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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Heidi ~ will Eric and the young man he knows be in the same area of Vietnam? What a small world!



sue - Barb didn't say where in Vietnam he would be. I sent her a message but I haven't heard back. I know that he taught English in Korea for a while and was planning to attend law school in Hong Kong.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Sunday to you all. This is like my Saturday because I am off tomorrow. YEA!!!!

I am finally feeling among the living. I came home yesterday ate, walked around the track and crashed on the couch in my jammies. Today I feel so much better.I got up at 9, read the paper and very excited they had 4 packs of coupons. I am the coupon queen. Lots of ads in the paper as next weekend is tax free school weekend so alot of places are having big coupons and sales. A big sales at Bells and Belks today so I may have to go. I have 2 birthdays in August. My granddaughter April will be 17 and my grandson Kevin will be 21. Gosh I feel old.lol

Sue, I am glad that you get to see the new house. Can't wait to hear about it.

Welcome, David and Adrienne, can't wait to meet you.

Heidi, how cool that Eric may have an old friend in Vietnam.

Mark, that is such a wonderful picture. I am glad you got it posted, I still did not understand the directions.lol

Well I hope you all have a super day! Another hot day in Central Florida.

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Good morning Cupids,

Hope everyone is staying cool. It's is very warm here. in the 100s all week.

Marathon Dave, glad you were able to join us. Can't wait to get another group picture of the 5 Daves.

I gave up my low deposit room so that should have made one open. Can't wait to visit these new ports.

Not much happening here. Just trying to stay cool.


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Good Afternoon.


We just had a real long Skype call with Eric. He finally got internet in his apartment so the connection is better and we can also have video with the Skype call. Before he was just using wifi off another nearby apartment and the connection wasn't good enough for video plus the calls kept dropping. It was good to actually see him. He's doing fine over there.


We went out to breakfast this morning to a place called Wildberry. We went there once about a year and a half ago and I had caramel apple pecan french toast that was out of this world so I ordered the same thing this time. I took one bite and it wasn't good at all. I think it was because there was hardly any caramel on it. I don't recall having to ask for more caramel the last time so they must have either put plenty on to start or automatically gave me a little container to pour it on. Anyway, I asked for more caramel sauce and he brought me this little tiny container with about a tablespoon of caramel in it. :confused: It was barely enough for one of the 2 pieces of french toast. I only ate one piece though and took the other one home so I asked for a container of caramel sauce to go and told the server to please put more in the container than what he had brought me. I don't know if they are getting stingy because of cutbacks or what. I sometimes think they are doing that at the OG. Our salads used to have a lot of romaine in them but now they are mostly iceberg with a bit of romaine. They are also wring servers up if they bring too many breadsticks too a table. It's OK to bring more when guests ask for more but there is a set amount that they are to bring to the table initially. then the other day a table of people was leaving and said they never got mints. When I went to get them one of the managers saw me grab a bunch and told me to "Take it easy on the mints." Well, there were 5 people at that table and I had 5 mints. :rolleyes: Also, I swear the tiramasu's are smaller than they used to be. None of the prices have gone down though, that's for sure.


I have to work at 4:00. Have a good day.

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Don't forget that you only have a few more days to book if you want to get the $25.00 deposit and be guaranteed the $100.00 per cabin credit. Tuesday is the last day.


I know that David said he got the last balcony in inventory for the $25.00 deposit but I would think you could book another category with the $25.00 deposit and then switch to a balcony when you are ready to put down the full deposit. I'm just not sure how that would work. Switching categories like that might cause you to lose the cabin credit. I just don't know. You would have to ask Erin when you call to book.


Heidi...yes you can book any category for the $25 deposit and then bring in another category (if there are any left) when you book your full deposit...I am surprised that CruCon didn't bring more cabins into the group when it started getting so large.

I also made an 8C available when I made my full deposit but that was probably gone a long time ago...this group is growing so fast.

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Afternoon Cupids...

Marathon Dave...so happy that you have booked now we will get to meet.

KCfan...where are you? We are so happy that you and Rick will be on this cruise...we loved meeting you on the Mariner.

Cat...OMG hate it when the meds go wrong...sure glad you are feeling better.

Rick...nice photo...what in the world were you doing with a baby tiger? Did you keep it or was it at a petting zoo? Jim and I will be celebrating our 50th next March...I was 6 when we got married. ;)

Sue...I have never tried to post photos that way...but they still come out very small...have you tried using a photo sharing site...I use Webshots.

Mark...nice photo where did you take that?

Dave...we have been in the mid 90s all week...but will go back up to 100 starting tomorrow and stay that way all week. :eek: Have I ever said I am not a fan of summer?

Not much happening here today either...but am a little more mobile with my back but not much so staying quiet again. Will probably see the doctor next week just been going on way too long.

Hope you all have a nice Sunday...

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Rick - vey nice picture of you guys with the tiger.


Welcome to Dave and Adrienne, looking forward to meeting you.


I'm so glad to start a new week. Last week couldn't have gotten any worse. It started with me in the ER last Sat. with an allergic reaction. I say it is to hair dye (eek, if it is), but they seem to think otherwise, but what they don't know. I went in looking like a fire engine, but had a lot of other things going on too, which lead them to doing an EKG which showed possible long GT. So, now I've got all kind off other tests scheduled to make sure I'm okay. Didn't tell me I can't work out though, so that makes me feel a little better.


My mom passed away a couple of hours after my morning fiasco and we buried her this past Thurs. She is in such a better place. My sister and I are 10 yrs a part and have never really been that close, but we have bridged that age gap and have been spending a lot of time together. My mom would have loved seeing us getting along so well.


We had a lot of rain Fri. and yesterday, but today it is only about 79 and sunny. Couldn't be a better day.


Sold my motorcycle today. DH and I had agreed if we bought the motorhome I would sell my bike since we still owe on mine. I was okay with that, but it will seem a little strange not having it. It's a good move since I'm not that into riding as much as I used to be. Can still hop on the back of his, that is until that one sells.


As usual, I'm behind in what is going on with everyone, so now I need to go back and catch up. Hope everyone is doing well and having a great Sunday afternoon.


Have a good week all, Donna

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Char, I really do understand that it is impossible to think you have been married almost 50 years. When we got married the Priest accepted "goo goo" for "I do". That picture was taken at a booth where they were collecting for rescue animals right on the dock at Cabo. Long story made short, in our travels around the world we have taken many pictures with us and animals (camels in Egypt, dolphions in Nassau, elephants in Thailand etc.) and long ago my mother said "no more pictures of you with dangerous animals" so we kinda had to have this pic taken and sent to her.

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Thanks Cupid's for the welcome and we look foward to meeting all of you!!


Cruisin Dave~I look foward to a new picture of the 5 Daves!! We will have to arrange to get the ship's photographer to take our picture as well as a group picture.


I am happy that we are going this cruise especially there are ports that we never been to. If anyone has been to these ports..maybe some suggestions on some excursions..


I also would like to know about the dining on this ship..

Erin had ask me which dining did we want..Early seating, Late seating or Open seating. We decided to go with Open seating because the experience we had with NCL with the freestyle worked great for us and we were not under any pressure to eat. I don't like to eat when I am not hungry. So I was wondering does anyone know if the open seating on this cruise simular to NCL freestyle? Also I wonder how many different resturaunts are on this ship?

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Good morning, Breeze buddies. Last day off for the next 37 hours. I am not sure what I am going to do today. Maybe some shopping at Belks and Bealls.

My doctor is suppose to call in some new Diabetes meds. Hopefully they will not affect my body like that last stuff did.:eek:

David, I love the open seating. We have done the early and sometimes you could be sitting at a table for 6 and end up being the only ones there because people decide not to eat in the dining room. We normally get a table for 2 and enjoy. We have never been on NCL so cannot compare that. As for excursions the sky is the limit in Cozemel. We are the eat, shop and drink kind of folks. I am sure many of these fine peeps can tell you alot more.

Have a super day!

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Had a nice trip to Bend. I'm so glad we went. It was quick, but we had a nice time. I was in a funk last week, and wasn't really feeling much like going...but I'm glad we did. It improved my outlook a lot...always love seeing the kids, and that recharged my disposition. As the bills for the baler have been coming in, I was getting a bit overwhelmed, even though I knew it was going to be super expensive. With no hay sales this year, it just makes it hard to have to pay these high repair bills. But then I think of the ranchers that lost cattle & all their pasture and hay to the fires this summer, and people who lost their homes, and I realize that we don't have it so bad. And at least we don't have to BUY hay! Everyone's hay crops are small this year, and hay is super expensive.


Brian & Staci's house is really nice. It has a big back yard with a nice deck and a hot tub. Behind the house is undeveloped and will most likely stay undeveloped because it is pretty uneven terrain and there is a large canal running through it. Great, because they will not have neighbors behind them.


Their house is literally less than 4 blocks from Greg & Mal's. From Greg's, you go down his street for about a block and a half, turn right, go up 2 blocks and you're at Brian's. LOVE THAT!! :D


Brian had to go back to the Seattle area last night, he has training for 2 weeks again. He will have to drive home this coming Friday in order to move to the new house. Staci's mom & dad are visiting so they will move boxes beginning this evening. But Brian will come home to get the large stuff moved. Then he'll have to drive back to Dupont for another week of training.


Rick ~ at first I thought that was a very big cat...and I guess it IS! A VERY big cat!! Cute pic, and congrats on 50 years of marriage!


Heidi ~ speaking about restaurants cutting back, we ate dinner in Bend with the kids at one of our favorite restaurants that has been there for close to 80 years. We noticed that they have cut back on their menu too. Our meal was good, but maybe not as wonderful as it used to be. Poor Greg ordered a steak medium rare and it came out almost well done. No pink at all. He did send it back, which we rarely do....but if I'm going to pay $40 for a steak, I want it to be prepared correctly. The next one came out more like medium...still too done for his liking, but he ate most of it anyway. It was still a good meal, and we ate out on the patio by the river, which is beautiful.


Cat ~ maybe we can get another Cathy and we can have The Five Daves and The Five Cathys!


Marathon Dave ~ we have not done open seating, but the way I understand it...you can go to the dining room any time between 6 and 9 pm. If there is not a table open in the open dining section, they will give you a buzzer to call you when it's ready. Not sure how many restaurants on the Breeze. Besides the buffet and formal dining rooms, there is a specialty restaurant that charges something like $30 or $35 per person. I believe there may be another restaurant or two also...I know Guy Fieri has burgers and I think that's a separate restaurant instead of just at the poolside grill.

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John Heald posted on his blog that the Breeze is the first to try out Carnival's new policy of "no chair hogs". If the staff see chairs with towels or shoes or whatever on them, but no people, they put a sticker with the time on the chair. They check again in 40 minutes and if the people are still not there, they remove the belongings and put a note saying they can collect their belongings and where. I think it's a great idea. They are testing it out on the Breeze, but expect to do it fleetwide soon.


I'm not one who needs to get a chair by the pool, and I really don't lay out that much...but I do think this is a great thing. Sometimes people go out and reserve a lounger early and never show up to actually use it. This seems very fair to me...40 minutes is plenty of time to go get food or use the restroom, but chairs won't be sitting empty with only a towel or a shoe for half the day like they do now.

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I am emailing today and am booking 2 additional groups.. My DM and DA (Dear Aunt) and DH friends. Once I get the confirmation I will update you with the names etc.. They are very excited to join in. My DM and my birthdays will be during this cruise... (to bad it is sooo far away)..

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Well been on the new job 3 days and they are losing their office person.... so guess what.... yup I get to move out of the store and into the office.... I'm so excited!!! Any of you who know my schedule knows that every other weekend and every Monday off is a huge deal in my life:D.... I'm a happy camper!!! Won't be official till friday ... still a chance she it won't open up but they are pretty sure it is.....

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Just another work day and catching up from being off for 2 1/2 days.


Sue, so glad you got to spend some time with the kid and also got to see Brian and Stacie's house. Sounds really nice.The new house my dad is getting backs up to a preserve.

Caugh, caugh.....if you are spending $40 on a steak come on over to our house, Kenny can cook the best steak and it will only be $35.lol

Glad to see that they are going to try and do something with the chair hogs, I hope it works for them.

Robin, so glad that you are going to be spending some time with your mom and Aunt, how sweet is that.

Renee, congrats on the job and less hours.

We made a menu out for the whole month of August instead of 2 weeks and did all the shopping for it. It was fun doing that so now we will only have to buy milk and bread. That included a whole filet cut into 6 meals. YUMMY! That is the first time that I have done that, plus I had an extra calender and instead of writing it down on a piece of paper put it on that and then onto the frige.

Have a super day!


Edited by Cathy p
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Cat ~ believe me, it pains me to spend $40 on a steak, especially when I know that WE only got $1.40 for a pound of that same beef when we sold the calves. But we only indulge in a high end restaurant like that once in a while.


I can handle spending $30 or $40 on a nice steak now and again, but the thing that really irritates me is when they want to charge you extra for a salad or bread or a potato. I know that is a common trend in very high end restaurants, but it makes me mad. This restaurant gives you everything for that one price, and their scones are like heaven on a plate, with honey butter....Dave is in love with those scones! :rolleyes:


Renee ~ wow, that is GREAT news!! Really hope the office person does end up leaving so you can get the job.


Robin ~ great that your family is joining us on the cruise! What a nice way to celebrate a birthday.

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Good morning Cupids,


Donna, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have gone through the same thing this summer. I lost my mother this month. Glad to hear that you and your sister are doing well.


Not much happening here. Another hot day here.




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Donna sorry for your loss. You think 10 years is a great seperation...on our March cruise we called it the 50/50 cruise. We were celebrating 50 years of marriage while my Sister in law was celebrating her 50th birthday. Yes, she is Kay's sister. I'm not allowed to reveal Kay's age....on penalty of Death by starvation!!

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donna sorry for your loss. You think 10 years is a great seperation...on our march cruise we called it the 50/50 cruise. We were celebrating 50 years of marriage while my sister in law was celebrating her 50th birthday. Yes, she is kay's sister. I'm not allowed to reveal kay's age....on penalty of death by starvation!!


lol :d

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Sounds like the job will be mine:D..... I am very excited!!!


Tried calling Erin earlier to book.... got her voice mail... I hope she gets back to me before I have to leave for work:o


Fingers crossed for you. I hope you get the job AND that Erin calls you before you leave for work..

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