go figure.

Rich--how far is it from Hobby to the hotel in Galveston? We are arriving two days before the cruise, and the kids are arriving the day before the cruise. Don thought he would just go pick them up at the airport and drive them to the hotel to save the shuttle fees. We are bringing their luggage anyways so they will only have carry ons.

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So the third time has to be the charm.:p


I have twice tried to post tonight and both times I have had trouble doing it :mad: so here I go again..


Kathy where are you staying while you visit in Mississippi?


Was just wondering if you might be anyplace close to where either Sadie or I live?


Rich sorry about the Spurs losing.....bummer.


Lori sure hope your Summer comes fast so you guys can get out of the snow and warm the bones....Gosh enough already...:(


Andrea I read on Facebook your latest health report and I`m sorry that it is a lousy one...:eek:


Try and rest and be better fast...


I`m tired and am about to head off to dreamland.


Talk to you all sometime tomorrow.... Night all!

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Morning all, today is a better day

Yesterday we got some sun, and it looks like she is back today.

Although, the grass is covered in frost.


I think this is the first time in a couple of months that the roof of my moth is not hurting

Gross as it is to think about, I am happy that thing happened, and It can heal now.

Still taking the Antibiotics, for a few more days. Not one of those people who thinks, all better and stops the meds.

But at least no more meds for the pain, even then I tried to stay with OTC stuff.

Just a couple Vicodin here and there.


Lori, I think Hobby is about an hour drive each way. But if others are coming in around the same time, they could hookup with them and shuttle. for about $10 each.


Bobbie, don't you hate it when you post and it goes no where...

always try to copy first...(I always remember, right after I loose the post :eek:)


Rich, at least the Galveston area does that right, free parking for disabled Vets...

But they need to do something about that rent a car thing :p

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Good morning SMDers!


First, I want to appologize for whining about the weather; after seeing the devastation throughout other areas of the country - tornados, flooding, snow, etc. - I have no cause for complaining. Hope everyone and their loved ones are safe and no worse for the wear.


Enjoyed the fair on Friday (dock dogs, dancing horses, racing pigs, and agriculture/flower displays are my favorites) and did not succumb to Fair Food temptation! It was difficult, but I did it! Can't say I plan to have the same goal for the fall fair though.


Did not make it to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. And didn't get any cruise-related reservations made either. Goal this week is to book the hotel.


Have a fantastic day!



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