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Parents, Please control your kids!!!!!

cruisin again

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I for the first time in over 2 years here have received an email from the Cruisecritic Community that said QUIT......I assume they or whom ever means this thread but I hope everyone else received one too since I was trying hard to be PC................in 2 years that has never happened but everyone take care.



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I for the first time in over 2 years here have received an email from the Cruisecritic Community that said QUIT......I assume they or whom ever means this thread but I hope everyone else received one too since I was trying hard to be PC................in 2 years that has never happened but everyone take care.




"Quit" what???

You said nothing offensive....I don't get it.

That doesn't sound legitimate..it just said, "Quit"?

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Here I will cut and paste the email I received.... I just took the time to look through 9 pages. I did not take part in the spanking conversation, disorders of children, none of it. But you can see it below. I requested a reason, quit what the thread, posting anything, my job....quit wha??? I have also asked for clarification of what to quit and why me? I have been a member here for over 2 years and have never been warned or reprimanded for anything. If I have been I would think they could pull my post/replies for awhile and see that..........they probably will not respond but oh well boo hoo......thanks halos!


cut & pasted: I have removed my email address: It first said quit and then notified of a new posting:




Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 13:21:23 -0500

Subject: Reply to post 'Parents, Please control your kids!!!!!'


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Hello Disneycruiser#1,


tef43 has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled -

Parents, Please control your kids!!!!! - in the Carnival Cruise Line

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Yet *another* use for bungee cords.




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Cruise Critic Message Boards team



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This looks to be a "thread subscription" notification.


You have the option of being notified every time someone posts to a thread that you have posted to. Since you appear to be baffled by the receipt of this email, it seems that you have somehow inadvertently "subscribed" to the thread.

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To get back more onto the thread topic, and trying to stay away from the debate over what is or is not child abuse, I just got off the Conquest and have this to say:


1. Why would anyone bring a BABY onto a cruise? It can't make for a very fun cruise for the parents to be taking care of their baby 24/7 and it limits them as far as excursions or things they can do. And it's not like the baby is getting anything out of the experience that s/he is going to remember?


2. Please do not bring your baby or small toddler into the shows. It's difficult to concentrate on watching a show when you have a crying baby two rows down. If you do bring your baby into the show, and your baby starts crying, please be courteous and exit the show theater IMMEDIATELY.


3. Teenagers need to be respectful and not run into the show lounge during the passenger talent show screaming and making noise.

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1. Why would anyone bring a BABY onto a cruise? It can't make for a very fun cruise for the parents to be taking care of their baby 24/7 and it limits them as far as excursions or things they can do. And it's not like the baby is getting anything out of the experience that s/he is going to remember?



Back in a minute....I think my jiffy-pop is done.:eek:

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Ok, I get the dumb a-- award for the week (maybe month). I thought "gosh" after I really had tried to stay away from specifics where I believe each parent has to decide about spanking etc. Ha, ha....I am blonde (no really).


To answer blackwing. We took our youngest son when he was 16 months on his first cruise (DCL and to WDW). To be honest he had no clue; he had a great time but was clueless.


We went at that time because my husband was between deployments and it was a great family time (extended family went Aunts, cousins, Grandparents etc.). I had to take into consideration his behavior (at 16 months) and he was and is a good little guy and tolerates things well.


Many parents WANT to or have to take their children with them and my theory is on vacation or at home he is my baby and taking care of him is part of the deal 24/7. Does he remember his first two cruises? No but my oldest son does and they both love to travel. My youngest does remember our vacation a few month back to Mexico, he remembers his birthday last summer on a cruise, he remembers his 3rd and 4th Disney cruises too....... If they were horrible to me or other cruisers I would stay home.


I agree that with ANY misbehavior, shows or dinner get up and leave.....read all of my posts I am very adamant about this. I also believe children should sit while dining and the dining rooms are not buffet lines. Even if I was at a buffet I do not want someone’s child running around or up and down.


Thanks for explaining my email (lol)......


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Gosh-I can't believe I'm posting on this thread. I told myself I wouldn't. I'm obviously in the minority because I never spanked my child and she has turned into a well behaved, respectful young lady. I was never spanked but my husband was abused-yes abused, not just spanked-so we decided to not spank our daughter. Plus I have a bad temper and didn't want to take a chance losing control.


I personally, think spanking is up to the parent. To each his own. I'm sure you all respect my decision and I respect yours. But what I don't understand is why the majority seem to think if you spank a child they will then be little angels. I have a neighbor who spanks their child but he is a hellion! Obviously the spanking doesn't work. Maybe they should try something else! I believe there are a lot of other contributing factors to discipline besides spanking or not spanking. Consistency, following through, respect. I think it is wrong to assume that all the hellions as described here are not spanked. They may not be spanked in front of you but who knows what happens when they get back to the stateroom.


I think on a cruise many times it is up to the parent to remove the child from the situation and then follow through with the discipline. As for older ones roaming the halls and wreaking havoc, how do we know if they were spanked growing up or not. We don't.


Hopefully we can each respect other's views on parenting and realize each child is different and responds to different disciplines. I'm now going to brace myself for the attack!;)

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. But what I don't understand is why the majority seem to think if you spank a child they will then be little angels. I have a neighbor who spanks their child but he is a hellion! Obviously the spanking doesn't work. Maybe they should try something else! I believe there are a lot of other contributing factors to discipline besides spanking or not spanking. Consistency, following through, respect. I think it is wrong to assume that all the hellions as described here are not spanked. They may not be spanked in front of you but who knows what happens when they get back to the stateroom.



Hopefully we can each respect other's views on parenting and realize each child is different and responds to different disciplines. I'm now going to brace myself for the attack!;)


You won't get an attack from me...I agree with everything you said. There is much more to discipline than to spank or not to spank. Consistency and follow through are definitely the key in either case and every child is indeed different and responds differently.

No matter what, some form of discipline is needed when a child misbehaves.

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Hopefully we can each respect other's views on parenting and realize each child is different and responds to different disciplines. I'm now going to brace myself for the attack!;)


Lauram, I think you summed it up perfectly.

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Hmmmmm....The whole spanking is "Abuse" argument of yours Pat is a bit defensive and seemingly obsessive in nature. Obviously a very sore subject for you Pat. Makes the detective in me wonder how a person gets to be so locked in, inflexible and obstinate on the matter. Especially in the face of SO MANY detractors. You never did answer the question as to your superior discipline methods for your children. We are all ears.


Sorry I didn't post reply sooner but I don't have the time post 30 messages a day like Goin'Cruisin or LivtoJump.


If you want obsessive, then check out Ihhk2's reply....that's obsessive.


I have always disciplined my daughter using the reward method. Specifically, rewards are for good behavior. When she behaves, gets good grades, etc... she get the privileges/rewards that go along with it. These privileges inlcude watching TV, using the computer, seeing her friends etc... When she does not adhere to the rules she loses her privileges and gets extra chores (not a red behind).


As has been said many times here, the key is consistency. You have to be consistent.


Do all of you parents that have slapped your kids really feel proud and justified of those actions? Does a kid really deserve to deprived of the right to feel safe just because a parent can't control their temper or have the parenting skills to resolve conlict without resorting to a physical threat.


Sorry but I just don't think that if she talks back she should be slapped in the mouth.


I choose to lead by example.



Running Dad



p.s. I couldn't care less how many people don't agree with me. I stand on my principles.

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The beancounter strikes again. Post your reply Pat, I respect your opinions just like anyone else's... but leave my name out of it... you don't have to attack or belittle me in order to get your point across... The PURPOSE of these boards IS to post! It is a MESSAGE board! Nobody should be meant to feel bad about actually DOING that :rolleyes:

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You're kidding me, right? You have to give the "look" while in the same room as your misbehaving kids, but when you aren't around, they are angels? Come on! How do you "know" what they are doing if you aren't supervising them (and why AREN'T (WEREN'T) you supervising them?)? Just because they said "please and thank you" does not make them well behaved all the time.


I'm sure shiploads of passengers lined up at your door to commend you on the stellar behavior of your kids. I, for one, don't think that is necessary because I expect it, as do most others. No one pats me on the back for having a clean driving record, it is EXPECTED that I am a safe and courteous driver. Likewise, your kids are EXPECTED to be courteous, well-behaved citizens and shouldn't need the constant adoration of the paying public to enforce it.


I have a sneaking suspicion that your kids were NOT all that well behaved. You have a weak case for it and you are probably one of the parents who had such great trust in their kids that the kids got away with atrocious behavior because you weren't supervising them. Saying "please and thank you" does not an angel make.



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Sorry I didn't post reply sooner but I don't have the time post 30 messages a day like Goin'Cruisin or LivtoJump.


If you want obsessive, then check out Ihhk2's reply....that's obsessive.


I have always disciplined my daughter using the reward method. Specifically, rewards are for good behavior. When she behaves, gets good grades, etc... she get the privileges/rewards that go along with it. These privileges inlcude watching TV, using the computer, seeing her friends etc... When she does not adhere to the rules she loses her privileges and gets extra chores (not a red behind).


As has been said many times here, the key is consistency. You have to be consistent.


Do all of you parents that have slapped your kids really feel proud and justified of those actions? Does a kid really deserve to deprived of the right to feel safe just because a parent can't control their temper or have the parenting skills to resolve conlict without resorting to a physical threat.


Sorry but I just don't think that if she talks back she should be slapped in the mouth.


I choose to lead by example.



Running Dad



p.s. I couldn't care less how many people don't agree with me. I stand on my principles.


Pat, we may be in the minority but I totally agree with you . . .

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The beancounter strikes again. Post your reply Pat, I respect your opinions just like anyone else's... but leave my name out of it... you don't have to attack or belittle me in order to get your point across... The PURPOSE of these boards IS to post! It is a MESSAGE board! Nobody should be meant to feel bad about actually DOING that :rolleyes:



Please reread my post. There was no attack or belittling at all. I stated a fact. You chose to take it as an insult.



Running Dad (formerly Pat the Beancounter)

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I've read your post, and been on the receiving end of your "posters club" remarks in the past... it's not appreciated. I would really just appreciate it if you would leave my name out of your posts... thanks!

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I don't feel that demanding that you keep your kids in control is all that much. I have had WAY too many hours of leisure time taken away at the hands of CHILDREN and their idiot parents who allow hellion behavior to be anything BUT firm in my conviction that they have no right in the world to do this.


SOME idiot parents can't seem to get that through their thick skulls, and MANY of them are seen on ships.


You can keep me out of your posts as well, Pat, and save your psycho-analysis for somewhere else.

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Sorry I didn't post reply sooner but I don't have the time post 30 messages a day like Goin'Cruisin or LivtoJump.


If you want obsessive, then check out Ihhk2's reply....that's obsessive.


I have always disciplined my daughter using the reward method. Specifically, rewards are for good behavior. When she behaves, gets good grades, etc... she get the privileges/rewards that go along with it. These privileges inlcude watching TV, using the computer, seeing her friends etc... When she does not adhere to the rules she loses her privileges and gets extra chores (not a red behind).


As has been said many times here, the key is consistency. You have to be consistent.


Do all of you parents that have slapped your kids really feel proud and justified of those actions? Does a kid really deserve to deprived of the right to feel safe just because a parent can't control their temper or have the parenting skills to resolve conlict without resorting to a physical threat.


Sorry but I just don't think that if she talks back she should be slapped in the mouth.


I choose to lead by example.



Running Dad



p.s. I couldn't care less how many people don't agree with me. I stand on my principles.


Well, Pat I appreciate your concern for my well being after being traumatized by being on the receiving end of a well deserved slap and all. Thirty years later I feel so traumatized, lost and violated. ( just kidding ) I guess if you lead by example your daughter will grow up to be just as intolerant as you. Just curious how you handle your child when they sass you. You use the reward method when she does good but how do you handle when she tells you to ge to hell or kicks you in the shin or screams at you when you give an order and she tells you what an idiot she thinks you are and that she hates you. maybe you have an angel. Who knows, who cares. Your plan sounds great and all but I'm curious as hell to know how it really works on a real child who's not necessarily in tune with your agenda. Personally I don't care how you discipline your children. They are YOUR responsibility. I did my time as a parent and mine turn out okay considering I'm no child phychologist or activist child advocate. They weren't traumatized or emotionally scarred as you would like to think. Your aversion to spanking makes me think you must have been beaten or molested as a child. You really should try to be more tolerant of people with opinions not the same as yours.

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Whew! This one nearly wore me out! As a mom of a grown son (by the grace of God :-) ) and an elementary school teacher for 10+ years, here's the way I see it:


1. Children really want and need a set of boundaries...despite what they say.

2. Other people do not necessarily think your child is preciously cute; especially if said child is a)screaming through a show, b)running around/under tables in a restaurant, or c) is running down the halls of a cruise ship at ungodly hours (Do those doors open out??)

3. If you can't control them at 10 then 16 is out of the question. Period.

4. Don't ever say, "My child would NEVER do this or that." because they will have done it before you can get the words out of your mouth. They are kids...they need supervision and boundaries.

5. The most repeated phrases in schools and jails are:

"It wasn't my fault." "He/she/they made me do it." "He/she is a good child; they are just misunderstood."


I spend every single day with young people. I enjoy their company, but they know and for the most part respect the boundaries. I set the boundaries and I am consistent in sticking to them. After all, I AM THE ADULT. Is it hard to be consistent? YEP! Do I get tired of doing the battle? YEP! Is the necessity of being consistent going to change? NOPE!

Is it worth the price? YEP!!! YEP!!! YEP!!!

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Whew! This one nearly wore me out! As a mom of a grown son (by the grace of God :-) ) and an elementary school teacher for 10+ years, here's the way I see it:


1. Children really want and need a set of boundaries...despite what they say.

2. Other people do not necessarily think your child is preciously cute; especially if said child is a)screaming through a show, b)running around/under tables in a restaurant, or c) is running down the halls of a cruise ship at ungodly hours (Do those doors open out??)

3. If you can't control them at 10 then 16 is out of the question. Period.

4. Don't ever say, "My child would NEVER do this or that." because they will have done it before you can get the words out of your mouth. They are kids...they need supervision and boundaries.

5. The most repeated phrases in schools and jails are:

"It wasn't my fault." "He/she/they made me do it." "He/she is a good child; they are just misunderstood."


I spend every single day with young people. I enjoy their company, but they know and for the most part respect the boundaries. I set the boundaries and I am consistent in sticking to them. After all, I AM THE ADULT. Is it hard to be consistent? YEP! Do I get tired of doing the battle? YEP! Is the necessity of being consistent going to change? NOPE!

Is it worth the price? YEP!!! YEP!!! YEP!!!


Are you sure we're not related? I swear, if I hear of one more parent letting their kid do whatever just because they don't want an argument, I'm gonna scream. It makes it even harder on parents like myself who enforce the rules to do so. Even to the point where my kids friends talk about what awful & strict parents we are because their parents let them do this & that. Well, excuse me for being concerned about your well being and adult future. Sorry didn't mean to rant. Just gets under my skin sometimes. But your post was right on target.

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