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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Woke up to snow on the ground this morning. :mad: Maybe 2", but still...


Sure glad we got the cows worked yesterday and the day before, before the snow flew!


Day 1 of cow work, there was a mean cow in my corral while we were sorting drys from cows with a calf. I told Dave I wasn't going to stay in there with her, and he tried to tell me she would be fine since other cows were in there to keep her company. I know the look she had in her eye and got out of there. He tried to put her up the loading alley to get her away from us, and she mashed him up against a fence...he did manage to get on top of it, so it was only his leg she was mashing, and it didn't hurt him. She is "going to town" as we say in the cattle business......


Yesterday there was ANOTHER crazy mean cow in my corral. She was even worse, I think. I could just see "the look" and I started running for the little walk-in gate on the other side of the corral. It's a small gate that you just push open (no latch) and I made a bee-line for it with her hot on my trail. I got there just before she got me and slammed into the gate and through to the other side. I did hurt my arm where I slammed the gate, and I have a big bruise and a sore arm....but that's way better than getting stomped by a 1200 pound cow. She is also "going to town"....... Both of these meanies are cows that do not have a calf, so there's no reason for them to act that way. If they are mean because they are protecting their calf, that's one thing, but mean just to be mean is unacceptable!


Heidi ~ hope Eric doesn't have any more problems with his flight. Thank goodness he checked on it before he got to the airport! Glad you had a fun weekend with Staci.

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Hello, I am currently debating between this cruise and one on the Oasis of the Seas but I was wondering if anyone has an email address for Erin at Crucon? I can't really talk on the phone at work and I would like to ask her a few questions.


Thanks and maybe I will be joining you all :)

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Hello, I am currently debating between this cruise and one on the Oasis of the Seas but I was wondering if anyone has an email address for Erin at Crucon? I can't really talk on the phone at work and I would like to ask her a few questions.


Thanks and maybe I will be joining you all :)


Hi Jaimie. The Oasis is awesome but we hope you'll join us. We are a really fun group. Erin's email is custserv7@crucon.com

Edited by HeidiHo
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Hey Breeze buddies!

Just a quick note as I am running late.

Happy "BELATED" birthday, Sue! I have not even been on here the last few days. Getting over the stupid cold that Kenny gave me.

Heidi, I hope that Eric's flights got straightened out. Also congrats on the new job.

Mimi, what is going on with you. You seemed upset on FB?


Well I need to go so chat later. cap

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Good morning!


We will be leaving to pick Eric up at the airport in about an hour. i'm so excited to see him. I talked to him on FB last night while he was killing time in the Tokyo airport. he said he got upgraded to premium economy or something like that. It's still economy but bigger, nicer seats, so the flight from Tokyo to Chicago has probably been more comfortable.


Hope everyone has a great day. :)

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Sorry I haven't been here but the past two weeks have been two weeks I want to forget. The Funeral for Bettie's sister was yesterday. We have been away for 2 weeks and Bettie is still in Lubbock. I will have to drive there this weekend or meet her halfway with some prescriptions she is out of. We will have allot to do at Bettie;s sister's house. That will have to wait for later. I'll also need to return to Virginia for my mother's home.

Thanks for all the support and I hope to return soon on a daily basis.


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Dave ~ thinking of you & Bettie in this difficult time. :( Hugs to you both!


My arm is getting better. My hand didn't go to sleep in the night last night, so that's good. Still putting lots of heat on it and not using it much.


Have a great day, everyone.

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Dave, thoughts and prayers are with both you and Bette. Like the fish said "just keep swimming"!


Today is Food Bank day then we pack tomorrow. Other than that it has been a quiet week so far.


Heidi, bet you're glad Eric is home even if you did miss the chance to go to Vietnam.

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Good Afternoon1


Eric came home yesterday. :D And left today. :( We had a nice time though and he will be back Tuesday. He left for Champaign a little while ago. He's very anxious to see his girlfriend so I understand. he's planning to live with her down there so they are both coming here on Tuesday night and will stay till Thursday morning so that Eric can get more of his stuff to move down there. he only took a carry on size bag down there today since he was taking the train. he has a car here but he doesn't have car insurance right now. He needs to find a job.


Sue - My hands fall asleep if I sleep on my back. Actually only half of my hands. They turn numb from the middle finger out to the pinky. It started when I was in my 20's. I've never asked the doctor about it since it only happens when I sleep on my back. I just always figured that i'm cutting off a bit of circulation when I sllep on my back. I used to have Reynauds Syndrome which is a condition where your fingertips will turn numb if they are even a tiny bit cold but that went away when I stopped taking a medication that I was on for years so it must have been the meds. It was very annoying. I couldn't even drink cold beverages in a glass that didn't have a handle.


Dave - hang in there.


Time to go grocery shopping. Have a good evening. :)

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We are heading to Eugene later this morning. The Duck game is at noon tomorrow, and it is probably going to be rainy. We've been so lucky with weather so far this year that I can't complain. It will be warm, so if it does rain it won't be that bad. We have tons of rain gear, so it isn't that bad, just nicer when it's dry weather.


Heidi ~ so glad Eric made it home safely!

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Good Morning!


The temps here were in the mid and upper 70's Wednesday and Thursday. yesterday evening a front moved through and temps dropped 30 degrees. Right now it's only 38 degrees. At least it's sunny.


Have a good weekend. :)

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How to cap off a quiet week. After packing backpacks yesterday a church gave us a crate of green bananas so we lugged them to another school where we still had access to the bags to put the bananas in. (At the first school we distribute the bags right to the classroom so they were out of the question.)At any rate, I'm lugging this very heavy crate into the school office and as Kay holds the door open I walk in and my pants drop to my knees!!!

We were both laughing so hard while I'm trying to balance the crate on the back of a chair AND lift my pants back up. As luck would have it at that moment everyone in the office was busy or walking about and to my knowledge no one saw my faux pas......At least I don't think it will be on America's Funniest Videos!!!!

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Hello Cupid's!!!

I know it has been quite a while since I posted. :o

We just got back from our first ever 2 week vacation. I know it wont be our last! I do feel rested and some what ready to go back to work. Usually after a vacation I need a vacation to recoup from my vacation. :D


2 weeks ago today Frank and I boarded the Carnival Triumph. This is the cruise we booked when we had to cancel the Cupid's III cruise. It was out of Galveston and a 5 day cruise to Progreso and Cozumel. In Progreso we did a tour of Merida highlights and rum tasting. In Cozumel Frank elected to stay on board, so I signed up for the Salsa and Salsa tour. Both tours were through Carnival.


We also did your time dining for the first time. It worked out great for us on this cruise. We did go to most of the evening shows, which was one of Frank's request for this cruise. They were all great. With your time dining we even were able to make it to the shows in the main lounge and some of the shows in the smaller aft lounge - like the comedy shows on the same night.


We returned to Galveston on Thur. We checked into a hotel for Thur night. On Friday we checked into our timeshare, which is on the island just west of Galveston about 3 or 4 miles. Frank's sister, her husband and our youngest son drove down from OKC. My brother and his family flew in from Branson MO to Houston and rented a car. They also stayed at the timeshare. During the week there was not much "touristy" stuff going on in Galveston. It was such a change from being there in the summer. But I liked it much better. Also the weather was much better, the temps were in the 70's and 80's and the humidity was less. However this week it is forecasted to be in the 60's and 70's, so while we were there the weather was perfect.


We spent most days at the condo just relaxing, walking the beach and swimming at the pool. We did drive into Galveston on 3 days and did touristy stuff. It was nice and things were not crowded. We walked the strand area one day. We road the ferry and visited a few souvenir shops another. We also did a harbor / dolphin watch cruise. We saw at least 20 to 25 dolphins playing around.


We drove back from Galveston yesterday and got back home about 10 PM. Back to reality. :rolleyes:

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I need to read and catch up, however -


Dave I am so sorry your last few weeks have been rough. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bettie.


Heidi, I am glad Eric made it safely back home. Looks like you and Staci had a good time last weekend.


Sue, looks like you had a good birthday. We celebrated Frank's birthday on the 21st in Galveston. I have missed college football the last 2 weekends. Believe it or not, Frank does not like sports. He is the one who becomes the football widow in our house while I am the one watching the games. Your Ducks are doing great!


Rick, Glad you caught your pants before anyone saw. :o The back pack program sounds like it is going great.


Cat, Hope your cold is doing better. Tell Kenny not to share his colds with you any more. :D Don't work to hard.


I have lots of laundry to do today and grocery shopping - the cubbards are bare.

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Pretty quiet around here.

Temps in the 40's at night make for nice sleeping but hard to get out of bed.

Our DD up in NY is getting ready for Sandy. Strange that she has had more hurricanes up there the last 2 years then we've had in Texas. Hope our marathon Dave up there makes out OK. A friend from work was going up for the NY marathon next week but it looks like he's going to cancel his trip.


Kathy, glad you and Frank had a good vacation. Dale and I will be retracing Cupid's I next February on the Magic. Couldn't go 2 years between cruises.:)


Cruisin Dave, you know that you and Bettie have been in our thoughts.


That's about all from here.


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DUCKS WON! :D Great weekend with the Fam! We did get a little rained on Saturday at the game, but not bad at all. Much less than we expected. Had a very nice birthday dinner (AGAIN....I am stretching out the birthday celebrating quite nicely!) and got treats at Voodoo Donuts AND the Sweet Life Patiserrie, a bakery that has the best cheesecake I've ever tasted (even better than Cheesecake Factory) AND I got a piece of cake to take home yesterday at breakfast when our waiter found out it was my birthday weekend. I will be on a sugar high for days and days. :rolleyes:


Kathy ~ good to see you here! Sounds like you had a wonderful 2 weeks of cruise/vacation! I was pulling HARD for your Sooners to knock the Irish off, but it wasn't happening. Dang it.


Rick ~ that's pretty hilarious about the pants...maybe time to try a belt! ;)


Sending out thoughts to Marathon Dave and anyone else in the path of the hurricane. Hope all is well.

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Well Katie brought home a puppy last night.... he is a 5 week old chiweenie.....lol.... very cute but puppies are like babies:rolleyes:


He will only get to about 10lbs maybe.... I'm hoping smaller.... oh and the cat isn't to fond right now:rolleyes:

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Good afternoon Cupids,

Spoke with Bettie last night. She is working on the thankyou notes and letters notifying people about her sister's passing. Hopefully Bettie will be home Wednesday.

Marathon Dave, I have family in Virginia and all of them are battening down the hatches. My brother headed for the coast of NC Saturday morning. He was going to close his shutters and help out before the worst hit.

Ed, thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Sue, glad someones team won this weekend. All of our teams lost.

Heidi, glad to hear that Eric made it home safe. I'm certain he has some amazing stories.

I'm off to work in a few minutes.


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Sitting in greg & mallorys house in bend right now. Zeke had to go to a vet here to get his nose scoped. Our vet at home doesnt have the instrument for that. He spent the night at the clinic. They found a lot of infection & sent cultures to figure out if its bacterial or fungal. Theres a possibility of cancer, but vet doesnt think so. Did biopsy to be sure.


My dad is having shoulder replacement surgery here this morning. He had the other one done last spring & did well with it. Im waiting for someone to wake up here so i can go take a shower & head to the hospital which is very near gregs house.


Ive been awake.since 4 am! I think i hear mallory now, so time to get moving.


Hope everyone is safe from the hurricane!

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Good Evening!


I heard from my BIL today and he their son who is was in the hurricane is just fine. The school he goes to even has the power back on already. Apparently the town has a lot of damage though.


Eric and his girlfriend were supposed to be her tonight but they ran into a couple of snags so won't be coming until at least tomorrow and maybe not at all. :( First of all, his girlfriend thought she had her work shift for tomorrow covered but apparently that fell through and now I hear she is having car trouble. Eric doesn't have a car down there so he can't drive. He has a car here at home but currently doesn't have insurance. He needs to find a job first.


Well, I'm off to bed. Have a good night. :)

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My dad came through his surgery with flying colors! He was very groggy when we saw him after the surgery, but doing well. He will come home tomorrow.


Heidi ~ hope Eric and his girlfriend do get to come for a visit. It would be disappointing if they didn't, now that you had been expecting them.


I think I might have told you guys about our irrigation well permit that we've been fighting with the state of Oregon for 5 long years over. I won't bore you with details, but we FINALLY got our permit!!! I can't even believe it. It's been a very stressful and expensive 5 years. We are going to put irrigated grass hay on about 230 acres. All our other hay ground is irrigated out of the creek, and some years ~ like this year ~ when there is not enough water, we don't get much hay. We do barely have enough hay for our cows this year, but none to sell which is not good for my budget. This well will guarantee us plenty of hay for our cows and unless we get no hay off the meadow, it will give us quite a bit to sell each year.

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I'm off to see the wizard...well actually my doctor who will give me a steroid shot in my back so I can function for another 4 months. Don't worry, it isn't from that Boston outfit with all the bad steroid medicine........I checked!!

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O.K. back from the wizard and feelin' much, much better!! These shots last approximately 4 months before the pain immobilizes me then it's off to see the wizard again.

Heidi, hope Eric gets home in time to turn around and get back.....

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Eric and his girlfriend are on their way here as I type this. I don't know how long they will stay. Originally they were going to stay just till tomorrow morning but i'm wondering if maybe they can stay till Friday or so since they were delayed. guess we'll find out after they get here.


Rick - hope your back starts to feel better. have you checked to see if any of your past injections came from that place in Boston?


The trick or treaters are coming. the 1st group to come was a few boys about 10-12 years old. A short time later another group of kids came and then after that the same group of boys that came 1st were back. Geez, you'd think they could be a little more subtle, like coming again later when I've had a lot of kids and would no longer remember them. LOL.


Happy Halloween!:D

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