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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Heidi ~ what are the odds that the computers would be down right after that discussion here?? That's too funny.


Not a lot happening here right now. Dave is doing little projects that he doesn't need me for...weed spraying is pretty much done, and today he is working on repairing some of our irrigation headgates.


Char ~ you and I are going to have a little Kerfuffle this weekend, as my Ducks play Fresno State at Autzen Stadium in Eugene. ;)


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Did you hear about the 7.8 earthquake in Costa Rica, It was located on the west coast but was felt as far away as Panama and Nicaragua. Only one fatality confirmed from a heart attack. Prayers go out to all we met on our trip there in February.

Sue, you and your Ducks. Hope they don't have to tackle a few Frogs this year. Frogs tend to jump out of the way.:D

I had to get up early today for a doctors appt. May quarterly visit with the dermotologist. She was please that I was doing so well considering the stress that I had been through this summer.

Tomorrow I have an even earlier appt with my Rheumatologist. :( They had to reschedule. I go to a clinic at the school where Bettie use to work. I see a doctor and a student.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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Just another hi and by to let you all know I am still kicking. So pooped. My last full day this week and then tomorrow I work 6:30 until 1 and Sat 6:30 till 11. Then I have 1 more full week before hopefully the girl next to me comes back and I go back to my 20 - 30 hour weeks and 3 days off or so.

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Today is our son Brian's 27th birthday. We'll celebrate this weekend in Eugene when we go to the game. He will get to choose where we eat all weekend.


Woke up to some rain this morning! I didn't see that coming! Not a cloud in the sky yesterday. It is welcome, though. Been a long dry spell here. This will help our stock water...bring the creek up a bit.


Dave ~ yes, you know what fanatics our family is about our Ducks. :D


Have a great day, everyone!

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Good morning Cupids,


Sue, I have a delema this year. I'm originally from Virginia and many in my family are UVA fans and alumna. Bettie went to TCU. They play each other on the 22nd. Guess I'll have to root for the frogs.:(


Cat, don't work too hard.


Hope everyone has a good day. Stay cool. It will be in the 100s here today.



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Good Afternoon!


I got a text message from Dave a little while ago. He'll be home tonight. I thought he wasn't coming home until tomorrow. He said the fishing was very good though. Maybe it was so good that they had enough to bring home and decided to head home a day early. They can't bring home all that much anyway. they catch and release a lot of it.


Have a good evening.

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Hey gang!


Leaving later to head to Eugene for our Duck game. Dave has to go deal with our low stock water again first. This will be the 3rd time he's torn out beaver dams. The term "busy beaver" really does apply!


Heidi ~ that's a nice surprise that Dave came home a day early.


Dave ~ oh no! Maybe you can cheer for UVA quietly on the inside. :p In our household, it's all Ducks all the time, so we don't have any conflicts. ;) Both Dave's family and mine are all Ducks!


A terrible thing happened yesterday on the lake that our kids boat on all the time. First it was reported that 2 men had drowned in a boating accident...didn't give ages or anything. At first I was concerned because Greg had been talking about taking the boat out during the week since he'll be gone all 4 weekends of September. I hadn't heard from him yesterday, although I had spoken to Brian and texted with Mallory and all was fine. But you know how Moms are!! I didn't want to call and ask Mal, because then SHE would worry! I figured no news is good news, so just waited.


Then later, it was reported that it was a father and son that died. The son was water skiing and fell, the father came around to pick him up and may have run over him with the boat. The dad jumped in the water to save the son and they both drowned. The son was 37 and the dad 72. My heart goes out to the family, what a tragic thing. I guess it hits home because it's Lake Billy, right outside of Bend, and my kids are on it all the time.


That's the 3rd drowning accident in Bend this summer. The other 2 were white water rafting accidents on 2 different occassions, and 2 women died...one was only 16. Both of those times, the people were rafting on their own, without a guide, and got into a bad section of the river. When Greg & Mal went rafting this summer, they had a guide so I felt better about it, but I was still glad when they were safely back on shore!


The kids will arrive in Eugene late tonight. The girls both have to work until 6 pm, and by the time they all get dinner and get going, they don't make it to Eugene very early. They only have a 2 1/2 hour drive, though, where we have a 4 hour drive. Looking forward to another family weekend! GO DUCKS! :D


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Good Afternoon!


Not much going on here. I have to work tonight. Tomorrow we will go to my sister's house for my niece's 1st birthday party and my dad's 85th.




A terrible thing happened yesterday on the lake that our kids boat on all the time. First it was reported that 2 men had drowned in a boating accident...didn't give ages or anything. At first I was concerned because Greg had been talking about taking the boat out during the week since he'll be gone all 4 weekends of September. I hadn't heard from him yesterday, although I had spoken to Brian and texted with Mallory and all was fine. But you know how Moms are!! I didn't want to call and ask Mal, because then SHE would worry! I figured no news is good news, so just waited.



Sue that's so sad. we live near a lake that is very busy in the summer and there are a couple of deaths there every year. The one that comes to mind right now is a young boy was killed when he was tubing. He fell off the tube and was run over by another boater. There's always a death or 2 on Lake Michigan every year too.



Ready for the weekend. We are going to Six Flags on Sunday with the granddaughter. Tomorrow is her Bd. She will be 12.



Heidi, what time is the fish fry.:D





Dave- have fun at 6 Flags. I was supposed to go with a group from the OG this summer but it never worked out. Dave brought home quite a few Walleyes. They are good eating. I won't cook any real soon though. He's probably sick of eating fish right now since they eat a lot on their trips.


Have a wonderful weekend. :)

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Hi! Breeze buddies,

Gosh I miss chatting with everyone. I just scan a take a quick look but then I have to go.


I am so sorry about that son and Dad how horrible for that family.


I have never heard of the Ducks until you all started talking about them. I presume they are Oregon Ducks? Sorry I am a Michigan, Ga Tech, Michigan State type girl. I can't stand our Florida Teams and even though I lived in Virginia so many years UVA and Tech are not one of my teams either.


Rick, on to Politics just for a minute. A woman called me today to cancel her paper because a picture of Obama was on the bottom of the page and they rest of the page was filled with remembering 9/11. I had to bite my tongue as she said and it is not even 9/11 and we have to see this CRAP so early. I knew I was moving to a conservative state but this is just too much. I very nicely said I have stopped your paper for tomorrow and your refund will be put back on the CC. Have a great day and hung up. Then I quietly said what a itch with a CAPITAL B.


OK I am finished with that so Dave I hope Six Flags is lots of fun. I remember the Busch Gardens every weekend day.:eek:

Well will stop by in the morning and say hi!!!

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Good Morning from beautiful Eugene! Great day for football!


Yes, Cat, the University of Oregon Ducks. We are #4 in the polls, won the Rose Bowl last year & played for the National Title the year before that! Pac-12 Champions 3 years in a row...hoping this will be #4!


Dave, have fun at 6 flags!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Cathy, we have a friend from our college days together (a long long time ago in another Galaxy,) who is a rabid Tea Party Disciple who freely admits that anything Rush says is actually from GOD. She tends to turn ANY subject, even recipes, well maybe not recipes, into a political diatribe. As a result I have forgone any political discussions of any kind. She has taught me that truth is only incidental to reality. It's a real shame because she is a lovely person in many ways and normally we enjoy her company but her extremism is wearing pretty thin.

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Hi Breeze buddies!

Sue, I bow down to the Ducks I am so :o. I consider myself a pretty good judge of all College games. I was watching Michigan last night and they had an update on the Duck game. I stood up and yelled GO DUCKS just for my friend Sue. Kenny says since when do you like the Ducks and who is Sue? I said our Breeze buddie and he goes oh ok now I know. Is she a Duck fan? I said no she likes the chickens. He goes oh ok. Shows how much he listens.:eek:

Rick, I just love Politics and will debate with the best of them. Some of my friends are Obama fans and i love to go at them. They are just not as good as me at it.lol I will admit I left the Rep. Party that year and voted for Yes I Can guy. Not that I mention that much.lol

Rainy in Lady Lake today and tomorrow. Of course both are my days off.:(

Chat later,

Edited by Cathy p
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I guess we need all this rain but do we need standing water so we can have mosquitoes? We are absolutely saturated and we are supposed to have thunderstorms for the next 18 hours. Believe it or not it is Isaac returning for an encore less the winds of course. This coming week is going to be a very busy one and last night about 9:00 I came down with a hellacious cold that literally kept me up all night and today has been spent laying on the couch drifting in and out of naps. Waaaait a minute, it is actually brightening outside. I guess we are going to get a break afterall.

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We got about 3" of rain last night. Guess our drought is really over. Too bad it's too late for the crops and a lot of other vegetation. some peoples lawns died. part of my sister's yard is totally dead. We lost a tree. Luckily it was all the way in the back and we won't miss it. I think it was a white pine.


I forgot to mention earlier that I talked to Eric yesterday and he is now saying he wants to come home in November. I think he's just really lonely over there. :(

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We got about 3" of rain last night. Guess our drought is really over. Too bad it's too late for the crops and a lot of other vegetation. some peoples lawns died. part of my sister's yard is totally dead. We lost a tree. Luckily it was all the way in the back and we won't miss it. I think it was a white pine.


Well apparently DAve was messing with me. Maybe not deliberately but it turned out we DID NOT get 3" of rain. For some reason he filled the rain guage with water himself. :confused: I asked him tonight if we really got that much rain and he said no, we only got about a half inch. Since we wee in Wisconsin all day yesterday I had no reason not to believe that we had 3" of rain.

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Finally, we get to start working on backpacks. Today we have a meeting with the social worker at one school to determine the number of kids we will be serving. Tomorrow I transfer all the food from our Florida room to the school. (We kept anything wrapped in paper here at the house so critters couldn't get at it. That would include crackers with peanut butter etc.) then Wednesday we go to the Food Bank for the first time this season. I've borrowed a truck so I can get as much as possible. The problem right now is the food bank is very low on food (about 15% capacity) so we may have to make a few trips before we can start on October 5th. At least it isn't raining like they predicted.

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Age is catching up with me!!! A filling I had put in my front tooth in middle school decided to fall out yesterday..... that was back when they drilled half your tooth out for a minor cavity..... looks great!!!!..... thankfully i can get in at 2pm tomorrow to have it fixed.... might only be temporary because I have a feeling I need it capped or something.... we will see..... GAWD I HATE DENTISTS!!!!

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Morning! Gosh, I slept in today! It is 8 am here...I NEVER sleep that late! But I was exhausted from the weekend, these Duck games are hard on an old lady!! Lot of jumping around and dancing to our band and yelling...so fun!


Renee ~ ICK, I hate the dentist too!!! Sorry you have to go there.


Cat ~ that's hilarious, and thanks for the shout-out to my Ducks! :D


Heidi ~ glad your great-niece is ok! Will Eric be able to come home in November, or does he have to stay longer? You would probably be happy to have him home early, wouldn't you?


Great weekend with the Fam. Ducks won. Weather was perfect again. Really nice birthday dinner for Brian at a steak house we love. Just hanging out with the kids is what we love more than anything, almost. I feel very lucky that we get to see them so often.


Oh, I'll be glad when this election is OVER!!! I hate politics, especially when an election is close. Seems like all either party ever does is bash the other party. So much negativity on both sides of the aisle!

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

What a ding bat I am. I bought the Faster to the Fun program on the Imagination. They said it would be on my Boarding Pass and luggange tags. Well Luggage tags say F2F on them but I could not see anything on the boarding pass. Well when I called Carnival they said that they would have a list at the dedicated line and that only 20 cabins have it so I am fine. Well I looked at my boarding pass again and up in the corner in Red where it normall says Kiosk Ready mine sayd Fast to the Fun. Geez! You would have thought that Carnival would have know that for ding bats like me.lol

Final day off until I work 39 1/2 hours the rest of the week.:eek: That's ok the 22th is coming really quick and time for vacation and cruise. At work another one of the girls is going to Ireland the same time I leave so no problem and then another one is just starting, however, the woman that is training her now is leaving the same time we are on vacation. I said I will have a drink for them.lol

Time for brunch, chat later.

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Good Morning!


Renee - Hope your tooth gets fixed soon. i had a dental problem last year and spent quite a bit of time in the dentist chair getting it fixed. it's not fun.


Sue - I don't know for sure when Eric is coming home. He hasn't decided. he just said he'll probably come home in November.


There's a another thread on the Carnival board right now that I posted to. It's about things going wrong either before of on the way to a cruise. some of the stories are funny (some not) but I had a funny story so I posted it. it's long but I copied it so I could post it here too. i thought you all might enjoy reading it. Here it is.


We had a series of unfortunate events on our way to our Spring Break cruise on the Pride several years ago.


We always fly the day before so I really never got scared we were going to miss the ship or anything. It was just comical. We live very close to O'Hare airport in Chicago but this time I found a really good rate on AA our of Milwaukee so I booked that flight. It was a very early, 6 AM flight. The night before my son had a band concert so we were not home. When we got home there was a message from AA on our answering machine telling us that the flight had been cancelled and they were asking us to please arrive at MKE by 4:00 AM because they would be putting us on a bus for new flights out of ORD. OK, that's fine and dandy but frustrating because we already live right by ORD and would like to just go straight there but they left us no flight info. Then we realized that we would need to have our van at MKE for the return flight anyway so at 2:00 AM off we go to MKE. It was annoying to drive right past ORD knowing that we were going to drive all the way to MKE just to be bussed back to ORD.


We got to MKE with plenty of time to spare and boarded the bus which they told us would leave for ORD no later than 5:00 AM. By this time we knew that we had a 7:15 AM flight and as long as the bus left by 5:00 we should make it. Well, 5:00 came and went and we waited. The bus finally left at 5:45 but it was about an hours drive so now we were really going so close that we might not make the flight.


We got off the bus at ORD just 20 minutes before our flight was supposed to leave and since it was Spring Break the lines were ridiculous. I turned to my husband then and just said, " No way are we going to make the flight." We had tried to check in at a Kiosk but it wouldn't let us because we were originally booked on AA and were now on a NWA flight. I still wasn't panicking though since we had until the next day to get to Port Canaveral. Just then we heard an announcement telling us that anyone booked on our flight to proceed to the front of the check in line. We went to the front of the line and the agent was having problems getting us checking in. I guess she was having the same issues we had at the kiosk. She even got on the phone with the gate agents and was telling then to wait, that she was checking people in for the flight. Finally, she was able to get us checked in and off we went to security which surprisingly, had no line. The 2 kids and I sailed through security with no problems but my DH got stopped for a more thorough search (he had a backpack full of camera equipment that they wanted to check). I just looked at him and said, "See you later." and the kids and I took off. I figured at that point that we should try to make the flight because it was Spring Break and it would be much easier to get a new flight for one person than for all 4 of us.


As luck would have it, our plane was at the very last gate so we ran. I was not exactly in good shape so by the time we got there I was really huffing a puffing but we had made it on time, barely. We handed over our boarding passes and told the agent that my husband had gotten stopped at security but should be along shortly. For some stupid reason, she tells my son to run back and get him. Like that's going to do any good. Anyway, they were about to make us board and leave him behind when he finally runs up. Right behind him was another family that had also been on on the original flight with us and took the bus. We boarded and they shut the door behind us. All was good except we figured that no way was our luggage going to make the flight but still, I wasn't really worried because I figured the luggage would catch up to us before the ship sailed.


Our original flight was supposed to stop at DFW but the new flight stopped in Detroit. We got through there with no problems and actually arrived in Orlando around the same time that our original flight was supposed to get there. We proceeded to baggage claim fully expecting there to be no luggage for us but it was all there except for one bag. We went to the claims agent and she scanned the bar code on our ticket and was able to tell us that for some reason, one bag missed the connection in Detroit but was already on a flight to Orlando that would arrive in a hour. She then asked if we wanted to wait for it or have it sent to our hotel. Of course we wanted to wait for it so she wrote us a voucher for food in the food court and we went to eat while we waited. An hour later we went back to baggage claim and retrieved our bag.


You would think at this point that our troubles were over but no, that was not the case. We rented a car and headed for our hotel at Port Canaveral. We got there with no problems and checked into our room. I opened my suitcase and discovered that all my clothes were wet. Then I remembered that we had landed in a downpour in Orlando and that my bag must have leaked. Crap! Now what! Luckily the hotel had a guest laundry so off I went to dry my clothes. My suitcase was the only one with wet clothes.


The next morning we got up and walked across the street to McDonald's for breakfast. We ate and then headed back to the hotel to check out. My son had just gotten his braces off a few days before the cruise and had a retainer. The orthodonsit had told us that it was VERY important to wear the retainer all the time (except while eating), ESPECIALLY during the first couple of weeks otherwise the teeth will immediately begin to move. Just as we got back to the hotel my son realized that he had thrown his retainer away with his garbage at McDonalds. So we ran back over there and he told me which can it was in but then we found out that it had already been taken out to the dumpster. I asked to go out there and also asked for some gloves so we could start looking. Luckily the lady who had taken the garbage out knew which bag came out of the can my son had thrown his garbage into so we only had to look through one bag and it didn't take us long to find it, Thank God! A good cleaning would take care of it.


Things went pretty smoothly after that except for a couple of minor incidents on board the ship. On the 2nd formal night my daughter and I both had problems with our formal wear. I had a cream colored dress that I didn't realize until I took it out to put it on that when my suitcase had leaked, the dye form it had stained the front of my dress so I couldn't wear it. I just wore the dress I had worn on the 1st formal night again. My daughter went to put her dress on and discovered that when we bought it at JCPenney, they had forgotten to take the ink tag off. There was no way to remove it without destroying the dress so she wore it anyway, ink tag and all. LOL.


THAT was finally the end of all of our problems. We look back on it now and laugh. We've gone on many trips since that one and had a few issues here and there but that was the only trip that we had SO many issues. We kind of felt like the Griswald's on that trip. Every time we thought all of our problems were over something else happened.


I hope you enjoyed reading it. Have a great day. :)

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Good Morning!


Renee - Hope your tooth gets fixed soon. i had a dental problem last year and spent quite a bit of time in the dentist chair getting it fixed. it's not fun.


Sue - I don't know for sure when Eric is coming home. He hasn't decided. he just said he'll probably come home in November.


There's a another thread on the Carnival board right now that I posted to. It's about things going wrong either before of on the way to a cruise. some of the stories are funny (some not) but I had a funny story so I posted it. it's long but I copied it so I could post it here too. i thought you all might enjoy reading it. Here it is.


We had a series of unfortunate events on our way to our Spring Break cruise on the Pride several years ago.


We always fly the day before so I really never got scared we were going to miss the ship or anything. It was just comical. We live very close to O'Hare airport in Chicago but this time I found a really good rate on AA our of Milwaukee so I booked that flight. It was a very early, 6 AM flight. The night before my son had a band concert so we were not home. When we got home there was a message from AA on our answering machine telling us that the flight had been cancelled and they were asking us to please arrive at MKE by 4:00 AM because they would be putting us on a bus for new flights out of ORD. OK, that's fine and dandy but frustrating because we already live right by ORD and would like to just go straight there but they left us no flight info. Then we realized that we would need to have our van at MKE for the return flight anyway so at 2:00 AM off we go to MKE. It was annoying to drive right past ORD knowing that we were going to drive all the way to MKE just to be bussed back to ORD.


We got to MKE with plenty of time to spare and boarded the bus which they told us would leave for ORD no later than 5:00 AM. By this time we knew that we had a 7:15 AM flight and as long as the bus left by 5:00 we should make it. Well, 5:00 came and went and we waited. The bus finally left at 5:45 but it was about an hours drive so now we were really going so close that we might not make the flight.


We got off the bus at ORD just 20 minutes before our flight was supposed to leave and since it was Spring Break the lines were ridiculous. I turned to my husband then and just said, " No way are we going to make the flight." We had tried to check in at a Kiosk but it wouldn't let us because we were originally booked on AA and were now on a NWA flight. I still wasn't panicking though since we had until the next day to get to Port Canaveral. Just then we heard an announcement telling us that anyone booked on our flight to proceed to the front of the check in line. We went to the front of the line and the agent was having problems getting us checking in. I guess she was having the same issues we had at the kiosk. She even got on the phone with the gate agents and was telling then to wait, that she was checking people in for the flight. Finally, she was able to get us checked in and off we went to security which surprisingly, had no line. The 2 kids and I sailed through security with no problems but my DH got stopped for a more thorough search (he had a backpack full of camera equipment that they wanted to check). I just looked at him and said, "See you later." and the kids and I took off. I figured at that point that we should try to make the flight because it was Spring Break and it would be much easier to get a new flight for one person than for all 4 of us.


As luck would have it, our plane was at the very last gate so we ran. I was not exactly in good shape so by the time we got there I was really huffing a puffing but we had made it on time, barely. We handed over our boarding passes and told the agent that my husband had gotten stopped at security but should be along shortly. For some stupid reason, she tells my son to run back and get him. Like that's going to do any good. Anyway, they were about to make us board and leave him behind when he finally runs up. Right behind him was another family that had also been on on the original flight with us and took the bus. We boarded and they shut the door behind us. All was good except we figured that no way was our luggage going to make the flight but still, I wasn't really worried because I figured the luggage would catch up to us before the ship sailed.


Our original flight was supposed to stop at DFW but the new flight stopped in Detroit. We got through there with no problems and actually arrived in Orlando around the same time that our original flight was supposed to get there. We proceeded to baggage claim fully expecting there to be no luggage for us but it was all there except for one bag. We went to the claims agent and she scanned the bar code on our ticket and was able to tell us that for some reason, one bag missed the connection in Detroit but was already on a flight to Orlando that would arrive in a hour. She then asked if we wanted to wait for it or have it sent to our hotel. Of course we wanted to wait for it so she wrote us a voucher for food in the food court and we went to eat while we waited. An hour later we went back to baggage claim and retrieved our bag.


You would think at this point that our troubles were over but no, that was not the case. We rented a car and headed for our hotel at Port Canaveral. We got there with no problems and checked into our room. I opened my suitcase and discovered that all my clothes were wet. Then I remembered that we had landed in a downpour in Orlando and that my bag must have leaked. Crap! Now what! Luckily the hotel had a guest laundry so off I went to dry my clothes. My suitcase was the only one with wet clothes.


The next morning we got up and walked across the street to McDonald's for breakfast. We ate and then headed back to the hotel to check out. My son had just gotten his braces off a few days before the cruise and had a retainer. The orthodonsit had told us that it was VERY important to wear the retainer all the time (except while eating), ESPECIALLY during the first couple of weeks otherwise the teeth will immediately begin to move. Just as we got back to the hotel my son realized that he had thrown his retainer away with his garbage at McDonalds. So we ran back over there and he told me which can it was in but then we found out that it had already been taken out to the dumpster. I asked to go out there and also asked for some gloves so we could start looking. Luckily the lady who had taken the garbage out knew which bag came out of the can my son had thrown his garbage into so we only had to look through one bag and it didn't take us long to find it, Thank God! A good cleaning would take care of it.


Things went pretty smoothly after that except for a couple of minor incidents on board the ship. On the 2nd formal night my daughter and I both had problems with our formal wear. I had a cream colored dress that I didn't realize until I took it out to put it on that when my suitcase had leaked, the dye form it had stained the front of my dress so I couldn't wear it. I just wore the dress I had worn on the 1st formal night again. My daughter went to put her dress on and discovered that when we bought it at JCPenney, they had forgotten to take the ink tag off. There was no way to remove it without destroying the dress so she wore it anyway, ink tag and all. LOL.


THAT was finally the end of all of our problems. We look back on it now and laugh. We've gone on many trips since that one and had a few issues here and there but that was the only trip that we had SO many issues. We kind of felt like the Griswald's on that trip. Every time we thought all of our problems were over something else happened.


I hope you enjoyed reading it. Have a great day. :)


Good Lord, Heidi!!! Thank goodness we don't have to fly to the ships anymore..

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