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Back from Hawaii - Island Princess 4/4-4/19


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Hi all


Glad everyone and they're families are ok, Dottie I hope your cat is doing ok, I've got to take my dog back to the vets again tonight - this will be the 4th time since we returned, they like to keep a close eye on her - I'll be getting invited on the staff night outs I'm there that often!! They're very good at our vets, sometimes I wish I was an animal as they get better treated than the humans do at our doctors!!!!


I'm still trying to post my pics!! Its taking an age for each to download onto Webshots, as the computer in work wont let me download the program I need to install more than 1 pic at a time, and with Tim working away all week, I'm without a computer at home, as he takes it with him!! I think I'll have to get him to buy me one for the house!! hehe!!


The link to my pics on webshots is:


It may take a while for me to download all the pics, so keep having a look to see where I'm up to!! I'll let you know when I'm done! Sorry they're not in any particular order!!! They all seem to be of us eating and drinking!!!


right better do some work and earn some money for my next cruise! hehe!!


jane xxx

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Hi Gang,


Cindi is almost caught up with the laundry and we are slowly getting back in the work routine.


We really enjoyed meeting all of you and I am glad we all had fun with the horse racing. Tallcruiser, you were great at the races, I wish I could have helped you more with the beer but that was the one thing my Doctor told me I needed to try and stay away from. I don't think I had more then 5 or 6 the whole cruise so I think I did good. I don't think I did as good when it came to Scotch but I had the OK on that. Everybody did a fantastic job, from Quacker organizing the money and refunds to Kquilt, Tallcruiser, Jane and DesrtDrmr decorating Camilla to secure a first place award in best of show and $100.00 bucks. Dottie you may be shy but you were a trooper and always there with us, we had fun. We would love to cruise with all of you again. We will start our cruise savings plan with our next pay-check. It may take a while as we went a little over the saved amount on this cruise, thank God there was limited shopping opportunity for Cindi or we would really be in trouble.




We were originally on your cruise with Isujim, Snorkel Bill, etc. We found the Princess cruise and switched because I did not want to make to long flight from Dallas over. We also figured we saved a little money overall and were able to cruise an additional 4 days. We took two Celebrity cruises last year and agree with you that overall Princess is a better fit for us. We loved the days at sea over and back and we had a great group of CC people to enjoy it with. I am sure your group was also fun since we have cruised with a few of them. I do think that Princess offers many more activities during the day then does Celebrity. what did you think?



Ho out.

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Hi All


Well my first week back in work is nearly complete, and I could do with another holiday already! I'm soo tired! I could do with staying in bed all weekend and sleeping, but Tim has ordered "all sorts" from the local builders merchant to start creating some sort of garden path - I always get the horrid job of manning the wheelbarrow!!! I'll try and escape early Saturday morning and go shopping with my mum I think!!


I've finally finished downloading my pics on webshots!! All we seem to be doing is eating and drinking!! I did managed to get a few scenic shots - but not many!! http://community.webshots.com/user/13_jane


Not doing too well trying to get rid of the extra pounds!!! I have been out exercising, but in work there's over 2000 chocolate bars sitting in front of me at the minute, as were giving them away at the weekend to all the children with it being a May Day Bank Holiday!! (more of a gimmic to entice the parents down!!) and I've been doing a bit of "quality control!" with them this week!!! thankfully they'll be gone by next week! I work at a tourist attraction in liverpool - so were always trying to get the visitor numbers up!!! our website is www.albertdock.com if anyone wants to take a peak!!


Right nearly home time!


Have a great weekend everyone


jane x

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Hi everyone,

Berliner- The coke cards were $35. and most of the time it tasted like diet.

Unless you drink alot it may not be worth it. When we were on Kona we went

to Walmart and got drinks there. The have free shuttles to walmart. We

didn't drink much of them but if you get the coke cans you can put them in

your frig. We did have a great time there. Tallcruiser I will try to get down

to Laguna to see you and get your phone number so we can make plans. I

saw at Walmart today things to make for the red hat ladies. It was in the

sewing section. I was wondering and found them. We had to do a Flat

Stanley for my granddaughter this week. I took a lot of pictures. We went

to Quackers and took one with them. It is a school project. I wish we would

have had it before we went on the cruise. We could have had dozens of

pictures for her. I did get a lot for her. Roland wanted to show him being

sucked up in the vacuum. He is made of cardboard with cut out clothes that

they color. I made him a hat and jacket for it does get a little brezzy in the

convertible. We went to Barnes and Noble also. So if any one knows a

second grader they may be doing the same project take Flat Stanley with

you. I met a lady that took one to Italy and took some great pictures there.

Jane I would get out of pushing a wheelbarrel also. Run girl and hide. Talk

to you all later.

Karen :D

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Several have mentioned what to do for the next cruise? Since we have 18 cruises our to do list is shorter. "We" are looking at the Sea Princess from South Hampton to Norway & North Cape. This is June 17,2006. Princess only does this cruise once a year so have never been able to get a good price but we will try. Will have to "talk" to Jane and her people about a good way to get to South Hampton from Heathrow and a reasonable hotel there. Really a nice day here. Quack

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Hi All,

Jane went on your line and saw your pictures. They were great. :p Also looked

at the home you have on the site. Was that yours? Very nice home. Also

looked at the cakes. They were also great. I used to do cakes but have the

pictures put up some where. I also did a Gingerbread houses. First one went

to my MIL. She put a light inside and kept it for a long time. Then it started

to dry out so bad that it just crumbled. I also did one for my childrens teachers

for Christmas. That was the days. I've done Anniversary cake, Bridal cakes,

Mother's day Fans and 21 birthdays. Doll cakes and more. I don't do them

much any more. I would like to take more lessons. I try to quilt now. I finished

the one I took on the cruise. I have another one in the process to be quilted.

I am putting it together. I finished my afagan I had started before I left for

Hawaii. Robin- If you happen to be lurking I am going to come to your work to

contact you and get your e-mail and phone number if thats OK. Let me know.

We have togo in two weeks to Las Vegas for the Funeral of Rolands stepmom.

They are having a celebration of life party and they waited until we got back to have it. Desert dreamer I guess we will be in on Sat. The family celebration will be on Sunday. We will leave on Monday morning. We will be

staying at the Santa Fe Station. You can always give us a call. Well I need

to go now it's late. :o Karen

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Hi Everybody,

I THINK we're finally back to normal.....................which means I need another cruise, but Toby's not as addicted as I am. :( (Probably a good thing, as we'd have to live in the car on the dock!)

Jane, I hope the dog is better, finally.

Ho, hope your health has stayed good...................surely your cruise made it better! Say Hello to Cindi, and tell her I was thinking about her the whole time I was doing laundry. Were your pups glad to see you? Our little guy was sure glad to be home.

Q.Don, your "new" cruise idea sounds interesting, but chilly! :) I will go anywhere, but Toby says he likes the sunshine................... We haven't caught up to you two with our "short list" yet. We're about seven cruises behind you.................hey, where did you go the last seven times??? I'm looking (Toby's not looking at all) at a longer Mex. cruise, to Acapulco, to and from San Diego, looking at a neat European cruise, in and out of Southampton, also, but to Portugal, etc, and I even saw a Caribbean cruise, 14 day, that goes to only two islands that we've been to, and all the rest would be new to us. Someone told Toby how neat the South American cruise was............was that you? Anyway, good luck on your pricing.........and maybe by the time we'll be ready to go again, you'll be back from the Fjiords, and ready to warm up again. Please say Hi to Lee for us.

KQuilt, do you mean you'll be in this area the weekend of the 14-15? We'd love to see you, but I can't call you, I don't even know your last name...........unless, of course, you register at the Santa Fe under KQuilt. I think you have my email on that little card, but if not, just remove the "no spam" from the following, and hopefully, we can get together.


I finally got my pictures done, and except for some spelling errors, and doubles........which I hope you wont hold against me, you can have a little look: http://community.webshots.com/user/desrtdrmr

Now I REALLY appreciate what Jane did..........what a job! My computer kept pooping out on me just AFTER I picked the picture, got it titled and in order, and BEFORE I got it uploaded...............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's been a frustrating week.

Hope you are all well, and enjoying life..........and that you are all, especially the UK crowd, back to "real" time. Jane, please say hello to all of your "cruise group" for us, and we sure hope that Anne has fully recovered.

Sure wish we were just starting out again...............


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Hi Everyone,

Desertdrmr-Yes we will be going May 14 thru 16 we will leave the 16th as Roland

will have to get back to work. I will e-mail you and let you know for sure our time in. We try to get in early because of the traffic. We won't be able to check into the room too early unless they have it cleaned up. Checkin is at

3:00 pm. We just had Quacker and Lee over for a spontaious dinner. I got

up early and made to salads and had chicken breast out for barbacueing so I

gave Don a call and we had a great time eating and watching the viedo of the

trip. Our lava flow of the volocano from the ship came out great for as far

away as we were. We weren't sure if it would come out but it did.

Robin I am coming over tomorrow to see you so be ready.

Jane we that is Don and I would like to get your e-mail address. Don is wanting to ask you about hotels in Southampton. Well I need to go and put the car

away. Talk to you soon.

Karen :) :p

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HI All


Its just started raining here - and for once I'm so glad - Tim has me working in the front garden digging a border!!! And all I have for help is the dog who just sits on everything!! Yes she's better now!!! So we've both come in to get dry!


Laine - yes webshots kept crashing on me too! I nearly threw the computer up the office!! I'm looking forward to looking at your pics!!


Karen and Don - my email address is janenospam@albertdock.com (just remove the nospam!!) Also Karen I would love to see a picture of your gingerbread house - it sounds fantastic!! And yes thats our house - still not finished - its taken us nearly 2 years to build - but nearly there now so I'm sure it'll be worth it in the end!!


Don its a pity we dont live further south, as we've all got plenty of rooms spare in our homes and would have loved to have you stay for a couple of nights!!! That goes out to you all by the way!! If anyone is every in the North of England - please dont hesitate to contact us!!!


Mo and Bob bought the DVD of the cruise on board so I've got it at the minute, and am going to see if I can make a copy of it for myself - If I figure out how to do it, I'd be happy to make copies for those who'd like one, and pop it in the post to you. Just let me have your addresses at my email address above.


Anne and Ted have gone off on another holiday!! Anne has had a bad cold - but she seemed to perk up, so has gone off to a hotel in the South of the country for a week! They go to the same hotel a couple of times a year - they especially like it as you can take your dogs with you!! I look after her cat for her!!!


Right better go and see how wet tim is outside!!! hehe!!!


bye for now - take care


jane xxx

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The casino thing is an individual ship line decision. When we sailed Infinity our casino was open.

Our son was a casino dealer for Princess for 3 yr and they closed during th Hawaii trip.

Staff loved it but no money was made!


I would love to try thw 15 day r/t

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Jane I loved the tour of you home. It looks beautiful. Robin and I both looked at the house. I finally got in touch with her. I had gone a hunting to find this

alured Robin and finally got her. We talked for an hour and have plans to go

to dinner with her and hopefully her mom and Quacker and Lee. :D :D

Desert dreamer we have reservations at the Texas Station as the Santa Fe

was booked up. May 14 we will arrive. The family thing is on the 15 and we will

leave the 16th. We have you number I hope if it is on your card you gave us.

Ho I haven't heard from you lately or are you just lurking out there. We want

to keep in touch with all the CCer's who were on our trip to Hawaii. Please stay in touch. Got to go have running to do.


Karen and Roland :) :)

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Hi- Got a e-mail from Jim and Kathy. They were our table mates who bought in on the horse with us. As you know they had to go home from Honolulu as Jim had to have surgery. He is doing fine with the recovery thing. Kathy is going to try to post on here. She signed up but so far hasn't found us and to post. I see on another thread that they are saying the horse thing is going away. Glad we had it as made a fun time for our CC group. Quack

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Hi guys, I finally (with the help of Quackers) found all of you. I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for Jim (also the phone calls). He is almost back to normal (he's starting to get cranky). It will be a few more weeks before he'll be 100 percent, but compared to how he was on the cruise, we'll take it. We sooo missed the horse race - we were looking forward to it. John & Jean took pictures of the horse - you guys did a heck of a nice job - Camilla was just so far above the others, no wonder she did not want to associate or run with them. Now that I've found you, I'll try to keep up with what's going on. I'm ready to go on another cruise right now!! and Jim owes me big time, so I'll keep in touch to find out what cruises you have going. We sure would like to spend a little more time with all of you. I definitely want to say a special hi to KQuilt and Roland. Jikat (alias Jim & Kathy)

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Hi all,

Just one question. I want to confirm that they do indeed close the casino's while the ship is travelling within the islands? We are booked on this cruise over New years and my husband has forgotten that little part of the cruise and I am hoping I'll actually have him at a few shows!


Yep, no casino for five days. Apparently, it's some sort of a Hawaiian law. No gambling while plying their waters.


The shops, however, do reopen half an hour after sailing each evening with the exception of the night you sail from Honolulu. Sailing, at least on our cruise, wasn't until 11:00 p.m. for that port, so ... of course, reopening the shops at 11:30 p.m. wouldn't be feasible.


Blue skies and enjoy your cruise!



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Karen, I am still here just nothing new to report. I have decided a 15 day cruise early in the year is not a good idea. We loved the cruise but now we have to acknowledge that we have blown our cruise budget for the year. We will probably book another one for the fall of 06 but that is a long, long time away. Maybe I can talk Mrs. Ho into getting another job. Today is our anniversary so I might wait and run that idea by her tomorrow. I will report back.



Ho out

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Ho and Cindi-Congradulations on your Anniversary. I would not mention another

job either. I would be afraid of soing to sleep at night. That is the best time

to get even with someone. Especially if they have to get up early in the

morning. Don has heard from Jane. They have had some rain and they are working on their home. Jane is looking for a short trip. Well this is going to be

short as I need to do the dishes. Hope to hear from all our Hawaiian CCer's

Karen :p :D

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Ho - Karen is right, it would definitely be murder while you slept! hehe!! hope you had a great anniversary.


Tim's not in my good books either, he's booked to go and watch the French and Belgium Grand Prix's in the summer, and has used all his holiday allowance up at work!! I think he's got 2 days left and his holidays run April to March!!!! So I've somehow got him to agree to "financing" a few days away for me and my cousin. I think the guilt may have got to him!! My cousins only 13, and loves coming and staying at our house. I cant decide where to go though - its either Rome, Venice or Milan. Milan is coming out at the best price, plus it has more shops!!!! I think I'm going to book a weekend away to Paris for me and Tim aswell - Its so easy for us, as the local airport is only 10 minutes away and the flights are really cheap. The Milan flight is only £50 return!!! I couldn't get a return train ticket to London for that!!


No more news from over here. We're all still really depressed after such a fab holiday!!! I've had to re-join at the local slimming club!!! lol!! My mum's got my dad decorating the house. They're looking to go on a cruise next April/May when my mum retires from work. Anne and Ted are coming back today after their holiday in Devon - I've been looking after the cat - but I went around yesterday to find the electrics had all blown in the living room and kitchen - I haven't told them yet as I didn't want to ruin their holiday!! Luckily the freezer is in the garage!!


Right better get back to work - its only 10.30am and I'm starving hungry already - always the way when you start a diet!!!


have a great weekend everyone - I'm gardening again!!!


Jane xxx

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Great to hear from everyone. It's tough to be back to reality! Lee is back to working her one day a week and I'm trying to dig into everying I let go before and during the cruise. From what I'm reading the CC group that followed us also had a great group and cruise. It makes a cruise really fun when you can find a nice group of people to hang out with. Since we have found Cruise Critic - 4 out of the 5 cruises we have had a great CC group. On the one cruise only 2 of us out of 22 showed up to the meet and greet - the ones that set the time and place didn't even show - go figure. Had a little shower last night but looking good now with just a bit of a breaze. Quack for now.

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Hi everyone and all MOMs out there,

Happy Mother's Dayto Everyone. Had a great day yesterday as all the kids came

over for a barbacue and we had a wonderful time. They brought big squirt guns

and we had water fights in the back. Also played a little croquet. Jolly good

time. We relaxed and ate until we were so full. Ribs, chicken, shrimp baked

potatoes, corn on the cob and desserts. Sun was out and it was great. :p :p

Jane sounds like a great trip to Milan. Hope there's lots of sun and warm beaches there for you and your cousin. :rolleyes: Tallcruiser and Quacker and

Us are going to Mongolian Barbacue in two weeks. Robin,Don and Lee have

never been to the one we are taking them too. It's a great place to eat. If

anyone ever comes our way we will be glad to show you also. Well I need to

go now have a nice day and Happy Mother's Day. :) :)


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I couldn't FIND our thread......................thought it had disappeared. Instead, KQuilt was keeping it alive and moving it to page ONE! :) Ho, you are going to get yourself in trouble! :) Happy Anniversary, by the way. Hi to Cindy, and hope you are having a nice day.

Jim and Kathy, we're glad to hear that things are on the upswing for you. Have been there and done that with the g.b. surgery............so glad you can only do it ONCE..........don't want to do it again!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!

We've had kind of a busy, but not interesting, week! We DID buy new paint for the bathroom..............exciting!

Jane, your trips sound wonderful. All those places in Europe that seem so normal to you, sound so exotic to us! Please say hello to your "group" for us. You Californians are making Toby very jealous..........he LOVES Mongolian Barbecue!

We are hoping to see KQuilt and Mr KQuilt on the 14th, if they have time! We have my Mom here for Mother's Day, and are going out to dinner. Talked to the kids and grandkids back east this morning. The weather is beautiful, and we sat outside this morning enjoying the bright blue sky and the flowers in bloom...........especially the Ocotillo, which are lovely this year.

How are you doing, Dot? How's the kitty?

I don't think we've heard from the Florida or Maryland contingents.........hope all is well with them.

Anyone else got their pics posted? Would love to see them...........so surprising to see that Jane's experiences were so different from ours on the same islands.................other posters are probably different yet..........and Jane, that picture of Anne at the falls should be on the front of a magazine...........lovely!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone,


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Hi all!


You don't know me....but I work with Eileen (randelee: Eileen and Roger) down here in Florida. I'm the one that turned her on to the Cruise Critic boards. I can attest to the fact that they're both alive and well, and had a FABULOUS time onboard with you all!


I'll give her a hard time tomorrow about not chatting with you guys!


Happy Sailings!

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Hi Everyone, What a surprise to me today to see that the last person on this sight was my boss, Joel. I'm thoroughly ashamed that he wrote to you before I did!!! Even as tired as I am after reading everything, I thought I better write now and not put it off. My only defence is that he's been working me to death :rolleyes: since I returned and that's why I haven't had time to write!!!!!!!


If SraLiz is still listening in, I think we did meet your Uncle Lindsey, if he does Karaoke. My SIL, Jamie, was in the finals of the "Princess Idol" and one of the other finalists was a guy named Lindsey and he sang "On the street where you live". And he was quite good.


Tallcruiser - How's your Mom doing? I'm sorry we never got her to join us for a trivia quiz that counted. If I had known that she would say, "OH, that's easy" for just about every question, I would have gotten a paper for that game. Laine and Toby, you would have been impressed.


Jane - I love this sight. I learn all these new words. Today's word is knackered. I think that's what I am right now and I haven't even jogged.


Desrt Drmr - Thanks for the pen. It's a great reminder of you and our trip. Of course, the other reminder is our fabulous sports drinking cups. What a great idea to have cards made up. I'm on yahoo also but I use eelee1149 instead of randelee.


The 4 of us booked a new cruise with Princess while on board but we've already booked a cruise on Holland America for next February. It's an Irish cruise that we've been on 3 other times. It's a charter and this year it's doing the Eastern Caribbean. We're also doing a week-end cruise to the Bahamas in September with just the gals. Don't tell Joel. I haven't put in my time off sheets for either one yet. And since he expects me to start work at 7:30 AM I better get going now.


Happy Mother's Day to All!:)



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No, seriously folks, Eileen's as much fun to work with as she is to cruise with, I'm sure! It's just that things don't go quite as...smoothly....when she's not here!!


i don't think i'll survive her taking two more cruises.... :sad:


Happy Sailings!

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Hi All


Hi Eileen – great to hear from you. They had a discussion on the radio on the way home from work yesterday about English words that others might not know or understand!! I totally forget about things like that when I’m typing on here – sorry!! Hehe!! In Liverpool they have alot of different sayings for things that even confuses other Brits!


Your future cruises sound fun!! You’ll have to see if there’s any roll calls for them!!!


I see your Boss found our thread Eileen – Hi Joel! We’ve heard all about you!! Hehe!!


Laine – loved you pics!! It’s nice when everyone posts their pics! So hurry up everyone!!


Karen – your bbq sounds good! What is exactly a Mongolian bbq?? Is it when you pick your meat then go and cook it yourself?


I’ve booked my flights for my break in August. I’m flying into Venice and staying there for 4 nights, then getting a train to Milan and staying there for 2 nights and flying back to the UK from Milan. I don’t know a word of Italian apart from "pizza"! lol! I’m just looking for some nice hotel rooms – since its only me and my 13yr old cousin, I want something pretty decent!! No slumming it in the backstreets! Only problem being, Venice is a pretty expensive place!! And the cheap hotels in Milan look very nice – but are located in areas which are frequented by "ladies of the night!!" And I don’t fancy explaining to my aunt why my cousin has been propositioned in the streets!! Hehe!! I’m searching through tripadvisor.com which is an excellent site for hotel reviews if anyone ever needs advice on hotels! All the nitty-gritty details you need to know about!


Mad Anne is still under the weather!! She ended up going to A&E on her hols last week and then had to call out an emergency doctor on Monday. The strange thing was,- the Doctor that came had not long been back from working on the Golden Princess, so had a great knowledge of "holiday bugs"! He said that he can’t rule out legionnaire’s disease, and thinks she probably picked the bug up on one of the islands. He said she’s picked it up as her immune system is so low from taking all her pills!!


Right nearly home time (I’m in work at the min!)


Take care everyone


Jane xxx


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