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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Just off the treadmill where I walked for 45 minutes. Next week, I am going to start setting the incline a little higher each day in order to make the most of my time. I found a good TV program to watch while walking. It is The Revolution on ABC at 2pm Mon-Fri. Very interesting topics and great tips. Just what I need to keep my walk from becoming boring. I am going to take a break from the treadmill tomorrow but will do my housecleaning to get some exercise.




Sorry to tell you this but I heard Revolution was canceled. On a good note, (for some), General Hospital was picked up for another year.

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Hello all!


I am planning on attending my first WW meeting this Saturday after 4 months of trying and trying to lose weight on diet and exercise by myself to no loss at all maybe a slight gain haha. My fiance and I are getting married on a cruise next february 2013 and I want to look and feel my best!! Last year after we planned a trip to cancun I had lost 20 lbs and felt great but wasn't at my goal weight yet. Since then I have gained about 8lbs of that back. Hoping to lose about 15 lbs on WW. Wish me luck :)

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Just weighed in at the end of week 2 and I am down 2.4 for the week, which is funny because yesterday I was up 1.1! I had a feeling that even though I was on point (except for one night of a short but point-y Easter Basket Raid) I would not lose much because I walked for four hours over the weekend and had too much sodium Sunday. Both obviously caused me to retain water. But today, after almost no sodium and a day off from walking, I show that nice -2.4.


I knew I had to start exercising :( so I downloaded all 47 hours of Stephen King's The Stand (unabridged) onto my iPhone. I swore I would only listen if walking, but my legs hurt so much from this crazy walking yesterday that I have changed to it to "only if I am walking- or cleaning the house" :rolleyes:. Saturday I was so engrossed by the story, which I haven't read since the 80's, that I walked the dog for an hour and a half and then went out later in the day and walked again. It was nice because I actually got to see the beautiful blooming trees and flowers before we got snow yesterday!


Good luck, everyone!

Edited by Seago2
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Best of luck for your weight loss albean86 and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You CAN do this. After all, you did it before and you have a few months before you need to be at goal. And what a great incentive to want to look your best.

We spend our winters in Myrtle Beach and visit Charleston at least once every winter. It is my favourite city, so beautiful and historical and great restaurants where it is possible to order some really heathy food. Of course an occasional splurge on southern food is okay too. This past January, we spent 4 days there and even after visiting several times in the past, we found new places to see and tour.



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Good Morning!

I usually dread the weekly WI and yesterday was no exception. I know that I stayed on point and worked out everyday but it still scares me :eek: Well I'm happy to report that I lost 5 pounds!



WOW that's AWESOME!!!! :D

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Good Morning!

I usually dread the weekly WI and yesterday was no exception. I know that I stayed on point and worked out everyday but it still scares me :eek: Well I'm happy to report that I lost 5 pounds!



Fantastic results. Good for you! I have my WI tomorrow at noon. Hoping to lose something.



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Best of luck for your weight loss albean86 and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You CAN do this. After all, you did it before and you have a few months before you need to be at goal. And what a great incentive to want to look your best.

We spend our winters in Myrtle Beach and visit Charleston at least once every winter. It is my favourite city, so beautiful and historical and great restaurants where it is possible to order some really heathy food. Of course an occasional splurge on southern food is okay too. This past January, we spent 4 days there and even after visiting several times in the past, we found new places to see and tour.




thank you!! We love Charleston too and have lived here for about a year now. We are originally from Boston, MA and are so happy to be away from snow hehe!!! Although I have been finding myself trying way too much southern food, those biscuits will get you everytime!!! I've had a year to eat a lot of unhealthy southern food so its time to crack down and start this weight loss, best of luck to you too :)

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Hello all!


I am planning on attending my first WW meeting this Saturday after 4 months of trying and trying to lose weight on diet and exercise by myself to no loss at all maybe a slight gain haha. My fiance and I are getting married on a cruise next february 2013 and I want to look and feel my best!! Last year after we planned a trip to cancun I had lost 20 lbs and felt great but wasn't at my goal weight yet. Since then I have gained about 8lbs of that back. Hoping to lose about 15 lbs on WW. Wish me luck


I wish you luck! Your story looks a lot like mine, but you gained back much less than I did. 10 months and 15 lbs is so doable!


Just weighed in at the end of week 2 and I am down 2.4 for the week, which is funny because yesterday I was up 1.1! I had a feeling that even though I was on point (except for one night of a short but point-y Easter Basket Raid) I would not lose much because I walked for four hours over the weekend and had too much sodium Sunday. Both obviously caused me to retain water. But today, after almost no sodium and a day off from walking, I show that nice -2.4.


Congrats on the walking and the WI. 2.4:D Yea you!!


I knew I had to start exercising :( so I downloaded all 47 hours of Stephen King's The Stand (unabridged) onto my iPhone. I swore I would only listen if walking, but my legs hurt so much from this crazy walking yesterday that I have changed to it to "only if I am walking- or cleaning the house" :rolleyes:. Saturday I was so engrossed by the story, which I haven't read since the 80's, that I walked the dog for an hour and a half and then went out later in the day and walked again. It was nice because I actually got to see the beautiful blooming trees and flowers before we got snow yesterday!


Good luck, everyone!


I so understand the change, as I made a few of my own this week. Congrats on starting though, I know how hard it is to take those first steps. I know that we do not know eachother but I want you to know that I am proud of you for doing it and for continuing even when it doesn't feel good.:)


Good Morning!

I usually dread the weekly WI and yesterday was no exception. I know that I stayed on point and worked out everyday but it still scares me :eek: Well I'm happy to report that I lost 5 pounds!


5 lbs rocks! I LOVE that you worked out everyday. That was my plan this week but I took a few days off:o. Congrats!

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Good Morning!

I usually dread the weekly WI and yesterday was no exception. I know that I stayed on point and worked out everyday but it still scares me :eek: Well I'm happy to report that I lost 5 pounds!


Congrats! :):)


What week is this for you? That is an amazing loss. Cheers!

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I so understand the change, as I made a few of my own this week. Congrats on starting though, I know how hard it is to take those first steps. I know that we do not know eachother but I want you to know that I am proud of you for doing it and for continuing even when it doesn't feel good !


Thank you!!!

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Congrats! :):)


What week is this for you? That is an amazing loss. Cheers!


I'm in week 5. I really made sure not to go over on my points and to drink plenty of water/fluids. Also I worked out faithfully: Zumba, walking, turbo kick, and body sculpting classes. I'm totally committed to dropping these pounds so I've decided to go all in.

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I'm in week 5. I really made sure not to go over on my points and to drink plenty of water/fluids. Also I worked out faithfully: Zumba, walking, turbo kick, and body sculpting classes. I'm totally committed to dropping these pounds so I've decided to go all in.



That is fantastic!

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Just returned from my WI. I lost another 1.6 pounds last week. I would like to lose it faster, but a loss is a loss so I am certainly not complaining and the message this week was be nice to yourself. That also put me into the 5% loss category ( again). I am into the 150's so the scale is moving in the right direction. I also have to keep in mind that I am a Type 2 diabetic, and weight loss is even more difficult. So if it takes me longer than I want, so be it.

Until I read Raytown Lady's post, I forgot all about my resolution to drink more fluids. I filled my thermal glass with ice and diet iced tea and must remember to use it all the time. Perhaps that will help the pounds to come off better.

Good luck to everyone and my message this week is to congratulate yourselves no matter what the scale says, because we are all trying so hard, and it will eventually pay off.



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So many losses reported this week!!! Way to go friends!


I finally got back to my Sunday meeting, after missing two Sundays (and just running in for a WI on Wednesday morning). It was nice to celebrate reaching goal with my "family"! And bonus was a 2.4# loss!


Yesterday a co-worker asked how I lost all the weight. I told her WW, and she said "oh I'm a lifer! You have to tell me all of your secrets!" :confused: So today she asked me "do you track?" I'm like "Yeh... it only works if you track!" she just shook her head and walked away... :rolleyes:


Am I right?


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So many losses reported this week!!! Way to go friends!


I finally got back to my Sunday meeting, after missing two Sundays (and just running in for a WI on Wednesday morning). It was nice to celebrate reaching goal with my "family"! And bonus was a 2.4# loss!


Yesterday a co-worker asked how I lost all the weight. I told her WW, and she said "oh I'm a lifer! You have to tell me all of your secrets!" :confused: So today she asked me "do you track?" I'm like "Yeh... it only works if you track!" she just shook her head and walked away... :rolleyes:


Am I right?



Congrats on the loss. I am a firm believer that the biggest reason for success is tracking. If I don't track at all. or even only partially through the week, I usually gain. Maybe not a lot, but tracking almost always ensures a loss. Drinking lots of fluid is another way to lose and I often forget about that. Now that I am back home, for me walking on the treadmill is my exercise program and it also helps. I am a big fan of DWTS and saw an ad for DWTS videos. I must find me some of those and try to exercise that way. It would be a lot less boring and the stars certainly drop a lot of weight when they are competing. Of course I wouldn't dance for 6 or 8 hours a day, but I am sure it would be almost an enjoyable way to get some exercise.



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Mine is a gain. .8 . Yup that sucks esp. for a day late.

What does not suck is the 55 miles I walked this week. Nor does the 26 in the last day that left me bloated.


I leave this weigh in up in weight, but down as far as my goal. 26 miles in two days!

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Congrats on everyone's losses! I lost 2.8 my first week back on but I'm having trouble this week. I noticed that WW lowered my points since last year and I'm having trouble staying at the lower target. I know I can use my extra points but I'm still struggling. I'm drinking my water, eating fruit and veggies but late afternoon cravings and boredom kill me!

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Yesterday a co-worker asked how I lost all the weight. I told her WW, and she said "oh I'm a lifer! You have to tell me all of your secrets!" :confused: So today she asked me "do you track?" I'm like "Yeh... it only works if you track!" she just shook her head and walked away... :rolleyes:


Am I right?




You are SO right! I didn't physically track for a couple of months and the scale didn't move. Started tracking again and omg, off it comes!


I love tracking on my iPhone app. I don't put anything in my mouth without accounting for it now. It's too easy to cheat and fool myself if I let things slide.


Keep up the great work!

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Congrats on everyone's losses! I lost 2.8 my first week back on but I'm having trouble this week. I noticed that WW lowered my points since last year and I'm having trouble staying at the lower target. I know I can use my extra points but I'm still struggling. I'm drinking my water, eating fruit and veggies but late afternoon cravings and boredom kill me!


these things are saving me:


Frozen fruit in bags, which I eat by the cptr or tv as they defrost (Dole mixed is my favorite, but Walmart has their own for a few cents cheaper)


Starbucks skinny lattes (that will buy me an hour or two)


I just weighed myself this morning and I am down 9 in 3 weeks, which is amazing considering I ate my way through an Easter basket the first week (among other things).


Good luck!

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Weighed in today. Down a pound for a total of eleven in the past 8 weeks. I was sure I did horrible this week cause I had a mini -binge on Monday.


I guess slow and steady works well.


I like weighing in on Thursdays and I'm trying to up my on -program days.

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Good job everyone on great WIs and exercising this week! Congratulations albean86 on upcoming wedding! I had weigh in today. Down 2.6 this week and 26.4 total. I got my 25 pound charm today. I know it looks like a metal washer, but I was thrilled. Now onto 30 pounds. I track religiously, eat healthy food, and exercise every day. Hope everyone has a good rest-of-the- week and enjoy the weekend!!

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I wasn't as zealous this week and the WI reflected it. 0.2 lbs down. That's it. I've found that I can't dip at all into my weekly points now that I'm close to my goal. One slip up and I'm done for. aaaarrrrggghhh. Some days 26 is just not enough for a chocolate treat!


Next week will be much better!


Have a great weekend everyone and stay on points!!

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