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Why the need to know the crew?


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It's a good thing I wasn't your server, I'm very chatty, you would've probably gotten up and left. :-)




You and me both *LOL*


I guess I wasn't meant to have servants . If I ever was wealthy enough to have them I would love a maid like Florence from The Jeffersons. We'd have agood time BSing and breaking em off on each other :)

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It's a good thing I wasn't your server, I'm very chatty, you would've probably gotten up and left. :-)


I have a question for you--from someone who hates the small talk....as a server, if you attempt to chat someone up (like me) and you get simple, one word answers that seem to infer the person wants to be left alone, do you then hush? Or would you keep chatting them up eventually driving them out of the establishment? I am truly curious as someone who hates a chatty server. Just as as FYI, if I had a server so chatty that they didn't get the hint when I gave them short, one word answers, and I was forced to leave to avoid the chatter, I would be sure to advise the manager of the problem. As I said, chit chat is one thing, but if you are met with responses that very clearly demonstrate that the person is not interested in your dribble, just move on.


My daughter is on the Pride of America as a server. She is very chatty. But I taught her how to pick up on the (sometimes) not so subtle hints that someone may not appreciate the chit chat. I also taught her that it's not about her if that happens. Sometimes, people just don't like to gab during a meal.

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We have made a few connections with crew members that became faceook friends with us, one of the pool bar servers even picked his new tour to be on the ship as our next group cruise.. One Asst. Cruise director worked with me to plan my proposal to my wife and we still keep in contact. For the most part we do not get to know alot of the staff but once in awhile it happens:)

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It's a good thing I wasn't your server, I'm very chatty, you would've probably gotten up and left. :-)
For your sake, it's probably a good thing that Carnival has done away with the comment cards. :rolleyes:
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I'm not antisocial but if my wife wasn't with me, I could go an entire cruise without any unrequired speaking, ie order a drink or dinner. Our cruises are mental health necessary and I'm there to chill and be braindead. How many of your high school graduation class do you still talk with?


God...I would explode. I HAVE to talk. I am a very social person and I can and will strike up a conversation with anyone. My mother used to tell me I would talk to the devil himself, just out of boredom!


And I talk to several of my former classmates. We were all able to reconnect over facebook and its amazing where we all scattered to and what we've all become. I found that at least 2 live here in Texas, and we are planning a get together soon.

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I'm not antisocial but if my wife wasn't with me, I could go an entire cruise without any unrequired speaking, ie order a drink or dinner. Our cruises are mental health necessary and I'm there to chill and be braindead. How many of your high school graduation class do you still talk with?


I think I can answer your original question, but let me put on my anti Bashing hat.


Ok, from what I have read on this thread and others in the past; the people that feel the need to "make friends" with the crew do it to make their cruise more enjoyable. I think deep down inside after hearing about all the tough times, missing their families, and all of that, the cruiser now feels so much better about their own life, after all they can afford to go on cruises, tip well, spend lots of money on drinks, gambling, and what ever else they do. It might even be that it makes the cruiser feel BIGGER or BETTER than the crew, which also makes them feel proud of their own life.


Myself, I am happy with my life, and if someone has it better than me, that is fine, they have earned it.


By the way, we don't go out of our way to "make friends" with the crew. They are busy working, and don't need me slowing down their work.


Have an enjoyable cruise, what ever that means to you, you deserve it.

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Here is your retirement plan. Love the concept



Story of beatrice muller





About 2 years ago my wife and I were on a cruise throught the western Mediterranean aboard a Princess Liner. At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone along the rail of the grand stairway in the main dining room. I noticed that all the staff, ship officers, waiters, busboys etc. all seemed very familiar with this lady. I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told she owned the line, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruised, back to back. We chatted and I said, 'I understand you've been on this ship for the last four cruises.' She replied, 'Yes, that's true.' I stated, 'I don't understand' and she replied without a pause, 'it's cheaper than a nursing home.'


So, there will be no nursing home in my future. When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess cruise ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 a day. I have checked on reservations at Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discout price of $135 per day. That leaves $65 a day for:-


1 Gratuities, which will only be $10 a day.


2 I will have as many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week).


3 Princess has as many as 3 swimming pools, a workout room, free washers and dryers and shows every night.


4 They have free toothpaste, razors, soap and shampoo.


5 They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you.


6 I will get to meet new people every 7 - 14 days.


7 TV broken? Light bulb need changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No problem, they will fix everything and apologise for the inconvenience.


8 Clean sheets and towels every day and you don't even have to ask for them.


9 If you fall in the nursing home & break a hip, you are on Medicare. If you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship, they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.


Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia or name where you want to go? Princes will have a ship ready to go. So don't look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.


PS and don't forget, when you die, they just dump you over the side at no charge!



I love it!

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I think I can answer your original question, but let me put on my anti Bashing hat.


Ok, from what I have read on this thread and others in the past; the people that feel the need to "make friends" with the crew do it to make their cruise more enjoyable. I think deep down inside after hearing about all the tough times, missing their families, and all of that, the cruiser now feels so much better about their own life, after all they can afford to go on cruises, tip well, spend lots of money on drinks, gambling, and what ever else they do. It might even be that it makes the cruiser feel BIGGER or BETTER than the crew, which also makes them feel proud of their own life.


Myself, I am happy with my life, and if someone has it better than me, that is fine, they have earned it.


By the way, we don't go out of our way to "make friends" with the crew. They are busy working, and don't need me slowing down their work.


Have an enjoyable cruise, what ever that means to you, you deserve it.


Very nicely said


I have a very happy life , a wonderful family , good friends . No I do not NEED to make friends with my cabin steward , or the bartender or a waitress in a diner. I enjoy meeting people and talking to them . Meeting new folks especially like the crew who are from other countries and I can learn about them.


Funny thing , most people even if they aren't overly extroverted , can warm up a little and enjoy a conversation if someone breaks the ice a little .


Oh sure you run into these "Don't look or speak directly at the God/Goddess" types like a few here . Just know your place and serve .


So you move on . Who the hell needs them anyway :)

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I have a question for you--from someone who hates the small talk....as a server, if you attempt to chat someone up (like me) and you get simple, one word answers that seem to infer the person wants to be left alone, do you then hush? Or would you keep chatting them up eventually driving them out of the establishment? I am truly curious as someone who hates a chatty server. Just as as FYI, if I had a server so chatty that they didn't get the hint when I gave them short, one word answers, and I was forced to leave to avoid the chatter, I would be sure to advise the manager of the problem. As I said, chit chat is one thing, but if you are met with responses that very clearly demonstrate that the person is not interested in your dribble, just move on.


My daughter is on the Pride of America as a server. She is very chatty. But I taught her how to pick up on the (sometimes) not so subtle hints that someone may not appreciate the chit chat. I also taught her that it's not about her if that happens. Sometimes, people just don't like to gab during a meal.


I would have left you be, you can tell who you can and can't chat with. But I will say that people like that (super quiet, not rude)always got better service from me, just b/c I figured if they may have something, anything going on and maybe they needed a little more kindness.

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I would have left you be, you can tell who you can and can't chat with. But I will say that people like that (super quiet, not rude)always got better service from me, just b/c I figured if they may have something, anything going on and maybe they needed a little more kindness.


Well then you should write a book called, "How To Be a Great Server For Dummies," because it is clear to me that all servers don't get this. Further, seem to take it personally if the customer doesn't want to chat. Everyone who is not chatty back necessarily has something going on. Maybe, like me, they just don't like small talk. Well said, sweetsublissa.

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Well then you should write a book called, "How To Be a Great Server For Dummies," because it is clear to me that all servers don't get this. Further, seem to take it personally if the customer doesn't want to chat. Everyone who is not chatty back necessarily has something going on. Maybe, like me, they just don't like small talk. Well said, sweetsublissa.


Thanks! I do understand the quiet ones don't necessairly have something going on. I just operated under the theory that they might. Hopefully more servers will be more intune to their customers. The only time I took it personally was if someone was downright rude and that's not normally the quiet ones. That's just the jerks. Again I tried to treat those with kindness as well but I did "accidently" spill a soda on a drunk man who was being a horses butt. So probably writing a book isn't in my future. LOL

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If this was a one night thing (ie: hotel or restaurant) then I wouldn't bother getting to know them. But seeing them daily for a week, it stands to reason one would get to know them at least in some part. Like someone said, they're not servants and background fixtures. They're people. It's only natural to strike up a conversation with someone you continue to see over and over.

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If this was a one night thing (ie: hotel or restaurant) then I wouldn't bother getting to know them. But seeing them daily for a week, it stands to reason one would get to know them at least in some part. Like someone said, they're not servants and background fixtures. They're people. It's only natural to strike up a conversation with someone you continue to see over and over.


I wonder why you never hear stories of cruisers taking their "friends" to dinner in the steakhouse, or with them on the excursion, or just down the pier to the bar for a drink? After all they are "real" friends and care so much.

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I have been reading alot of comments lately about getting to know the crew, waiters, bartender, juggler and room steward. Why do folks feel that this is necessary? I mean really, I don't see the specialness. They are there to do a job and I am there to enjoy my vacation. Knowing their personal lives and history has no bearing on my vacation. Plus if I knew they didn't see their families (wife and nine kids or ailing parents), I'd probably be bummed. So I just want to go on my merry way and have a great time and relax. I don't Facebook or Twitter or whatever is the newest social opportunity. Please explain why you do it or need to.



It's really pretty simple. Cruisers as a whole are an elitist group. They think in general, if they know the crew they get special privileges, while we all know the more money you give the more you get. Cruisers get a kick out of knowing the crew and every little detail. To them it is an ego boost. Especially if you read any tipping thread, most cruisers think you OWE the crew an immense amount of money for making your cruise special and for the sacrifices the crew makes.


Anyways, i'll get flamed for this however, do what you think is right after all that is all that matters, right ?

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You and me both *LOL*


I guess I wasn't meant to have servants . If I ever was wealthy enough to have them I would love a maid like Florence from The Jeffersons. We'd have agood time BSing and breaking em off on each other :)

I hope that people did not take my comment wrong, if anyone wants to make chit chat, I'm definitely open to it, in fact I think I'm very easy to talk to, but I do not sit and ask a million questions or my servers or steward when they are trying to do their jobs because I feel it's an invasion on their time.

I am a nurse and therefore I definitely don't have a "servant to take care of me" attitude, most of my time is spent on care of others. I just don't want to invade on the time or privacy of those that are doing their jobs.


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It's really pretty simple. Cruisers as a whole are an elitist group. They think in general, if they know the crew they get special privileges, while we all know the more money you give the more you get. Cruisers get a kick out of knowing the crew and every little detail. To them it is an ego boost. Especially if you read any tipping thread, most cruisers think you OWE the crew an immense amount of money for making your cruise special and for the sacrifices the crew makes.


Anyways, i'll get flamed for this however, do what you think is right after all that is all that matters, right ?



I don't doubt that there are many cruisers that would fit your description to a tee.


Speaking for myself . the only thing any server owes me is to do their job and treat me respectfully. In return I will treat them the same. If we can chat a bit, have a few laughs so much the better. But its not imperitive.


Most servers do work very hard and do deserve their tips. They don't deserve half of everything I earn (My ex wife didn't even deserve that ) but they do deserve a little something.


Yes there are people who like to get chummy with people and throw names around to get special treatment .


I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher . You would be surprised how many people call for non emergency related issues and want police or fire to bail them out. (issues we do not as a rule handle.)


When they are told No they immediately resort to . Well I talk to "Ed Smith" (the Police Chief) and he told me to call anytime I had this problem"...or "Well I want your name , I will be calling "John Doe" (The mayor) and we will see about this.


That is an ego thing , not being friendly with someone working hard to serve you.

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So just out of curiosity, yo have made over 5000 posts and refer to people in this community as God/Goddess types like a few here, and your advice is to move on?


I know, do as i say not as i do!






As you duly noted "a few " not all. Many of those 5000 posts have been spent chatting with some really nice people on here . Not snipeing, or debateing , or arguing with fools. (which I can do with the best of them I am sometimes sorry to say)


You let the bad apples ruin everything for you and you make them win , and you certainly can't have that .

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It's really pretty simple. Cruisers as a whole are an elitist group. They think in general, if they know the crew they get special privileges, while we all know the more money you give the more you get. Cruisers get a kick out of knowing the crew and every little detail. To them it is an ego boost. Especially if you read any tipping thread, most cruisers think you OWE the crew an immense amount of money for making your cruise special and for the sacrifices the crew makes.


Anyways, i'll get flamed for this however, do what you think is right after all that is all that matters, right ?


No flaming but I would have to disagree with the "most cruisers" part.....that's all...carry on...

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As you duly noted "a few " not all. Many of those 5000 posts have been spent chatting with some really nice people on here . Not snipeing, or debateing , or arguing with fools. (which I can do with the best of them I am sometimes sorry to say)


You let the bad apples ruin everything for you and you make them win , and you certainly can't have that .

And you have always been fun to chat with, and often informative. I think that someone is on your case today for some reason, but I think I'm in the majority when I say, I think of babyher as a great member who I enjoy engaging with on CC boards


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I hope that people did not take my comment wrong, if anyone wants to make chit chat, I'm definitely open to it, in fact I think I'm very easy to talk to, but I do not sit and ask a million questions or my servers or steward when they are trying to do their jobs because I feel it's an invasion on their time.

I am a nurse and therefore I definitely don't have a "servant to take care of me" attitude, most of my time is spent on care of others. I just don't want to invade on the time or privacy of those that are doing their jobs.



Oh certainly not :) I understand what you are saying. And I don't expect anyone who serves me to slack off or keep others waiting while they gab with me. But there is always a little bit of time to make pleasentries

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