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Back from Hawaii - Island Princess 4/4-4/19


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Dave and Linda-hi. It was such a surprise to see your name pop up. I was watching for you on a cruise that was leaving out of SF last year and it looked like you didn't go on that cruise. We sailed with you on the Mercury through the Panama Canal.


Peg and Jon Powell

Peg & Jon, We're glad you're still enjoying

cruises. When is your next cruise? We don't have one yet until the

Island on 2-20-06. I'm sure we'll do one this fall too.

Dave & Linda Hansen


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Hi Jane,

Mongolian bbq is Russian-Chinese food. The meat is frozen then shaved thin.

You pick out your meat which consists of beef,chicken,lamb,pork, turkey. Place

the meat in a bowl. Then you go down the table where there is chopped fresh

vegetables such as bean sprouts,celery ,onions, carrots,bell peppers,cabbage,

cilantro(mexican parsley),zucchini etc. place it on top of the meat. Then at

the end of the table there are sauces to make it mild,reg.spicy. Also there is

veg.oil and an oyster sauce that the chinese use in cooking. Then you take

the bowl up to a round stone(made of stainless steel) and they place the mixture you chose on the hot stone and start cooking it. The stone is round

and the move the food all around the stone cooking it as they go. By the time

they get back to where they started its cooked. They then scrap it into a clean bowl and you take it back to your table. They give you steamed rice or some

call it sticky rice which you can mix into it and eat. It is really good. We have

been going to this one for over 20 yrs. It an all you can eat and believe me

you can put a lot of it away. My daughters enjoy it alot. Grandkids also

love it. There are several different types and places not all is all you can eat

but the one we go to is. Well I need to go for now. Will write again.


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Howdy, howdy everyone!

Jane, I hope Anne is feeling better. Is A & E like our emergency room here? If you are hurt or sick, and don't have time to wait for a doctor's appointment, you can go to the emergency room at the hospital, and the docs see you in order of the seriousness of your illness or injury. Sometimes you have to wait a long time, and sometimes you are in right away.

Eileen, good to hear that you got home safely...........hi to Jamie, too.....and to your husband. We enjoyed the few trivia games we played together, and have our sports cups as a nice souvenir. Hello to your boss, Joel, too...................sounds like you'll need an understudy for Eileen as she'll be cruising all year..........wish it were me cruising so often! :)

Ho, hope Cindy didn't injure you too badly for suggesting that she get another job so you can go cruising again soon. It looks like our next one will also be around the Fall of 2006........maybe Thanksgiving. We're looking at a deep Caribbean, or maybe earlier in the fall, to the Med. Unless, of course, I win a big jackpot....... :) I did that once, and we went to Alaska.........pretty cool............(pun intended), but hasn't happened again. I guess I'm about due, eh? Hi to both of you from us.

Q. Don, how are you and Lee doing with your pricing search for the Sea next June? I think I saw a good deal for THIS year on that cruise.........maybe they have good prices closer to cruise time. Seems like prices are good either WAY out or close in.

KQuilt and Roland, we are looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Are you wearing your crown/tiara???? :)

Tallcruiser, miss "seeing" you on the boards. Please let me know when next you come to Las Vegas...........I owe YOU a lunch for my part of the Oriental Trader scheme!! Have you planned another cruise? We were reading about the HAL Baja cruise to the Sea of Cortez, and it sounds wonderful, but it's probably not in our immediate future. Hi to Sondra!

Toby got the bath painted, and the border up, then I did my "magic" (this is a BIG joke!) with the decorating...........or perhaps, staging, would even work here. Now, he's really thrilled as I NEED to buy some new towels in a different color. Maybe we should cruise somewhere that has their main tourist product as towels..............or, just drive to Virginia or N. Carolina. :)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Had a nice visit with KQuilt and Mr. KQuilt on Saturday evening. Guys went on to Sports Book to visit, and KQuilt and I watched fortunes being made and lost....................ours, of course! I came out okay, and don't know what happened with KQuilt as she was still there, being cheered on by Mr. KQuilt, when we had to leave.

Hope you two had a good trip home........................it was fun to get together!


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Hi Desertdrmr,

We had a loosing streak like always. Family function went on very well. Was

back by 10:00 and Roland went to bed. I went to loose more money. The

trip home was smooth no problems. We were so glad you could have the time

with us we both enjoyed it alot. Will have to plan some time when we are

there for ourselves. Now our next time is going to be with Quacker and Mrs.

Quacker and Tallcruiser. Looking forward into that dinner. Need to run and

finishs the laundry from this weekend. Bye for now. Karen :D

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Good Morning :D

Jane just finished your e-mail.I had a good laugh this morning. :p Sun is out an

there is work to be done. Just one more day and dinner at Ceasars is on. Ho

I haven't heard from you dot. Are you guys still out there? randelee are you

having any storm troubles? Well its time to go out and look for another job.

I'll check back later. Have a nice Day. :)


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Hi everyone,

We had dinner with Kquilt and Mr. Kquilt and Quacker and Mrs. Quacker tonight at Cesars Mongolian B B Q. The food was great! I had to eat some of everything, MMmm! But it was so great to see our CC friends again.

They are planninga spectacular cruise for 2006 in June. Oh! I wish I could go! But I have my son graduating next year. Poof there goes the cruise budget.

Although I did hear my Mother pipe up and offer to foot the bill..... Hmmm:rolleyes:

No I had better behave:D

So fun to have met such a great group on CC.

I hope to see all of you again!

Well I am off to bed for a nap before I head off to work.

Thank you again Kquilt and Quacker, I had a great time.


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Great fun getting together with CC cruisers. Wish everyone could have been there. -Jane I gave KQuilt and TallCruiser copies of the Sea Witch Camilla story. That was a fantastic. Quack

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I know this is an "old" question, but I can't find the thread that tells which decks have covered and which decks have uncovered balconies on the Island. I'm sure someone posted that. It seems Princess isn't very knowledgable. Currently booked in a mini suite on Baja, considering a full suite, but want a covered balcony. Thanks!

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Yes the covered pool was an adult only pool. There is a pool in the back of the ship for children and the one in the front is for both adults and children. As

Quacker had mentioned we only had 38 children so we had no problems with

the kids. The cruise before us did and it was during the Spring Vacation time

when children and teens are out of school. It depends also on the parents as

to the behavior of their children. We were lucky to have had well behaved

children. You wouldn't have minded the children in the Adult only pool.

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Hi fellow past Island Cruisers!

Hope everyone is okay in your neck of the woods, Tallcruiser. What an awful thing to be going on in your home town. Prayers go out to all of those that lost their homes.

Just got back from Atlanta and Branson, MO. We are like zombies.........too much driving, and too much flying in just six days, but granddaughter safely graduated, and old fraternity brothers (did I say OLD???? :) well met, and a great time was had by all.

We envy your Mongolian Dinner................I FINALLY saw what that was all about, as we went to the Suncoast and they actually have a Mongolian Barbecue station in their buffet. Next time, KQuilts, we'll have to go there, so you can compare. And, hey, bring the rest of those Californians with you!!! :)

Did you all book that cruise for next year? It sure sounds wonderful.........sigh...................

CruisinChick it does look like the Coral and the Island have the same pool areas. The covered pool, or Lotus Pool on the Island was always warm, as was the weather inside. I don't think the roof was ever opened on our Hawaii cruise. The pottery classes were held in that area too. When the sea got rough, the water was splashing out of the pool...and they closed the pool. I was in it just before they closed it, and it was quite interesting......just like being in the ocean, without the salt!!! :) Luckily, they have ropes all around the inside of the pool, just under the coping. Pool was quite deep throughout..........I seem to remember that it was way over 6' deep.........I surely couldn't stand up..............and that is probably why it is an adult only pool.

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Hi All


I hope everyone is well!


Not alot to report on from here in the UK!!


We've got quite a busy weekend! We're all off to a party tonight - it's Mo & Bob's daughters 25th wedding anniversary! So that should be fun! (all the cruise gang will be there!!) Tomorrow afternoon Tim's nephew has a football presentation - so we've all got our fingers crossed he'll get player of the year - he'll be so upset if he doesnt get some sort of trophy!! He's only 7 but really into his football!! Then on Saturday night our neighbour is 60, so her daughters have organised a "surprise" party for her - at least I can crawl home from that!! Then to round it all off - I'm doing a charity run on Sunday!!! I think I might then collapse on Sunday evening!! Who said weekends were for relaxing????


Anne is nearly better - she still gets a few "twinges" in her stomach, but fingers-crossed all the other symptoms have vanished!


Anne has joined the "fat club" with me, and was thrilled that she lost weight this week!! I put half a pound on after eating far too much chocolate fudge cake at a childrens birthday party!!!! I really enjoyed it though!!


My mum had a school reunion at her house last weekend - she was in her element feeding everyone!! Plus we actually had SUN!! So it made it a nice day for her! Unfortunately the SUN has now gone back to Vegas!! lol!! Just grey skies!!


Right lunchtime here now!! Salad!!! mmmm....


take care everyone and have a great weekend


jane xxx

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Nice to see that some of our fellow travelers are stil lurking out there. Weather hasn't been too bad - just some of our normal "June Gloom" in the mornings. Some big problems in Tall Cruiser's town of Laguna as several houses did some sliding off one of the hills. Looks like some 20 homes damaged or destroyed. Most are worth 2 million or more. (I understand that its not a issue with Robin or her mom) Jane - we would love to see you guys if we make it over the pond next year but you live too far the wrong way from So. Hampton. I don't think we would be able to spend the time for that big of a side trip. Trying to get Tall Cruiser to join us. Quack, Quack

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Hi All


This is a warning to you all!! do not book the Sea Princess on 6th May next year as Anne and Ted have just booked to go on it!! hehe!!!


Yes Anne and Ted have caught the "cruise-bug"!! They have decided to take a cruise around the Med! Plus they wont have to watch how much luggage they take with them as it sails from Southampton, which is huge worry off Anne's mind!! She didnt half panic before Hawaii!! I had about 3 phone calls a day worrying about the weight of the cases!! The funny thing was, coming home "my" cases were the heaviest, and I had to pay excess baggage on them!! But I also got my regular case label from the airline!! "HEAVY BAGGAGE"!! I get one every time I travel!! hehe!! Somehow I dont think I'd ever be able to go Back-Packing!! I'd only just manage to get all my shoes in the back-pack!! hehe!!


And if you do all go on the cruise next year - I'm pretty sure we could drive down to see you all before you go off on your cruise!! I've never been to Southampton - so it would be a break for me too!!


Right better get back to work!!


jane x

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Hi guys,


Glad to see everyone is still posting. I have not been able to check in for a while. So far it has been a busy summer for the Ho's, my daughter graduated a couple weeks ago from MU, my son is staying with us while he interns with a law firm in K.C. and we have been doing allot of yard work and clean up. Cindi decided against working the second job to pay for our cruises, I am not sure why but she did not seem to want to talk about it much. I guess that means we need to wait until next year and will probably do an extended Caribbean no over sea's flight for me. Good luck and I will check back soon.


Ho out.

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Hi Everyone, Glad to see everyone is still checking in. Quacker, with all your marvelous lists, did you ever do one of e-mail addresses?


We're getting ready for hurricane season here in Florida. Although it seems like it just ended! I'm going on a week-end cruise to the Bahamas with 3 friends in September. It'll be short but fun since they're a crazy group. My friend asked what happens if a hurricane is in progress at the time and they said they would divert the ship. OK, then, let's go back to Hawaii.


The new Crown Princess will start cruising June 2006. Since, we were on the final voyage of the "old" CP through the Panama Canal, I thought it would be fun to go on the first voyage of the new CP. It's a 9 day cruise RT from New York. However the first cruise is going to the Western Caribbean and I don't care for the itinerary. I like the Eastern Caribbean itinerary much better. It leaves on June 23 which would give us a few extra days to be tourists in NY since it gets back on July 2 and the 4th is a holiday. I grew up in NY but I've never done the touristy things, such as going to the Statue of Liberty. So it would be fun. But since I don't want to do the first trip, I think it might be better to wait until the fall when all the kids are back in school.


Take care and have a great week-end.



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Hi to Everyone,

I thought you all gave up on this page. We had quacker and our TA over

for a barbecue Saturday. Our TA just got engaged and we told her we had

to give our approval first. She is over 70 and a really nice gal. We have a

great time together. We approved of her soon to be husband. He is a great

person and they make a cute couple. I think he was nervous at first but then

just blended in nicely. Desertdrmr we will have to try your Mongolian Barbecue

but our Ceasars will be hard to beat. Tallcruiser and Sondra had a great time

and so did Quacker and his better half. We had a great night. We had an

earthquake this morning at 8:41. It woke us up. It was centered in the

mountains by Palm Springs close to Temecula. No damage just rocks sliding

and things knocked off shelves. It was a 5.6 quake. With the weather going

hot and then cold I'm surprised there hasn't been one before this. Well I need

to close for now glad everyone is back on line.

Karen :D

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Hi Everybody,

It's nice to catch up with you all again.

Has anyone been following the threads about no more horse racing on Princess? Has anyone gotten any definitive answers? Ho, how will you go cruising?????? :) Hi to Mrs. Ho, and it sounds like you are having a great family summer.

KQuilt, why don't you bring that whole bunch with you to check out the Mongolian BBQ here? Wouldn't that be fun?

For us this summer has seemed to be one of renewing friendships with old friends........we've had a great time. We go to Seattle in a couple of weeks for one of Toby's business conferences, and are looking forward to seeing many old friends there, too.

It looks like our next cruise will be 2006, maybe over Thanksgiving, and probably Caribbean. If anyone else has that kind of schedule, do let us know......maybe we'll have to compete in something other than the horse races, but we can still have a great time doing so. We so enjoyed our Personal Choice dining on the Island that we will probably do that again........

I've been reading all the cruise mail offers we've been getting, and trying to read them to T., which drives him mad, but I figure I will have to wear him down to saying YES to one of them......

Good for Anne and Ted, Jane! Hope they have a great time on their next cruise! Hi to your Mom and Dad, and Mo and her hubbie, too.........brain cramp, I can't remember his name.............. :(. Is Ted ready to cruise again? We're looking forward to hearing about your "girls only" trip in August.

Randelee, we loved the old Crown Princess....you'll have to let us know about the new one.

Quacker, it's always good to "hear your voice" on the boards.........please say hello to Mrs Quacker for us.

Hi to Tallcruiser and Tallcruiser's Mom, if they are still "aboard".

Happy week, everybody!

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Hi to All,

Desertdrmr It would be fun to try your Mongolian with the others. Right now

I'm in the process of looking for another job. I don't want to work weekends

but I may have no choice. That's the only time we could come.

Tallcruiser is having trouble getting on the thread. She don't know why but

she wants everyone know that her and her mom are still out there. I know

she will find a way to get on board. I may have to go to Washington to be

with my mother for a week. My sister has an appointment all week and won't

be able to take care of my mother so I may have to fly up.

Ho you can always get a part-time job to pay for your cruises. Just a few

days a week greeting people at Walmart. hehe. That way Cindi doesn't have

to work that 2nd job. Well I need to go on that last statement and find me

a new job. Bye for now. :)


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