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A poll on smoking


Does smoking on one side the lido deck bother you  

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  1. 1. Does smoking on one side the lido deck bother you

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Furthermore, if you complaining non smokers knew the real risks to your health on a cruise ship we wouldn't be seeing threads like this one so much. next time you are on a cruise eat at the buffet a couple of times and actually take notice of what is going on in the buffet line. Keep your eyes glued to the ice cream machine for 20-30 minutes. When you go to bed, take a strip of duck tape and lay it sticky side up at the foot of the bed and see what you catch in the tape.


Complaining about smokers? Too funny.

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This is, of course, your opinion as a smoker?


Do you really have anything to back it up?


Do you really believe that the smoking areas will increase because a few smokers complain about it on Cruise Critic?


I would tend to believe what the cruise line says over a smoker on Cruise Critic.


um, i don't smoke.

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I hope they eliminate smoking altogether. No reason people's health should be put at risk or their enjoyment of a cruise compromised just because a minority of cruisers are addicted to a dangerous habit. It is not allowed in so many places now because of the impact of second hand smoke on others. Denial and threats by smokers do not change the facts about smoking. Carnival needs to grow up and protect it's customers health and lower the risk of ship fires too!


You got that right. Don't they realize what the impact of burning fossil fuels has on thier customers also? They need to ditch the engines and strap sails/oars on all the ships.

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Carnival has given in to the non smokers and limited the areas greatly.. now there is nothing but complaints about too much smoke in those certain areas in doors...


Carnival had a great plan with one side smoking one not... but again non smokers complained on the one ship for the trial and are still complaining... you won't win.. if you do there will not be a cruise industry sorry to say:rolleyes:


It has nothing to do with health issues of passengers.. because you can not get lung cancer from cigarette smoke alone.. and especially for only being exposed to it for minutes if not seconds at a time outside... I did not post this for a back and forth from every one about YES you can... cause it is NO you can't.. read up...

From the CDC: Secondhand Smoke


An estimated 21% of all adults (45 million people) smoke cigarettes in the United States.1 Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a complex mixture of gases and particles that include smoke from the burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe tip (sidestream smoke), and exhaled mainstream smoke. Secondhand smoke contains at least 250 known toxic chemicals, including more than 50 that can cause cancer.2 Secondhand smoke causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults and a number of health conditions, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and respiratory infections, in children.3


More than 126 million nonsmoking Americans continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, vehicles, workplaces, and public places. Most exposure to tobacco smoke occurs in homes and workplaces. Almost 60% of U.S. children aged 3–11 years—or almost 22 million children—are exposed to secondhand smoke.3


For more information on Secondhand Smoke, please see the Secondhand Smoke Fact Sheet.


This is from the national cancer institute:

Does exposure to secondhand smoke cause cancer?


Yes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen (a cancer-causing agent) (1, 3, 5, 7).


Inhaling secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in nonsmoking adults (4, 5). Approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year among adult nonsmokers in the United States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke (2). The U.S. Surgeon General estimates that living with a smoker increases a nonsmoker’s chances of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent (4).


Some research also suggests that secondhand smoke may increase the risk of breast cancer, nasal sinus cavity cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer in adults and the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors in children (4). Additional research is needed to learn whether a link exists between secondhand smoke exposure and these cancers.


It seems you are wrong, second hand smoke does indeed cause cancer and other conditions. My dad has mild COPD from my mother smoking. I can find well written research articles too saying the same thing if you would like.

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From the CDC: Secondhand Smoke


An estimated 21% of all adults (45 million people) smoke cigarettes in the United States.1 Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a complex mixture of gases and particles that include smoke from the burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe tip (sidestream smoke), and exhaled mainstream smoke. Secondhand smoke contains at least 250 known toxic chemicals, including more than 50 that can cause cancer.2 Secondhand smoke causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults and a number of health conditions, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and respiratory infections, in children.3


More than 126 million nonsmoking Americans continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, vehicles, workplaces, and public places. Most exposure to tobacco smoke occurs in homes and workplaces. Almost 60% of U.S. children aged 3–11 years—or almost 22 million children—are exposed to secondhand smoke.3


For more information on Secondhand Smoke, please see the Secondhand Smoke Fact Sheet.


This is from the national cancer institute:

Does exposure to secondhand smoke cause cancer?


Yes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen (a cancer-causing agent) (1, 3, 5, 7).


Inhaling secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in nonsmoking adults (4, 5). Approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year among adult nonsmokers in the United States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke (2). The U.S. Surgeon General estimates that living with a smoker increases a nonsmoker’s chances of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent (4).


Some research also suggests that secondhand smoke may increase the risk of breast cancer, nasal sinus cavity cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer in adults and the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors in children (4). Additional research is needed to learn whether a link exists between secondhand smoke exposure and these cancers.


It seems you are wrong, second hand smoke does indeed cause cancer and other conditions. My dad has mild COPD from my mother smoking. I can find well written research articles too saying the same thing if you would like.


The kid that just blew his nose in his hand and then touched it on the ice cream machine will put you in the hospital faster than a breath of second hand smoke.


The guy that just took a dump in the bathroom and didn't wash his hands but did use the tong on the buffet that you just used will put you at risk way before second hand smoke.


The lady with Hep B that just played the slot that you are currently playing will put you in the hospital long before a breath of second hand smoke.


The liquid matter from humans that is currently embedded in the cabin carpet that you are currently walking of bare footed will do more harm than passing by a smoker.


The sick baby that the parents brought on the cruise as to not be out all that money that is currently in dirty diapers swimming in the same pool as you does more harm than smelling smoke from a balcony.


Any public restroom in the Carib that you use is far more dangerous to your health than is a smoker in the smoking section of a cruise ship casino..



Blah blah blah...silly non smokers. Wake up.

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That is why I don't eat from most buffets, I take clorox wipes with me wherever I go. Wipe down public toilet seats with them, I lysol my cabin, bring hand sanitizer with me and use it religiously. I wash my hands, etc. Oh and I'm also immunized for Hep B. I take precautions from those risks, actually easier to do than avoid cigarette smoke because it permeates everything.

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That is why I don't eat from most buffets, I take clorox wipes with me wherever I go. Wipe down public toilet seats with them, I lysol my cabin, bring hand sanitizer with me and use it religiously. I wash my hands, etc. Oh and I'm also immunized for Hep B. I take precautions from those risks, actually easier to do than avoid cigarette smoke because it permeates everything.


Not negating the danger of smoke. But.... it only takes one sneeze within 6 feet of you - no wipe or spray in the world will remove "it" fast enough before "it" finds its way to your respitory or circulatory systems. What the other poster is stating is minimal exposure to cigarette smoke is far less dangerous than minimal exposure to many of the bacteria and viruses out there.

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The kid that just blew his nose in his hand and then touched it on the ice cream machine will put you in the hospital faster than a breath of second hand smoke.


The guy that just took a dump in the bathroom and didn't wash his hands but did use the tong on the buffet that you just used will put you at risk way before second hand smoke.


The lady with Hep B that just played the slot that you are currently playing will put you in the hospital long before a breath of second hand smoke.


The liquid matter from humans that is currently embedded in the cabin carpet that you are currently walking of bare footed will do more harm than passing by a smoker.


The sick baby that the parents brought on the cruise as to not be out all that money that is currently in dirty diapers swimming in the same pool as you does more harm than smelling smoke from a balcony.


Any public restroom in the Carib that you use is far more dangerous to your health than is a smoker in the smoking section of a cruise ship casino..



Blah blah blah...silly non smokers. Wake up.


Great job.


Just goes to show that an addict can always justify their habit.

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From the CDC: Secondhand Smoke


An estimated 21% of all adults (45 million people) smoke cigarettes in the United States.1 Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a complex mixture of gases and particles that include smoke from the burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe tip (sidestream smoke), and exhaled mainstream smoke. Secondhand smoke contains at least 250 known toxic chemicals, including more than 50 that can cause cancer.2 Secondhand smoke causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults and a number of health conditions, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and respiratory infections, in children.3


More than 126 million nonsmoking Americans continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, vehicles, workplaces, and public places. Most exposure to tobacco smoke occurs in homes and workplaces. Almost 60% of U.S. children aged 3–11 years—or almost 22 million children—are exposed to secondhand smoke.3


For more information on Secondhand Smoke, please see the Secondhand Smoke Fact Sheet.


This is from the national cancer institute:

Does exposure to secondhand smoke cause cancer?


Yes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen (a cancer-causing agent) (1, 3, 5, 7).


Inhaling secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in nonsmoking adults (4, 5). Approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year among adult nonsmokers in the United States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke (2). The U.S. Surgeon General estimates that living with a smoker increases a nonsmoker’s chances of developing lung cancer by 20 to 30 percent (4).


Some research also suggests that secondhand smoke may increase the risk of breast cancer, nasal sinus cavity cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer in adults and the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors in children (4). Additional research is needed to learn whether a link exists between secondhand smoke exposure and these cancers.


It seems you are wrong, second hand smoke does indeed cause cancer and other conditions. My dad has mild COPD from my mother smoking. I can find well written research articles too saying the same thing if you would like.


now, please post the ill effects of a basic bbq grill.

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That is why I don't eat from most buffets, I take clorox wipes with me wherever I go. Wipe down public toilet seats with them, I lysol my cabin, bring hand sanitizer with me and use it religiously. I wash my hands, etc. Oh and I'm also immunized for Hep B. I take precautions from those risks, actually easier to do than avoid cigarette smoke because it permeates everything.


Do you ever leave your own house ? I'm surprised you've not died from paranoia by now.

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Why is it that every time a company – land or sea – restricts smoking – the NON SMOKERS start complaining more?

In MY opinion – cruise lines will not be going smoke free anytime soon. I could be wrong but that is my opinion.

If you don’t like it – stay home.


Or, how about you staying at home instead ?

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Why is it that every time a company – land or sea – restricts smoking – the NON SMOKERS start complaining more?

In MY opinion – cruise lines will not be going smoke free anytime soon. I could be wrong but that is my opinion.

If you don’t like it – stay home.


You are correct.


In my opinion within a couple of years smoking will only be allowed in outside deck areas.


The reason is because there are so few smokers and because it's good business.


The old days of smoke filled rooms is about over.

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Why is it that every time a company – land or sea – restricts smoking – the NON SMOKERS start complaining more?

In MY opinion – cruise lines will not be going smoke free anytime soon. I could be wrong but that is my opinion.

If you don’t like it – stay home.


Don't think an all smoking ship would sell.


Seems to me that you as a smoker is the one doing the complaining.


Am I missing your point?

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I don't think so.


Most non-smoking pro-smoking people on internet boards are paid by the tobacco company to post.


And that's a fact.


Come on, even most smokers don't defend smoking the way you do.


maybe you should read closer. i'm not defending smoking. i'm defending the freedom that allows one to smoke. or not smoke.


when i cruise, my fare goes to sharing a ship with others, nothing more. and i have always found it so easy to choose where i want to be, what to see, and what to smell. and then move if i choose if there's something not to my liking.


when i find i need complete control of my surroundings, i stay home.

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If our second hand smoke, even a whiff, gives you cancer.... how come the ships have passengers? Why would you even consider a cruise? If we give cancer to all of you, the ships would be empty!!!


So if smoking is good for you and causes no real harm your OK with kids taking up smoking?


They could grow up to be cruise ship smokers.

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You miss the point again.


A Carnival cruise ship is a private business, they can restrict you from smoking while on their ship, that's their right.


Got it?


Seems simple to me.


sure they could. but they don't. they even tried it once. it failed. got it?

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sure they could. but they don't. they even tried it once. it failed. got it?


That was a number of years ago, lot less smokers now.


And as the smokers die off who will replace them?


Of course a few disgruntled Cruise Critic people will not change anything so post away.


BTW most Cruise Critic people.are disgruntled about everything and anything, it's what makes the Cruise Critic boards go.


And why they are so entertaining.


Thank you and please keep it up.

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