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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Good morning SMDers!


First, I want to appologize for whining about the weather; after seeing the devastation throughout other areas of the country - tornados, flooding, snow, etc. - I have no cause for complaining. Hope everyone and their loved ones are safe and no worse for the wear.


Enjoyed the fair on Friday (dock dogs, dancing horses, racing pigs, and agriculture/flower displays are my favorites) and did not succumb to Fair Food temptation! It was difficult, but I did it! Can't say I plan to have the same goal for the fall fair though.


Did not make it to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. And didn't get any cruise-related reservations made either. Goal this week is to book the hotel.


Have a fantastic day!



Good Morning Sherri...

I hope the sun is out for you today too.

Only takes a min for those hotel Reservations :D

Ok, I am out of here,

but I too ditto the sentiment for those in the weather torn area...

Sometimes I am so busy looking at my own self, I forget about those who I don't see

Thanks Sherri for the reminder to think on them some today...:)

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Andrea- hope you are feeling better.

Marie- glad you are feeling better. Now I have a swollen gum. I think I better stop reading your posts. ;)


We are staying near Mccomb. Had to stay three nights to get a reservation. I've already checked, not near Steens by a long shot.


No matter how I gripe about our weather I know that it never gets as bad as other parts of the country. Hoping that the weather settles down.

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Andrea- hope you are feeling better.

Marie- glad you are feeling better. Now I have a swollen gum. I think I better stop reading your posts. ;)


We are staying near Mccomb. Had to stay three nights to get a reservation. I've already checked, not near Steens by a long shot.


No matter how I gripe about our weather I know that it never gets as bad as other parts of the country. Hoping that the weather settles down.



Kathy are you at Percy Quin State Park?


I know that park really well..:) or have in the past.


My DH taught High School and Coached baseball at McComb High School for 4 years before his retirement 10 years ago.


McComb is about 5 hours from my hometown where we now live.


Marie that is why I have to watch my post vanish.....can NEVER remember to copy until.....uh oh there it goes....:eek:


Sherri you are so right about the whinning, I am as guilty as anyone.


I see what tornados can and do around me all the time....:( still I complain...Thanks for the reminder...


There are alot of misplaced people in our State from the week-end storms, and many more in our neighbor State and beyond...


I am keeping them all in my prayers.


Waiting for my housekeeper to come and I don`t think she will ever get here....:confused:


This is a make up day for her due to the storms we had on Friday.

That is her normal day, but due to us having no power was no need for her to come.


Will just have to wait my turn as there are other houses she had to do before mine today.


Problem is I need the kitchen clean so that I can prepare our meal for tonight and mess it up again...:rolleyes:


Waving to everyone... I think I will go and join Tucker and Izzy in a short nap while I wait...

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Good afternoon SMDers.

Lori - Houston Hobby is 41.68 miles to the Hotel Galvez. It's pretty much a straight shot up IH45. Sorry to hear about the snow, but then again, that's why I live in the south.

Bobbie - happy to hear that your alright with all those stroms.

Marie - glad to hear your feeling alittle better (even if it is only for awhile).

Sherri - let me know when you get the hotel booked.

Kathy - I'm with you on the weather even though alittle rain would be nice.

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Afternoon all, well we have had snow, rain, sunshine and hail all before 2:00. What a weird spring for sure.


Bobbi, glad your safe and sound, it sounds so scary, I have a niece in NC and she said it's really, really scary.


Sherri, are you going to try and get your air fare figured out this week as well?

Remember to ask for the Cruise Critic rate for the 24th and 25th for the hotel.




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Good afternoon SMDers.


Lori - Houston Hobby is 41.68 miles to the Hotel Galvez. It's pretty much a straight shot up IH45. Sorry to hear about the snow, but then again, that's why I live in the south.





Thanks Rich, 41.68 miles doesn't soung too far, I drive 35 miles each way to work every day. I'm still working on sending you some of our rain-- tomorrow's forcast is for rain, sleet, freezing rain, snow, and then thunderstorms. Go figure.

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Good Morning again my friends...

It seems I am now a morning person here...LOL

I have been so lazy at night time, I sit and watch DWTS, and Fall asleep.

Well, not till that is over, but I use to at least get back in here to see what's up...

By the looks of it, not much chatting going on....

really it is going to slow down as spring and summer arrive (If they ever arrive)

but fall will bring on great times of posts, I am sure...

I am already excited about this group cruise.

Could be that I have the $$ set aside for it, and now just coming up with "Extra" fun money money for it.

Could be that the Air Fare has now been taken care of and we have our Flights.

Could be that we are spending an extra Day at the Hotel Galvez, for a great rate, so it is not just a "Wow nice hotel, but I am out a here one night stand:eek:"

Could be that some of our other Sibs will be at the hotel an extra day too, making it all that much more fun. (Wonder if there will be enough time to whip up some of those jello/pudding shots LOL)

Ya, I am ready to go now, ok!

Anyone else thinking of coming in a day early?

Lori, you and Don are right? Are you staying at the Hotel Galvez too?

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Kathy are you at Percy Quin State Park?


I know that park really well..:) or have in the past.


My DH taught High School and Coached baseball at McComb High School for 4 years before his retirement 10 years ago.


McComb is about 5 hours from my hometown where we now live.


Waving to everyone... I think I will go and join Tucker and Izzy in a short nap while I wait...


Yes, that's the park. :D

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I just wanted to say that everyone in our group wanted the Eastern. We are going to Galveston on the Magic but doing the Eastern. I didn't realize what a pain it is cruising from there. No car rentals open on weekend. One closes at 12 but you have to pay til Monday,. We are trying it once and see. I am sure we will cruise again with you guys. The other 3 didn't want the Western. I gave in . We are doing Feb 12 on the Magic. Sorry we won't see you on this one.

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Yes, that's the park. :D



Good, you will enjoy it.:)


Esther sure sorry that you guys will not be joining us, but I know you will enjoy your cruise.

You will still miss us tho:p and we will miss you.


Marie as you know we are gonna be at the hotel on Friday. I think it is going to be at least July, maybe August before SW post the flights for Feb. & March... I just checked.:( Will be then before I can get my flight to Texas booked.


Oh well, hopefully it is going to be an awards ticket for me so only a few dollars involved.;)


Have you told your DH that you are going on this cruise yet? I was thinking about that today.


Waving to everyone!!! Thinking of Janet and do pray that things are going well for her..

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Anyone else thinking of coming in a day early?

Lori, you and Don are right? Are you staying at the Hotel Galvez too?




Hi Marie!! Don and are are coming in 2 days early too, have reservations at the Hotel Galvez for Friday. Our son Chris and his wife Brandie and their best friends are also coming on the cruise, but are flying in the day before. We are driving again. Since we have the car, I think Don will just drive to the airport to get them so they don't have to worry about shuttles and such. We are bringing their lugguge anyways.

I've been busy with work, we have a big state accreditation coming up next week. *sigh* I miss vacation already. At least we could have some warm weather around here. Today--rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, and now thunderstorms. yech. And my internet has been up and down the last few days.

Time for bed---good nite SMDers!!

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Good Morning Everyone, hope ya'll have a great day.


I usually have no real news to share so I just wanted to share a bit of news.

Yesterday Pat and I attended a charity event for the Humane Society and while we were there we adopted a 5 yr. old Boxer. So very excited and can hardly wait for him to be neutered so we can bring him home.:D

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Good Morning Everyone, hope ya'll have a great day.


I usually have no real news to share so I just wanted to share a bit of news.

Yesterday Pat and I attended a charity event for the Humane Society and while we were there we adopted a 5 yr. old Boxer. So very excited and can hardly wait for him to be neutered so we can bring him home.:D


Congrats on the great news.....


Furkids lover here (a poodle and a Yorkie own my DH and I):p so I do understand your excitement..


My news to share is that I woke up with a sore throat and earache...:eek:


I am about to be off to the clinic to get meds....

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Congrats on the great news.....


Furkids lover here (a poodle and a Yorkie own my DH and I):p so I do understand your excitement..


My news to share is that I woke up with a sore throat and earache...:eek:


I am about to be off to the clinic to get meds....


Thanks! Furbabies are great and this is the first time in 25 years of marriage that we have been without a dog.


I hope you feel better soon, spring and summer colds are the worst, so they say. I, however think colds are bad anytime of the year.

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Esther, sure sorry that you guys will not be joining us, I wanted to do the Eastern too, but being with this group was the tipping factor for me.


Bobbi, get well soon, being ill is not good.


Our furbaby Abby cut her foot on heaven knows what, boy do dogs bleed like crazy on there feet, thought we were never going to get it to stop. Good News is she is being good about not bothering her bandage and seems to be OK

Vet says to just keep her quite, ya this is not easy.


Ok, that's all my news. LOL


Wish we were cruising already.




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Good afternoon SMDers.

I have been trying to post for the last 2 days,but everytime I try I get a message that says "Server Error" What?

Bobbie - sorry to hear your not feeling well and hope you feel better soon.

Sadie - congrats on the boxer. I have a Yorkie and he rules the house! (or so he thinks).

Esther - sorry to hear that you won't be joining us, but we will cruise again in the future.

Lori - I will be happy to trade you some of that rain and thurder showers for this 90 degree weather.

Hi to Marie, Chelle, Kathy and everyone else I may have missed.

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Good Morning!

A very chilly 35 degrees here this morning...on the positive side, at least the sun is shinning! We had an EF2 tornado go thru here Tuesday night. Lots of damage but thankfully, no one was hurt. Of course, I was driving home when the sirens went off and it was still and very dark. Very scary!

This will be my last post for a couple of weeks as I am headed to Hilton Head with my brother and sister n law. Hopefully a lot of time will be spent in the sun reading a good book. :)

Hope everyone is getting over their sickness and on the road to recovery. Bobbie is the latest victim of being sick..so hopefully today she is feeling better.

Have a wonderful and safe week. See you when I get back!

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Good Morning, and so long

Off to work I must go...then tomorrow Nick will be home for 4 days,

If the sun will come out, we might get some yard work done...

But it is suppose to Rain for Easter, so egg hunt may be in doors...

OK, better get my rear in gear and gooooo

see ya all later.

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Just stopping by to say that I got a shot in the rear end yesterday (not penicillin, allergic:eek:) but a steriod. It hurt like heck, I wanted to rub my back side, nurse said, "Don`t rub, makes it worse".


Guess it was worth the hurt tho, because my ear does not hurt nearly as much as it did earlier.


Kathy sounds as if we are passing the teeth & gum problems around.


Marie, you, and I have known for a few weeks that I`m going to need some dental surgery.


I had it set up for the 3rd. of May, but found out yesterday that a dear high school friend that I have not seen since the early 90`s will be in town from the left coast the week my surgery was due.


Rescheduled surgery this morning. There is no pain connected to the reason for surgery, so surgery can wait until my friend returns to her home in Ca.:p


We had another day and night of storms yesterday with the rain and thunder continuting today.


Some damage close by in our area last night. Trees down on houses, power outage and alot of farmer`s crops with damage too.:(


Hope tomorrow will be a better day, it is suppose to be.


Waving to all!!!

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Hope everyone is doing well, I've been MIA for a few days it seems. But I am always thinking about you all and all the fun we are going to have...woo hoo! Wanna see what I got last night? Well you're gonna LOL The first picture is the outline that was done on March 11th, I call it Phase 1. The second picture is completing all the color on this portion (2 views), aka Phase 2. Phase 3 will be completing the half sleeve and that will be on July 2nd (may take more than one session though). So...any tattoo haters in this group? LOL, no throwing stones people!



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Good evening SMDers.

Betty - so I see that your starting out your retirement by traveling. Now thats the way to do it. Have a good time.

Bobbie - how is it that your getting all this rain and I can't get a drop? I live in the south too.

Vicki - wow, are you going to be one of those full body tat's?

Marie - maybe you could have an Easter egg hunt while floating.

I was looking on line for things in Grand Caymen and found a place that is a resort on the beach and offers diving for all. I sent Andrea the link and hopefully she can find out something about the place. This might be the place for everyone.

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Vicki - wow, are you going to be one of those full body tat's?



Rich - I won't have full body tats...LOL. There are some pretty sensitive spots on the body where needles are not going! I will have my half sleeve done before our cruise and have 3 others (2 are pretty small and the other one is kind of big but is a memorial tat for my 9 yr old that passed 2 years ago). Now, I don't promise that I won't have more before February, but I do promise that I won't have less than 4 :p. I absolutely love body art!

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Good Morning Everyone,


Pat and I picked up Gator at the shelter yesterday morning and he is getting adjusted to his new surroundings. Poor baby doesn't act like a Boxer as of yet but are hoping he will adjust and just know that we will not ever put him on a chain. He lived his whole 5 years on a chain in front of someones house.


Rich, It seems as if we cannot get any rain down here and all of the rain passes over the north of us.


Bobbie, Hope you get well soon and try to stay out of all that bad weather up there.


Betty, hope you have a great vacation at Hilton Head, whats not to love.:)


Chelle, Hope Abbys foot is better and it is amazing how much dogs (cats too) bleed when they get a cut on their little pads.


Kathy, I agree with you, Boxers don't realize that they AREN"T lap dogs.:)


Vicki, thats a beautiful Tat you have going on! I don't have any but I do enjoy looking at fine boby art. I was stationed in the Phillippines and saw some of the most intricate Tats.


Have a great Holiday everyone and hope everyones weekend is wonderful.

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Hi al,

Stopping by to say "hi" to all my friends. Missing you all so much already.

I am feeling much better after my bout with the "Miracle Mateys Yuck!" Still have a bit of the cough though.

As you can see, I already booked our next cruise. Robert & I sure wish we could be joining you but the timing just isn't right.

Want to wish everyone a Happy Easter.......

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