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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good Evening!


I just got home from work. I worked lunch instead of dinner for a change. It's nice to be home already.


We had a nice time at the family reunion yesterday but it was too short, mainly because we arrived VERY Late. first of all we left home and got about 10 minutes later my niece realized that she forgot her phone in her car which was parked in our driveway so we went back for it. that set us back about 20 minutes but then there was an accident on the tollway so traffic was at a standstill for at least 30 minutes. by the time we got there everyone had already eaten. I had brought a huge crock pot full of baked beans that nobody ate so now I have them all left over. We'll be eating beans every day for the next week. I better go buy some Beano. LOL


It has been raining on and off all weekend. It's the most rain we've had since spring. A pretty bad storm came through while I was at work. A lot of people were coming in and saying that the tornado sirens were going off. All we really had were high winds though. There are small branches down in our neighborhood.


Have a good night.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

I am pooped today, yesterday was a day of waiting and pacing. My DGS had to take Mary to the hospital as she was having contractions. She is only 7 1/2 months along. Finally found out that she was dehydrated and got sick from the other little guy she has. They were keeping her on an IV overnight so hopefully she will be better today. Then my DS was on vacation and I talked to him everyday except for Sat so while I was pacing I thought of him and why he did not call. He never misses a day calling me unless he is on a cruise. So I called my Dad and asked him if he talked with him and he said not since Friday. His phone went right to voicemail. Finally hear from him last night. So everyone is a ok. Whew! My dad said stop being such a mom. I said that is my job.lol

I found out when I was working on Sat that our distribution manager's son died in a motorcycle accident. So I was tearing up and trying to talk on the phone. That went over well.

Sue, thanks for the update on the ranch, you know I love to hear about everything. I hope you don't have a wolf. Kenny and I use to collect stuff with a wolf on it and then downsized when we moved to Florida and got rid of the wolf stuff. I think they are a beautiful animal but I know they can be destructive.

Dave, wave to Virgina Beach my home when you hit Virginia. What part did you go to?

Rick, relax have a drink and you will feel much better.lol

Heidi, I got my flu shot when Kenny was sick so when he finishes the antibiotics he needs to go and get one. My insurance pays for them as well.


Well I work 12 - 5 today so will chat later. Time to catch some news.

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Morning, and a windy one it is here today.


We ended up not tearing out corral yesterday, which was fine with me because I needed to do some laundry, plus I had a sinus headache all day. I still have a tiny one, but much better than yesterday.


Cat ~ hope your DGD-in law is fine today. Early contractions like that are scary. One of our neighbor/friends' daughter is due any day. I think today is her official due date. Her first child, a son, was born on Dave's birthday a couple years ago. I told her that she should wait until my birthday, which is Saturday, to have this child. She is not loving that idea and hopes to have the baby before then. But it would sure be funny if both of their kids share a birthday with Dave & I. :D


Heidi ~ sorry about missing out on most of the family reunion! But glad you at least got to see everyone and visit. I had a huge pot of beans leftover from branding, and I finally froze them after eating on them for several days. Just brought them out again last week, and they tasted great again...we had gotten very tired of beans back in August!

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Ahhh travel stories...got a "million of 'em" from travelling around the world. I was on a ferry from Brindisi, Italy to Greece and ended up in a top bunk in a very small room. The problem was the ceiling (which was actually the deck above ours) was only 6" from my face. That next deck held cars, trucks, busses etc. From then on I was EXTREMELY claustrophobic!! I can relate to Eric's story about the closet on the train.......

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I had to remind him that he wasn't in the Good Ol' USA. Things are sooooo different in other countries. He was probably lucky that he didn't have to share the closet with a few chickens. I always worry that he's going to get on some overloaded ferry that's going to sink.

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Weather has turned here a bit. We had lots of clouds and wind yesterday, and it rained pretty hard in the evening. Still cloudy & windy...supposed to get more rain today.


We are going to town for groceries and lunch today...good day to take a break from corral building because it's supposed to be better weather tomorrow. Dave needs to get some more posts for the corral anyway.


Heidi ~ wow, that's quite a story about Eric!! Every time we go on a cruise, we are always so glad to be able to go visit other countries, but so happy to be back in the good ole' U.S.A. when we return.


Well, our neighbor had her baby yesterday, a little girl. Guess she will not share a birthday with me. ;) I'm very happy for them, and mom & baby are doing well and went home yesterday already! She had the baby at 1 AM and they sent her home in the afternoon. They sure don't let them lounge around these days, do they?

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Good Morning!


Day off today. :D I feel like I'm coming down with a cold though. :mad: It's not surprising. It seems like a lot of people at the OG have colds and we are all touching the same computer screens and pagers, etc. I feel fine but one side of my throat is a tiny bit sore. Hopefully it won't amount to anything.


Staci is coming home tomorrow. :D First time she's been home since she left in August. We have only seen her once. That was a month ago when we went down there for Family Weekend. I'm not sure exactly when tomorrow she's coming home. She will either come home on an early train or get a ride with her friend tomorrow night. Over the summer the Amtrak trains had turned to buses due to the fact that the rails were being converted to high speed but apparently the trains are running again. The buses were slow and inconvenient. Eric will be home a week from today. :D


Have a great day. :)

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Dave ~ please give Bettie a hug. I'm so sorry for your loss (both of you).


Heidi ~ enjoy the long weekend with Staci! Hope that cold stays away. Not fun.


We are winding the corral project down. In fact, I think my part is done. Dave only has to band the metal panels to the posts in the back barn lot and then trim off the posts so they are all the same height. I am so sore today from a hard day yesterday of a lot of shoveling dirt, helping lift SUPER heavy wood posts (like small trees!!) and stomping and tamping with a tamping bar to pack the dirt into the post holes. We should build corral all year, then I'd weigh a heck of a lot less if I did this all the time! :rolleyes:


Now I need to catch up on laundry and clean house because we are having a get-together here Saturday night.


Oh, and my Ducks play on ESPN tonight at 6 pm Pacific time!! GO DUCKS! :D

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Good morning Breeze buddies!

DGD in law is doing much better. She is home and the doctor has given her some meds. She said my Laila Marie is very active all the time. Thanks for the well wishes on that.

Heidi, I think that train story for Eric will be told a long time. Yes I lol.


Dave, please tell Bettie I am so sorry for her loss and will say a prayer for you all.


Sue, it tickles me when you talk about going to town for groceries when I am 2 miles away from all of them.


Off today and going to Hallmark as they are having a big sale today.

Well that is about it so will chat later.

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My Duckies put a beat-down on Arizona State last night. Score was 43-7 at halftime. In the second half, we put all our subs in and they left their starters in, so the final score was 43-21.


Cat ~ yep, it's 25 miles to town for us. And our town is tiny. One grocery store. We do have quite a few restaurants for such a small town, only 1 chain though...a Subway.


Corral project ~ DONE!! Woo Hoo!! Now we can work the cows, probably next week or the week after. Of course the weather is supposed to turn cold and maybe even snow. Never fails.


Have a great weekend, Breeze Buddies! :D

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Good morning!


Staci is home. :D She got here about 9:00 last night. She is sleeping right now and the dog is waiting very impatiently for her to get up. Every time she hears Staci move or turn over in bed she jumps up and gets her toy and gets all excited because she thinks she's going to get up. Whenever she gets excited about something she always has to have one of her stuffed toys in her mouth.


It has been cloudy and rainy here for the past couple of days. it's not raining so far today but it's still pretty cloudy. it's supposed to be nice this weekend though. I hope it's good on Sunday because that's when Staci's 5K is and we plan to walk it with the dog.


Have a good weekend. :)

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Morning Cupids,

Today, we are in Memphis, Tn. Bettie's sister passed away Friday and we are trying to get things together here. There is no family in Tennessee and Bettie is the only sibling. Things are frantic. I'll pass on more info later.



My condolences.

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Welcome, Rosalind & Gary!! :D


Dave ~ hang in there. Hope you can get some rest this weekend. :(


Heidi ~ glad Staci made it home. I'm sure Snickers was glad to see her! That's funny about the dog having the stuffed toy in her mouth. Each morning when I let Zeke in from the garage, the first thing he does is run and get his frisbee. He loves that thing. The first one got chewed up by Austin (Greg's St. Bernard) so I bought another, but it didn't have a plastic bone shaped into the top of the frisbee so Zeke didn't like it. He wouldn't pick it up. I searched and searched and finally had to go online to find another one with a bone. Crazy mutt! :p


We are having a neighborhood get-together here at our house tonight. I'm going to make Kahlua Pork in my crock pot...just a fancy name for pulled pork but YUMMMM. Dave is going to grill some Tri-Tip. I will make cheesy potatoes and everyone is bringing a salad or dessert. Should be fun!

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Sue, what time is the cook-out? I'm on my way but for some strange reason the airline has scheduled me for the strangest flight yet. I fly from here to Nashville, from Nashville to Phoenix, from Phoenix to San Diego, from San Diego back to Denver and then on to Vancouver where I catch a bus to come back into the US. They are convinced that this is the most direct route to Washington.......

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUE !!!!!!!!!!!!


We have a very full day planned today. First Staci and I are going to a craft fair at the high school. Then at 1:30 we're going to the mall because she's getting a hair cut and then we'll do some shopping. after that we will be doing some grocery shopping and I think I'm going to have her get a flu shot (they do them in the pharmacy in our grocery store). then sometime in the early evening we will head down to Normal. After we get down there we are going to a bar where Staci's friends will be. It's actually "Mom's Weekend" for her sorority but she wanted to come home instead of participating in that which was fine with me but there will be quite a few mom's (and a few dad's) that will be going out to the bar also so she thought we should go too. then tomorrow is the 5K. We are just going to stay at Staci's apartment. She has plenty of room.


Rick sounds like crazy flights. :confused:


Dave - like sue said, hang in there.


Have a good weekend everyone.

Edited by HeidiHo
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I had a lovely birthday yesterday, and dinner with our friends was very fun last night and super yummy!


Today we work cows, and I'm actually kind of excited to see how the new corral works! This is when we worm the cows, and give the calves a booster shot from the vaccination they got at branding time.


The wormer is a liquid that goes on their back. Years ago, I zapped one with a hot shot and the wormer burst into flames...very traumatic...for me, not her!! Her hair was hardly singed, and we got the flames out with snow that was on the ground, but I have never forgotten it. I am much more careful where I put my hot shot now! :eek:


Rick ~ that is the craziest flight schedule I've ever heard of!


Heidi ~ enjoy the busy day, sounds like a lot of fun things going on!

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Read in yesterday's paper about the new "bullet train" in Illinois. It actually hit speeds of 111 miles per hour between Pontiac and Dwight because of the new rails. Wish we could do that all over the US but the investors can't see beyond their noses when it comes to investment like that.

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Good Evening!


I am soooo exhausted! It was a fun weekend but I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I don't sleep well when I drink and the girls took us out to the college bars last night. We got in real late and then I couldn't sleep. We had to be up at 7:30 this morning for the 5K. We got home about a half hour ago. I will be asleep early tonight.


Read in yesterday's paper about the new "bullet train" in Illinois. It actually hit speeds of 111 miles per hour between Pontiac and Dwight because of the new rails. Wish we could do that all over the US but the investors can't see beyond their noses when it comes to investment like that.


Rick - yes, they are working on getting high speed trains. the tracks were closed down between Normal and Chicago most of the summer which was kind of a drag since Staci sometimes takes Amtrak. They are up and running again though.


Have a good night. :)

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Good Afternoon!


I'm not feeling so great today. The cold I was coming down with last week finally caught up with me. I don't feel real bad, just kind of blah.


Eric is busy packing to come home. He says he's having problems because he has too much stuff. He'll most likely have to pay for an overweight bag. He ran into a problem with his flight though. he went on line to check in yesterday it wouldn't allow him to to it so he called the airlines and they told him that his ticket had been voided. :eek: They really didn't know why but at the time they couldn't fix it. They said he had to call the office in the USA. He sent me a message and had me call them this morning and the ticket has been re-issued. He was really worried for a while though. His flight is supposed to land in Chicago at 8:30 AM on Wednesday.


Have a great day. :)

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