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Anybody start their weight loss plan this week(4/18/2012)?


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Glad to hear everyone is getting moving! :) I have had a good start to the week, food choices have been good, plus I spent an hour and fifteen minutes at the gym today and an hour yesterday. Plugging along! Only downfall to the week.....my youngest came home from school sick today. Ugh. :(

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It seems like everybody is doing wonderful:)...I do believe all food is ok within moderation..but when u have an addictive personality like mine..its hard to stick to portion control.:rolleyes:

I have been getting my exercise in everyday..mainly walking.I have been drinking all my water. Does anybody have a hard time getting the recommended amt of water in a day? I dont have a problem with it, I dont drink coffee(never have)but I always have water bottles with me.I know bad for the environment, but it makes it easier for me to drink water when I have those bottles with me. At work yesterday I went through 2 of those bottles.Lucky they have a fridge there that I can keep them cold.

My eating has been ok..could be better.. but not as bad as it use to be.

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I totally get the 'addictive personality' thing! Me Too!

I don't have any trouble getting water in..in fact I probably drink too many liquids (if that's possible).

I do allow myself a huge mug of coffee with cream and sweetener for breakfast but then don't touch it or any caffiene for the rest of the day.

I swig a 4oz glass of juice when I stumble out of bed..then put a small amount of juice or flavored water in a large glass with ice..fill the rest with water and refill all day long.

I'm NEVER without a drink in my hand.

I refill my water bottles with filtered water from home and keep them in the fridge for when I'm running errands..needless to say I'm never far from the bathroom either.

I used to drink at least a 2liter bottle of diet Coke a day...giving that up has been one of the best things I've done so far.

Breakfast is Special K or Kashi cereal with almond milk (sounds gross but REALLY good and more calcium)

Lunch is usually a protein bar...

Dinner is usually weight watcher or lean cuisine something unless I actually COOK..and then it's small portions and leftovers:)

At night I have a WW ice cream bar or some other low cal dessert for a snack..

I REALLY need to incorporate more fruit but I'm not a fan!

Everyone's post keep me motivated..thanks to ALL..and keep losing!

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Maybe this could help I am going to be very open as I have nothing to hide.


I am a 25yom, 5'11" just under 300lbs. I am married with a two year old (may explain some of my snack choices). I work in a very unhealthy environment, for a govt agency, that leaves me on the road for most of my breakfast and lunch choices but keeps me slightly active (not sitting at a desk all day). I have started my softball season and am an active fireman at my local firehouse; however, I do not keep track of my exersise and am looking as it will be my x factor in my journey. So here is what I have done and hopefully can stick to and trim down a little.




Most consistant meal choices/daily food routine: ("2200" calories)



bowl of cereal with 1% milk. 1 or <1 serving of each.

Monster Energy Absolutely Zero energy drink (0 calories) to replace very sweet coffee


Left overs from night before if possible usually chicken breast and side -or- Healthychoice, kashi, smartones, complete meal. If I am stuck on the road get a salad from a salad bar or side salad from a fast food (only if I have to). Healthychoice steambowls are my favorite right now.

After work snack:

Goldfish, jello, pretzels,piece of fruit when available or handful of cereal. (One, not all)


If I ate a premade lunch its usually a chicken breast or restricted portions of a homemade dinner, if not its one of the premade (frozen) meals mentioned before.

After dinner treat:

Jello or Sugarfree popsicle (healthy pack) from 10-35 calories each.

****Other than the milk in mhy cereal and the Monster energy drink between breakfast and lunch I have been drinking water only, and copious amounts of it!


Some days I am right at or a little above 2200 gross calories, but most I have been well under and may throw in a second helping at dinner or maybe a treat with dinner/after dinner (all before 7:30pm)

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Just had my fri night weigh in on my new scale...I was scared the one I was using was off since it has quite a bit of age and I am sur much abuse...


Anyway my official weigh in tonight was at 289.0!!! down about 11lbs in 2 weeks without some gimmick fruit or pill or crazy exercise routine! WooHoo

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I started mine 4-23 I lost 14lbs the first week,but i always loose a lopt the first week.

My cruise is November 17 and I'm zip lining in Jamaica,zip lining has a weight limit so I have to get there.



Welcome and congratulations on that 14 pound weight loss! That is amazing in one week! :)

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Just had my fri night weigh in on my new scale...I was scared the one I was using was off since it has quite a bit of age and I am sur much abuse...


Anyway my official weigh in tonight was at 289.0!!! down about 11lbs in 2 weeks without some gimmick fruit or pill or crazy exercise routine! WooHoo



Great job, Chris. Eleven pounds is a wonderful loss! :)

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Just had my fri night weigh in on my new scale...I was scared the one I was using was off since it has quite a bit of age and I am sur much abuse...


Anyway my official weigh in tonight was at 289.0!!! down about 11lbs in 2 weeks without some gimmick fruit or pill or crazy exercise routine! WooHoo


Chris what type and where did buy the scale,I'm now just a little over 300 and some of the scales will not work right.Before I buy I would like to make sure I get one that maybe someone has tried.I'm in medical sales in a lot of doctors office and that's how I've been weighting,now would like my own.



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just had my fri night weigh in on my new scale...i was scared the one i was using was off since it has quite a bit of age and i am sur much abuse...


Anyway my official weigh in tonight was at 289.0!!! Down about 11lbs in 2 weeks without some gimmick fruit or pill or crazy exercise routine! Woohoo



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Had my 2nd weigh in at WW yesterday and was down another 2.8 pounds, so that is a total of 7.4pds in two weeks..Im happy with it..

Im off to the Great Wolfe Lodge for the day with my daughter and the girlscouts..Should be fun;)

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Had my 2nd weigh in at WW yesterday and was down another 2.8 pounds, so that is a total of 7.4pds in two weeks..Im happy with it..

Im off to the Great Wolfe Lodge for the day with my daughter and the girlscouts..Should be fun;)


Congratulations on the 2.8 weight loss this week ~ and the 7.4 overall! Great job! Enjoy your trip to Great Wolf Lodge, such a fun place. :)

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Wow! sounds like everyone is doing great..feels good doesn't it?

My weigh-in is tomorrow..hope I'm not disappointed.

Happytam..yeah the yard work is hard work!..esp on the arms and back..when you're my age!

I've spent most of the week doing that and very little else...find I'm too tired to work-out after dumping bags of mulch and raking and planting...

Getnby...awesome weight loss! You too Jackie...I've only lost a little under 6 in a month but this is a LIFETIME eating plan so I'm not expecting drastic results but I AM expecting to keep it off forever!!:cool:

Love to hear about everyone's progress...

I'll post mine tomorrow... It's back out in the yard for me!

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i've lost 2.4 pounds in two weeks. i'm terrifically disappointed because i've made such drastic changes and i can't understand why i haven't lost more weight. hopefully i've lost inches - dh won't let me measure more than once every other week because he doesn't want me to get discouraged. i think i may try to convince him to measure me tonight or tomorrow - that way it will have been ten days since my last measurements, so kind of right in the middle.

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Don't be discouraged..I've always heard that the slower you lose it, the more likely it is to stay off!

I've only lost 6 pounds in four weeks..but I feel so much better..and I do measure myself every other week...I've really noticed a difference in how my clothes fit etc...and most importantly I don't feel like I'm depriving my self of anything!

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woody- it is a health o meter from wally world...digital, it measures just about everything you can from the bottom of your feet, though I am not using it for much more than the wieght right now. It was about $34.00.

(the free one at the firehouse was too unreliable)


Good luck on your weigh ins and to the next week of lifestyle changes!

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Well..today was weigh-in day and I was psyched for a loss...but I'm the same as last week...159.0.:(..BUT I refuse to be discouraged!

I did a ton of yard work this week and broke from my usual work-outs...so this week..I'll be back at the work-outs and next Sunday I should see some progress.

I should be all finished with the (difficult) yard work today.

My BMI dropped a half a point though..so that's good!

DH is having a terrible time losing..he is only consuming about 1500 cal a day..basically eating what I'm eating..his problem is he is too sedentary..and some of his calories are pretty 'empty' ones. He's 6'1" weighs about 252 and has been the same weight for the past three weeks.

He had a stroke last year (he's 62) and came out of it amazingly well...has no impairments..other than fatigue about every two months or so (he sleeps 16-20hrs a day for two or three days straight). The neuro says that is normal and bouts of that could last another year or so..Weird I know..but if that's the ONLY problem we can't complain. I think he still worries about over-exerting himself..plus, he has a bad back, so certain activities cause him pain in back and legs. I try to convince him that the more he 'moves' the better he'll feel...but of course after awhile I'm just the nagging wife..so I try to only mention activity about once a week or so. He does seem more motivated now that he sees my results..so I'll just lead by example...:rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone this week!

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Blah. Weighed in today and no change since the last weigh in. Pretty discouraging but I'm going to keep with it and hope that next week brings better results. Even without the change on the scale I feel better physically. I just have to wait for the scale to catch up. I won't let this weeks disappointment drive me straight to taco bell.

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I've been lurking around for a couple of months, we are set to sail on our first cruise on January 27th. The day i booked my cruise (april 18) I started a weight loss journey. I want to lose 70 lbs before January and I figured 7 pounds a month was very duable.

I am a pro at the old weight watcher point system, so that is what I am do, I am happy to report as of today I have lost 17 pounds!!!

I love weight watchers and I am well on my way:D

I will keep checking in with all of you and thanks for this board it keeps us motiviated and on track!

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Welcome kelliegirl...17lbs is awesome!

I find that posting on this board keeps me accountable..

Happytam..don't be discouraged..I didn't lose any last week also but..just makes me more determined to hit the work-outs harder this week..today..so far so good..did my floor stuff and weights...now just have to walk or bike ride..but I'm waiting for it to cool off some...VERY HOT and sunny here in FL today!

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still not allowed to measure :/ had a cheat meal last night and another one tonight :/ last night's cheat meal included three mai tais and an 800-calorie sundae (and i enjoyed every bite of it!). tonight i went out to eat with my dh and dad and had a burger - but did not order my own fries, just shared with the boys.


finally ordered a heart rate monitor so i can ensure i'm burning the calories i think i am. the machines at the gym suck for that and all of the online calculators vary in how many calories i should have burned. so i may not be accurate...


and ordered a camelbak. i've heard that the built in straw thingy makes you want to drink more water and makes it a lot easier to drink while on the treadmill or while driving. so that should help me drink even more.

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I drink water or flavored water constantly...I usually feel more full that way and it's good for you..

I promised to hit it hard this week and so far so good...swam a little, did some exercises in the pool and rode my bike around the neighborhood a little yesterday after I did my floor stuff, weights and sit-ups. The plan is to do the same today.

I was out this AM moving some bricks that I'm using for edging on the side of the house...have to get out there before it gets too hot!

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i hit the gym this morning, 25 minutes on the tready and 30 lifting weights. i'm on point to drink 58 ounces of water today before i switch over to diet coke. i'm also upping my calorie intake because i just wasn't losing weight. i think i may have cut it a bit low and be pushing my body into starvation mode. we'll see.

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I would stay away from the sodas...I only use a soda if there is no water or I am treating myself to a drink or such (Whiskey Diet)...People I knowhave lost weight just switching from diet sodas to water so I am not sure how the reverse may adversly affect you.


Just my $.02

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I would stay away from the sodas...I only use a soda if there is no water or I am treating myself to a drink or such (Whiskey Diet)...People I knowhave lost weight just switching from diet sodas to water so I am not sure how the reverse may adversly affect you.


Just my $.02


i actually tried this for three weeks, i replaced diet soda with water and iced tea and juices. but i didn't lose any weight. it also messed with my blood sugar and i was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. so i switched back to diet crack.... ergh, coke ;)

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