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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Happy Anniversary to us!! Dave and I have been married 34 years today. Our only plans for the day are to go out and fix a fence the cows tore down. LOL! So much for romance! We may go out to dinner tonight, we are playing that by ear. I wish we would get the call today that Baby Elder is on the way! What a great anniversary present that would be!


Took my dad & stepmom out for a nice dinner Friday night to celebrate their birthdays and Father's Day, so that kind of did double duty for our anniversary too.


Still waiting for disc parts. :mad: It's driving me nuts not to be able to get this farming done right now. The parts should be here tomorrow for sure.


We will start cutting hay this week, not sure which day. We are watching the weather, there is possible rain for a couple days. Not good for the hay to get rained on after it's cut.


Mallory and Greg are still waiting for Baby Elder to arrive. They pushed their C-section back to June 30th instead of the 24th. Mal really wants to go into labor and THEN get the C-section. She doesn't want to take the baby out before it's ready. The doctor/hospital will not let any woman go beyond 41 weeks though, and that is Tuesday July 2nd. So they scheduled it for June 30th. The doctor doesn't think she will make it to that day though. As soon as she goes into labor, they will go to the hospital for the C-section.


Heidi ~ that is SUPER scary about your uncle!! Did you guys hear about the lady from Arizona that got arrested in Mexico when cops searched the bus she and her husband were in and found drugs under her seat? My cousin is friends with that couple. They were not her drugs, and after a couple of weeks of her being held in jail in Mexico (SCARY!!) they did finally release her. This was a mom and wife that had been in Mexico for a funeral of a friend!

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Happy Father's Day to all you dads!


Happy Anniversary to us!! Dave and I have been married 34 years today. Our only plans for the day are to go out and fix a fence the cows tore down. LOL! So much for romance! We may go out to dinner tonight, we are playing that by ear. I wish we would get the call today that Baby Elder is on the way! What a great anniversary present that would be!


Took my dad & stepmom out for a nice dinner Friday night to celebrate their birthdays and Father's Day, so that kind of did double duty for our anniversary too.


Still waiting for disc parts. :mad: It's driving me nuts not to be able to get this farming done right now. The parts should be here tomorrow for sure.


We will start cutting hay this week, not sure which day. We are watching the weather, there is possible rain for a couple days. Not good for the hay to get rained on after it's cut.


Mallory and Greg are still waiting for Baby Elder to arrive. They pushed their C-section back to June 30th instead of the 24th. Mal really wants to go into labor and THEN get the C-section. She doesn't want to take the baby out before it's ready. The doctor/hospital will not let any woman go beyond 41 weeks though, and that is Tuesday July 2nd. So they scheduled it for June 30th. The doctor doesn't think she will make it to that day though. As soon as she goes into labor, they will go to the hospital for the C-section.


Heidi ~ that is SUPER scary about your uncle!! Did you guys hear about the lady from Arizona that got arrested in Mexico when cops searched the bus she and her husband were in and found drugs under her seat? My cousin is friends with that couple. They were not her drugs, and after a couple of weeks of her being held in jail in Mexico (SCARY!!) they did finally release her. This was a mom and wife that had been in Mexico for a funeral of a friend!


Happy Anniversary! I hope that baby comes soon. I did hear the story about the woman in Mexico. One of my friends from the OG told me about it. She is from Mexico and travels back there frequently to visit family. Her husband is American and really hates when she goes back there because he worries about her safety. I don't blame him because she is not going to tourist areas and it's probably more dangerous where her family is. Most of the tourist area's are pretty safe.


We aren't doing anything special for Father's Day today. In fact, Dave isn't even here right now. He went out to lunch with a buddy of his. His friend called this morning to see if Dave wanted to go. He has no wife or kids so it probably never occurred to him that Dave might be spending the day with family. LOL. Oh well, I have to work later so we didn't have anything planned anyway. I call this guy Dave's "Sunday Buddy" because he shows up here almost every Sunday afternoon with a 6 pack of beer. He knows I work Sunday afternoons so I guess he sees that as his chance to have a few beers with Dave instead of sitting home alone. He has a condo just a few blocks from us.


Have a great day. :)

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I just booked me and my DS(13) on this cruise today. I didn't book through the group cruise, so I'm not sure if all are welcome to post here or not. :confused:


Monie, Welcome aboard!!!


Heidi, What a coincidence about meeting someone that survived the Moore tornadoes. Don't work to hard tonight.


Sue, Happy anniversary! Hopefully you will be able to get caught up on the farming before the baby comes.


Dave, Have fun on your upcoming trip to WDW. I would love to go there some day.


Rick, Hope you are having a good time visiting your parents.



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Good afternoon Cupids,


Sorry I haven't been on very much lately. We have been busy getting ready for the Disney trip.


Welcome aboard Monie.


Heidi, guess St Marteen will be an excursion port.


Sue, keep us in the loop. I'll be wait on FB for updates.



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We're back! We had good weather up North except for Wednesday nite when severe storms rolled thru Illinois but it still was a bittersweet trip. I had and still have the feeling that I have just said goodbye to my Mother who is 97. The folks ran us ragged running all their errands for them i.e. glasses, hearing aids, prescriptions, etc. but there was a hitch....everyone expected to be paid for these items at ridciulous prices. For instance..a "fair price" for hearing aids should be around $300.00 (for both ears no less) and not the thousands "they" quoted. It was a week of frustration because we accomplished very little once they heard the price. Mom needs shoes....she found a pair for $50.00 that were quite nice but balked at the $50.00 price so I said I would pay for them...suddenly the right shoe didn't fit quite right although the left one was very comfortable. And on it went. The Chinese food we brought in for dinner from their favorite restaurant one night (after going 3 years without) had been "Amercanized" and didn't taste the same.......

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Please accept my apologies for the rant I posted yesterday. I guess I needed to vent after a rather emotional visit with my folks......


Uh uh, no apologizing. Many people here have been in your shoes over the years that we've been chatting together. If you can't vent to your friends, then what good are they? :)


And hearing aids really are ridiculously expensive, how someone is supposed to have an extra $3,000 lying around, I have never understood. Glasses have gotten out of hand, too. And, don't get me started on shoes! :D

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Good morning!


Please accept my apologies for the rant I posted yesterday. I guess I needed to vent after a rather emotional visit with my folks......


Don't apologize. You can vent here anytime. I do it all the time, especially about things that happen at the OG. LOL


Not much is going on here. I'm off today but of course I have plenty of things to do. Shopping, then weekly meeting at the travel agency. I am also taking Staci to the dentist at 5:00. I really wouldn't need to go with her but she's having a veneer done on a front tooth and I have some questions for the dentist. When she was in high school she got hit in the mouth by a locker door and broke a front tooth off just about half way. She has been getting it capped but the cap gets frequent chips and has been replaced at least once. It's got a couple of chips in it now and the dentist suggested we get a veneer done while she is still on our insurance so we're doing it. I didn't exactly know what a veneer was but it sounds like it's a lot like getting a crown. Our insurance is covering a lot of it so it's only going to cost $105.00 out of pocket.


Have a great day. :)

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PRick, lease accept my apologies for the rant I posted yesterday. I guess I needed to vent after a rather emotional visit with my folks......

Rick, no apologies needed. We have been there with my DMnL a couple years ago. See got to the point where nothing tasted good anymore and all she would touch was Carnation Instant Breakfast. Glad you were able to spend time with your mom.


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No need to apologize, Rick! Vent away! And, P.S., you are way behind me in the crazy mother contest. I don't talk about my mom on here, mostly because it would take up pages and pages of posts. Suffice to say, she is a difficult person. We'll leave it at that.


FINALLY got the part for the disc we've been waiting for over a week to arrive. It got lost in transit, but Dave is working on the disc right now. I'll go start discing again as soon as he gets it fixed.


We spent yesterday re-measuring the pivot field (the one I'm discing). My phone app that measured turned out not to be so accurate! So we measured again with the wheel that you walk with. Some posts were pretty close, but a couple were WAY off ~ 35 feet off! Oh, well. They should be good now.


COLD here! Down to 30 degrees this morning. It rained yesterday, and hailed like a bandit for a while yesterday evening. The ground was totally white, it looked like a winter day. Glad we didn't have any hay down. Lots of people around here have started cutting hay....bet they were all cussing yesterday!


Still waiting for Baby Elder!! Actually, her due date isn't until Tuesday and as much as I am anxious to meet the baby, I do hope Baby waits until next week because their doctor is on vacation this week. Another doctor in the clinic will deliver if she goes into labor before the regular doc gets back. They've met all 4 of the other doctors.

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Oh nooooooooo! It's clouding up and tonight was going to be our beach night...a little wine, a lot of sunset, and good conversation with friends. Hopefully it will storm this afternoon and dry up!

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It never rained! Unfortunately there were too many clouds to see a sunset. Heidi, I saw your FB response.......sorry dear, but going to the beach is NOT a trip! Nah nah nah! LOL

Edited by Flick
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Good Morning!


It's been rainy here. We had storms yesterday around noon and we got an inch of rain. It rained again during the night. It has stopped now but it's still cloudy.


We are heading west today out to Brodhead, Wisconsin to my aunt and uncles 50th wedding anniversary party. It's about a 2 hour drive. Hopefully it won't rain any more.


Have a great weekend.

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Good evenings Breeze cruisers. What are some of the fun things that you have planned for your Breeze cruise? It is getting closer every day!!!


Yes, it is about time to start planning excursions, especailly if we want to do some together. We have done both ships excursions and excursions on our own. It just kind of depends on how long the excursion is and how far it's going to take us from the ship. I haven't had much time to look into excursions yet but I kind of like the Kukoo Kunuku Open Air bus & Beach Break that Carnival offers. someone else here (I don't remember who) said that htey did it and it was lots of fun. here is the description. It's $45.99 for adults 34.99 for kids.





Excursion Description


Hop aboard the famous Kukoo Kunuku bus for a fun-filled island tour to see some of Aruba’s most famous landmarks followed by more fun at Moomba Beach.

• Shake your maracas to the beat of the Caribbean music as your open air bus travels past the Oude Molen windmill en route to the Alto Vista Chapel and the California Lighthouse.

• Enjoy views of Aruba’s countryside, colorful cunucu houses, and wildlife.

• After your one-hour sightseeing tour, your next stop is Moomba Beach. Relax on the beautiful beach, swim in the azure waters, have lunch under a palm tree, or sip a refreshing Piña Colada.

• Complimentary lounge chairs, restroom facilities, and freshwater showers are available for your convenience.








La Romana sounds like a good place to to go to an all inclusive resort although I think I remember there was another one from an outside vendor that sounded good but I saw that so long ago I'll have to go back to the ports of call board and look for it again.


Grand Turk sounds like a good beach day. Margaritaville sounds like fun but very crowded and expensive. I have heard of a place called Jacks Shack that is just a bit of a walk down the beach that a lot of people love.


I haven't researched Curacao at all.


I might also be interested in some sort of sail and snorkel at one of the islands. We haven't done anything like that in many years, not since our Miracle cruise about 8 years ago when we did a sail and snorkel by an outside vendor to Sting Ray City in Grand Caymen.


Anybody have any other ideas?

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I haven't gotten very far in researching excursions. In fact, almost nowhere! I need to do that, I don't know anything about any of these ports. That excursion Heidi posted for Aruba sounds fun, we would probably be interested in that. It sounds similar to the Sunny Liston tour in St. Maarten, which we enjoyed.


No BABY yet!! This waiting is killing me. Although, her due date isn't until tomorrow, actually. Everyone thought she would have the baby earlier, but I guess Baby has it's own agenda!


It's raining here and we welcome it. We haven't cut any hay yet because the weather has been very unstable. After this storm, it is supposed to dry up and we will probably cut hay Wednesday if we are not meeting Baby that day.


My part of the farming is done, thank goodness!! Dave is working on getting it packed and should finish that today. Then we are waiting for seed so we can plant. Pivot should be here in about a week.

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Yes, it is about time to start planning excursions, especailly if we want to do some together. We have done both ships excursions and excursions on our own. It just kind of depends on how long the excursion is and how far it's going to take us from the ship. I haven't had much time to look into excursions yet but I kind of like the Kukoo Kunuku Open Air bus & Beach Break that Carnival offers. someone else here (I don't remember who) said that htey did it and it was lots of fun. here is the description. It's $45.99 for adults 34.99 for kids.





Excursion Description


Hop aboard the famous Kukoo Kunuku bus for a fun-filled island tour to see some of Aruba’s most famous landmarks followed by more fun at Moomba Beach.

• Shake your maracas to the beat of the Caribbean music as your open air bus travels past the Oude Molen windmill en route to the Alto Vista Chapel and the California Lighthouse.

• Enjoy views of Aruba’s countryside, colorful cunucu houses, and wildlife.

• After your one-hour sightseeing tour, your next stop is Moomba Beach. Relax on the beautiful beach, swim in the azure waters, have lunch under a palm tree, or sip a refreshing Piña Colada.

• Complimentary lounge chairs, restroom facilities, and freshwater showers are available for your convenience.


I agree with you Grand Turk is chill day at beach with a local lunch and drink of choice

La Romana Seevis tours sounds interesting, Reviews are good I emailed Seevis this morning and have already gotten Email back from

Rainy day In KY planning our excursions 3 ports down

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Good Morning!


It's been an interesting week here. First the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. That's a big deal with us because Eric and Dave a huge Blackhawks fans. Eric is especially. I think hockey is his favorite sport. Then he and his girlfriend arrived here and 12:30 AM this morning with her cat. We are going to take temporary custody of it. Our almost 17 year old cat is NOT going to like that very much. Cheslynn (Eric's girlfriend) is staying with a friend until August when she moves to Normal to start school at Illinois State but the friend she's staying with now is terrified of cats and I don't think Eric's 2 roommates want him to have a cat either so we're taking her. The 2 cats, Skates (our cat) and Max (Cheslynn's cat) saw each other once and hissed at each other then disappeared into separate rooms. Right now the cat is in Eric's room with him with the door shut but once he gets up we'll re introduce the cats and see what happens. Max is also pretty scared of the dog but the dog pretty much ignored her. She's used to cats so other than a little initial curiosity she'll be fine. Of course, if I was a 15 pound cat I'd be intimidated by a 65 pound dog too. LOL. Once Cheslynn moves into her apartment in Normal she'll take the cat back.


I don't know if I mentioned this before or not but Eric is most likely moving home in August. He doesn't want to move to Normal with Cheslynn and I don't blame him. There's really nothing for him there, except her and Normal is only a 2 hour drive from here. He wants to transfer to the Longhorn Steakhouse up here and save money for a bit then hopefully do another internship out of the country again. He's going to go talk to the manager a Longhorn today to see about transferring.


Staci is on her last week of work at the school but she had a phone interview for a job this week that went well. They want to set up a face to face interview wit her for after the 4th of July. She had another job interview right before her summer school job started and they want to see her again too but they have been playing phone tag and I think Staci had about given up on that one. She said her roommate from school had the same problem trying to get a 2nd interview with them.


We have had a lot of rain and some pretty nasty storms here over the past few days. There are flash flood warnings this morning and one of my co workers from the OG posted a video on Facebook showing her flooded street. Another guy that I work with said he drove his wife to work this morning and had a very difficult time trying to find a way around flooded streets. We could use some sun again.


I haven't had a chance to look any farther into excursions. I wish Carnival did things the way Princess does. Princess doesn't charge you credit card for excursions, it just goes on your ship board account so if you aren't sure about an excursion you can go ahead an reserve a spot and easily just cancel it if you change your mind. You can also be put on a waiting list if an excursion is full. Staci and I were wait listed for one on our cruise in January and about a week before the cruise we got spots. Since Carnival charges your credit card when you book excursions, I want to be sure before I book them. I know we can still cancel and get the money back but I'd prefer not to hassle with that. I will try to look at excursions later this week. I want to look at private ones at some of the ports too.


Have a great day. :)

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We have a granddaughter!! :D Some of you already saw my post on Facebook. Dave and I went to lunch Tuesday and had an appointment scheduled for 3:00 with our attorney over some family b.s. about a gravestone of all things. Anyhoo, Greg called us at 2:00 to say that they thought Mal was in labor and were headed to the hospital. Well, I was a basket case! We finished up a couple of errands and went to the lawyers office at 2:30, hoping to get in early. He was busy with a client. We sat there for 10 minutes and then I told Dave I couldn't sit there any longer, so we rescheduled the meeting for next week and headed for home. As soon as we left, we got a text from Greg saying the baby was coming.


Now, mind you, it takes 30 minutes to drive home from town!! Then Dave had to shower while I threw some stuff in a suitcase. We were on the road to Bend 30 minutes later and made it there in record time. We made it to the hospital about 30 minutes before Greg came out to tell us they had a baby girl. What a wonderful couple of days it's been!!


We had to come home yesterday afternoon because we just HAVE to start haying and finish getting the pivot in. It was so hard to leave!!! She is just a sweet little blessing, our Lillian Mallory! We will go back and spend more time with them after we get done haying.

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I know I said this on FB but congrats Sue! You must be so excited.


Eric and Cheslynn left last night. We had a very nice time with them. We now have Cheslynn's cat. She's a very sweet kitty but is still so scared that she won't come out of Eric's room. She either hides under the bed or sometimes sleeps on top of it. We occasionally bring her out so that she can see our cat. We would like for them to get used to each other so that she'll come out of Eric's room. she's probably pretty scared of the dog too. She doesn't know that the dog couldn't care less about her. She'll just sniff her and then go about her own business. She'll probably just get comfortable here and then Cheslynn will take her back. We'll have her until mid August.


I am watching the Blackhawks Stanley Cup Championship celebration on TV this morning. You couldn't pay me enough money to go to a the actual event. Way too crowded for me. When the Blackhawks won in 2010 Dave and the kids went. Nobody went today. Everyone had to work. I have to work at the travel agency at 1:00


Have a good weekend. :)

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hi all! I sailed on the breeze last feb and absolutely loved it! we really wanted to sail the breeze again next year (your sailing) but felt that the cove balcony at $1359.00 per person was a lot! so we booked the freedom for feb. we are now looking at the breeze for feb 2015 and the cove is $1489.oo per person!!! my question is this....do you see/forcast any price drops in your future for those of you that booked cove balconies? I think that the only way we would book the breeze for the week of feb 14, 2015

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Good Evening!


hi all! I sailed on the breeze last feb and absolutely loved it! we really wanted to sail the breeze again next year (your sailing) but felt that the cove balcony at $1359.00 per person was a lot! so we booked the freedom for feb. we are now looking at the breeze for feb 2015 and the cove is $1489.oo per person!!! my question is this....do you see/forcast any price drops in your future for those of you that booked cove balconies? I think that the only way we would book the breeze for the week of feb 14, 2015


I don't know about the coves but we have a regular balcony and booked over a year ago. the cost of the 8C has gone up $180.00 per person since then. At least as of the last time I checked which was about a week ago.


We went to a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner tonight. Eric wasn't with us (he is back in Champaign) but Staci wanted to try it. It was very good. I think I like it better than Chinese food.


A couple of the travel agents from my office went on the Norwegian Breakaway this week. It was a free cruise they earned because they are top sellers and had real high sales. Anyway, one of them happens to have MS so she is a little unstable on her feet and uses a cane. I don't know what happened but apparently she fell and broke her hip. She is in the hospital in Bermuda and will be having surgery tomorrow and will come home sometime next week. I'll be she's real glad she had travel insurance. She did a lot of my training and is not an independent contractor like I am. She is actually an employee of the company and has worked there many years.


We don't have much of anything planned for the weekend. I am off tomorrow but will do some work from home for the travel agency. I sold 2 cabins this week on the Celebrity Solstice to Australia and New Zealand in December so I have to work on that.


Have a great weekend. :)

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Here's another Carnival excursion for Aruba that sounds good. the reviews for it are really good.





North Coast Jeep Safari



  • Minimum age: 7 years
  • Activity Level: Difficult icon-help13x13.gif
  • Duration 4 Hours


  • Water Activity
  • Departure Times icn-time.gif


5 / 5





Read all 18 reviews

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  • Price Starting From: icon-help13x13.gif
  • $89.99 per Adult $74.99 per Child




Excursion Overview








  • Minimum age is 7 years
  • Maximum weight is 350 lbs.
  • Pregnant women and guests with back/neck injuries are not permitted.
  • There is off road travel over rocky terrain.
  • Feeding the ostriches is permitted; please exercise caution.
  • Wear comfortable closed toe walking shoes and your swimsuit underneath.



Go off road to explore Aruba’s north coast, including a visit to the island’s Ostrich Farm and a beach break.

Excursion Description


Go off road to explore Aruba’s north coast, including a visit to the island’s Ostrich Farm and a beach break. On this excursion, you will:

• Board your open-air 4WD Land Rover and head towards the countryside with your driver/guide.

• Stop at the intriguing Ayo Rock formation and the site of the collapsed original Natural Bridge.

• Take a guided tour of the island’s newest attraction, the Ostrich Farm, and get insight into the life cycle and living habits of these intriguing animals.

• Travel along the island’s back roads with pristine landscapes and the opportunity to explore the Bushiribana Ruins of Gold, the Chapel of Alto Vista, and the California Lighthouse.

• Enjoy a tranquil, picturesque stop for swimming and snorkeling – either Arashi Beach or Boca Catalina - before returning to your ship.

• Have complimentary snacks, sodas, water.

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