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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning Cupid's and Newpid's.


Rick - good luck with the "intervention". We never really had to worry about making my mom stop doing things. She did that on her own because she had no choice. Her health prevented it. She simply couldn't do things. she's been gone almost 2 years now. My dad on the other hand may need to be forced when the time comes. He's 84 now but is still in great shape so we aren't limiting him yet. As a matter of fact, he just bought a brand new fishing boat and is headed to Canada tomorrow on a fishing trip. We encourage him to do what makes him happy as long as he is physically able and not a danger himself or others. My grandmother (Dad's mom) lived to 98 and she was in pretty good shape until the last couple of years so if my dad is anything like his mom then he could be active for a long time yet. That's what we are praying for.


Donna - Sorry to hear about your mom and MIL. At that stage we just pray that they are comfortable and not in pain. there's not much else we can do.


Renee - How are your parents? We sure had a good time on the Liberty with them.


Not much is going on here. It's nice out and I will be going grocery shopping and then to work tonight.


Have a great day. :)

Edited by HeidiHo
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Mornin' Cupids...


Rick...not an easy thing to do wishing you well today.


Sue...have fun at he graduation tonight...we only had one this year for a friend but next year we have two and maybe a wedding.


We have a birthday party for DGD Jeni tonight and she doesn't know anything about it. So will be busy with helping later today.


Hope you all have a really nice Friday...be back later.

Edited by roudy1
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I am so happy! Of course, it's not **totally** official until they close on it....but the seller accepted their offer and they should close by mid-July. They already have their financing pre-approved. Very exciting! Both of my boys (and their ladies) will be living in the same neighborhood. Right down the street from each other. MOMMY HEAVEN!!! :D

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I am so happy! Of course, it's not **totally** official until they close on it....but the seller accepted their offer and they should close by mid-July. They already have their financing pre-approved. Very exciting! Both of my boys (and their ladies) will be living in the same neighborhood. Right down the street from each other. MOMMY HEAVEN!!! :D


Congrats to them!!! That is wonderful. With pre-approval things should go pretty smoothly. Congrats to you too for having your boys so close. My daughter lives about 30 mins. away.



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I am so happy! Of course, it's not **totally** official until they close on it....but the seller accepted their offer and they should close by mid-July. They already have their financing pre-approved. Very exciting! Both of my boys (and their ladies) will be living in the same neighborhood. Right down the street from each other. MOMMY HEAVEN!!! :D



That's awesome!!!!

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I am so happy! Of course, it's not **totally** official until they close on it....but the seller accepted their offer and they should close by mid-July. They already have their financing pre-approved. Very exciting! Both of my boys (and their ladies) will be living in the same neighborhood. Right down the street from each other. MOMMY HEAVEN!!! :D


YAY...great news congratulations to Brian and Staci.

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Renee - How are your parents? We sure had a good time on the Liberty with them.



Mom and dad are good.... mom is finally ready to give up working at the end of the year.... she will be 68 next month and is down to 3 days a week.... but I think she is ready.... dad is sassy as ever and drives me nuts:rolleyes:

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Hi Breeze Buddies!

I'm a bit behind in posting, sorry about that. Congratulations to the couple who will close on their home soon! We're hoping to be there in a couple of years.

I'm going through similar things with my mom, although she's the one requesting that her children evaluate her driving and give opinion on whether or not she should give up driving. However, her issues are not due to old age, but more of a physical ailment. She's in her 60s. I didn't like her driving 4 years ago, so my opinion is already set in stone. :(

Very sad about I'll Have Another having to scratch for tomorrow's Belmont Stakes. We were really looking forward to watching the race (on tv of course).

Have a great weekend everyone! We plan on spending a lot of time at the pool as the temperature will be flirting with 90 all weekend. :)

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Rick, prayers with you as you try to help mom even though she does not realize it. God Bless you, I hate the thought of having to do that.

Sue, how was the graduation? My ex made it thru his daughter's thank goodness. He had car trouble and made it by 1/2 hour. Whew!

Donna, my son loves his coffee pot also. Kenny and I have one that gives out 1 pot at a time but holds 8 cups. We each have a mug and get 2 cups. Plenty for us.

Hang in their before you know it, you will be sitting on the beach in the rain.lol

Char, how was the party? I am sure that was just great.

Sue, how exciting the Brian and Stacie will be getting their first home. Big ole party coming up in July I can see it now.

Mimi, 80's and humid with a 60% chance of rain, again. Kenny just said yep it is raining.

Well off to work 7-11 and since it is the slow season at our place I have the next 4 days off.:D Hard on the paycheck though.:(

Have a super day and chat later!

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Well yesterday went a little better than I expected. She has agreed to give up her car! Kay and I will clean it out today so they can sell it. I kinda had to play a dirty trick on her yesterday and it worked. I brought in the resident nurse whom she trusts completly to "mediate" if necessary and also to hear her commitment to getting rid of the car. I could see that the minute we leave town tomorrow she would renege on the deal so I wanted an outside witness to remind her of her promise. Of course Mom complained about "all of us ganging up on her" but way down deep somewhere I think she knew this day was coming. I have made arrangements with one of the employees to help her with grocery shopping etc. on her own time (to be paid of course) and recommended that what they spend on the insurance policy be put into a "taxi fund" that Mom can use at her discretion. With all that said I must now be on the sh*t list since no one brought up the question of us moving back to Illinois. (I guess that worked too.)

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Thank you all for the congrats for our kids new home!


Donna, our kids live in Bend, 2 1/2 hours from us. In our neck of the woods, that is CLOSE! We have to drive 1/2 hour just to grocery shop or anything else. We live on a ranch 30 min. from town. For several years, our kids lived far apart...1 in Vegas & 1 in Eugene, OR. Then Greg moved to Bend & Brian was in Eugene...still 2 hours apart. Brian moved to Bend a little over a year ago, so we are THRILLED to have them in the same town again.


Oops! Gotta run. Graduation time for nephew.


Have a great day, all!

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Mornin' Cupids...


Thanks Cathy P...the party was a lot of fun. Always love it when the family can get together. I saw on the news last night that you are in for some heavy rain...we could sure use some of that here...had a pretty dry winter last year.


Rick...glad the talk with your mother went well...or at least maybe better than you thought it would. I did not live in the same city as my mother so I can appreciate how difficult it is to be involved in her care from a distance. Hang in there.


Dave...your mother also lives far from you and I know you have worried about her sometimes too.


Sue...enjoy the graduation...I love the area where you live it is so beautiful there.


Renee...happy to hear that your parents are doing good.


Heidi...are you working at the OG today? If so don't work too hard.


We will have a quiet day today...I hope. LOL Lisa and Phil will be coming by...we are cleaning out "stuff" and he will be taking Jim's telescope that he doesn't use anymore...and some camping things that we haven't used in years...and still like new. The kids love it when we "clean out" our stuff.


We aren't going to any mountains this week-end...earlier in the week Jim suggested we go to Sequoia this week-end but that isn't working out so far...love those little trips but kind of need a rest. We have two family reunions coming up this month so will be busy with that.


Hope everyone has a really nice week-end. :)

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Good Afternoon Breeze Buddies.


Have any of you been reading all the threads about the new loyalty program? I've only read a few of them. I just can't believe how up in arms everyone is. At one point the first 14 threads were all complaints about the loyalty program. I feel like telling those people to get over it. I lost a little bit too (it will now take me 4 more cruises to get to the next level instead of 3 but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. The perks just weren't that great to begin with. Now, if for example, on the old program you got a free cruise after 10 cruises and now I had to do another cruise, THAT would be something to get upset about.


Heidi...are you working at the OG today? If so don't work too hard.



Yes, I'm working and it's going to be a loooooong 7 hour shift. This is day 4 of an 8 day stretch with no day off. There's a nice prize at the end though. I get 3 days off in a row and no plans so it will be truly relaxing. I'm looking forward to that. I had 4 days in a row off last weekend but since I was out of town for 3 of those days it wasn't as relaxing. Sometimes just relaxing at home is just what I need.


I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Had a fun time yesterday with the fam. Our kiddos all made it, plus it was good to see my brother and sis-in-law and their brood...2 neices, 1 nephew, 2 nephew-in-laws and little Haley, the newest member of our family...my brother's granddaughter.


We bought some bred cows and they were at the auction yard in Klamath Falls (where we were for the graduation), waiting to be trucked over here to us. Dave went out there to look at them, and 1 of them had calved! Little calf was only a couple days old. Dave went out yesterday morning again to help the guys load them on the truck. Mom & Baby had a compartment all to themselves. We checked on them when we got home last night, and they are doing fine.


Heidi ~ I have seen the hullabaloo on the Carnival boards that the loyalty program is causing. Goodness. I'm with you....not such a big deal to me. We have 37 points and 5 cruises. It would have taken us 5 more cruises on the old system to get to platinum. It will still take us 5 cruises on this system, as long as we do at least 2 "8-day" (and we are obviously already booked on 1) and then 3 "7-day" or longer. As you said, it's not like the perks are THAT great anyway...kind of nice, but not that big a deal. People find the nuttiest things to complain about!


Char ~ hope you had fun with the fam yesterday, and the clean out!


Rick ~ glad things went better than expected with your mom.


Mimi ~ I agree, it was sad that "I'll Have Another" wasn't able to try for the Triple Crown.

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Well, it has been the week from h___!! I lost a very dear friend, unexpectedly on thursday, and the rest of

the week, just went down hill. Thank God, it was short!! The only thing that kept me going was think about Renee's quote"

"Toes in the water, ass in the sand not a worry in the world a cold beer in my hand life is good today":):):)

with one exception......I would have a Cold Glass of Wine!!!;)

Rick.......Glade to hear your Mom took the news well. My brother had to break the news about the car to my Mom, and she went down "kicking & screaming"! He call be and told me to "handle" MY Mom, please!! It was a little tough getting the message accross to her. But we did!!:rolleyes:

I love reading everyone's messages, hopefully I'll get to know you all better.

Have a Great Day,




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Good Morning!


Four down and four to go. Work days, that is. I'm working 8 days straight but at least I'm half way there now. Tonight will be another long night. We're not real busy because the weather is nice. In the summer we slow down if the weather is good just because people are doing things outside.


Dave made plans for us to go over to his brothers house today to BBQ on their new gas grill. We'll go over early because I have to work at 4:00 and our nephew also has plans later in the day. I would really rather just stay home and relax before work but it's really not a big deal. They only live about 10 minutes from us.


Barbara - I'm so sorry for your loss.


Rick - have a safe trip home.


Sue - now that I think about it, I guess I would reach platinum at the same time as I would have before. I'm just not sure on the rules. With the old program, did you reach platinum ON your 10th cruise or AFTER your 10th cruise? With the new program, the way I understand it you will reach platinum at the very beginning of the cruise that will put you at 75 days. In other words, if you are going on a 7 day cruise and will reach 75 days at sea on say, day 3 of that cruise, you are considered platinum for the entire cruise. So if on the old program you received platinum status AFTER your 10th cruise then I will receive platinum status with the same cruise as long as I don't take short cruises. If you received platinum ON your 10th cruise with the old program, then I now have to take 11 cruises to reach platinum. does that make sense? I just need to know if on the old program you made platinum ON or AFTER your 10th cruise.


Have a great day. :)

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Mornin' Cupids...


Not much going on today but may go out to eat later. Lisa and Phil are headed to Morro Bay for a week...lucky kids.


I also have seen the posts about the new loyalty program...it is just crazyness to me...you would think Carnival is taking food out of their mouths. Maybe it is time for some of them to find something different to do with their vacation time. But I have seen the same thing happen on other cruise lines when they mess with the loyalty program.


Heidi...I forgot about your 8 day work week...but nice that you are half way through then a relaxing three day week-end.


Sue...we did have a good time with our family...yep the "clean out" is going good...Phil is a lot like Jim and loves looking at the stars so his telescope went to the right person. Our SILs love to come over and rummage through the garage for tools. LOL


Cathy P...tell Kenny Happy Birthday from us...and I hope you enjoy the movie...the MIB movies have always been fun.


Barbara...I am so sorry to hear about your friend...not an easy thing to deal with...my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Have a really nice Sunday everyone. :)

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

The movie was great! I could not belleve we have lived here since 2010 and this was our first movie. What a beautiful theater. The seats were so comfortable you could almost go to sleep.

We have just got home and the clouds are rolling in with it being hot as he double ll out I bet we get some monster storms. Just what we need.

Mimi, one slurpee just for you.

Rick, congrata on getting Mom to give up the char. As for the sh*t list, I always stay on somebodies list.

Sue, glad that you now have the kids close to you.

Char, thanks for the HB from Kenny. He has had a good day I think and he is making homemade BBQ for dinner. YUM

Heidi, I am one that is so tired of hearing about the loalty program. Carnival is a cheap cruise and that should be all that matters. It helps more families the ability to cruise. I have 23 points and I am listed as Red, oh well a different color to add to my others.

Sue, so happy your have a healthy calf. How special that is. Congrats.

Barbara, so sorry to read about your loss. Prayers going out to you and her family.


Heidi, hope you are having a good time at the BBQ.


Well time to watch the end of the race. Chat later.

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The only thing that kept me going was think about Renee's quote"


"Toes in the water, ass in the sand not a worry in the world a cold beer in my hand life is good today":):):)


with one exception......I would have a Cold Glass of Wine!!!;)






This is where my mind goes when i'm having a bad day..... like today.... and the cold glass of wine will be coming soon!!!

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Wow, am I beat. At least tonight was the last of my really long shifts. Tomorrow night I close but my shift is shorter because I don't start until 5:30. The last few days I have started earlier and still closed. then Tuesday and Wednesday should be pretty short shifts. Have a good night.

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