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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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The strangest thing just happened. I wanted to download a song to my iPhone. Of course I needed to put in a debit or credit card number so I tried to enter all the info from my Mastercard debit card but every time I tried I got a message telling that the info I entered does not match my bank records. I thought at first I just entered it wrong but I did it several times and got the same message. Then I thought maybe it was because it was a brand new debit card that I just activated yesterday and maybe there is a bit of a lag time before iTunes will recognize the new card but I used it at the grocery store today and it was worked fine. I even dug through the garbage and pulled out my old card and tried entering it with the old expiration date and security code and that didn't work either. Anyone have any idea what might be the problem. Maybe I do just need to give it a couple more days but that doesn't really make sense. I have credit cards I could use but I would prefer to use my debit card because I try really hard not to use credit cards unless I have to. Downloading apps and music to my iPhone is not a necessity. LOL. I use my debit card for my Kindle too because I figure if I can't afford to pay cash for a book then I shouldn't be buying it. BTW, I also went to Amazon and put in the new debit card information and didn't get any kind of message. It was accepted. The card number is the same, just the exp. date and security code has changed. :confused:


Heidi...I had some trouble with that in the beginning with my iPhone 4 and so I went back to Verizon and they tweeked it...I think it has something to do with pass words...I don't remember if Jim had any problems when he got his 4S tho'...you are going to love your phone more and more as time passes...I know I really like mine...tho' I can't talk into my phone like you and Jim can.

Edited by roudy1
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Wow all the tragedy happening to all my wonderful Breeze buddies. This is why I like group cruises. You really get to know everyone so much that they are like sibs and bros before you even meet them.


My Dream cruise peeps helped me so much when I had my DGS and he was giving me so many problems. If it wasn't for them I don't think I could have made it.

I only wish I was in to cruising back in 1996 when I lost my daughter. That is something you never get over and it has taken me a long time to start living again.


I am here for everyone that may need me good or bad. I may be know as Chatty Cathy or Cat but I am a hell of a listener also.


So on that note.....just came back from PT and I was pulled and prodded into positions I did not know I could go.:eek::eek:


Well just cruising the boards for now, chat later!!!



Cat...I understand how you feel and the deep feeling of loss just pops up sometimes when you least expect it...you are in my thoughts.

Tomorrow is Robin's birthday so Lisa and Robin's daughters and I are going to have lunch to celebrate her BD...then we will put flowers and balloons on her grave...so tomorrow might be a little tough.


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Mark - So sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family. The last couple of years have been like that for us. In less than one year I lost my mom and Dave lost his Dad and step mom. We also lost an aunt, an uncle and a friend. We attended 6 funerals in a 14 month period. It has been 9 months now since the last one. Congrats on your daughter's graduation though and thanks for working on the banner. Take your time though. There's no hurry. It's not like the cruise is next week.


Heidi...I remember when all that was happening...it was a hard time for you...sometimes it seems like you just picked yourself up from one funeral and had to go to another...glad that those days are past.

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Sue...how are you enjoying "24"? Did you know that Keifer Southerland is in a new TV series called Touch? We have been watching it...was kind of hard getting into it in the beginning but so glad we stuck it out...the two hour season finale was last night and it was really good.

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Cat...I understand how you feel and the deep feeling of loss just pops up sometimes when you least expect it...you are in my thoughts.

Tomorrow is Robin's birthday so Lisa and Robin's daughters and I are going to have lunch to celebrate her BD...then we will put flowers and balloons on her grave...so tomorrow might be a little tough.




You, Jim and your family will be in our thoughts tomorrow.

Ed and Dale

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Char, my thoughts and prayers are with you today. Birthdays are still hard for me even after 15 years. If you need to talk you have my number.

I have hard hardly any sleep last night as I think I am getting a sinus infection. My head was screaming at me. Thank God I only have 4 hours today. After work is the Blackberry Festival at the American Legion. Hopefully I can do that and if nothing else maybe my 2 beers there will help.lol

I hope everyone has a great day and will chat later.

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I will be MIA the next two weeks as I head for Heidi-ville aka. Northern Illinois to visit parents. Mom is 96 and Dad is 88 so they are doing as well as can be expected although they still live independantly in a Senior apt.building. Since we are driving it will take two days to go up and two days to come back so that only leaves 5 days to visit them (5 very loooong days if you get my drift.....) I know at age 71 I am very fortunate to still have my parents but as an only child who lives 1500 miles away it can be somewhat stressful worrying about them. No, neither one of us will move closer to the other so I just have to accept the stress that occurs everytime the phone rings....

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Good morning Breeze Buddies... Cupids, Newpids, Droids, and iPhones!

Last day of school for the districts I work in was yesterday! Yet somehow I think I'm working on Monday :eek:

Fine with me, I like paychecks...

The town pool opened yesterday, but I doubt it actually opened. Let's hope that the temperature rises so the pool does open. I've had my eyes on the waterslide for months!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Good morning Cupids,

No news on the contracts talks. May have something next week.

Char, thoughts and prayers are with you today. I know how close you and Jim are with your girls. Hope you have a good day.

Mark, sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Bettie last her mother last year. It was a trying time for all of us because she lingered for a couple weeks. My dad passed away 13 years ago. One day he was his old "Archie Bunker" self and the next he had a massive coronary. Didn't know what hit him. I guess that is the best way.

Renee, happy birthday.

Flick, have a safe trip. I remember taking those long trips by car with the kids. Back before you had to buckle everyone in. We made a bed out of the back seat. left around Midnight and stopped for breakfast in Memphis. Then I slept a few hours and started driving again. Those we the days.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm walking again tonight. Should be boring.



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Morning BB (Breeze Buddies)!


Had fun at the party last night. In our little town, everyone knows everyone...so anytime a kid graduates or gets married, you have to have a BIG party. This one was held at the local Eagles Lodge and they fed us a Tri-Tip dinner and had an open bar. It can be EXPENSIVE to live in such a small community! :p


Sorry about your cold weather, Heidi. It was 80 here yesterday, and has been just beautiful for several days. We are supposed to turn cold again by Monday, though, so enjoying it while we can!


Mark ~ so sorry for your loss. Hope you had a great time at your daughter's graduation last night.


Heidi ~ Brian's Staci has an iphone and loves it. I am a Droid girl though. My phone has the capability to talk into it for text messages, but I never use it. In fact, I forget it even has that! I'll have to try it sometime.


Char ~ thinking of you today, I know it will be a tough day. But how nice that you and your family are making it a celebration of Robin's birthday! BTW, I am enjoying "24"..still on season 1. I have watched a few of the episodes of "Touch". I did watch the season finale and it was good, might have to add that show to my regular watch list next season.


Cat ~ hope your head is better, and you don't get a sinus infection! Those are the worst.


Renee ~ enjoy the birthday trip, Birthday Girl!


Rick ~ safe travels.


Mimi ~ enjoy the weekend!


Dave ~ I sure remember those days when none of us wore seatbelts! I remember laying in the little shelf thingy in the back window of my parent's car lots of times while we were on the road. :eek: I think we probably all did that back in those days!


Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Good Morning!


I'm mad! I'm coming down with a cold a day before my trip to Galena. :mad: At least I'm off work till Wednesday but the trip is going to suck if I don't feel well and have trouble sleeping. I'm in the really early stages and don't feel bad yet. Just a sore throat and a tiny bit of nasal congestion so far.


It's sunny today and is supposed to start warming up. It's crazy. We went from 90's last weekend to 40's on Thurs then 50's yesterday. It's already 66 today though.


Have a great day.

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The town pool opened yesterday, but I doubt it actually opened. Let's hope that the temperature rises so the pool does open. I've had my eyes on the waterslide for months!


Mimi - I love water slides and water parks. That's another thing I'm looking forward to on the Breeze is the water slides. I know the other ships have a slide but I rarely go on them because they are all the same. Once you've done one of them it's big deal after that. I will at least have to do the ones on Breeze a couple of times.

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Mimi - I love water slides and water parks. That's another thing I'm looking forward to on the Breeze is the water slides. I know the other ships have a slide but I rarely go on them because they are all the same. Once you've done one of them it's big deal after that. I will at least have to do the ones on Breeze a couple of times.


Heidi, Have you been to Wisconsin Dells? We have not, and we'd like to go, but I am overwhelmed with the choices!


The Breeze waterslides look like so much fun!

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Heidi, Have you been to Wisconsin Dells? We have not, and we'd like to go, but I am overwhelmed with the choices!


The Breeze waterslides look like so much fun!


We've been there but not since the kids were young. For good water parks try Noah's Ark for an outdoor water park and Kalahari for indoors. Kalahari may have an outdoor area too but I don't know. Never been there but we went to Noah's Ark the last time we were there. Most of the hotels have water parks now too. I understand why you are overwhelmed.

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Thanks everyone for all your thoughts today...it is greatly appreciated. We had a very nice lunch...we sat there for three hours, talked and laughed...never felt rushed by the restaurant...tho' it was way after the lunch crowd by then.

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Only 3 aft-wraps available for our sailing according to Carnival.com (not sure if they hide available cabins for this particular cabin category?)

Anybody gonna pounce?


I pounced when I booked -took 8466. Not sure if those 3 left are actually the only ones left. Erin only was seeing Decks 6 and 8 open when we booked, but I keep looking to see if the Empress deck port side will open up.

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My wife and I were eating dinner tonight in Venice, and we were able to watch as the Carnival Breeze sailed by. The people currently on board are some Carnival VIP people and their families. We are on the maiden voyage tomorrow!!! Enjoy the photo!!




Copies this from another thread - doesn't she look amazing.

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Had a nice time on my little trip.... we went for dinner last night and then just rented movies with a bottle of wine (my idea I was tired and it was relaxing)... today went for breakfast and chilled out at his house till 1ish when we had to go to his nephews graduation party (can we say meet all the family at once lol) then took a walk at the NEW Zoo... and finished at the casino where he put $20 in the penny machine for me and I walked out with $147.50.... made up for me taking Friday night off at the restaurant:rolleyes:

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Thanks everyone for all your thoughts today...it is greatly appreciated. We had a very nice lunch...we sat there for three hours, talked and laughed...never felt rushed by the restaurant...tho' it was way after the lunch crowd by then.


Char - Glad you had a nice day. I'm sure it was difficult but it's always nice to have family together.


You might not hear from me for a few days. I'm leaving in the morning for Galena and will be back Tuesday afternoon. I haven't decided if I'm bringing my lap top. the B&B has free wifi but now that I have an iPhone, I wonder if I really need the computer. It's not like I will be spending much time on it and I can check emails and stuff on my iPhone.

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Had a nice time on my little trip.... we went for dinner last night and then just rented movies with a bottle of wine (my idea I was tired and it was relaxing)... today went for breakfast and chilled out at his house till 1ish when we had to go to his nephews graduation party (can we say meet all the family at once lol) then took a walk at the NEW Zoo... and finished at the casino where he put $20 in the penny machine for me and I walked out with $147.50.... made up for me taking Friday night off at the restaurant:rolleyes:


Renee...glad you had a nice trip...the bottle of wine and movie sounded especially good...and way to go girl winning the money on a penny machine. :)

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I'm just practicing posting with my phone. LOL


.....looking good. :)



Char - Glad you had a nice day. I'm sure it was difficult but it's always nice to have family together.


You might not hear from me for a few days. I'm leaving in the morning for Galena and will be back Tuesday afternoon. I haven't decided if I'm bringing my lap top. the B&B has free wifi but now that I have an iPhone, I wonder if I really need the computer. It's not like I will be spending much time on it and I can check emails and stuff on my iPhone.


Heidi...it is good to have family around...don't know what we would have done without each other this past year.


I hope you feel better tomorrow...and have a really good trip...where is Galena?

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Hello Cupid's! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


I am going to be offline for a few days as my father in law just passed away, feeling like a bad dream right now, my uncle just passed away two weeks ago. Please pray for my DW, her family and I.


We have a graduation tonight also, our youngest daughter Hannah graduates from high school.


Going to be a very busy next few days, it seems like the time is flying by more than ever before with so much to do in a short time.


Have a good weekend,






Mark, I am so sorry about your father-in-law and uncle. Our prayers are with you.

I hope Hannah had a great graduation and you were able to have some happy memories during this time of sorrow.

Tomorrow is Robin's birthday so Lisa and Robin's daughters and I are going to have lunch to celebrate her BD...then we will put flowers and balloons on her grave...so tomorrow might be a little tough.



Char, I am glad you all were able to get together today and celebrate Robin's birthday. I know this is a hard day for you.


Heidi, I hope you get over your cold and have a great trip.


Rick, drive safe. I love car trips.

I also remember as a child riding in the rear window area and on the floor boards. :D


Dave, I hope your strike is over soon. Don't get to hot walking tomorrow.


We went to Frank's grandmothers 100th birthday party today. It was good seeing everyone. The last time we were all together was 1 year ago at her 99th birthday party. that was a sad day for us, Frank's mother had just passed away the night before. We almost didn't go, but being with family helped make a sad day better. Frank's grandmother still lives by herself and is very independent. Her mind is still sharp and she gets around well, just slower.





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