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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Renee ~ so sorry for your loss. It's not easy to lose someone, even if they have lived a long time. :(


Sue, so it is time for haying. That really sounds like a 4 letter word to me WORK. I guess you have a machine that rolls the stuff, right? Then you store it for when the animals need it or do you sell it?


Cat ~ we have 2 swathers that cut the hay and put it in windrows ~ hubby & I each drive one. Then it gets raked with another machine...rolls 2 of our windrows together to make 1 big one. Then a big baler gobbles up the hay and puts it into BIG bales...4' x 4' x 8'....they weight 1500 pounds or so. We hire people to rake and bale. Then Dave and I are the hauling crew...2 big trucks & 2 backhoes, 1 for loading and 1 for unloading. We each drive a truck to the field. Dave loads & I drive the truck around to the bales....then I switch trucks and do the same with his truck. Then we both drive the trucks to the haysheds and he unloads them. And, REPEAT! :D We have to keep 1000 tons or so to feed our own cows, but we usually have hay to sell also. It is much nicer on my budget if we can sell some hay! :p


Heidi ~ glad you have a break from work coming soon. Enjoy that beautiful weather!


Char ~ you're probably right, there will be people who will let this loyalty program nonsense ruin their cruise. I just don't get it.


Cat ~ sorry the pool was closed, but hope you can take a dip today!


Rick ~ glad you are on the way home, and sounds like you found a great hotel!


Yesterday started out gorgeous, and luckily I got my walk in while it was really nice. Then the clouds rolled in and it got very windy. Never rained. So far today looks beautiful.


Dave had to go to town yesterday to pick up our baler twine. He came home with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine for me. He's a KEEPER! :D The funny thing is: Renee had mentioned that I should try Muscato wine, which I had never heard of. I didn't tell Dave about that, but Muscato is exactly what he brought! He asked the girls at the flower shop what a good, sweet white wine is and that is what they gave him. I liked it, but it is almost a little TOO sweet for me. Will enjoy it, though! :)


Have a great day, everyone!

Edited by momofzeke
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Good Day my Breeze Buddies!


Renee - so sorry for the loss of your grandmother. You and your family will be kept in our prayers.


Sue - that is so sweet of your hubby. Romantic evening? Never thought about how hay was baled and enjoyed learning all the details. That is a lot of work and seems like it makes for a long day. I too would want to sell some to at least show something for all my hard work.


Heidi - getting closer for you to have time off. Hope you get a couple of days -- you'll need one to recoup and then a few to have some fun.


Char - sorry you didn't get a swim in. The pool we have you can never get in. When they built it, they didn't take into consideration the size of the development when finished. Still building and the pool is already too small. When it is hot, you have to wait until people leave and then they let more in. Needless to say, we don't go up there very much.


Last night we were getting ready for the garage sale in our development which starts this evening. After I had a chance to sit down, I remember that our anniversary is today. Ed and I have been married 20 yrs. today.


Have a great day all, it's a nice one here, in the low 70s.



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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies and happy hump day!:)

Busy day today, I had to go to work for a meeting only to find out there is an extra check that they gave me in 2011 that I never cashed so I get another one. Now I dont think they gave it to me as I alway cash checks. My reg check is direct deposit so maybe I thought they were giving me a receipt. As long as I get the right amount that normally is all I care about. Yea!! Free lunch!

Just got back from Super Walmart, Publix, CVS and getting gas. We have a program at our Winn Dixie that gives us fuel perks so we had 70 cents off per gallon today when we got gas and it was only $2.53 per gallon. I was so excited. I saved a bunch in coupons at the store so it was a really great day. Now my back is killing me as I just held onto the cart. Walking is a bit of an obsticle for me. Around the house I hold on to things and can't stand still to do anything. The scooter store is coming over this afternoon to measure my place for a scooter. That will be so much help.

I did get a dip in the pool as they lied and opened it around 2. We road up there and of course they give you this run around and we did not lie, blah blah and blah. I walked some laps and floated a bit. We were there around 2 hours.

Sue, thanks for letting us know how much work you all do with that hay. I read it to Kenny and he said he did not realize it was so much hard work. Congrats on having the strength to do all that. Maybe you or your hubby could take turns carrying me around the ship.lol

I always wanted to own a farm, however, my story is with all the cowboys that go with it. I think I read to many love stories.lol


Donna, congrats on the Anniversary. Was your hubby in the store with Sue's buying all that good stuff. Our anniversary is Monday 6/18. We will be married 14 years. If you add my 3 marriages together it would be 43.lol


Rick, I hope that Jann and Ken come and chat with me. My hubby goes by either Ken or Kenny.


Valor2005, did I miss you? I don't have your names on my list that I keep track of as at my age I need to do that.HEE HEE


Well that is about it from beautiful Florida. Chat later.

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Dave had to go to town yesterday to pick up our baler twine. He came home with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine for me. He's a KEEPER! :D The funny thing is: Renee had mentioned that I should try Muscato wine, which I had never heard of. I didn't tell Dave about that, but Muscato is exactly what he brought! He asked the girls at the flower shop what a good, sweet white wine is and that is what they gave him. I liked it, but it is almost a little TOO sweet for me. Will enjoy it, though! :)


Have a great day, everyone!


Sue, I am not much of a wine drinker, but I do like Muscato wine. Probably because it is sweet. I have mixed it with sprite or ginger ale to make a wine spritzer that I have liked.

Hope everyone is doing good. We have had a slow day at work and I got off early. So a free afternoon to get caught up with things. :)

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Good Evening!


It feels soooo good to know that I don't have to work till Sunday. Today was a short shift. I feel like I'm on vacation now. LOL.


Tomorrow evening I'm going down to Normal to pick up Staci and bring her home. Then this weekend we will be going through tall the stuff we have that she will need in her new apartment that we are moving her into on Monday. We have a lot of stuff that Eric had in his apartment that she can have. Eric is really just crashing on a friends couch right now so he doesn't need much and he'll be leaving for Vietnam eventually anyway.


Have a good night. :)

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Evening Cupids...


Been a busy couple of days...another one tomorrow then a hugly busy week-end...shoud have kept working. LOL


Heidi...finally you have a few days off...enjoy.


Donna...happy anniversary hope you have a good evening.


Cat...same for you this coming Monday.


Sue...sounds like a lot of work bailing hay.


Sometimes I will mix white zin with red ruby grapefruit juice and it is good...might work well with white wine too.


Hope you are all having a really nice day.

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Morning Breeze Buddies!


Happy Anniversary (belated) to Donna! Happy Anniversary (early) to Cat! AND...ours is Saturday, the 16th. :D June is a popular month for weddings! My Gramma & Grampa's would have been today...I sure miss them.


Heidi ~ yay, some days off!! I didn't realize Staci isn't living with you guys this summer. Does Eric know when he leaves for Vietnam yet?


Kathy ~ that spritzer sounds good, might have to try that one!


Cat ~ I have a list of cruisers too. Just can't remember without my list! I don't have valor2005 on my list either....guess it's time to update!


Char ~ hmmm, grapefruit juice and wine....might be a nice combination!


Haying season is most definitely our BUSIEST time of the year. It's intense. Long days, and once we start cutting, we don't take days off very often. We might take 1/2 day off if we have a party to go to or to run to town for groceries (gotta keep eating!) or something. Luckily it doesn't last too long.


Once we have bales to haul, Dave and I will cut all day and then have a quick bite of dinner (I use my crock pot A LOT during haying) and then back out for another couple hours to haul hay. The one who REALLY puts in long hours is Dave...he is up early to go out and check if there is any work needed on the rake or baler, then we swath and haul, then service the swathers each day, and sometimes there are things we have to do to the cows in between all that. And, a lot of times, he is out in the shop until 10 or 11 at night, working on equipment...he is the mechanic also. Has to keep the 2 swathers, rake, baler, 2 tractors, 2 backhoes and 2 trucks all running. So even though I put in long hours, they are not nearly as long as his.


Happy Flag Day, everyone! :D

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HOME!!!!!!!!! Even the dog is thrilled and he went with us.... I have some news that we found out when we got home yesterday afternoon. Jerry of Ilaga fame had emergency quadriple bypass surgery at noon yesterday. He is doing real well...they even had him up to walk this morning.

Ken of Ken and Jann fame goes by the name of Kenny as well as Ken. Happy anniversary to those celebrating!

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Good Morning! It is sooooo nice knowing that I don't have to work today. Too bad my back is killing me.




Heidi ~ yay, some days off!! I didn't realize Staci isn't living with you guys this summer. Does Eric know when he leaves for Vietnam yet?




Cat ~ I have a list of cruisers too. Just can't remember without my list! I don't have valor2005 on my list either....guess it's time to update!



Sue -Staci got a job with the university right after she came home in May. She was only home a week before she had to go back. she has been here for a couple of weekends though. She had to sub let an apartment for a month because her apartment wasn't ready. It's a brand new complex and was still under construction. Eric still doesn't know when he'll leave for Vietnam. The sprained ankle set him back. He missed a week and a half of work when he really needed the money. He's still wearing a a boot too. He's lucky they will let him work in it.


Those of you who are wondering about valor2005, that is Ray and Kim. They are on the "interested" list but to my knowledge, have not booked yet. So valor2005, come on and introduce yourself. I have kept the lists up to date (to the best of my knowledge) over in the group forum so you can check there to see if your lists are up to date.


HOME!!!!!!!!! Even the dog is thrilled and he went with us.... I have some news that we found out when we got home yesterday afternoon. Jerry of Ilaga fame had emergency quadriple bypass surgery at noon yesterday. He is doing real well...they even had him up to walk this morning.

Ken of Ken and Jann fame goes by the name of Kenny as well as Ken. Happy anniversary to those celebrating!


Rick - thanks for letting us know about Jerry. I pray he continues to do well. At least he has plenty of time to recover before this cruise.


Have a great day. :)

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Afternoon Breeze Buddies...


I am working at the church office today...and it is slow right now. College age kids have gone home...summer school has just started but not as many students.


I have to keep a list also...actually it is Heidi's...no need to duplicate work but I copy and paste it into word and print...need it handy to post. :)


Sue...wow I didn't know it took so much to put a bail of hay together very interesting...and I bet you don't have to work out at a gym. And happy anniversary in advance...coz I will probably forget. :rolleyes:


Heidi...I even feel more rested now that you have a few days off not easy to work so many days in a row. Sure hope your back gets better and you can enjoy your time.


Flick...welcome home...and thanks for the news about Jerry sure hope he gets better soon.


Ilaga...so sorry that Jerry is ill and needed surgery...keeping you both in my prayers for a speedy recovery.


We will be in Modesto Saturday for a confrence and may go up tomorrow then home on Saturday...not sure yet...it is three hours one way.

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Howdy Cupids,

Not much happening around here. I'm still walking the picket line. No talks between the union and the company. The Company refuses to talk to the union. They don't want to negotiate. I think they don't know the definition of the word.

There are allot of new folks and I need to get out a piece of paper to write all of them down.

I'll try to post more often but things are really crazy around here.


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Good Evening!


I had an uneventful trip to Normal to pick Staci up. I was only there about 15 minutes. My back is really sore though and had I known it was going to be that bad I might not have volunteered to go get her. She could have taken Amtrak or hitched a ride with a friend but none of her friends were coming home till Saturday. It just hurt to sit in the same position for so long. I don't even know what I did to it. I just woke up in pain this morning. I have some Vicodin left from my infected tooth so I took a half of one just a little while ago. Tomorrow Staci wants to see the new "Snow White and the Huntsman" movie so we might do that. I'm sure glad I have the time off. I would normally work on Friday night.


Have a good night.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!


A quick Hi to start the morning. I am running late as I have to work 7-12 today. OK so I work 5 minutes away, I love to get there early.lol


Have a super Friday, will check back later and read all the post.

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Went to the ELK lodge last night for the regular meeting and ended up staying until 10:30! Waaay too much alcohol.....LOL. You will probably "hear" me talking a lot about the ELKs as it is truly a passion of mine. I am a Past Exalted Ruler, I now have 3 committees at the Lodge plus a district position over 7 lodges and a State position that just started a few weeks ago. Kay and I are among the four founders of this Lodge so it really is our "baby".

During the school year, on behalf of the ELKs, we pack backpacks every week for homeless/food deprived kids for weekend meals. In the summer, again on behalf of the ELKs we raise funds for companion dogs for veterans suffering from PTSD and other invisible disorders. Life is never dull!!!!Thank God I am retired...no time for work!

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Whoops, forgot something. Tomorrow we host the Sate ELK President at a luncheon at the Lodge. Tonight we attend a cocktail reception for him so it is a busy weekend. This is why our trip up North was sooooo brief.

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Heidi ~ sorry your back is sore, hope it gets better soon. I remember now that Staci got a job with the university...so is she just home for the weekend now? That Snow White movie looks good to me too, let us know how it is.


Dave ~ that sucks that your company isn't making any progress on resolving the strike. Seems like you have been on strike for a long time..how long has it been? Must be frustrating!


Rick ~ sorry to hear about Jerry, hope he gets better soon. Enjoy your ELK activities! Dave belonged to our local ELK's Lodge for about 25 years or so, but dropped his membership this year. We just didn't do anything there any more, and decided to save the money for the dues, which keeps going up and up here.

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Good Morning!


I will spend the day with Staci. :D We've got some shopping to do.



Heidi ~ sorry your back is sore, hope it gets better soon. I remember now that Staci got a job with the university...so is she just home for the weekend now? That Snow White movie looks good to me too, let us know how it is.



Sue - My back is no better today. I'm glad I don't have to work tonight although, the problem is muscular and it gets better when I'm and moving. It just takes me a while to stand up straight after I've been sitting for a while. Remember how I hurt my back the 2nd to the last day of the cruise. This is the same thing. I will walk all hunched over like an old lady for about 10 minutes but after that I am OK.


Staci is just home for the weekend. We are moving her into her new apartment on Monday. I'm so jealous. It's really nice and the complex even has a pool. I want to live there this summer. LOL.


DH and I are officially booked! Just waiting on the email from Erin to come through



Yay, I will add you to the booked list. That makes 21 cabins booked, I think.


Have a good day! :)

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Rhys...WELCOME this is going to be a fantastic cruise...and you will really like our group.


Heidi...to me it looks like 22 cabins so far...way to go! :)


Dave...how awful...this strike needs to end and the "suits" should be ashamed of themselves and start negotiating.


I have to stay off my feet today due to swelling...so will be hanging around the house. Seems I have had way too much salt due to eating out too much lately...:o



Have a great day everyone...

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