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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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I've found some "no sugar added" brands (did you know the major brands have added sugar?!):eek: . I've also found some "all natural" brands (just peanuts & salt and don't have whatever keeps the natural oils from separating, so you have to stir.) I've found both at my local supermarket. While they are a bit more expensive, I think it's worth it! Just be sure to have some water or other beverage handy - without the added sugar (to "melt" in your mouth) they are a bit tougher to swallow as easily, but taste great!


Have you tried cashew butter - health food store, kind of pricey, but really good. It's a bit creamier than the healthy peanut butter, oils separates out too, but not as dry. A nice change of pace. I don't like celery plain a whole lot, it's just okay, but I like the crunch, and the peanut or cashew butter makes it all taste good. And I've been doing the spoon thing for a long time ;)

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Well I'm down 20 pounds since January...18 since my physical 6 weeks ago.

As I have said before I've been remodeling my kitchen so I haven't had much time to exercise so my weight loss has been by eating smart...not too much junk food and eating smaller portions.

My kitchen now is 80% done so I've started exercising.... riding my bike a couple times a week.....going to the gym to tighten and tone.


I only have a few pounds to go...then lots of toning and increasing aerobic level.


I hope to meet my college football playing son at 225lbs and 15% body fat.... (although he is around 8%)


I know others out there are having success too. Remember it's not just weight loss we want but energy to do all those things we want to do on our cruise.

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Well I'm down 20 pounds since January...18 since my physical 6 weeks ago.

As I have said before I've been remodeling my kitchen so I haven't had much time to exercise so my weight loss has been by eating smart...not too much junk food and eating smaller portions.

My kitchen now is 80% done so I've started exercising.... riding my bike a couple times a week.....going to the gym to tighten and tone.


I only have a few pounds to go...then lots of toning and increasing aerobic level.


I hope to meet my college football playing son at 225lbs and 15% body fat.... (although he is around 8%)


I know others out there are having success too. Remember it's not just weight loss we want but energy to do all those things we want to do on our cruise.


Way to go Victor! It just goes to show that, while exercise is VERY important, just being very active (moving around a lot) can be a very effective weight management tool. (Congrats on the kitchen remodel, too!)


I just read the current Prevention Magazine (Aug '05?), & they report a study where 2 sets of women were asked to wear pedometers. Half were asked to aim for 10,000 steps a day, & half were asked to walk for 30 minutes a day. The group whose goal was 10K steps lost more weight & averaged over 10K steps per day. I forget how many steps the other group averaged, but it was less than the 1st group, & they lost less weight.


The conclusion the researchers came to was that the "10K step" group added more activity, in general, spread throughout their day, every day, in trying to reach 10K steps, while the "30 min" group treated it as "all or nothing" - if they didn't have time for (or get around to) their 30 min walk, that was it - no "physical activity" that day.


Wearing my pedometer shows me what "shortcuts" I used to take all the time, in the name of doing something "quicker or easier". Now, on purpose, I park my car a little further away, walk down ALL the aisles at the store, walk around the office sometimes instead of just calling or paging, windowshop for a few minutes when I'm in town (in the opposite direction fo where I need to go), or walk around a level at the mall. It takes so little time, and it feels great!

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I have an observation about my gym... noting: some people really have a real problem with walking even though they go to the gym....but...

There are two parking lots at my gym... one small one in front of the gym and one in a parking structure maybe 50 yards from the gym. Many folks stay in their cars waiting for a space to open in the small lot. (what you can't walk 50 yards?) And once in the gym (a two story gym) probably these same people wait for the elevator instead of using the stairs!


So yes, walk...walk....walk.

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I have to confess, my gym is on the 3rd floor, & I used to take the elevator up all the time. :o At the beginning, carrying my overweight body up 2 flights, plus the loaded gym bag w/sneaks, bath towel, water bottle, shampoo, clothes, etc, was tough! When the elevator was out of order for a few days, I was forced to either take the stairs, or not work out out - since then, I always take the stairs!



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Well, I weighed in yesterday - only 1 more lb lost, for a total of 12.5 towards the 40 I was hoping to lose by the end of September. At this rate I won't hit 40 by then, but I'm still very happy :D with my loss so far. (40lbs in 20 weeks was kind of ambitious for me - 2lbs/wk was a bit much to try for!) I'll settle for a solid 20+ gone by then!


I have been exercising diligently, daily, so I believe that even tho the lbs are coming off slowly, I am definitely building muscle. I'm definitely feeling it in my clothes, & I've been bike riding the last 2 weekends & plan to again this weekend.


My next big "goal" is to switch my big meal from supper to lunch. (Supper for us is usually around 8:30, once we get home form work, the gym, etc.) I think that will make a difference in how much I'm losing. I just need to get "used to the idea" first! :p We'd still COOK supper in the evening, but I'd just save my portion for lunch the next day. My boyfriend usually grills everything - chicken or fish & veggies - AND we have a big salad. I could probably just do with the big salad & save the rest for lunch.


One small step........

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wow our thread has been very quiet this past weekend. I have slipped off the wagon once again. We had company for the weekend, lots of revelrie (sp?), food, chips etc. I did get a little exercise at the beach yesterday, body surfing and playing monkey in the middle with our friends kids. Oh well, back to reality again. I must go to the gym today. I didn't weigh in this week but promise to soon. Keep the good fight going, September is lurking on the horizon. Jill:D

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Hi Jill, I feel off the exercise wagon this weekend! I was such a slug! Then Mon & Tues I started eating (pigging out, really) after supper (but I did go to the gym those days!) I'm writing this here so I can just 'fess up, and move on! :o


Tonight I'm planning to leave work ON TIME so I can get to the gym in time to take my first aerobics class in AGES. I've been doing weights for strength training & then the ellipse machines, treadmill, my mountain bike & walking putdoors for aerobic activity. But I need to "kick it up a notch" - by having to keep up with a step class - rather than just working out "at my own pace" -- although riding my bike has been challenging at times - both on the mountain roads of New Hampshire, & then getting lost the other weekend in the neighboring town - my 14 mile ride turned into a 20 mile ride!)


I am determined that next week's weigh in will be a loss!


And I hope the fact that this thread has been quiet means that everyone is outdoors, moving around, having summer fun! :p



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Well it finally caught up with me....all my cheating and lazy ways. I gained 1.5lbs this week. :o :o All I can do is learn from my mistakes and get back on the wagon. I just received my confirmation for my cruise so hopefully that will be enough incentive for now. I challenge us all to drink our water today! Have a great weekend, Jill:)

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Jill, I am sorry for your gain, but if I don't stop pigging out after supper, like I have done every night this week, I will be right there with you! :(


I've gotten back to exercising every day:D , & have my weekend planned for bike riding on the mountain roads of New Hampshire - but the food after 9pm is just killing me! I haven't been this way in months - since September, really. Maybe getting away this weekend will help me break this new BAD habit I developed!


Actually, I goofed with my days this week & got to the gym by 5:30 on Weds, only to find out that the step class is on Thurs! :o Still did a great workout on Weds, & made the step class yesterday! VERY invigorating, although very frustrating - I was a little dissapointed in the instructor. I haven't stepped in ages, & told her so at the beginning of class. I should have also told her that I know I need to do low impact - which means no jumping & leaping - one foot always has to stay on the floor. It's a "knee" thing. Anyway, her routine was loaded with leaps, jumps & turning jumps (the worst!), that I just cannot do safely. I remembered some of the "low impact" modifications from "the old days" & was able to incorporate some of them, but some of her combinations went from move to move & leap to turn so quickly, it was very hard to keep up & figure out what to do & how to do them so I wouldn't hurt myself. I ended up having to stop & march in place several times until she went to a new combination. I was too frustrated & upset to say anything to her at the time, but next time I see her, I need to say something.


I just know it's things like that that turn off people like me who really need to do an aerobic class, but end up quitting after one try, because they just can't seem to keep up, or they end up with joint pain. A good instructor is supposed to show high AND low impact moves & modifications, so beginners can keep up with advanced steppers in the same class. I've been in classes with instructors like that (that's how I learned the low impact modifications I DO know), & it's great, everyone can keep up at their own level, & everyone gets a great workout! I mean, the advanced steppers already know the advanced moves, it's us beginners & low impact people that need help to keep from accidentally hurting ourselves! I'll give her one more chance after I talk to her, but if she can't offer me low impact moves in her class, I just won't be able to do it - I won't have a choice! :( And I was SO excited about finally feeling ready to add a step class to my weekly routine!

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Sharonella, I too returned to step class today. It is actually called "train with a trainer" I had forgotten how hard it is to step in time and turn and breath! We also had one of the instructors that didn't show modifications for low impact. My knees are also rebelling tonight. She had us jogging around the track after stepping. I was so relieved when she said she was moving to upper body but then she only did one quick set of arms! Oh well, it was still great to mix up my exercise routine. Going to Houston tomorrow in search of a new swimsuit, wish me luck, Jill:eek:

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Hey Jill!


I hope you found the suit you wanted!


I think the best aerobic/step instructors are the ones who used to be heavier, or at least have had to struggle a bit with their weight or fitness levels. They know what it's like! I used to go to another gym (4 years ago) & there was a great instructor there. I took her class 2x week! One day she was sick & there was a sub. The sub was 20-something, tall & skinny, & was bouncing all over the place. Of course her routines & combinations were different than what I was used to, so I did expect to have to "try harder" to keep up with them. I was even kind of excited about "shaking up" my routine a bit - do something "new". But this woman didn't show a single modification, everything was "super high" impact - high leaps, turns, kicks, big arms etc. She kept cheerily encouraging us to jump higher & "show more energy". The last straw was when she told us in her annoyingly cheery voice that we just weren't showing enough enthusiasm, & weren't any of us ever cheerleaders when we were in school? :eek: I practically fell off my step with my jaw hanging open. This woman was totally clueless. She had a class where at least half of us were 40+ and / or overweight, AND struggling to keep up, & she had NO idea how insulting that was to us. Needless to say, I never did one of her classes again.


That gym also had a quarterly "rating" system, where you could rate the instructors whose classes you took. I made sure to note my comments, but I still never took her class again. Being fat is so emotional at times, isn't it? I felt like I was back in grade school, being picked last for teams, or being "put in my place" by one of the snobby "in" girls. (I wasn't fat in grade school - just unathletic & somewhat nerdy, and definitely NOT "in"!)


Thanks for letting me vent!:p



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Great to hear that you are all still with it even though summer holds vacations, visitors and lots of socializing!!! I made it back from the inlaws and managed to stick true to my eating plan. My mother in law was a little miffed that I was staying away from her baking even when she put it on the table under my nose:mad: . I think she was jealous that I am able to have the will power.


I got on the scale on Monday and I am still losing for a total of 27 lbs. I don't think that I will make the 40 lbs by Sept. but as long as the weight is still coming off that is good for me. My cruise isn't until Nov 26 so hopefully I will have reached my goal by then.


We are away again next week. I must admit that I am getting worn down with fighting the urges for quick easy fast food ( up until now I have been getting the roasted chickens from the grocery store and putting a hunk on a bed of salad for my fast food fix) It's a good thing that I like chicken. My hubby says that he feels like he is going to start clucking soon. All have a great day and stay cool!!!!



Century Nov 26,05

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Jodi - Congratulations! Keep up the good work!:D


Angela - That must have been so tough at the in-laws! :eek: You are doing way better on the food than me. :D I'm actually OK at meals & during the day. But at night after supper, watch out! It's not even "junk food" sometimes - it's just that I feel the need to keep eating something after supper! This week hasn't ben so bad, so far, but last week was AWFUL. And I weigh in tomorrow. Ack!


(PS - I like the roasted chickens too - fast, easy & good! But my boyfriend likes to grill all the time, so we only get those when the weather is too bad to grill!)



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Had lunch at Culver's yesterday with the family , MMmmm butter burger, but I was good and ate only 1/4 of the fries and I held firm to willpower and no matter how much my hubby wanted to split a frozen custard I refused. Since we ate that lunch at 130pm I wasn't hungry for dinner at all, at 7pm ate a big handfull of grapes. The heat wave broke so I walked my two miles outside through the neighborhood. Lifted weights this morning. My personal goal today is to be able to wear my Banana Republic silk wrap around dress on the cruise, it was so tight in the arms. Still tight but much better now.

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Well I will have to weigh in again tomorrow. I did go to Houston and had a terrible day! Not only did I not find my swimsuit, I had a fight with my daughter and lost $50.00 out of my pocket. Oh well, it was the money I won playing poker with friends. My husband thinks it's Karma as I didn't repay him the $10.00 entry fee he paid for me. On a brighter note I did finally get my swimsuit at Dillards this week. I still would like to lose a little bit more off my inner thighs before I wear it without a skirt. I too don't think I will make 40lbs by september but I won't give up trying.

See ya'll back here tomorrow for weigh in, Jill:)

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Well, yesterday was the "big weigh in" - I gained .5 lbs in 2 weeks. :( I really thought it would be more, but those daily workouts saved me! I even lost .7% body fat in the last 4 weeks - must be from the workouts! I just need to curb those evening cravings....... Well this gain means that I have only lost a total of 12 lbs towards the 40 I hoped to lose - only 28 more to go to the end of Sept!:rolleyes: Frankly, at this point, I will be very happy with just 8 more!


I bought a padded gel seat for my bike yesterday, & some sort of fancy gadget for my bike that's supposed to be a combination speedometer, odometer, digital clock, etc (12 functions!) Sounds like fun! And it was only about $15 at Wal-Mart! Maybe it will be like my pedometer - compelling me to ride a little further each time, just to get those numbers up! :p


Have a great weekend all! I expect to do a lot of walking on Saturday (we're going to an antique tractor show) & bike riding on Sunday (got to try out the new equipment!)



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Well, just got back from weighin, again! Lost another .2, that must be my trend for the week. I have lost .2 everytime I weighed in this week. So that's a total of .6 for the week. I don't think I will make it to 40 pounds by sept., but I have set a new personal goal of 20 pounds by my Oct. 30th cruise. I feel confident that I can at least reach that.:p

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Jodi - I'm not sure I even want to know what a butter burger is........ sounds like it would be a new favorite - even tho I don't eat much red meat any more! :p


Jill - no loss - no gain! Woohoo! And hooray on the new suit -- sorry for your other "loss" tho! :( I had my niece sew me this rectangle wrap from a piece of "jungle" cloth she found in a remnant bin. I wrap it aound my waist - sort of "floats" over the legs just past the knees, & I'm good to go! The material cost under $5, I paid her $10, & it's machine washable (gentle), unlike those $50+ wraps I've seen in the shops!


Have a great weekend all!


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I enjoyed reading all of your posts, and I have been inspired by all of you. I am trying to lose for a September cruise too...

Here is where I am at:

All time high in 2001...275 lbs. at 5'8"

Lost some weight since then off and on.

Started diet again June 1st...weight: 189

Weight as of July 30...173

Lost 16 lbs. since June 1, hoping to lose 13-15 more by 9/17

Ultimate goal weight: 135 (maybe by the end of the year?)

Good luck everyone!!:)

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Thanks Jill!! :)

I first started dieting when I was up to 275, I did Slimfast...2 shakes a day, and then I'd eat a decent dinner. Did that for about 6 or 8 months, got down to 240...then I switched to Atkins. On that I got down to about 190 in roughly a year. Then I went off everything for a year or so. Now I'm back on track, and watching calories, fat, and carbs...and down to 173. And I'm actually exercising some!! Sorry to be so wordy, it has just been such a long hard process. I have to struggle for every ounce I lose...and yet I can EASILY put on 5 pounds in a week...

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