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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Tap a talk is an app that can be used on just about any smart phone or tablet. From this one app, you can access all of the forums you visit from one place. I like the app because it saves the threads you have participated. So for example, I don't have to waste time searching to sometimes page five looking for the cupids thread.


I think it costs 2.99 which to me is well worth the price.


The new iPhone comes out on September 21st and I an eligible for a new phone from Sprint on October 1st. Luckily apps can be shared on 5 devices, so I wont have to pay for these apps again.


Dave, was it easy to read the iPad2 in the bright sun on the Freedom?


Going outlet mall shopping today for some much needed work clothes.


Have a great weekend everyone!

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Rick ~ that's cute. I had seen that somewhere before, don't remember where though. Very clever!


Mimi ~ thanks for that explanation on tapatalk. Now I get it.


The area of the fire did get some rain last night....but they also got lightning. A second fire started in that area...but they put a crew on it quickly and had a line around it last night, and it sounds like it won't get too far. The rest of it is still burning and growing. Heavy smoke again yesterday evening after the wind started blowing from the storm.


I've been trapped in the house all week, but tried to go for my walk yesterday morning. The smoke didn't look too bad....made it for about 1/2 hour and then started coughing and sore throat and headache so I came home.


Today is grey, but I can't tell if it's smoke or cloudy...rain was in the forecast. Now that I look closer, I can see a layer of smoke down low and clouds high above. Dang.


Got my beans done yesterday. Today will be mac salad and cake day. Gonna try that dump cake Renee likes.


Enjoy the weekend!

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Good morning Cupids,

Mimi, I didn't take my iPad out in the sun while on the Freedom. I actually didn't have time to read a thing. I did use it to keep up on my emails so they would not stack up and to post on the Cupids thread to keep the lost Cupids informed.

Rick, I'm sure you have been in Cahoots with someone but we will make sure you are by the end of the cruise.:eek::D

Cat, enjoy your days off.

Sue, enjoy "Branding" Day.

I just finished mowing the yard. We had a little rain last night. Dallas received more that we did but there is more in the forecast for today. Bettie is off to a Scrap Booking Crop. She will be gone most of the day.

Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.


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Oh boy, I'm going to in Cahoots on the cruise. I wonder what kind of trouble I'll get into??


So far, rain all day today...we were only supposed to get some off the Gulf early this morning but it looks to be very steady. Course that doesn't mean much...they cut our grass in the rain this morning. It must be cut twice a week or it gets out of control very fast so rain or blazing sun doesn't matter.

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Hey, Breeze buddies!

Back from the Legion and ready for a nap. One of our buddies bought us our second beer so that was nice.

Well having filets tonight with baked potatoes and then have a bunch of shows to catch up on while we watched the Olympics.

Chat later.

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Good Afternoon!


I had a rude awakening this morning. Our phone range at 4:30 AM and it was a recorded message from Illinois State University saying to look out for a person with a weapon. i subscribe to the notification service just in case something horrible happens like the Virginia Tech shooting. anyway, I found out from Staci today that there was a shooting at a party that had gotten out of hand. A female student was shot but was in stable condition. I don't think they have caught the shooter yet. they probably will though. I'm sure plenty of people know who it was. He's probably on the run though.


I have been sitting in a bowling alley all afternoon watching my cousin (actually my cousin's widow) bowl. She's from Minnesota and comes to town every year in august for bowling tournament that is at a bowling alley right down the street from my house. I will be going out to dinner with her and her team mates tonight. I just came home for a bit because they were going to bowl 4 more games and I wanted to come home a change clothes.


Have a good weekend.

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Good evening Cupids,

Heidi, glad that Stacie is okay and I completely understand about your concern. I know one of the parents that lost a son in the shooting at Virginia Tech. I went to HS with his sister and he graduated with my sister. I had dinner with him and his wife the weekend after my mother passed.

Rick, I think we can be in cahoots but not be in any trouble, maybe just a little.:rolleyes::eek:

We had rain almost all day. It started early afternoon and It's stll raining now. We needed it badly but couldn't it have rained a little last month. Why do we have to have 4 inches in one day.:rolleyes:

Taking the DD and family out for dinner tomorrow at the OG. Too bad Heidi will not be our host.


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Dang after 2 weekends off doubles this weekend suck:o..... just got home and my little toes are screaming at me.... both jobs are on my feet the last 2 days from 7am till 11pm... the only break is the half hour between and my lunch.... just a single day tomorrow 9 till 430ish then Monday off.... I need to find cahoots for that day cuz I'm doing something:rolleyes:

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Rick, I think we can be in cahoots but not be in any trouble, maybe just a little.


Dave; I don't drink alone!! Fair warning........


To the rest of you....Good Day. Hope your Sunday is turning out the way you want it to. I hope and plan to cook out tonight if it isn't raining (It isn't supposed to, but guess what's happening right now.....)

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Good afternoon Cupds,

No problem cooking out today. Not a cloud in the sky after a ful day of rain.

We had lunch with the DD and family minus one disrepectful grandson. You would think that by the age of 9 he would learn not to argue in public with his parents.

Renee, hope you have a nice relaxing day tomorrow. I'm sure you can find someone to be in cahoots with.


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Hi everyone...


We got on a last minute cruise to Alaska on Holland America last week...the price was way too good to pass up so off we went...had a great time very relaxing.


School starts next week so we will be super busy again until end of the year...then a break until mid January...so we were especially happy for this very unexpected cruise.


Dave...glad you got some rain yesterday...we have been hot here in Fresno but will get below the century mark next Tuesday and is expected to stay there for a while...and thankfully this time Alaska was very cool. :D


I haven't even been back to read the posts...will have a lot to catch up on. I hope everyone is doing good and staying cool. Will be back later.

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Got to prepare my "famous" Chicken basted with butter and onions on the grill tonight!!! Clouds did appear but disapated before I started to cook. Meanwhile we had two bottles of wine and did some more planning for our backpack program (what a surprise!)......

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Good morning All !


Dropping in to say a quick hello. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted.

Just haven't had much time to keep up over here.

Class is Mon thru Fri , and I am working 40 hrs over the weekends.


I NEED A CRUISE! But have no time to take one :(


On top of that, my father (in Il.) is back in the hospital.

They are now considering a heart /kidney transplant (he's 65).

We had bought them a home around the corner from us here in Fl.

But if he's accepted onto the transplant list, relocating will be on hold till a year after transplant. Hes excited about feeling better, but anxious to get to Fl.


Kids start back to school in the morning. 7th, 10th and 12th grade. It will be my daughter's last First Day of School. She made the Varsity volleyball team, also.


Break over at work :( Only 4 hours to go!

Have a great Monday !

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Good mornin' y'all! Just dropping in for a minute......got to go get a shot. Well the doctor's office just called and re-scheduled me for Wednesday at 10:45. (Actually, they forgot to schedule me today......I'm supposed to get a shot every Monday!) One of the effects of diabetes is a slow disintergration of the supportive tissue and ligaments. (I call it the superstructure.) At any rate that means they give me a testeserone shot every week to build up my muscles since the "superstructure" they rely on is going away. Ok, funny story, I am of an age where my legs have gone bald...it happens! Now that I am in my second puberty I once again have hairy legs! As if that wasn't enough laughs I now have to take a half pill to conteract testesterone which converts to estrogen. As Roseanne Roseanna Danna would say "if it isn't one thing, it's another!"

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Branding is done for the year, and that makes me a HAPPY cowgirl!! I hate branding...always really glad when it's done. This week went better than last. The smoke from the fire wasn't too bad, it wasn't as hot, we didn't have as many calves to brand, and we didn't lose any calves. Had a crew of 18 and everyone had a good time.


The big fire here is FINALLY getting more contained. For the first time in 2 weeks, I didn't smell smoke when I stepped outside this morning. Still some smoke around the edges, but nothing like what it HAS been. The fire is 95,000 acres, but it's about 50% contained now. Seems like the worst is over, thank GOODNESS!!


Lisa, so sorry about your dad. Sending out prayers for your family!


Heidi, how awful about the shooting, but glad Staci is ok. Nothing more jarring than being awakened in the wee hours of the morning by the phone...nothing good ever comes of that. Hope they catch the guy.


Char, what a great reason to be "absent" from CC....a spur-of-the-moment cruise!! Glad you got to go and have fun!


Dave, sorry about the arguing grandson. That kind of thing can turn a nice lunch into a bit of unpleasantness.


Renee, hope you're enjoying your day off, girlie!


Rick, sorry about the scheduling mix-up for your shot. Speaking of bald legs, my Dave has very hairy legs, arms and pretty much his whole body. But he has a bald area on each leg where the hair has been rubbed off from years and years of horseback riding...where his boots rub against the horse while he rides. It's pretty funny looking. :p


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good Morning!


I have a doctor's appointment this morning. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm nervous because I have a mole that has suddenly taken on a life of it's own. I will probably get referred to a dermatologist. Otherwise it's just my normal annual exam or "Chick Check" as the receptionist called it when I made the appointment. LOL. I also plan to ask her about something to relieve symptoms of menopause. It just really sucks to be just sitting in a nice comfortable air conditioned place and then all of a sudden to be dripping wet from sweat. I could understand it if this happened only when doing heavy work or exercise or when outside in 90+ degree heat but it happens when I'm just sitting in the house watching TV or something. I'll be just sitting and be very comfortable, not sweating at all and then 5 minutes later I'm dripping. Five minutes after that I'm fine again. I know, TMI for you guys but if rick can talk about his testosterone and hairy legs I guess I can talk about this. LOL


Rick - If you didn't take the 2nd medication and the testosterone converted to estrogen, does that mean you would grow boobs too? :eek: LOL.


Why is it that as we age, we lose hair where we want it and grow hair where we don't want it. Lately I have noticed some slightly longer hairs on my chin. Thank goodness they are blond and not noticeable. A friend of mine said she started waxing a couple of spots on her face but they grew back even worse so she quit. When Dave was younger he was so hairy all over his body (especially his back and chest) that when people would see him without a shirt he'd get teased. They'd say something like, "I see you're wearing your sweater today." LOL. He doesn't hear that anymore because it's thinned out a lot. It's just that it seems like when we get older we've got all these new hairs growing out of our nose a ears but not on our heads. :confused: I even see a lot of women with thinning hair on their heads too.


Char- Glad you're back. We were wondering about you. You'll have to tell us all about your cruise.


Sue - I saw you FB post about it finally not being smokey today. Are they getting the fire under control or have the winds just changed and the smoke is going away from you now?


Lisa - I hope your father improves or gets the transplant.


Have a great day. :)

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Did not do much of anything yesterday, watched In the kitchen with David and switched back and forth to the Nascar race. Today we are going to Bealls as they have a big sale on shirts and I have a $10 coupon. I don't owe them anything so it is time to shop. Then we are going to our favorite Chinese Restaurant so I get get some shrimp with garlic sauce. YUMMY!!!!

Rick, Iwant to go to Cahoots with you and Dave. Maybe we can have a Cohoots party. Did I mention drinking?lol

Heidi, so glad Stacey is ok. How scarey that must of been for you.

Dave, at least you got some rain. Granted a bit long in coming but as the saying goes better late than never. We have had our share of rain and the weekend was just about a washout. Beautiful today though. I love those breadsticks at OG. YUM

Renee, hopefully you are having a restful Monday. You sure deserve that.

Dave, good luck with that 9 year old DGS. It took 20 years for mine to get his act together and Tues he will be 21. What a man he has turned out to be. Will be a Daddy in Nov.

Cha, I said I MISS YOU, COME BACK!!!! So happy that you had a great time on the cruise. Now don't leave me again as I worry.

Rick, dinner sounded great. We had a leftover Mexican cheese soup that DH makes. It is great for a sore throat as it burns all the way down. Spicey!!!

Lisa, sorry to hear about your Dad. We will say a prayer for him and your family. I missed you also.

Rick, you must be one SEXY guy with that shot every Monday.lol

Sue, glad to hear the branding is done and fire is looking better for you. So what is next on the ranch schedule?

Well time for breakfast and then time to shop.

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Happy Monday Breeze Buddies....


Sounds like most had a good weekend and most some what productive..


Sue - the smoke from the fires were really bad here Friday - I actually did some research to see if we had another fire closer because it was really bad. However we did get some rain Saturday morning and our beautiful blue sky has come back. it was not a pretty week.


One of my favorite things about living here is our wild life that we can just sit back on the porch and enjoy - Saturday evening we had 3 momma dear and their fawns come for a visit, we keep a few apples round for feeding when they visit. They are so gentle and beautiful to watch. The fawns were playing what looked like tag to us, what a treat when it happens.


Wishing you all a great day!!

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Well just got back from shopping and boy did we do great. I got 1 blouse, 2 top, 2 pair shorts for Kenny and 6 tee shirts for my DGS (the skateboard kid shirts that he loves) . $300 worth of clothes for $105 including 2 $10 coupons I got to use as she rung it up seperate and then 2 $10 coupons for shopping on Wed or Thurs. I was so excited. :):)

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